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Re: Dissussion about the order in which you play the routes.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:08 am
by Xanatos
Personally, I'd recommend that nobody listen to any recommendations of route order. It's going to vary by person and just following someone else based on their experience isn't likely to do much for you. :P

Re: Dissussion about the order in which you play the routes.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:19 am
by Ruined
Xanatos wrote:Personally, I'd recommend that nobody listen to any recommendations of route order. It's going to vary by person and just following someone else based on their experience isn't likely to do much for you. :P
Yeah, I agree of going at your own pace but sometimes listening to other people's experience does help, because my initial order made my gameplay less enjoyable then it should have been (guilty feelings, bias opinion on individual characters ect.)

Re: Dissussion about the order in which you play the routes.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:22 am
by Xanatos
Ruined wrote:
Xanatos wrote:Personally, I'd recommend that nobody listen to any recommendations of route order. It's going to vary by person and just following someone else based on their experience isn't likely to do much for you. :P
Yeah, I agree of going at your own pace but sometimes listening to other people's experience does help, because my initial order made my gameplay less enjoyable then it should have been (guilty feelings, bias opinion on individual characters ect.)
And getting advice on which routes are best to do first or last wouldn't create bias? :lol:

Re: My experience with Katawa Shouju

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:23 am
by OtakuNinja
Xanatos wrote:
NoddingDog wrote:I know I know, I was only planning on playing it through once just to see what it's like. It took me almost a week doing Lily's story and... I think I might be here a while. I'm thinking of doing Rin's storyline next, she caught my intrest in the first act too.

Anyway, ta for the replies X) I'll have a look around every now and then on here for forums :)

Rin's, eh? Heh. Enjoy.
It'll probably take months. :lol:

Re: Dissussion about the order in which you play the routes.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:57 am
by Oddball
Personally, I made a conscious effort not to join the forum or read any of the topics until I had gotten most of the endings.

Although on the flipside, joining way back before the original game was released might have helped me. In the demo, I kept trying to figure out how you got on that cute librarians path. :lol: That was back before her sprite change when she looked as young as most of the students.

Re: My experience with Katawa Shouju

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:49 am
by Yuyukoyay
I don't usually see a whole lot of the endings as really all that bad except for what I would call Kenchi's route XD. They would be classified as bad I think because Hiseo gets kicked out of the relationship but its not anything that bad or anything. Basically just saying that you really shouldn't get depressed playing the game as the only truly emotional output for this game is happiness. I cried for happy reasons far more than sad reasons.

Still its only advice, obviously your gonna react how your gonna react.

Re: Dissussion about the order in which you play the routes.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:06 pm
by Yuyukoyay
Super Mega Spoiler Alert xD

I wanted to do Rin's first cuz i thought she was adorable, but i ended up following emi's cuz the woman pacified me with her adorable smile! XD I think she's the best to start with just because I think her story can get pretty boring but it is also a good comedy route. It is the best route by far I believe to start with. If you do it later it can get boring because you would expect too much from the other great routes in the game. I didn't really plan it at all, I just kinda made decisions.

The second time I went for Lily cuz she was kind XD. I like girls who are more likely to not be a bitch afterall =3. But damn, that girl gets horny xD. Lily's story is one of the few stories of them all that actually gives me the feeling of being a disabled guy. Her route actually felt pretty limiting. Unlike Emi that turns Hiseo into a superstar through the odds that so much activity would prob kill anyone else with his condition XD.

I then debated whether i do Hanako or the closest route to Misha possible, and Misha won. Then after my long FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU after I found no Misha route, I settled at the conclusion that Shizune can be pretty cute in her own way. I like when she smiles and grabs her glasses, so cute xD. I think the reason her route isn't really as good as the others is simply because her route feels kinda distant from the school. You just kind of cater to Shizune's disability, which feels more annoying. Misha and Shizune are also really pushy and i kind of don't like the feeling of being forced into her route. Maybe if they played the game card a little more it would have felt more natural with less complaining from Hiseo.

Now wasn't really a hard choice, I remembered Rin and how interesting she initially was to me. Rin's is prob my favorite route because of her curiosity for your character. It's like they did something different than constantly being in pain like in Lily's route but also paid attention to Hiseo being sent to the school initially for having a illness. Rin feels like the most real char to me, but that's because she has a scary resemblance to me. A scene I liked with Rin was the awkward one where she randomly asks to hear your characters heart because that actually feels like something a girl would ask if she showed interest and curiosity in someone like Hiseo. Also kind of an awkward request worthy of Rin and pretty damn romantic xD.

Hanako's was last for no good reason other than being the only girl I didn't do yet. Hers again felt like a good route because it at least touched lightly on Hiseo's life change which by now I felt Emi and Shizune's route didn't do enough of.

I believed that Emi's wasn't convincing in how it was done, and kinda cast aside that your character was disabled at all. There were a few parts, but after a certain amount of time it led the impression that Hiseo actually could catch up to Emi running like a Maniac. It didn't feel believable and I don't think someone with Hiseo's condition to take 17 types of medication could have ever progressed to that state.

Shizune's totally ignored Hiseo being disabled completely, which might have made it better in my opinion. That is only because they don't do much of anything but sit around usually eating or playing board games. Sure they work, but Hiseo wasn't an idiot in this route and decided to actually pace himself. So my only complaint truly for that route is no misha route and it could have been eased in better.

Now that I re-covered them I can say why I found Hanako's route to be pretty amazing. Again it touches Hiseo belonging to the school he was sent to without being overly dramatic to the game. What I mean is I'm glad they only made Lily's route where Hiseo experienced pains in almost every damn scene XD. In Hanako's it was how he could use his illness as a crutch to better understand Hanako, since of all the girls she probably relates closest to Hiseo. Her emotional problems makes for a better contrast at this point than the physical barriers other chars have. She isn't really disabled at all at that point so it more fun to be doing her route last. Hers is vastly different than most routes but Emi's, so its a good route to be doing last or second to last.

I believed I got lucky to do my playthrough in that order. I didn't plan it but it is probably one of the best orders possible.
Just to clarify my order was Emi, Lily, Shizune, Rin, Hanako. I wish they added a Miki route, but if they made another game I think it would be cool of instead changing the chars; to keep the general story but from another guys perspective. This guy can see different girls that Hiseo doesn't come across. They prob will never but I think that'd be a cool idea xD.

The best Order i think is Emi, Shizune, Rin, Hanako, Lily. The best end is Lily because of the style the story was done in. Seems like the best route to end a game with.

Re: My experience with Katawa Shouju

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:58 pm
by Brisingr
NoddingDog wrote:I know I know, I was only planning on playing it through once just to see what it's like. It took me almost a week doing Lily's story and... I think I might be here a while. I'm thinking of doing Rin's storyline next, she caught my intrest in the first act too.

Anyway, ta for the replies X) I'll have a look around every now and then on here for forums :)
I hate to repeat myself from a different topic but...


Rin is waiting for you to reach her path so she can bend your perception of flexibility.

Re: Dissussion about the order in which you play the routes.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:09 pm
by Dream
Oddball wrote:Personally, I made a conscious effort not to join the forum or read any of the topics until I had gotten most of the endings.
You did well, i haven't even started Shizune's route and i already know a lot about her friendship with Misha, as well as how important some "comfort" thing seems to be in that route. I also unfortunately know a few thigns about Lilly's route.

Re: Dissussion about the order in which you play the routes.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:48 pm
by Xanatos
Dream wrote:
Oddball wrote:Personally, I made a conscious effort not to join the forum or read any of the topics until I had gotten most of the endings.
You did well, i haven't even started Shizune's route and i already know a lot about her friendship with Misha, as well as how important some "comfort" thing seems to be in that route. I also unfortunately know a few thigns about Lilly's route.
Yeah, I got some Lilly and Shizune stuff spoiled myself. The mark of a good story though is when the spoilers don't diminish anything. All still hit me like a ton of feels bricks. :lol:

@Oddball: Yuuko. Path. WANT.

Re: My experience with Katawa Shouju

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:03 pm
by Xanatos
Yuyukoyay wrote:the only truly emotional output for this game is happiness
Blatantly incorrect statement is blatantly incorrect. Open up any random thread and you'll find somebody who got less than happiness from it. :lol:

And they're classified as bad for a number of reasons:

Hanako: Completely breaks down into a fit of unbridled hatred, presumably cutting all ties with her only two "friends".

Lilly: Moves away, leaving behind all she knows and cares about to be with a family she barely knows.

Shizune: Devastates Misha and ruins any bond they had, leaving her alone.

Emi: Remains an emotionally damaged trauma case.

Rin: Persists in her self-destructive attempts, presumably ending in a suicide as heavily suggested in the route.

Kenji: Is likely charged with manslaughter or some lesser degree of murder.

Yeah, totally not that bad at all, except for the fact that it's all terrible. :? If all you got was "It's bad because Hisao doesn't get a girl" then you're playing it wrong.

Re: Dissussion about the order in which you play the routes.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:15 pm
by Enemy |
I played one route (Emi) then read the TVTropes page of KS, spoiling everything else. I still enjoyed Rin's route a lot, though (less so the others). Maybe it didn't have as many spoilers.

Re: Dissussion about the order in which you play the routes.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:53 pm
by Xanatos
Enemy | wrote:I played one route (Emi) then read the TVTropes page of KS, spoiling everything else. I still enjoyed Rin's route a lot, though (less so the others). Maybe it didn't have as many spoilers.
...Why would you do that? xD

Re: Dissussion about the order in which you play the routes.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:10 pm
by Enemy |
Bad decision, I know. Now I wait until I finish something to go read their page.

Re: Dissussion about the order in which you play the routes.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:16 pm
by Xanatos
Enemy | wrote:Bad decision, I know. Now I wait until I finish something to go read their page.
I love TVTropes. :lol: But I 100%'d it before reading the page.