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Re: Swampie's Stories: Iwanako's week off 20/7/15

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:36 am
by swampie2
Iwanako's week off:

Monday morning:

Oh god I hate mornings, and I hate trains, so this is pretty much the worst time and place for me to be. I can't even count the yawn epidemics I'm started any more, but it's definitely over ten in the last half-hour. Yawn. Make that eleven.

Mai was pretty sad when I told her I was busy today, I'm beginning to have the feeling that it's her turn to stay back to look after me this time. When I let her know that I'd be leaving my bed she cheered up though, I told her to go take the day with everyone else. She didn't like the idea, and I was angry about being treated like a child, but eventually convinced her to go take a day for herself instead of looking after me.

I didn't tell her where I was going though, I only told my parents I was visiting Sendai but "failed" to mention my second destination to them. Luckily dad drove me to the train station, if not for then then I'm sure I would have been late, brushing this mess of hair takes dedication, especially since I haven't had it cut since...

Long trips like this make me think about Hisao, he always loved to dig into a book, so much so that he wouldn't notice me entering the room some days. It's a shame I never read much, otherwise we could have talked about it. I've always been more of a movie girl than a novel girl, words just don't seem to make the same impact as a huge explosion or a romantic kiss in the rain.

Before long my playlist runs out and my phone is dry of music. I only need ten to fifteen minutes on it for when I walk to school and back, so really I should have prepared for a longer train ride like this. Suppose I'll just have to share music with that guy playing some odd genre out loud a couple of seats behind me, much as he's sharing it with the whole of the train.


Monday lunchtime:

"Thank you." I give a small bow towards the bus driver before stepping out and taking a look around. It's so quiet and green, nothing like the city. I'd hate having to live her, I'd have to order everything online to get what I wanted. I bet they don't even have proper corn flakes in that little town just down the road. Then the reality of the situation crashes into me.

I'm about to walk into a school for disabled students sipping on a coffee and not wearing the uniform. I hope nobody thinks I've just come to ogle at them, I'd hate for them to assume that. I'll just keep my eyes pinned to the ground and try and find a reception. I step through the large metal gates that look more like they're made to keep people in than out and take a quick peek at the grounds. They're really well kept, I was told that this school was well funded but I think that was an understatement.


"Oops, sorry." I sputter to the person I've just walked into, and my mind flashes back to the doctors saying that it'd be a very bad idea for Hisao to get hit in the chest.

"Don't worry about it. Are you lost?" He replies, and I notice he's holding a cane in one hand and his other arm is being gripped from behind. He tugs it forward and reveals a girl with a beautiful head of violet hair.

"Ohmygod, your hair is awesome-" Oh god. That's a lot of scars. Don't stare. Okay, these are just people that drew a bad hand, no reason to treat them differently. How is the girl so pretty? not to say that the scars are unattractive, of course. Damn brain. Her eyes stay pinned to the ground and the guy gives her a curt elbow to the side.

"T-thank you." She mutters incredibly quietly, you wouldn't catch it if you weren't listening carefully.

"No problem." I smile, hoping to defuse the tension. "And yeah, I'm a little lost. Do either of you know... Hisao?"

"Yeah, we know him." He nods, and then explains some directions to the male dorm rooms.

"Thanks a bunch guys." I offer a small bow, that is returned by the girl and then shortly after by the guy, but his is stifled slightly by the girl still clenching his arm with a grip that looks like she could tear his arm off at any point. With that, we part ways and I make my way towards the dormitories. As I walk, a large mural catches my attention, it's a very strange piece of art. I wonder if the students worked on this? I manage to tear myself away from looking at the art and step foot inside the dormitories. I peer around the corner and spy the common room. Hoping there will be somebody there, I make my way inside.

"Hello?" I call out before setting my eyes on a male student lounging in front of the large TV mounted on the wall.

"Hey there." He responds, his gaze still on the news.

"I was... hoping you could help me find Hisao?" I respond, hoping he knows him.

"Yeah, he's... In fact, I'll go get him for you." He stands and shoots a smile at me, then I notice that his ear is bandaged up, and that fact makes my smile back feel force for some reason. Not like his problem repulses me, it's not that at all, he's actually pretty cute, it's just so strange to see someone act so casual about that kind of thing.

He makes his way out of the common room, leaving me on my own, so I take a quick look around. There is a small kitchen on one side of the wall and a couple sofas all facing the TV. I bet it'd be nice to watch a good film on a screen that big.

Before long he returns and reclaims his seat on the mail sofa. "He'll be down soon."

"Thanks." I respond automatically. I wonder what's happened to him? Maybe he's missing an ear? No! bad brain, stop. Now he's back I feel awkward again. Not as awkward as I feel when Hisao stumbles into the common room and he looks like a deer in the headlights.

"Iwanako?" His voice squeaks.

"Hisao?" I respond in turn. My subconscious mind takes over and I skip forward with my arms extended, fully expecting a hug, then my real brain regains control and I realize that I haven't seen him for months, should I still give him a hug? I decide it's better not to risk it and lower my arms. Awh.

"It's good to see you!" I blurt, and he starts to calm a little only to open his eyes wide after a couple of seconds, and his hand raises to his chest, subconsciously rubbing at his collarbone. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. It is just a surprise to see you here. My heart started to race a little." His heart started to race? That's adorable and terrifying all at the same time. My face begins to grow hot and I release a little giggle, playing with the idea that I might finally get an answer...

"What are you doing here?" He asks. Not accusingly, but genuinely curious.

"I was just in the area." I shrug, hoping to pull off a casual tone.


"Sure." Yeah, let's go with that it's nice and green around here and there are a load of disabled people. NO, WAIT. "N-no, not like that!" I sputter. He releases a short chuckle, a sound I've missed.

"I know you wouldn't do that, don't worry." He responds, and I sigh in relief. "Thanks, Maeda." He gives a wave to the other boy and gestures for us to return outside where we fall into step.

"Want to grab something to eat?" He asks, his voice sounding a hundred times stronger than It did when I last saw him.

"That'd be nice, I haven't eaten today." I sigh, I missed breakfast in my rush to get my hair under control this morning.

"There is a nice little place I know, not far from here." He explains, gesturing with his hands like he never did before. I guess he's picked that up since he got here.

"Sounds great to me." I smile. "So how are things here?" I hold out my arms towards the school that looks just like your regular run of the mill school. He moves to respond but stops himself to think before making his statement.

"It's pretty normal here once you get past the disabilities thing." He chuckles. For some reason I can imagine it'd take me a while to get used to something like that.

"Is everyone?" I ask, avoiding saying that word myself.

"Most people are, but some aren't. Like Misha, she's enrolled her because she wants to be a sign language teacher." Huh. I guess that'd make sense, coming to a place with deaf students to learn something like that.

"Are there different classes for... different problems?" My mind betrays me as I spurt something that will no doubt offend him.

"There is a class that's mostly amputees, but I think it's a generally mixed unless you need a special teacher." Luckily, it seems that he doesn't mind. Phew.

"Special teacher?" I respond again. Stupid brain, shut up!

"Yeah, like one that knows sign or prints his worksheets in braille." Well I guess that makes sense actually. "How about you?"

"Needing a special teacher?" I exclaim.

"No, no, how have you been?" He clarifies.

"Oh!" I giggle. "I've been okay." I lie through my teeth. I was always a pretty good liar, I hope I haven't lost it.

"Good to hear. How are the guys?"

"Lazing off, as usual." I sigh, those guys need to start revising for their finals instead of playing soccer.

"That sounds like them." He sighs wistfully. Perhaps it was a bad idea to bring up his old friends. Luckily we arrive at the small town nearby Yamaku before long. "Hold on a sec." He leans over and places his hands on his knees while taking in deep breaths.

"Are you okay?" I respond, please don't have an attack, I can't do that again.

"Fine, don't worry. Just makes walking a little more taxing." He points to his chest to signify his heart. Luckily he doesn't pass out, and we continue winding our way through the small streets until we reach a quaint little tea house named the "Shanghai."

Hisao holds the door open for me and I give him a nod as I step inside. He follows me in shortly after and looks around before noticing something and gesturing for me to follow him.

"Hi Lilly, Hanako." He waves to the two students sat at the table. One is a tall blonde and the other is... I think it's that girl I ran into on my way into Yamaku who looks like she'd rather be anywhere else than here.

"Hello again." I meekly offer towards the darker haired girl, who only responds with a nod. Either she's a bitch or she's shy, given her... problem, I can see it being the latter.

"Ah, good afternoon Hisao. And who is this?" The blonde girl asks.

"Sorry, I'm Iwanako Daidoujin, nice to meet you both." I offer a bow towards the two of them, hoping that I wont be outed as a "Normal" or something equally silly.

"And nice to meet you too, I am Lilly Satou. Are you attending Yamaku? I'm afraid I don't recognize your name." She asks, her royal air finding it's way into her voice.

"No, I'm... an old freind of Hisao's. Visiting." I giggle, hoping to cover up my stalling when I was figuring out what he is to me and how long I'll be staying.

"Well then I'd be honoured if you would both join us for a while." She speaks again, holding her hand forward to the seats opposite her and who I must assume is Hanako through elimination. Myself and Hisao offer our thanks and seat ourselves before our waitress arrives with all the elegance of a meteor. The others seems to know how to deal with her, so I just place my order for some tea and find that Lilly and Hanako are also getting tea, so we decide to get a pot instead.

"So, has Hisao changed much?" Lilly asks almost out of nowhere.

"Does he still wear that sweater vest?" I jab, and he groans and leans back into his seat.

"He certainly still does." She giggles.

"Then he hasn't changed a bit." I join her in enjoying a laugh at his expense. Been a while since I did that. Laughed. Our tea is delivered shortly after, and Lilly takes pouring duty. Then I notice that she has to feel out each cup to be sure of it's position. How strange, maybe she just wants to be sure.

Once the tea is distributed and Hisao has his coffee, we all sip and enjoy a moment of silence. Are these Hisao's friends? Lilly is very elegant and beautiful, Hanako is pretty as well but hasn't spoken a word since we've sat down. I hope we're not disturbing them too much.

"So what have you got planned for the break, Lilly?" Hisao begins a new conversation. She finishes her mouthful and daps her lips with a small napkin before responding.

"I'm actually going to visit my family back in scotland. What about yourself?" Scotland? That'll be why she's tall, blonde and beautiful then.

"I think I'm just going to hang out here. My parents offered for me to come stay with them for a while, but I don't really want to put up with the trains." He chuckles. He's staying here all week?

"I agree that travelling can be a hassle, but I find that trains can have quite a charm sometimes." Lilly responds as I begin to tune out their conversation and focus on the silent quarter of the table.

"Hanako, right? I'm Iwanako, nice to meet you." I offer, hoping not to leave her out.

"H-hello." She responds, leaving almost no opening for further conversation.

"How long have you been at Yamaku?" I ask, giving the conversation one last chance to live.

"A... a w-while." She stutters. I feel so sorry for her.

"When are you leaving, Iwanako?" Hisao asks, breaking me from the little bubble I had constructed to tune out their conversation.

"I don't really know. I was just going to visit for a day but it's super peaceful here. And my ticket lasts until the end of the week, too." I sigh, sipping at my tea.

"Yeah it is." Hisao agrees. "You're welcome to hang out with me and Hanako if you feel like it."

"Thanks, but I don't really have anywhere to stay." I giggle, I can't afford a hotel.

"I may have a solution to that issue." Lilly breaks into the fray. Hisao and I look onwards for clarification, and I notice how cloudy her blue eyes are. Blind? That's explain the teacups thing. Bad brain, stop that!

"Since I will be away, my room will be empty all week." Lilly continues. "If you'd like to stay for a while then you are more than welcome to use it." She gives a sweet smile that's just off the mark, over my shoulder.

"Are you sure?" Hisao reads my mind and asks what I was thinking.

"I don't see why it'd be a problem. The security is rather lax during the holidays." She giggles again, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Thanks Lilly, that's really nice!" I exclaim.

"Think nothing of it." She waves me off while rooting through her purse before holding forward a small metal loop adorned by two keys. I reach forward and place my hand underneath them, expecting her to drop them into my hand, but then realize that she most likely doesn't know if she is blind, so instead I just raise my hand and take a hold of them, at which point she releases them with a smile.

"Yeah, thanks Lilly." Hisao mentions as he finishes off the last of his coffee. "It'd be nice to catch up properly." He shoots a glance at me, and when we meet eyes, a smile. My heart.


Author notes: I've assumed that Daidoujin is considered to be Iwanako's last name by most of the community, that's why I've used it. If It was a specific author that came up with it, then I apologize for not being able to find you and ask permission.

-- EDIT --

I've found out that the Daidoujin name is from Leaty's "Meantime breakdown." Give it a read, it's a far better fic than this :lol:

Re: Swampie's Stories: Iwanako's week off PT 2: 20/7/15

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:54 am
by HoneyBakedHam
The last name would be because of Leaty and her fanfic Mean Time to Breakdown.

Also, Yamaku is just a high school. It would've been impossible for Hanako to be there for elementary.

Re: Swampie's Stories: Iwanako's week off PT 2: 20/7/15

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:55 am
by swampie2
HoneyBakedHam wrote:The last name would be because of Leaty and her fanfic Mean Time to Breakdown.
Awesome, thanks for letting me know!
HoneyBakedHam wrote:Yamaku is just a high school. It would've been impossible for Hanako to be there for elementary.
I meant it more like she entered Yamaku after elementary. I've reworded it. :)

Re: Swampie's Stories: Iwanako's week off PT 2: 20/7/15

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:57 am
by AntonSlavik020
I think it was Leaty who first came up with it, and yeah, I automatically assumed it was her family name before you mentioned it. Somewhere along the line it must have become headcannon.

Re: Swampie's Stories: Iwanako's week off PT 2: 20/7/15

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:57 am
by HoneyBakedHam
She entered Yamaku's Yamaku after middle school.

And Leaty is headcanon, duh.

Re: Swampie's Stories: Iwanako's week off PT 2: 20/7/15

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:59 am
by AntonSlavik020
swampie2 wrote:
HoneyBakedHam wrote:The last name would be because of Leaty and her fanfic Mean Time to Breakdown.
Awesome, thanks for letting me know!
HoneyBakedHam wrote:Yamaku is just a high school. It would've been impossible for Hanako to be there for elementary.
I meant it more like she entered Yamaku after elementary. I've reworded it. :)
Well at least where I live, there are two schools between elementary and high school. Not sure if it's like that elsewhere though.

Re: Swampie's Stories: Iwanako's week off PT 2: 20/7/15

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:01 am
by swampie2
"How long have you been at Yamaku?" I ask, giving the conversation one last chance to live.

"A... a w-while." She stutters. I feel so sorry for her.
That'll do :lol:
HoneyBakedHam wrote:And Leaty is headcanon, duh.
Leaty is love, Leaty is life.
AntonSlavik020 wrote:Well at least where I live, there are two schools between elementary and high school. Not sure if it's like that elsewhere though.
In the UK it goes Primary > Secondary > College > University, so I have no clue. :lol:

Re: Swampie's Stories: Iwanako's week off PT 2: 20/7/15

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:33 am
by Sharp-O
swampie2 wrote:
AntonSlavik020 wrote:Well at least where I live, there are two schools between elementary and high school. Not sure if it's like that elsewhere though.
In the UK it goes Primary > Secondary > College > University, so I have no clue. :lol:
Agreed, but in my experience, it was a three stage process. Elementary/Primary school til about 10years-old, then Middle School/Junior High til 13-ish and then Secondary school/Highschool til you're 16-ish. Then you have the option to go into 6th Form (which is kind of a primer for college and university), college/university itself or go straight into work.
swampie2 wrote:"Don't worry about it. Are you lost?" He replies, and I notice he's holding a cane in one hand and his other arm is being gripped from behind. He tugs it forward and reveals a girl with a beautiful head of violet hair.
swampie2 wrote:"So, has Hisao changed much?" Lilly asks almost out of nowhere.

"Does he still wear that sweater vest?" I jab, and he groans and leans back into his seat.

"He certainly still does." She giggles.

"Then he hasn't changed a bit."
Internal Hanako: Gonna need a burn heal for that one! OOOOOOOOOH!

Another fantastic chapter, Swamp. Looking forward to seeing where this goes!

Re: Swampie's Stories: Iwanako's week off PT 2: 20/7/15

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:39 am
by swampie2
Sharp-O wrote:Proto-Hanakio!
Sharp-O wrote:Another fantastic chapter, Swamp. Looking forward to seeing where this goes!
Thanks sharp! Means a lot.

Re: Swampie's Stories: Iwanako's week off PT 2: 20/7/15

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:54 am
by Mirage_GSM
In Japan it's six years of elementary school followed by three years each of middle and high school.

Very nice story so far.

It was a bit strange that Hanako left the school with Akio and was at the Shanghai with Lilly...
Is this a separate story or does it borrow from other stories?

Re: Swampie's Stories: Iwanako's week off PT 2: 20/7/15

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:58 am
by swampie2
Mirage_GSM wrote:It was a bit strange that Hanako left the school with Akio and was at the Shanghai with Lilly...
Akio walked her to the exit, Iwanako was already inside school grounds by then. :mrgreen:
Mirage_GSM wrote:Is this a separate story or does it borrow from other stories?
Aside from taking the general premise of Iwanako visiting Hisao from "The past catches up", I don't think so?

The references to other series just come to me when I write and end up in there.

Re: Swampie's Stories: Iwanako's week off PT 2: 20/7/15

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:26 am
by HoneyBakedHam
Mirage_GSM wrote:In Japan it's six years of elementary school followed by three years each of middle and high school.
What's weird is that there are various combinations for school districts in the US, as far as dividing the grades.

For instance: When I started elementary, it originally ended in 5th grade and had 6th-8th at the Jr High (that changed when I entered 4th grade then just recently went back to 1-5, 6-8, 9-12). The school district that my mother and uncle went to (also in the Toledo Ohio Area), they had: Elementary go til the 6th grade, 7th and 8th in the middle school, 9th grade in its own building, and then 10-12th for high school.

Re: Swampie's Stories: Iwanako's week off PT 2: 20/7/15

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:38 pm
by AntonSlavik020
In case anyones curious, for me it was k-4 was Elementary School, 5-6 was Intermediate School, 7-8 was Jr. High and 9-12 were High School. It seems Intermediate School isn't all that common.

Re: Swampie's Stories: Iwanako's week off PT 2: 20/7/15

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:30 pm
by HoneyBakedHam
Where in Cleveland did you go? :|

Re: Swampie's Stories: Iwanako's week off PT 2: 20/7/15

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:02 pm
by AntonSlavik020
HoneyBakedHam wrote:Where in Cleveland did you go? :|
I just say Cleveland because it's the nearest major city. I actually live in Avon Lake, a city roughly 30 minutes west of Cleveland.