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Re: The girls and why you like/dislike them

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:25 am
by Seroanth
I love how, most times, it's Shizune >>>>>>> Hanako OR Hanako >>>>>>> Shizune.

There are some exceptions, but that's how I see it.

Re: The girls and why you like/dislike them

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:48 am
by blackrising's quite difficult to decide. Oh well.

Physical appereance: Hanako > Lilly > Shizune > Misha > Rin > Emi

Hanako: She's just so damn cute. :3 Especially when she smiles.

Lilly: I'm usually not a fan of blondes, but I'm a sucker for wavy hair. Though she'd totally tower over me in RL. xD

Shizune: Glasses and short hair do nothing for me, but she's pretty cute when she's flustered or embarrassed.

Misha: Finally a girl who doesn't look like a twig!

Rin: Again, not my type. Still, she's awesome.

Emi: Loli does absolutely NOTHING for me. Honestly, I detest kids in RL, why would I want to be with a girl who looks like one?

Personality: Hanako > Lilly > Misha > Shizune > Rin > Emi (not really much change, is there?)

Hanako: I'm a total sucker for shy girls. Seriously. Also, I have a pretty big protective streak and she just makes me want to hold her and kick everyone who even dares to look at her the wrong way...xD
That kinda goes along with the fact that it's nice to know a girl needs you.

Lilly: She's very calm and I find that appealing. Personally, I get stressed pretty easily when I get the feeling I'm too late or need to do something very fast. She'd probably be able to soothe my nerves quite a bit. :D Furthermore, she'd be able to guide ME from time to time instead of the other way round, yet she needs help sometimes. (You know, shopping for example.^^)
She's just...nice. (sadly, you don't find girls like that very often nowadays...)

Misha: Her personality is very cute, even though it might become annoying after awhile. I think there's more to her than that and I'd love to know what she hides behind her laugh. (*sigh* It's such a waste that there'll be no Misha route...)

Shizune: Her competitive nature is kinda off-putting for me. As I mentioned above, I get stressed by that kind of thing very easily and I'm also not very ambitious. So the compatibility between us would be non-existent in RL. However, once I got to know her more, she started to become really cute.

Rin: Well, she's...Rin. I figure I'd get on with her very well, since I tend to be pretty weird myself. Also, art is a hobby of mine, so we'd definitely have something to talk about. However, I couldn't imagine having her as my girlfriend...buddy, yes, but Though I have to admit I haven't played her route in the demo yet.

Emi: Once again, she reminds me of a little child. She's too cheerful and bubbly for my taste. Not to mention that I couldn't run properly if my life depended on it. If I were with her, I'd never have a quiet second for the rest of my life. Oh well, she may be kinda appealing once she grows up but now? Nope.

Re: The girls and why you like/dislike them

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 2:13 am
by Malinor
Hmm. I feel like writing right now, so why not...

Physical appearance - Yeah, that stuff.

Emi - She's cute in that little sister kind of way, which (for me at least >_>) is to say that I don't find her attractive as much as I do HNNNNNG-worthy. Still, she's cute.

Hanako - Not a big fan of the burns, but ignoring that as major as it is, she's got some of the longer and darker hair of the cast which are both things I like.

Lilly - Beautiful is probably the word I'd use for her. It definitely seems to have been the intent when designing her. Personally not a fan of blondes, but it really suites her well.

Misha - She might be a little more plump than the rest of the girls, but that's not a bad thing. ;)

Rin - What can I say? Rin's a bro. Not especially attractive at all.

Shizune - Well, glasses work pretty well for her, she's got a good figure, and she's got blue hair which has always been my favorite of the fictional hair colors. Probably something to do with it being my favorite color and Tenchi Muyo maybe. Maybe.

Overall Looks - Shizune > Lilly > Misha > Hanako > Rin > Emi

Personality - The important stuff

Emi - Tiring. Her personality is as cute as her figure in the same kind of way, but if I knew her in reality I would probably just get exhausted hanging out with her. I'm pretty mellow and she's definitely a tad too excitable for me.

Hanako - Frankly, I'm not a big fan of the super shy thing, even if she has a good reason for it. That aside, I really don't think you get much of a picture at all of her personality from Act 1, so I can safely say learning more about her is one of the things I do look forward to most in the full release.

Lilly - Reserved and calm. Lilly is probably the girl I'd go to after a day with Emi. We'd probably sit in a quiet room and do absolutely nothing besides small talk, and we'd both probably enjoy it. She has a very relaxing aura to her.

Misha - WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ahem, with that out of the way, I think Misha seems to get a lot more flak than she deserves. She's loud, she's a little wacky, and she can be crude...but how much of that is actually her? My impressions from Act 1 really seemed to lean toward the good side the few times I really felt that you got to see Misha's personality; usually when Shizune was playing a trick on her. When not seemingly trying her best to make up for Shizune's lack of sound, she definitely came off as sort of clumsy but in a cute rather than annoying fashion.

Rin - 83% mellow, 22% asleep; except for when you breach certain topics of conversation at which point she begins talking as fast as she thinks and sometimes seemingly a little faster. Frankly, this is exactly what I do and while it might sound a little conceited, I like it a lot. I'm a little biased because my ex was an artist and several of the discussions and events held on Rin's route mirrored things that I've actually done in the past. If I met Rin in real life, I have the feeling that we would likely get along fantastically. No expectations, no plans, just wing it and don't care. You'll have fun no matter what if it's your desire to do so.

Shizune - She comes off as a little domineering, but not so much as to be off-putting. Still, she seems rather manipulative and in general just seems to care too much. I know that sounds like a weird criticism, but it's exactly the kind of thing that ends up as a major turnoff for me. I do not liked to be pushed or pulled. I prefer to take things at my own rate and have at various times in the past proven that I live, work, and act much better when I can go as I please. Shizune does not seem like the kind of girl who would allow that. Deadlines, manipulation, and a little bit of ego. Basically, she'd be fun in small doses, but if I got too entangled with her, I think it would just be stressful.

Overall Thoughts - Rin > Lilly > Misha > Hanako(?)/Shizune > Emi

Overall - The end stuff

So if I were in Hisao's shoes, what would be my ultimate order? Probably something like...

Rin > Lilly > Shizune > Misha > Hanako > Emi

Rin is really just the kind of girl who if I ended up meeting, I honestly think things would pretty much just take off on their own. Going by past experiences, I'd say it'd probably end up in the kind of situation where we'd hang out often enough that most people think we're dating, but neither of us ever mentioned it or thought about it at all. It'd just sort of happen, and I'd just be along for the ride. I like that.

Lilly is similar in the sense that I think I'd get along with her quite easily, but I almost think she's a little too refined. I feel like my usual personality would be a little crude for her, but at the same time you never really get the chance to see what she's like to people who are closer to her in Act 1. The fact that she teases Hisao a little makes me think that she...lowers her shield, so to speak, to those she counts as close. I'm not completely myself to those I don't know well either, so this is almost a non-issue.

Shizune is, as I said, a little domineering and I really don't think I'd last long with her unless she ends up being a huge fan of fighting games or something (the only thing I'm ever very competitive about for some unknown reason) but in real life, she's the kind of girl who I find attractive enough that I'd probably give it a try anyway. I mean, you never know how things will end up, and it's not like I'd hate talking to her, so it's worth a shot. =p

Misha is sort of an anomaly here because really...I just don't know enough about her personality.

Hanako is pretty much the same as Misha. I don't mind how either of them look, but I really just don't think there's enough to go on for a real determination here. This is of course why I'm looking forward to her route so much. I do hope that getting her to open up and sort of...reveal who she really is, I guess, will be as interesting as it sounds.

Emi is dead last. She's just not really my type I guess. I don't really know what else to add here. >_>

And there you have it. That post ended up being substantially larger than I intended but it's my tendency to sort of ramble on and not know when to stop, I'm not too sure why but it's always been reflective of my writing style to have run on sentences and various points that aren't directly related but sort of meld into each other, it probably has to do with the way I've always spoken which is pretty much stream of consciousness unless I'm debating something important in which case I tend to ponder a lot more before saying much of anything.