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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Rin & Hisao Pg.4

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:53 pm
by kosherbacon
Wait, what? Dude, I just got your message last night, my time. I've been thinking of a response. I'll get to it. Don't worry. :)

Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Rin & Hisao Pg.4

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:34 pm
by kosherbacon
GG Crono wrote:*whacks with rolled-up magazine* No! Bad Kosher! No killing off difficult characters! If you killed everyone who gave you trouble, there'd be no-one left.
Well shoot. I killed a whole buttload of the mental-illness kids just now, including Tourette's Girl. My excuse? It's an exercise to get over writer's block, as recommended by wren. Yeah... that's it... :wink:

Don't worry, none of these are actually part of the story. They're just little typed out doodles.

Character Death: Kazuko, Wakana, Mayu, Cindy, Cornelio

Mariko knelt on the floor of her room and pined over the possessions of her neighbors. Her face vapid and tired from exhausting her supply of tears, she stared blankly at the items.

Before her were a pair of cleats, a corset adorned with little pewter skulls, a blue and white agate portrait cameo of a classy lady set in a broach, a schoolgirl's sailor uniform, and hefty pile of masculine white gold jewelery.

Hiraku came in to mourn with her. Mariko angrily threw her new prescriptions' pill bottles at the wall and made them shatter and spill their contents, one after the other.

“They're gone, Hiraku,” she wept as she collapsed into his arms, “they're ALL GONE.”

Character Death: Aimi, Kouta

Kouta had reached an impasse. After all the rotten cards the universe dealt him, he had enough. He was done with it, done with everything, and done with life.

With his fingers, he gently closed Aimi's glossed over eyes. She was still warm but was going cold fast. After all this fears of killing her in a fit of rage, she ended up passing away during the throws of passion when her battered and weary heart gave out after years of struggling with malnutrition and the repeated shocks of her cyclic eating disorder.

“I'm sorry, Aimi,” he said, planting one final kiss on Aimi as he laid her out on his bed after clothing her.

Kouta opened the curtains and examined the window frame. It was secured shut and wouldn't open easily. With a small crowbar from his shop class toolbox, Kouta stabbed at the edges of the windowsill. Drywall and stucco crumbled and cracked as he dug the window out of the way. There was no need to be neat and orderly.

The whole window frame popped out after a struggle and exploded on the concrete six floors down. Strong gusts of wind filled the room, sending papers flying everywhere. Aimi's hair fluttered in the breeze. After saying goodbye to her one more time, Kouta perched on the edge of the wall's gaping hole and prepared to leap downwards head-first.

“Fuck you, world.”

Character Death: Izumi

“Hey guys, I chK-K I'll see you later, okay?” Izumi said as she took her last step.

Out of nowhere, a 400KPH blur splattered her out of existence, leaving behind shreds of monochromatic fabric and red mist.

Her friends were stunned. One moment, Izumi was cheerfully planning a party for her homeroom, the next, she was obliterated.

Aimi's sugar-free lollipop fell to the ground and shattered as her mouth dropped open.


Character Death: Leslie Peppard

The Cambodian cops had the bungalow surrounded. They played a dirty trick on Peppard. How could he have known that the pretty twelve year old girl he met at the bar was an undercover cop. He ought to complain to the authorities. Putting children in harm's way like that is barbaric.

Well, she was in harm's way. Sok was long gone by the time the standoff began.

“You, American! Come outside hands up!” the officer screamed through the megaphone in broken English.

Following the advice of his fellow travelers, Leslie was prepared for such an eventuality. He wasn't about to be made an example of of in local courts, to be humiliated and thrown to rot in a jungle prison.

He opened up a beat up rattan box and inspected the guns he purchased from a young hooligan. They were shoddily made imitation Colt 45s, pockmarked with rust and rough to the touch.

While the police continued to offer him relative mercy and less torture than usual if he surrendered, Peppard dumped out a carton of ammunition and loaded the magazines. Hopefully the guns would shoot. Not that it mattered, anyway. Any good cop would freely perforate anyone pointing a gun at them.

Peppard took a gun in each hand and kicked open the door. Yelling out choice obscenities he learned before leaving Japan, he greeted the assault rifle spray with a defiant smile on his face, guns blazing.

Character Death: Hiraku, Mariko

Hiraku finally did it. The culmination of nearly half a lifetime worth of sexual mastery had just passed. He got to show the girl of his dreams an experience of a lifetime. Despite his control of the situation, his mind was every bit as blown as hers. Mariko wasn't as good as her friends were, she was better. ..than all of them combined.

“Thank you for this,” she said.

“No, thank you. I owe everything to that crazy little head of yours.”

Mariko playfully punished Hiraku with a bite to the lips and settled into bed with them.

Just as they were about to fall asleep, the door to Hiraku's room burst in, with splinters flying everywhere.

A dozen serious looking brutes in business suits and sunglasses lined the walls and unsheathed their katanas.

“Um... what the hell are you guys doing here?”

The gangsters cleared the doorway as their boss entered the room. She was a blonde demon whose outfit and gaze were sharper than the blades of her subordinates' swords.

“Who the hell are you guys?” he asked.

“Hiraku Ota,” she said, “the Satou-kai clan has a score to settle with you.”


“This is for my sister's honor,” the Yakuza boss said as she emptied her M16 into Hiraku's bed.

[shimmie]1346[/shimmie] <3

Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Rin & Hisao Pg.4

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:46 am
by Leotrak
kosherbacon wrote: Aimi's sugar-free lollipop fell to the ground and shattered as her mouth dropped open.

This made me laugh harder than it should have ">_>

Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Characters die Pg.6

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 7:38 am
by Smoku
Lol, they're all stupid :p the train is the most irrational thing ever, but it still made me laugh :P and Akira appearance is awesome :lol: but overally I'm exstatically happy none of this is part of the real stories.

Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Characters die Pg.6

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:33 pm
by kosherbacon
Smoku wrote:Lol, they're all stupid

:lol: I actually tried being depressing at first, especially for the first one. Now, who wants to see bipolar girl bite the dust? :P

Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Rin & Hisao Pg.4

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:44 pm
by neumanproductions
One of the most interesting deaths i've seen. I guess it is easier to kill off a character than I thought.

Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Characters die Pg.6

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 1:00 am
by Xuan
'Dies of heart attack' is shorter though. Death Note loves this so much you read it in every book.

Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry:Lilly/Hisao/Hanako Chocolate Pg6

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 5:10 pm
by kosherbacon
Chaix's rather nice love triangle fic motivated me to try my hand at a broadly similar premise, but you know, with my usual sick fuckery.

One of my proofreaders said that Emi earned herself a beatdown or at least a spot in a catfight after this. Fortunately for her, she doesn't get abused here. Maybe next time.

Fifty Percent Cocoa

“Um, Um... Uh, L-Lilly?”


“W-What are you doing for V-Valentine's Day?”

“Oh. Well, if you do not have any plans, we could...”

Lilly stopped herself mid-sentence. She could tell that Hanako wasn't asking to hang out. The fact that she was stuttering so badly around her was a sign that she was requesting something she had difficulty asking of someone else.

“Is there anything you need?”

“I-I I was wondering if you c-could um...”


“Before then, can you sh-show me how to make chocolates...? It, It's for a boy.”

Lilly was surprised in more ways than one. Inside her head, a flash of conflicting emotions ranging from jealousy, concern, and awe swirled around. Fortunately, delight won out and she felt truly happy that her best friend was finally working up the courage to admit her infatuation to someone.

“I-I'd be happy to,” she chirped, stabilizing her involuntary urge to stutter with a grin.

“Y-You would?!” Hanako squealed, loudly clapping her hands together.

“Of course, did you really think I'd refuse?”


“So how do they look?”

Hanako inspected the malformed chocolates after popping them out of the molds. The ones she poured looked acceptable, but the ones Lilly did were rife with bubbles and uneven pours.

“Eeeeh...” Hanako groaned slightly, “they l-look nice.”

“I'll tell you what,” Lilly said while she started washing the bowls and pans they used, “you can pick out the ones that came out nice.”

“N-No, you can have the nice ones.”

“How about this, you can go sprinkle chocolate powder on the ones I made to make them look better.”

After putting finishing touches, Hanako sighed at her handiwork. Lilly's chocolates didn't look any better. In fact, some even looked like excrement after adding chocolate powder.

“Here,” Lilly said, holding one of the ugly chocolates up to where the sounds of Hanako's breathing was coming from. “How does it taste?”

“I-It's wonderful.”

“I'm glad. That's all that matters to me.”

Hanako sulked some more, half of the chocolates in her box were warped, lumpy, and deformed. Just like she was.

“Are you sure you don't want the good ones?” Lilly asked, noticing the air of disappointment around Hanako.

“Y-Yeah. We made these t-together so we should share them.”

“Are you really really sure?” Lilly took Hanako's ear and whispered sincerely into it. “The truth is, it doesn't matter what it looks like to me. As long as they're pleasant to taste and smooth in texture, they're just fine with me.”

Hanako was taken aback by her moment of greedy superficialness. She and Lilly made some of the best candies she ever tasted and all she was worried about was how they looked.

“If you don't mind me asking, who might be the lucky boy who will receive yours?”

Hanako's eyes darted around the room for a moment, fighting an old habit of wanting to make a quick escape whenever cornered.

“It's... I-It...” Hanako mumbled and twiddled her fingers before blurting out the name. “H-Hisao.”

Lilly exhaled tensely and smiled.

“As I suspected. You have nothing to worry about, I know he will enjoy your chocolates.”

“No,” Hanako said, calming down with a shake of her head, “they're our chocolates.”

Lilly finished most of the cleaning up and listened to her watch squeak out the time.

“My, oh my, it's getting rather late. Why don't you go on back to the dorms. If anyone asks for me, tell them I'll be right behind.”

“B-But I should help you clean...”

“It's fine. We would just be in each other's way. Besides, don't you have a love letter to write?”

Left on her own, Hanako clutched the box and happily skipped down the halls, brainstorming the things she would write for Hisao in her letter.

Back in the home economics room, Lilly looked at, or rather sat in the presence of her candy box. She flicked a dishrag across the room in resignation. She'd probably have a hard time finding it later, but she didn't care. She had a Valentine's Day gift, but no recipient. She struggled to find something to smile about. Her friends finally were going to come together and she was more than happy to help out. At least at first.

“I-I'm so proud of you, Hanako,” she said to the box before slumping over on the table to try her best at not crying.


With excited eyes, Hanako watched Hisao open the envelope and read her love letter. She wanted to get a good look at him, so she held her hair back to share her full, smiling face with him.

Everything was going perfect. She crafted a loving letter to him and Lilly helped her concoct a box of sugary bribes. With the snow falling since the previous night, Hanako planned to use the cold as an excuse to snuggle up close to Hisao for the rest of the day.

“Hanako,” he started, wearing a barren expression Hanako had never seen before, “thank you...”

“Y-You're welcome, Hisao!” she cut in.

“...But I'm sorry. I, I uh, I'm not ready for a relationship right now.”

Hanako's world darkened in a flash as Hisao's words slapped her upside the face. She immediately dropped to the ground and crouched, her eyes bulging, too shocked to cry.

“O-O-Oh... Oh-k-okay,” Hanako's voice stammered as it repeatedly failed recovering from her disaster. “I-I underst-stand. It, It's ok-k-kay if you don't l-like me like t-that.”

“Hey, hey, it's not like that. It's just that well, you know how my heart is? The doctors tell me that I'm not ready for any relationship, really.”

“W-Well... I wouldn't want you to get hur-hurt. I'm sorry, sorry...”

“No, I'm sorry. I should've told you this before. I just didn't know you had feelings for me like that.”

“H-Hiss-Hisao? Are we still f-friends?”

“Of course, Hanako. Nothing could ever change that.”

Hisao returned Hanako's letter, but, at her insistence, he kept the chocolates. She told him that he could consider it as a gift from a friend and that she wanted his feedback when it came to her confectionery skills.

That was a lie, of course. Her heart still burned for him and she wanted him to keep the chocolates on the slim hope that he'd try them and change his mind. She didn't really expect him to have a change of heart but the hope kept her from breaking down.

Hanako moped her way through the rest of the afternoon and buried herself behind a book, reading the same lines over and over since the hurt kept her distracted. Eventually, Yuuko kicked her out just after closing down the library and she drifted on back to the dorm rooms.

In the shadows under a tree by the entrace to the girls' building, she heard smacking noises from a couple who were fully engrossed with each other's mouths. Against her immediate instincts to ignore them and move on with her life, Hanako crept closer to get a look at them.

It was Hisao, with another girl. Hanako didn't immediately recognize who she was. She never paid much attention to those outside of her class and tiny circle of friends. Hanako ducked behind a bush and eavesdropped, praying that it was all somehow a very strange misunderstanding.

“What's in the bag, Hisao?” the chipper man-thief asked.

“Some chocolates from a friend of mine.”

“You accepted chocolates from another girl? You're lucky I'm the most understanding girlfriend in the world. Now give me those so I can dispose of them properly.”

“Come on, Emi, I was gonna eat those.”

“Gimme the chocolate, Hisao! I don't want you getting all sick tomorrow because you scarfed down too many sweets.”

Emi yanked Hanako's chocolate box out of Hisao's tote bag and unraveled the bow around it. She plucked out one of the nicer looking chocolates and chomped on it, then nodded her head and hummed knowingly.

“MM... Yeah, these are really bad for you, Hisao!” Emi scolded while scarfing down the good looking chocolates. “It's nothing but sugar, fat, and it even has salt! Besides, some of them look like crap, literally.”

“Hey!” Hisao grasped into mid-air when Emi ran off to dump the box and remaining sweets into a garbage can.

“I may have saved your life, Hisao. Besides, what about the ones I made for you? I'll bet you won't even be able to tell there's no real sugar in them!”

Hisao shrugged, not knowing on what he missed out. He gave Emi a kiss goodnight and headed off to the dorms to enjoy some carcinogen flavored “chocolates.”

Just after witnessing the kiss, Hanako collapsed sideways into the muddy snow, ignoring the cold sting against her “good side.” She was just like the sweets she and Lilly made, half-hideous and discarded with no regard of the contents. She felt too dead inside to weep.

Hisao's cruelty turned her world upside down. She opened up to Hisao, more than she did to any boy, ever. Thanks to him, she learned that it was okay to smile, be friendly, even fall in love. Then he taught her dark things like betrayal, dishonesty, prejudice, and rejection.

If Hisao could so easily cast Hanako aside, what would keep others from doing so, like Lilly or even her own family? Feeling like garbage unworthy of even a waste bin, Hanako settled into the slush and shut down. If she slept there all night, she'd be fine with it. If someone from the housing staff rescued her, she wouldn't care. If she died of exposure overnight, she wouldn't mind.

“Uh,” she grunted when something jabbed her in the side. Normally she'd yelp or at least say “ouch,” but Hanako didn't want to feel any strong sensation, even natural pain.

“Hanako? Is that you?” Lilly's voice asked from above.

Hanako tried ignoring Lilly at first, thinking that if she stayed quiet, Lilly would just assume she was a dying hobo and carry on with her life.

“Hanako, are you okay? Speak to me!” Lilly whimpered out grasping around at ground level.

“I'm fine. J-Just leave me alone.”

“Oh my God!” Lilly cried when she pinpointed Hanako's voice and scooped her off the ground, brushing mud and slush off of her. “You're freezing! Are you hurt? What happened?”

“N-Nothing happened. Nothing happened at all, Lilly,” she wept into Lilly's shoulder while being cradled in her arms.

“Shh,” Lilly said, removing her coat and wrapping it around Hanako. “Everything is going to be alright. Do you need me to take you to the nurse?”


Lilly carried Hanako back to her room, all while struggling to use her cane for guidance. Relying mostly on her keen sense of direction and muscle memory, Lilly found her way back to Hanako's room. Hanako would have walked herself and even guided Lilly but she guiltily enjoyed her warmth and the safe feeling of being in someone's arms.

After cleaning Hanako off with warm, wet washcloths and helping her get dressed, Hanako shared her disastrous Valentine's Day story with Lilly.

“Just let it all out, Hanako,” Lilly soothingly suggested, petting Hanako's hair as she cried into her lap.

“Do you feel any better now?” she asked, after Hanako audibly calmed down.

“A-A little. H-How was your day? Did you g-get to see that b-boy you like?”

“I did get to spend some time with the person I care about, yes.”

Even with Lilly's intentional vagueness and omission of detail, Hanako broke down again and sobbed. Lilly had the same batch of ugly chocolates with her and judging by the look of things, she didn't get rejected.

“Hanako, everyone gets rejected in favor of someone else. It's horrible, I know, but it happens to everyone.”

“I-It happened to me b-because I'm ugly. Emi can just put on some nice looking legs and n-nobody would look at her weird. B-but I can't be with him, I can't be with anybody without dragging them down. If I looked like you then maybe...”

Lilly reached out and cupped the right side of Hanako's face, mapping every crevice and valley of her scars.

“No more of that. You are beautiful. In fact, you're the most beautiful girl I know.”

“Easy for you to say. Y-You're the school princess. You can have any b-boy you...”

“I was rejected too,” Lilly reported flatly, without her usual maternal music. “The person I love chose someone else. And it was my fault. I waited too long to share my feelings, and I was too late.”

Stunned at Lilly's revelation, Hanako snapped out of it and gradually calmed down. While sharing a miasma of mutual misery with Lilly, Hanako came to a sudden realization. Lilly's circle of friends was almost as small as Hanako's. Through a process of elimination, Hanako deduced the identity of the boy who turned down Lilly. He must have been Hisao.

But no, that couldn't have been the case. Someone as stately as Lilly wouldn't just not be rejected by Hisao, but she could easily snatch him away from someone as shallow and irritating as Emi. The eventual conclusion Hanako came to was that Lilly liked Hisao but in consideration of Hanako's feelings, she chose not to pursue him.

It was so typical of Lilly to do such a thing. Realizing that she robbed a far more qualified girl from having a chance with Hisao, Hanako wept more, even deeper than before. She selfishly ignored the needs of her only real friend, who in the end was more than happy to comfort Hanako when she failed, when she had every right to take advantage of her defeat.

“L-Lilly, I-I figured it out,” she cried, “I'm sorry. I'm s-sorry!”

“I do not understand. You have nothing to apologize for.”

“I-I was stupid and, distracted by my own feelings. This whole time I should've thought about you and... and your feelings.”

“I see,” Lilly calmly said, countering Hanako's unintentional verbal faux pas with an accidental one of her own. “So... you know how I feel then?”

“Y-Yes. I kn-know that you like Hisao and I-I kept him from you. If I stayed out of your w-way you would've had him.”

Lilly shook her head and wrinkled her forehead in confusion.

“Wha... No, no, it's not like that at all.” Still hiding things for Hanako's sake, Lilly continued, “I ...never considered you a rival. I care about you both. All that matters to me is that you're happy.”

Hanako could tell that Lilly was lying, but it was a nice lie that made her feel a little better, if not less remorseful.

“Thank you for everything, Lilly,” she squeaked out through appreciative tears, “for helping me, taking care of me, listening to me, putting up with me... a-all of it.”

“It was my pleasure, Hanako. And thank you for thinking about me.”

Weary from the emotional roller coaster she spent the whole day on, Hanako expressed her desire to go to bed, but asked Lilly to stay with her. Lilly declined spending the night in Hanako's room, but promised to stay with her until she fell asleep.

Lilly “watched” the sounds of Hanako's breathing from a chair next to the bed. She was tired too and it showed. Lilly's hair was a mess, her clothes were muddy, and she had sizable bags under her eyes. Caressing Hanako's sleeping cheeks with the back of her hand, Lilly quietly gulped down some of the tormenting thoughts that flowed through her head.

“I'm sorry, Hanako,” she whispered through quivering lips as she drooped closer to Hanako's face. Lilly felt their warm breath circulate between their lips, showing her that they were face-to-face.

“Please forgive me someday,” she whispered, before touching her lips against Hanako's, peeking her tongue out to get a small taste of their forbidden kiss.

Hanako's flinching in reaction to teardrops falling on her face signaled to Lilly that it was time to go. After placing the chocolates she brought on the dresser, Lilly carefully exited the room, avoiding use of her cane as much as possible. The door creaked closed as she vanished into the halls.


The next morning, Hisao went to class knowing that things with Hanako were going to be awkward at best. Sure enough, instead of her usual invisibility screen, Hanako's desk was surrounded by a dark cloud of impenetrable negativity.

He wondered if she had somehow found out about Emi. He wanted to tell Hanako about his relationship with her, he really did, but he knew that she couldn't possibly take it well, even when he was under the impression that they were still friends. Someone like Hanako would have snapped if she thought one of her few friends was leaving her.

Hope for relief came at lunch, when Lilly, the voice of stability and reason arrived to pick up Hanako.

“Hey, Lilly,” Hisao warmly greeted in an attempt to show that there were no hard feelings on his part.

“Hello, Hisao,” she replied, still cheerful but intangibly less warm.

“Sorry, I won't be joining you and Hanako today. Is that okay?”

“I know,” she snapped back, her cold and quick reply lacking any trace of the usual tranquility. Her quick directness knocked Hisao back into his chair.

“Oh... O-Okay. I'll see you around then.”

Hanako jumped out of her desk and latched onto Lilly, hiding her face from Hisao.

“Oh, and Hisao?” Lilly coldly added. “Congratulations.”



Hisao was roused out of his catatonic state with a gentle nudge. He was not having a good day at all. Emi broke up with him that morning, after making him run three kilometers, and he had no avenue of support to fall back on, not being particularly close to Misha and Shizune. As for Lilly and Hanako, he was barely on talking terms with them. Lilly even seemed pissed that he breathes the same air as Hanako in class.

“Hanako? Is there something you need?”

“N-No. Are you okay? I-I heard that you and Em-Emi...”

“So you knew about that right?”

Hisao flinched after asking that question, which even he thought was dumb. In the weeks since Valentine's Day, Hisao's relationship with Emi was far from secret.

“I-I've known the whole time. Or at l-least since um, back then.”

Hisao suspected all along that Hanako saw him together with Emi the day she confided in him, and it didn't make him feel any better to have his fears confirmed.

“Hanako, I'm sorry...”

“N-No, it's okay. Besides, Emi is-is so much more um, fun than I am. And she's p-prettier...”

“No, stop it. That's not true. You're a wonderful girl and you're no less beautiful than Emi is. There was nothing you did wrong. Emi and I just... happened.”


Having said her piece, Hanako got up to return to her beanbag on the opposite end of the library before Hisao stopped her and gave her a sad smile.

“Hey, Hanako, thanks for worrying about me. I'm sorry about everything.”

“I-It's okay, really it really really is. I j-just feel sad for you and her...”

“Don't feel bad for us,” Hisao sighed, “Right now, I'd just rather not think about her for a while. Is there anything I can do to make up for being such an asshole last month?”

“A-Actually... do you think, if it's not too much trouble... Um, c-can you hang out with me and Lilly again?”

“You really want me around? Are you sure I won't just get in the way? I know Lilly is still pissed at me for... that.”

“I-I do. I need your help cuz me and Lilly don't really talk anymore.”

“Wait, what? What happened between you two?”

“D-Don't tell her but... I think she likes you. She was going to as-ask you out on Valentine's Day too but she didn't because I was going to.”

“All the more reason I should stay away, don't you think?”

“N-No. I think now she's just sad because she's lonely. Since you... and me didn't work out, I was thinking maybe if you and Lilly... since she's so much more...”

“Hanako, please don't compare yourself to others. You're truly more wonderful than you give yourself credit for.”

Hisao sighed, building up Hanako's self esteem was far more tedious and challenging than getting her to open up to him. After some rumination, he relented and gave in to Hanako's request.

“Okay, if it's okay with you, I'll see if I can cheer Lilly up. I really miss you guys anyway.”

“Really?!” Hanako squealed, momentarily grabbing Yuuko's attention in the quiet library. “So are you going to ask Lilly...”

“Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I'm not ready for another relationship. Honest, this time.”

Hisao and Hanako giggled, relieved that their friendship was intact. Hisao didn't mind the idea of dating Lilly, but he didn't mind the idea of dating Hanako either. However, the idea he was most okay with was merely staying friends with both of them, having experienced firsthand how much his life was lacking without both of them as friends.


“Since we don't have any water for tea, I-I'm going to the vending machine to get some s-soda, okay? W-Will you two be okay without me?”

“We'll be fine, thank you.”

Hanako hopped out of the tea room to give Lilly and Hisao plenty of time to themselves and give the chemistry she knew they had together a chance to spark something. She felt encouraged by the fact that Lilly seemed nervously anxious when Hisao joined them for tea after school.

“So, Hisao... are you doing well?”

“Yeah, much better, thanks to Hanako's rescue. I was really feeling down.”

“Hm, yes. Do you know why she is so eager to leave us alone?”

Hisao fidgeted in his seat and cracked his knuckles instead of answering.

“Tell me, Hisao, suppose I am infatuated with you. What would you do?”

“W-Well, I dunno. I suppose we could start dating.”

Seeing an unexpected opening with Lilly, Hisao replied with cautious optimism. It seemed that there was something to Hanako's story.

“Well, wouldn't that be nice?”

Lilly floated out of her chair and alighted on the table in front of Hisao.

“Just what did Hanako tell you to persuade you to come here?”

“Well uh, she said that you were upset about something and that you had a thing for me. I guess she thought that if the three of us hung out again, you'd feel better.”

“As I suspected. She's quite a girl, is she not?” Lilly's smooth song of a voice slowly darkened into an almost accusatory tone. “So caring, so considerate and yet strong enough to face someone who broke her heart to set him up with someone else of all things. Isn't she remarkable?”

“Y-Yes, yes she is,” Hisao apprehensively replied as Lilly felt for and wrapped her left hand around the knot of his neck tie tightly.

Lilly's hold on Hisao tightened into a clenched vise that twisted his collar and drew him up out of his seat. The knuckles popped on her right hand as she balled her fingers together into a fist. Aiming for a palm's length above her left hand, she shot her fist out, loudly cracking into Hisao's eye socket with such impact that even Lilly's fist felt a flash of numbing pain.

“OOWWW! What was that for?!” Hisao cried out, rubbing his eye but making no effort to fight back.

“That was for lying to her!”

Lilly cracked another blow against Hisao, this time against his lip.

“That was for making her cry!”

And another, right in the ear.

“And that was for taking her feelings for granted by going along with this scheme of hers!”

“B-But what was I supposed to do? She would've been crushed anyway if I told her about Emi.”

“She would, but she would've gotten over it and appreciated your honesty. She's not as weak as you think she is. My Hanako isn't some child you have to deceive for her own good. Either way, she would've found out eventually.”

“S-So what do you want me to do now?”

“I want you to date Hanako. You like her, do you not?”

“I guess but... why? Wouldn't that be like lying to her again?”

“Because you owe it to her. She deserves to be happy.”

“L-Lilly, you're not making any sense. First you want me to trust her feelings, now you're coming up with this scheme. Why do you want ME to be with her?”

“Because... even after what you did, I know that you can show her the love that she earned... and the love that...”

Lilly released Hisao's collar and slid to the floor onto folded legs.

“...the love that I feel for her.”

“Lilly,” Hisao asked, trying to help her get back on her feet, “did you just say what I thought you said?”

“I did. It's sad that it will never happen but it is liberating to admit. I am in love with Hanako.”

“Then why don't you date her yourself?”

“I wanted to. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for a chance but... this past Valentine's Day showed me that she likes you instead. It would never work between two girls, anyway. She is not the same way I am.”

“Please, Hisao,” Lilly begged, “looking” at him with tears in her eyes, “can you do this for us? If not me, for Hanako?”

“No, I can't. I care for Hanako but I'd be lying if I said that I was romantically interested in her. If I do what you ask, I'd be ruining all three of us instead of just her. I cannot do that.”

“L-Lilly?” Hanako asked from the doorway, with cans of soda fizzing in her arms. “Wh-what's going on?”

Lilly and Hisao had no idea how long Hanako had been standing there or if she had been eavesdropping, but the look on her face and the sound of her voice indicated that she had heard enough.

“Is it t-true what you said?” she asked Lilly.

“I... yes, Hanako. It is true. I am sorry. I-I, I need to go.”

Just as Hanako reached out to her, Lilly abruptly got up, grabbed her cane, and briskly headed out of the room.

“Please take care of each other,” she asked as she passed through the doorway. “You two are far better friends than I have been.”


Lilly hugged her knees as she sat on the rooftop picnic table. The vast, cold abyss around her seemed to be a fitting prison for someone who abused her friends and tried playing them against each other.

The old metal door at the staircase creaked open, marking the usual entrance of Miss Tezuka and Miss Ibarazaki, seeking to reclaim their table from a most immovable Lilly. It was only one set of off-balance footsteps, so Emi was probably riding on Rin's back again.

“H-Hi L-Lilly,” the most unexpected visitor said.

Lilly's lips attempted to form words to cruelly send Hanako away but her old habits got the better of her.

“Hello, Hanako,” she reciprocated with her usual smile.

“H-Happy White Day,” Hanako muttered, holding out something wrapped in crinkly sounding plastic wrap.

“Oh no, you shouldn't have...” Lilly said while receiving a box that smelled like burnt cookies.

“P-Please take them. Me and Hisao made them.”

Lilly unwrapped the gift and tried a cookie. They were thin with burnt bottoms of caramelized sugar that stuck to her teeth. If she was on better terms with Hisao and Hanako, she would've offered some suggestions to improve their baking.

“Thank you, but you really didn't have to do this.”

“B-But it's the rules, right? You got me something last month and... I wanted to.”

Lilly quietly set aside the barely palatable cookies and listened to Hanako breathe, not knowing what else she could do. She didn't want to soil Hanako by associating with her any further but she couldn't bear to shove her away.

For the moment, all Lilly could do was listen to her breathe. And her breathing was getting faster. And closer.

“You can do this to me if you want,” Hanako said before pressing her warm, most lips against Lilly's cold, dry ones.

“Why did you do that?” Lilly asked, distressed after jumping back away from the kiss.

“Is-Isn't that what you want? Don't you want to b-be with me? I would like that too.”

“Hanako,” she pleaded, dragging herself as far as she until she felt the edge of the table, “please don't do this to me.”

“But why, Lilly? I love you.”

“Do you love me the same way I love you, or are you doing this because you feel guilty about what happened between us? Normally, I would do anything you ask of me but I beg you, please don't break my heart.”

Hanako grabbed Lilly by her cheeks and touched their foreheads together.

“If you didn't feel for me the way you did,” she whispered slowly and without stutters, “would you still have rescued me when I was in the snow?”

“Yes, of course I would...”

“And would you still walk me from class to class and protect me from bullies?”


“And would you still have been my friend?”


“You see? You give everything to everyone and you never ask for anything. How can I not love you?”

“Hanako, are you sure you're not confusing love for gratitude?”

“When you were beating up Hisao, you told him to have trust in me. Well I'm asking you to do that. Trust my feelings like how I trust yours. Please believe me, I love you.”

After finally allowing Hanako to kiss her, Lilly pressed her face into Hanako's shoulder.

“I'm sorry about all of this. If you'll have me, I'd like things to be back to the way they were before, with you, Hisao, and myself.”

“No, I don't want to go back to that way,” Hanako said while taking Lilly's hand in her own, “because before we weren't like this.”

“Thank you, Hanako.”

On the way back downstairs, away from the cold, Lilly clung onto Hanako from behind, just as Hanako did with her so many times before. Having her lead the way for once was a pleasant feeling. It felt good to have Hanako by her side again.

“Hanako, dear? There's one more thing I need to get off my chest.”

“W-What's that?”

“You and Hisao should let me teach you how to bake cookies some day.”

“I kn-know. We were hoping that if you wouldn't come back for me, you would at least come back because you'd feel sorry for our bad cooking.”


Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry:Lilly/Hisao/Hanako Chocolate Pg6

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:16 am
by Mag
And the moral of the story. The answer is Lesbians. Always.

Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry:Lilly/Hisao/Hanako Chocolate Pg6

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:24 am
by Xuan
Ha... I guess if you take Emi's personality and add an extra screw, it would turn out to be that cruel.

Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry:Lilly/Hisao/Hanako Chocolate Pg6

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:06 am
by SirMax
The moral of the story is, yet again, "Gosh Emi sure is a bitch, isn't she?"

Jesus, kosher, do you write propaganda for a living?

Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry:Lilly/Hisao/Hanako Chocolate Pg6

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:46 pm
by kosherbacon
I'll tell ya what, when KS gets a full release, I will play the Emi route first. :lol:

Edit: I'm doing an Emi story now. No, seriously.
eat kosher bacon 10:00 pm
(10:00:30 PM): And then Emi ran to a litter of kittens and stomped them into kitty jelly with her legblades, then defecated in Lilly's lunch while she wasn't "looking"
(10:00:38 PM): oh wait, im not supposed to do that this time.
guardianwren 10:01 pm
(10:00:52 PM): rofl!
(10:00:56 PM): its hard isnt it for you :P
(10:01:37 PM): trying to avoid the "bash emi" button
eat kosher bacon 10:01 pm
(10:01:39 PM): yeah, just a bit.
eat kosher bacon 10:07 pm
(10:07:19 PM): yeah i was going to do a shizune x emi story but that inevitably ended with emi being humiliated and ridiculed.

Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry:Lilly/Hisao/Hanako Chocolate Pg6

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:43 am
by Jojje
(10:07:19 PM): yeah i was going to do a shizune x emi story but that inevitably ended with emi being humiliated and ridiculed.
Bwahah, really is true eh, nobody likes her..

Good story, enjoyed it throughout.

Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: EMI=Love <3

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:17 pm
by kosherbacon
God, you just hate that poor girl.
you and your generated cripple world doesn't even get along with her ;(
Ha... I guess if you take Emi's personality and add an extra screw, it would turn out to be that cruel.
The moral of the story is, yet again, "Gosh Emi sure is a bitch, isn't she?"
Jesus, kosher, do you write propaganda for a living?
Even though Emi isn't poplar, that is no way to treat her.
One of the girls coming over is a total butt-slut.
Aaaaaand I know where kosher's going to include Emi in this fic. :twisted:
You're all wrong. I'm an Emifag now. Don't skip to the end, like E_Line did, there's a reward picture on the bottom of the page. :wink:

Like a Shampoo Commercial

I arrived at the field about twenty minutes late. I wasn't exactly held back, I just... I just didn't want to be expected. The chain link fence and shrubbery gave me cover as I snuck onto the track. Unfortunately, even with the time of day, she was the only other person out there. My teacher, Mr. Mutou, my guidance counselor, and most especially the school nurse have been getting on my case about neglecting to exercise daily since I don't attend gym class due to my condition.

“It would be most improper,” the nurse said once, “for a school like Yamaku to let its students become complacent and absentminded in matters of health and fitness.”

“There is no reason for someone in your condition to be avoiding physical activity,” he said a different time. “Besides, physical education is an integral part of the curriculum. Just because we offer you guys a lot of leeway doesn't mean you can slack off completely.”

Their prodding didn't really help me. When they tried harder, so did she. When Emi tries to help someone, that's when she shines the brightest. So bright, she's unbearable.

“What took you so long?” she asked. “And are you really going to wear that running?”

I was wearing sweatpants and a long sleeve thermal underneath my running shorts and t-shirt. Come to think of it, I don't remember ever being issued a proper gym uniform. Although it was autumn, the weather was far from cold. Still, I held my folded arms close, shielding myself from... I'm not sure.

I nodded to indicate that my wardrobe wasn't going to change any time soon. Thankfully, Emi didn't give me a lecture about skipping our afternoon jogs. All she gave me was just a guilt trip for making her run alone.

After a showering dose of Emi-ness, we took off on our run. Naturally, she shot out ahead, not even winded from the running she was doing before I showed up. Almost immediately, I felt my thighs burn from my weeks of inactivity. Before long, my collar was soaked in sweat. I wasn't about to take a break to remove a layer of clothing, though. Besides, It was nice to see her run from my rightful place behind her.

The real reason why I was avoiding afternoon jogging wasn't because it was unpleasant. Actually, quite the opposite. It was too pleasant. I was starting to fall for Emi Ibarazaki. And while running with her again, even after all this time avoiding her, I was falling for her again.

Emi in motion was truly a sight to behold. Every part of her flowed with a sublime rhythm. Her legs, whether flesh and bone, plastic and metal, or a combination thereof, churned with the same serene relentlessness as waves on the beach. Her shoulders bobbed and jutted, perpetually teasing me by shooting towards and yanking away. And her hair...

Emi's hair, even trapped within twintails, drifted weightlessly through the air like sandy-blonde smoke that shimmered in the wind. It was just like a shampoo commercial, but without retouched colors and computerized enhancements. There was slow motion, though. Emi's radiance clouds some senses into oblivion while sharpening others into razor clarity. If she ever let her hair down, I would die on the spot, I know it.

Even with my suddenly superhuman awareness dedicated to Emi, she was starting to diminish. A quick flash back to reality made me realize she was pulling further and further away. Emi doesn't allow herself to lap her running partners anymore. If I wanted to be closer to her, I had to run faster. And run faster I did.

The burning in my thighs sparked new flames, in my calves, my belly, and the sides of my back. The closer I got, the more I burned as the flames joined together and increased in intensity. Eventually, my body flared to the point that I simply couldn't feel anything anymore. Pain was no longer a factor. The only thing holding me back was my body's raw capabilities. Was that the so called “runner's high” I heard about? Surely in my glowing trance, I'd be able to catch up with Emi.

I floated across the track, gliding as if I was a train and the painted lines were rails. And like a train, I derailed. I didn't even notice the cramp in my leg, or was it a rock I tripped on? I still don't remember. Whichever way it happened, I ended up stumbling a few meters before ingloriously flying face first into the gravelly rubber of the running track.

I was a little scuffed up from the fall, but no blood was drawn. But I wish there was. If that was the case, Emi would have had more wounds to lovingly nurse. That day, I had to make due with her massaging my calf. The milky-white skin on my left leg contrasted sharply with Emi's hands, which had been sun-kissed to a pleasant olive color. Like magic, she kneaded the pain away, pushing it to my heart, where it belonged.

When I first started falling for Emi, I was still reeling from Lilly's rejection. I thought we were a sure thing but I waited too long and she ended up hooking up with a boy from her hometown. After that, I voluntarily removed myself from Lilly's presence; it was just too awkward to stay around her, even though she promised to stay my friend and even offered to help me find another girl. It was hard for both of us, but she understood.

I was so lonely then. At the time, I was worried that I'd latch onto the first person to show me any affection. I tried ignoring the yearning, but I couldn't. Every time I met up with Emi for an afternoon jog, I would just get sucked into those eyes of hers. Those eyes of emerald... no, not emerald. A mere gemstone isn't a worthy comparison. Lilly had eyes of topaz. Emi had eyes of... everything. Everything I could possibly want was behind the deepest green imaginable.

I couldn't keep facing her, or else she'd be a crutch to be abused as my heart recovered. I had to go then, but I had no good reason to stay away anymore. Since our falling out, Lilly and I had patched up our distorted friendship so she no longer a factor. So why was I still holding myself back? Maybe I just didn't want to get hurt again. Maybe Emi had a boyfriend at the school, at a different school, a pen pal overseas, or maybe she was madly in love with Rin. The possibilities were terrifyingly endless.

“Well, I guess it'd be okay if we called it a day, don'tcha think?”

I was so busy daydreaming that I almost missed Emi calling an end of the day's training. Once I had her convinced that I could walk on my own, we split up to go shower and carry on with our evenings. After weeks of going cold-turkey, I survived another jog with Emi, barely.

She continued to haunt me for the rest of the day, all the way to the end. That night, I lulled myself to sleep with visions of loving and tender scenarios with her, yet the dreams that followed were raw, sexual, and literally dripping with sensuality. I couldn't just leave like I did with Lilly; the grown-ups wouldn't let that happen. Something had to give, one way or another.

I diligently ignored Mutou's lecture the next day, praying for rain, pesticide spraying, an alien invasion, massive explosion, anything to give me a break from my beautiful torment. Just when I decided to “be sick,” she came by my class to pick me up right at the end of lessons. And you know what? I forgot all about how I was mortified of how I felt about her. Before Mutou even formally dismissed the class, I shot out of my desk and blew past my classmates to greet her. Hakamichi and Mikado seemed especially perturbed by my disregard for classroom etiquette.

I didn't want to be there for a nanosecond longer than I needed to be. I've been going to this school for... God knows how long, and I have yet to actually feel like I belong. When I severed myself from my last circle of friends, I became listless and lost. As much as I hated it, I was feeling at home with Emi, for at least a couple hours a day.

“So, I was thinking, maybe you shouldn't run on that leg of yours, but we gotta keep you active. How about we go for a walk down the hill and in town?”

A date? I shook, shuddered, and stumbled my way through an answer while I did my best to flush false hopes out of my mind. Nope, not a date, just a more low-key workout.

“You'll go, then? Great! It's a date!”

So, a date it was. Still, there were so many ways her words could have been interpreted. All this meant was that she considered me a friend instead of a mere jogging partner. Nothing more.

Getting ready for our date was torturous. Uniform or not? Dressy or casual? It would've helped if I knew what she had planned. For all I knew, we were going to an opera. She did suggest it was an exercise, so I even considered wearing my usual running clothes. I settled on a collared shirt, bluejeans, and sneakers.

Thankfully, Emi had much the same level of dress in mind. She came by my dorm wearing a hooded knit sweater and a skirt. For the occasion, she wore a minimal and subtle amount of makeup that didn't smother her natural beauty. And just to make my heart jump out of my ribcage and explode, she wore her hair down. I didn't die, though. All those minor fine-tunings she did to her appearance bathed me in visual ecstacy. She wasn't just a cute girl I liked, she was cool, collected, sultry, and powerful looking. She was all woman.

And she was taller. In fact, we almost saw each other eye to eye.

“Oh, you noticed? I'm wearing my date legs today. These add eight centimeters to me.”

I grinned and felt faint at the implications of her “growth.” She was suddenly easier to kiss.

Even in my light clothing, I sweated up a storm under my collar when she took me by the hand as we walked to town. We must have looked like the most lopsidedly mismatched couple on Earth. On one side was Emi, poster child for hope and optimism, a shining beacon of beauty, charity, and friendship. And on the other side, you had... me.

Emi took me around downtown, keeping us busy and active, running from shop to shop. Not much was said between us, but I found out more about her than I could possibly have just jogging with her. At the arcade, I learned what kind of video games she liked. At the record store, I found out she liked punk rock. The date made me aware of the fact that I in fact knew almost nothing about Emi before and made me feel foolish about falling in love with her so easily. Seeing her outside of school opened up a new dimension to her. It was like I was getting introduced to a completely different person, whom I also fell in love with.

The night ended with not so much an activity as an errand. At the convenience store, she picked out a variety of fresh produce and a package of lean chicken breast.

“I'm pretty sure I already have this stuff back at school, but things tend to get stolen out of the common area's refrigerator, so I've learned to buy smaller portions and use them up right away.”

With the sun setting, we reached the school and entered the girls' building without incident. In the downstairs kitchen, Emi worked her magic again, this time in preparing a meal. I was ready to call it a night when we reached the school, but apparently the main course had yet to be served.

“I guess I should be glad that girls these days don't know how to cook anymore. I pretty much have the kitchen all to myself most of the time!”

She was on to something. The only other girl here that I know of who enjoys cooking would be Lilly, and she's anything but typical. I myself know how to stave off starvation just fine, but I could learn a few things from Emi.

The chicken and vegetable stir-fry over whole-grain rice she crafted was predictably exquisite and surprisingly healthy. Maybe it's my biased tastebuds speaking, but the makers of that cardboard slurry they call “health food” sure could benefit from Emi's skill.

“Okay, that's enough sampling,” she said, swatting my hand away from her workspace. “You'll just have to wait.”

Emi packed up the stir-fry into plastic containers already half-filled with rice. Our meals were tucked into a picnic basket she produced out of nowhere. I followed her up to the roof of the girls' building and helped her spread out a large mat to eat on.

A battery powered lantern illuminated our “candlelight” dinner on the roof. Even with the food getting cold, I ate slowly, savoring the taste with my mouth like I was with the dream image before me.

With the food gone, I had enough. Not of the food, or of Emi, but second guessing everything she does. She had to have felt something for me. There was no way this day was platonic. When the breeze picked up, I huddled close to her, ignoring Emi's suggesting that we go back downstairs.

We paralyzed each other when our eyes locked. My heart was thumping around in my ribcage and my palms were soaked in sweat. And I knew she was going through the same thing. With inner strength I didn't know I had, I broke the stalemate of indecision and kissed her.

It was everything I hoped for and then some. Her warmth became my warmth. Her mouth became my mouth. Her tongue became an extension of my own. Just as her little hands groped and tugged at my shirt, she broke our kiss.

“B-But what about you and Lilly? Won't she get jealous?”

“No, no she wouldn't,” I replied, without any of my usual stumbling and tongue twisting. I was in for the kill, and the words that Emi had been drawing out of me were those of smooth confidence.

“We're just friends,” I continued. “She actually has a boyfriend who goes to a different school.”

Emi's face, which was shocked with repentance, finally relaxed when the burden of guilt was lifted off her chest.

“I'm glad. I... I thought the reason why you stopped running with me was because you were spending all of your time with her.”

“It-It wasn't like that. I had to get away because I was starting to like you and I was scared of what would've happened if I kept working out with you.”

“I'm glad the nurse made you come back,” she said, turning away slightly to hide her running eyeliner. “I missed you.”

She giggled slightly at the ridiculousness of her hiding her face from me. Smeared makeup was no big deal. Letting the shimmering dark green tears of happiness trickle down her cheeks, she pushed me over to resume the kiss that her doubts had interrupted.

“N-No, stop,” I said, holding her hands away from the buttons on my shirt. “I don't want you to see.”

“To see what?” she asked.

Emi pulled her stockings down to her calves and popped her legs off. Her knees crackled briefly as she flailed her liberated stumps around.

“We're all damaged goods here,” Emi said while pulling my shirt open after she shut me up. “It's just a part of being normal.”

Emi wistfully traced the scars on my chest with her fingertip.

“Is this that big deal you hide from everyone?” she asked. “Just because you were almost killed once doesn't mean you should stop living. Trust me, I know. A traumatic past and a near death experience just means you've got to live harder and fuller from now on.”

With nothing to hide from each other anymore, we stopped holding back. I dragged an old wooden picnic bench in front of the door to the stairwell. If someone came up here, we'd still get caught but at least not caught in the act.

She looked so small, legless and bare. The hard edged tan-line she developed over years of outdoor activity added yet another endearing quirk to her. Emi's breasts were entrancing. Those soft, supple buds were so tender and sensitive that even I felt what I did to them from her side.

Emi guided my hand between her legs and I cupped her lips in my palm. In my hand was the greatest treasure I've touched. And it was all mine. I felt so special that I couldn't help but hug her senseless like a thankful child who just received the gift they waited their whole lives for.

Even with the sour tinge of a day's worth of physical activity, she was far more delicious than anything even she could cook. After enjoying the talents of her hands and mouth, we brought our hips together and became one.

Her knees hooked tight around me when she came close to an orgasm but stopped herself. She didn't need to slow down for my sake. Without thinking, I grabbed one of her knees and licked the tip of her stump.

“Oh jeez, not there!” she yelped, loud enough for the whole school to hear as she came. Her shivers and spasms were just enough to send me off just after she did. Our near simultaneous orgasm was a beautiful coincidence that happens all the time in pornography but never in real life. Emi was truly special indeed.

After another happy ending for each of us, we wallowed in the chilled night breeze, airing ourselves out while keeping each other warm by slowly writhing in each other's arms and legs.

Emi insisted that I spend the night with her. Not even considering the consequences, I didn't protest. Just as we laid a pair of futons on the floor so we could sleep next to each other, her neighbor came by. She was wearing a novelty sombrero and was smeared in fluorescent orange paint.

“Hello,” Rin said, in a tone that suggested that her state of dress was perfectly normal for her.

“Oh, hey, Rin,” Emi responded, her hands presenting me in introduction as if Rin didn't know who I was. “Sorry I wasn't around earlier. I had a date...”

“Oh,” she analyzed, her eyes growing as they locked on me. “A guest of a sexual nature. How interesting.”

“Well,” Emi sputtered, breaking out in a sweat, “uh... I... we...”

And in a flash, Rin's interrogation was seemingly over.

“Eh, just don't make too much noise, I'll be meditating. Oh. Hey. I'm getting hungry all of a sudden. Do you have any food?”

Emi smiled innocently with her scandal quickly fizzling out.

“Of course. There's chicken and rice with your name on it in the fridge downstairs.”

Long after lights out, we laid next to each other, hand in hand, and got lost in each other's eyes. When I first arrived at Yamaku, I was prepared to slowly die. With Emi in my hand, I was alive, so alive.

“H-Hey,” I asked, foolishly nervous over the answer even when I knew I shouldn't be, “do you do this with everyone you run with?”

“Only the ones I love.”

“And how many would that be?”

“Only you, Hanako.

Btw, Emi also enjoys Double Down sandwiches from Kentucky Fried Chicken. I had to make due with diet yogurt.

For those unfamiliar or unaware of Wendy's, pictured above are a Triple Baconator(three hamburger patties, three slices of processed cheese, and nine strips of bacon), five pieces of chicken nuggets, and a regular "frosty," which is not quite a milkshake and not quite ice cream.

It's only 1990 calories. :lol:

Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: EMI=LOVE <3 Pg6

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:25 pm
by Smoku
lol, pro image. and avatar.
It's full scale Emi torture :D