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Re: Shizune's path

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:44 am
by ultrarare
To be honest, Shizune's path was by far, my least favorite. It wasn't just her path, however, it's the fact that Shizune never really seems like a interesting or inspiring character.

I mean, they entire time Shizune just strung Hisao along and, in a way, treated him and Misha like dirt. Even when in a "relationship", it never felt as such. The climax of the path actually seemed to focus more on Misha than it did on Shizune. (I actually felt more a better connection with Misha than I did Shizune) When the reasoning for why she had problems with others was finally discovered, I could help by saying, "get over yourself..." out loud. In the end, they even all parted ways, which seemed sort of...cold?

I never had an affinity with Shizune to begin with, but unfortunately I could not find a single thing I admired about her (unlike all the other characters). I mean, in the end, who actually cares about student council? I sure don't. Is sheer competitiveness a lovable trait?

Regardless, I'm sure we all have a path we don't like. In any case, the writing, animation, and art were as flawless as ever.

Re: Shizune's path

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:58 am
by whiteflags
ultrarare wrote: Is sheer competitiveness a lovable trait?
Not for me really, but she's the best domineering female the game has. Which is a very endearing trait for some men.

Re: Shizune's path

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:02 am
by ultrarare
whiteflags wrote:
ultrarare wrote: Is sheer competitiveness a lovable trait?
Not for me really, but she's the best domineering female the game has. Which is a very endearing trait for some men.
Well...I did enjoy the minor bondage and straddling...

However, the entire time I didn't feel an ounce of care toward Shizune. She kind of came off as a sort of arrogant brat in many ways. I don't know... different strokes for different folks I suppose! I adore Rin, but I suppose many people may hate her as well. :mrgreen:

Re: Shizune's path

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:44 am
by MadDogV2
I was really thrown off by the "intro" image to act 4 depicting Shizune and a little girl strongly resembling her. That and some bits and pieces in the text lead me to think BABBY. Wanting to leave something behind, making a mark on the world? Descendants are a pretty good bet for that, at the least a backup plan if none of your other endeavors work out. Perhaps I'm not totally mistaken? Maybe a seed for speculation that Hisao and Shizune get back together X years later and have a kid was planted deliberately?

Re: Shizune's path

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:33 am
by rhfs
I just finished this. Shizune's route marks my second, with Hanako being my first.

I find it a bit interesting, that while the people in the Hanako thread seem to be showing universal appraisal, the reaction here seems a bit more mixed. There are also seems to be a fair number of people saying that Shizune was not their favorite character to begin with, which might have something to do with it. In the Hanako thread, most of the posters (myself included) already had our minds made up about which girl was our favorite before we even started playing, so there might be a bit of a bias there, and it makes me wonder if Shiznue is one of the less popular girls, comparatively.

That being said, I enjoyed Shizune's route for the most part. My main complaints would be that it kind of lacked romance (relative to Hanako's route, at least) despite the fact that we saw a confession as early as act 1. I also liked Shiznue more than Misha so it was sometimes frustrating to see the focus shifted, but I understand that you kind of needed to do a story like this regarding her situation anyway. At least she got some interesting character development in the end.

Re: Shizune's path

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:17 am
by Rveniss
I also did Hanako's route before Shizune's, as they're probably my first and second favorite characters. Hanako's route was just... fantastic beyond all words. It was everything I wanted it to be and more. I spent all day at work today going over the events again and again in my head, from the "This is me. All of me," to Hisao hugging her from behind and pouring his heart out as she sits there sobbing. I don't even have the words to express how many emotions the Hanako route made me go through. I even felt bad about starting a new route, just because I'd have to leave her sad and lonely.

Before I went to work today, I did get through Shizune's act 1 and a few minutes into act 2, and I got home at midnight and played through the rest of it for, well, five hours now. I got the good ending first, then went back and "comforted" Misha so I could see the bad ending. It was, looking back, a great story, but nowhere near as memorable as what I felt from Hanako's route. I understand that there's supposed to be less conflict, obviously, but I felt bored more often than not during my play-through, especially during act 3. In fact, almost all of act 3. I was so caught up in the moment when Hisao asked her to be his girlfriend at the end of act 2--it was so cute, so touching--and then the story just died. Not only did their relationship barely ever get mentioned again, but I was forced to sit through an extremely disappointing H-scene with absolutely no context, which also never got mentioned again.

It wasn't until the middle of act 4 that I really started getting back into the story, rather than just sitting there phased out. It was a great ending, I even went back and read the last couple scenes through it again just to savor it, but the time I spent getting to it just felt stale, and multiple thing were brought up that were left unresolved. Most of which involving Shizune's family.

I think the main reason, though, that I can't bring myself to like this route even near as much as I liked Hanako's is that the dialogue, at many points, just seemed wholly unnatural. Especially with Hideaki--and a lot with Hisao as well--I'd be drawn out of my immersion in the story by an oddly worded phrase or something, having read it differently in my head. Usually (actually, almost entirely) it was because of a contraction not being used. I understand not using contractions in formal papers, but when I'm reading character dialogue, I expect them to say, "I'm, I've, don't, let's, we'll, won't, doesn't," and the like--especially when it seems out of character for them not to and it's not an overly formal situation. After a while it really just started to piss me off.

In any case, I still enjoyed it in the end, and I'm looking forward to the other three routes.

Re: Shizune's path

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:25 am
by Rveniss
Also, the H-scenes in general in this route felt like they were just shoved in for the sake of having H-scenes. They didn't feel at all like they contributed to the story, especially considering that they were never brought up again. I feel like Hanako's was pivotal to the plot as a whole, and very emotionally moving to watch and see the aftermath of, not at all even in an arousing or sexual way.

I leave the H-scene filter turned off not because I want something to fap to (I don't actually think I've ever been able to fap to a VN anyway), but because of the blog posts regarding the team's stance on them and how they're intended to work. Shizune's route, I feel, is probably better played with the filter on; the H-scenes (especially the first), were not only wholly unnecessary, but distracting and awkward.

Re: Shizune's path

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:10 am
by sporkaganza
Rveniss wrote:Also, the H-scenes in general in this route felt like they were just shoved in for the sake of having H-scenes. They didn't feel at all like they contributed to the story, especially considering that they were never brought up again. I feel like Hanako's was pivotal to the plot as a whole, and very emotionally moving to watch and see the aftermath of, not at all even in an arousing or sexual way.

I leave the H-scene filter turned off not because I want something to fap to (I don't actually think I've ever been able to fap to a VN anyway), but because of the blog posts regarding the team's stance on them and how they're intended to work. Shizune's route, I feel, is probably better played with the filter on; the H-scenes (especially the first), were not only wholly unnecessary, but distracting and awkward.
In its defense, I'm positive the Misha sex scene is supposed to be awkward and forced.

But I have to admit, you're right, the other two H-scenes were really gratuitous. Especially since I started Shizune's route after first going for the Lilly route, where the H-scenes were very well-integrated. I didn't mind the final H-scene in the game, even if it did feel awkward, simply because I thought it was pretty darned sexy. The first one was the only one that bothered me.

As for the story itself, though, I quite liked it. It wasn't a tearjerker route like people might've been expecting, but I don't think that would have been appropriate to Shizune's personality. However, I feel like both endings cut off just a bit too soon - I feel like they really both might need an extra scene, even just of Hisao ruminating, to really cap off. And I didn't like how the good ending was just like "Welp, maybe you'll meet Shizune again someday or something, or maybe not." It was kinda just like, "So he's just gonna break up with her or what? Jeez."

Re: Shizune's path

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:44 am
by Sluna
So... done with Shizune after getting her quite obvious bad end.

For the most part, quite a fair-hearted love-story, though cross the love...
I've liked a more centric portraying of Hisao's and Shizune's relationship, for me it didn't really feel like they 'are' in one after Tanabata.

The first H-scene was pretty upsetting for me, as I didn't quite expect it to happen that way...
Maybe it's a somewhat pure feeling, but having not really seen much of their relationship or even a kiss, going in for such a H-scene, bound to the chair, I felt awkward and put down by my expectations.
The second one was... kinda obvious, considering the Visual Novel environment, though I still think it's funny that 'comfort' equals 'sex'. I just felt sorry there for both the participants, as it should be done 'quick'.
The last one feels to be the H-scene that should be, I enjoyed that at least this one had a somewhat romantical touch to me, also finally naked Shizune (and Hisao).
You didn't really see much of the Shizune-Hisao pair relationshiop except for the few H-scenes and when Shizune complains that Hisao didn't make his moves, when possible.

Overall, I enjoyed the Shizune path, though I expected more... but I can't really say what I am missing exactly.
I do think that the premise of the bad ending path had a lot more potential (and drama) and I had liked it further elaborated.

Some random thoughts:
Also, just one word of 'I love you' in the whole story? And there wasn't even a real reply from Shizune? I am perplexed somewhat at their future together...
I enjoyed the week trip to their mansion a lot, getting to know her family, but I do wonder how they fit into the story... we neither did see Hideaki laughing or an ending confrontation with their father, leaving some questions unanswered. At least to me.
Misha cut her drills? Short hair now... wait, she had very long blonde hair before? Do want!
Considering Misha: Now, she only joined the school to learn sign language? She doesn't really have a disability except being a closet (or Shizune-) lesbian?

Now on to the other routes and I hope for more Kenji. This route he gets me into his claws again!
- What's in that box? Did he notice Shizune's scribblings on that?
- Kenji's ex - who is she? They split up after their first making out?
- She's also not considered part of the feminist's conspiration? And he defends her?
- Will Hisao ever receive his money?
- Who are his sources? How did he know Shizune and Hisao were in a relationship?

Hopefully, I will find those things out.

Re: Shizune's path

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:42 pm
by Levy
Sluna wrote: - Will Hisao ever receive his money?
He does get it back in one of the other girl's routes, though that's hardly a spoiler to be perfectly honest.
Sluna wrote: - Kenji's ex - who is she? They split up after their first making out?
Doesn't he go into detail on that in the bad ending for Act 1? Been a while since I've played that path.(Act 1 Spoiler)

Re: Shizune's path

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:09 pm
by Nyoro
Kai wrote: But after reading about Shizune's path...I don't know. I'm having second thoughts now. I'll go for it anyway, though.
Same. I couldn't resist and spoiled myself, and to be honest, I'm glad I did. I love Shizune but - unpopular opinion time - I cannot stand Misha. I kind of hoped she'd back off a bit after Act 1 especially after Hisao learns sign (which seems to be learned in an awfully quick time if he managed to do so in a matter of months - even people with a natural affinity for languages would be hard pushed to learn an entirely new language that fast). But if anything, she plays as big of a role as Shizune herself does and there's even ero involving her - not surprising given that she ended up being KS's Ensemble Darkhorse and is often counted as the sixth heroine by fans, but still. A person can dream. I just hope Shizune's good ending is the true one. ;_;

The route itself sounds like it lacks in romance which comes as a bit of a disappointment, but I'm a little relieved that Shizune isn't hiding this big deredere side - with her, what you see is what you get and she's very assured with herself. It also sounds pretty realistic given that not everyone stays together or has a super lovey-dovey relationship in high school. They're a bunch of teenagers - casual sex can and does happen. One-sided crushes can and do happen, particularly on close friends. Jealousy can and does happen. Someone cheating on their boyfriend/girlfriend, while pretty horrid, can and does happen.

So ... yeah. Doesn't sound like the most cheerful or romantic route, but I'll still play anyway because KS has some fucking amazing writers.

Re: Shizune's path

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:05 pm
by Freya
Yuno wrote:As far as the whole Misha thing is concerned, I really should have saved Shizune's ending for last. Knowing Misha would do that to her friend... every time I see Misha on the screen I really get the urge to skip it because I hate her now.
Im just thankful her haircut is done in the other paths or i would too...
misha's H scene was off putting since i didnt like that...

Re: Shizune's path

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:12 pm
by the_al
Levy wrote:
Sluna wrote: - Will Hisao ever receive his money?
He does get it back in one of the other girl's routes, though that's hardly a spoiler to be perfectly honest.
Sluna wrote: - Kenji's ex - who is she? They split up after their first making out?
Doesn't he go into detail on that in the bad ending for Act 1? Been a while since I've played that path.(Act 1 Spoiler)
Yeah, he did= he broke up with her after they had sex, because he felt weak and tired afterwards, and thought sex drained him of his energy. Don't ask me to make sense of it- it's Kenji, after all

Re: Shizune's path

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:38 pm
by Freya
HeMeido wrote:
Andere wrote:not because I "fixed" her.
just finshed hanako's path an hour ago and this comment made me sad again... got the good ending first time and replayed for the bad and each time Hisao pushed her it made me sadder and sadder, and then she snaped

But as for Shizune's path which i did first, Over all i feel it was good path, it was true to her, but the storyline seemed to lack something for me. and then mesha, Didnt like her haircut, and the H scene with that haircut didnt suit me
on a side note, If i dont go Shizune's path, does she get together with mesha?, and ive wondered how each girl lives when i dont pick them...

Re: Shizune's path

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:01 pm
by xanderhunter
So like a lot of people this was my second choice after Hanako and I felt a bit let down. Mostly due to the lack of romance. They even talk about going out on a date, but then something else comes up and they gloss over it. I like how Shizune isn't really broken and in need of fixing, but they could have done something to make the plot more interesting. I agree wholeheartedly with Andere in that their are ways to have conflict without changing the basics of who Shizune is. The addition of her family into the mix kinda felt tacked on as well and could have been dropped all together. All in all though I got what I hoped for going into it which was a more upbeat route then Hanako's sadder route.

Also as side note like I noticed in Hanako's plot, good god there are a lot of inner monologues. It's even more jarring in this one and I think it's because there are more of them. Also, why do we never see Shizune and Lilly meet up at the Tea House since it seems at least from Hanako's arc that they go there all the time. It just seems like the individual story arc writers decided not to talk to each other about their favorite hang out locations outside of school.