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Re: Recommend a VN

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:18 pm
by Keyalha
Nobody in Particular wrote:Kira Kira apparently has fantastic writing in Japanese (I have seen it likened to Forest, Cross Channel and Symphonic Rain) but the Mangagamer translation didn't do it any justice.
Yeah altho i dont speak Japanese i felt it was somehow with how it got translated. Dont get me wrong the writing was good just not up to the perfection i have seen in KS. And i must say the whole Arc with Chi which i just finished was MILLION MILES better than the Sarina writing.

Also the Voicover even if i understand only a few little things is supreme and kira has a voice to die for ! :)
Nobody in Particular wrote:That still stands as the stupidest ending I have ever seen in a VN. Overdrive really fucked up with that one.
Agreed as said the Chie part was way more belivable and more tasteful in that regard.
Natrolite wrote:School days was an interesting one. It's fully animated and voiced and some of the endings are quite unique.
Havent heard about that one will check it out, thanks for mentioning.
Nobody in Particular wrote:It's tough to think of any since most VNs are either totally serious or completely inane and wacky. I would recommend ef - a fairy tale of the two or ef - the first tale if you go for the Mangagamer one, although that is only half of the VN. Da Capo seems to be pretty popular as well, or at least the second one is.
I still have the kira ending before me and i heard from serveral people that i should do hers at least twice now since there is a true ending which you only get when you do her and when you have unlocked her true ending. Its a bit sad that way since everyone was telling me to do her last so i might get bored before i reach it depending on the quality of her arc. Also i dont mind them beeing serious as long as its not that ueber pretended darkness thing. I cant put my finger on it for me its like i play a VN and within the first 15 minutes at max i either stop and never play it again or i go it and dont stop till i have seen all the game has to offer was the same with true love was the same with ks and now with kira kira which despite its flaws is a above par game in my book. I also still have kira kira curtain call in my backlog which got recommended to me with the word of warning that it might be a bit different then the initial game but i want to see how the band that bulky guy does in that part might end up beeing cause he gave me a good laugh in kira kira.

Edit: btw im doing some drafts atm for a kirakira and KS Crossover fanfic seems my writing comes back YAY!

Re: Recommend a VN

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:48 pm
by Nobody in Particular
Keyalha wrote:I still have the kira ending before me and i heard from serveral people that i should do hers at least twice now since there is a true ending which you only get when you do her and when you have unlocked her true ending. Its a bit sad that way since everyone was telling me to do her last so i might get bored before i reach it depending on the quality of her arc.
Yeah once you finish all three routes you unlock another route (Kirari's True Route) which is what leads into Kira Kira Curtain Call. I doubt you'll get bored, Kirari's Normal Route is considered by many to be the best in the game.

Kira Kira Curtain Call is pretty fun, but in comparison to the original Kira Kira it is lacking. There are two stages, and most people hate the protagonist in the first one, which focuses on a completely different storyline. Stage 2 has all the characters you know and love and you don't have to put up with the hot-blooded arsehole from the first stage as much. If you like Kira Kira then Deardrops may be worth checking out as well, it is also made by Overdrive and is set in the same universe.

Re: Recommend a VN

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:13 pm
by Mysterious Stranger
The Sarina arc from Kira Kira undoubtedly has the worst ending of any VN I've read thus far. It's made doubly awful by the fact that not only was she my favorite of the heroines, but her arc was exceptionally compelling up until that point.

It still makes me grind my teeth in frustration.

For whatever reason (probably because I finished Sarina's route first) the only arc that I felt somewhat satisfied with was Chie's. Though honestly, Kirari's normal route is probably the best overall (while I was playing through it I couldn't help but feel that it was being way too dramatic for its own good - also I didn't quite buy the parts with the ghosts/hallucinations). I didn't get much out of it, since for me it came right after the aberration that was and is Sarina's ending. Truthfully I feel the same towards Kira Kira as I do towards Star Wars, perhaps to a somewhat lesser degree - there are some parts I really love, and the rest I absolutely loathe.

Re: Recommend a VN

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:32 pm
by dunkelfalke
Dudes and dudettes, Never7 was finally released in English about three weeks ago - many thanks to all translators.
This VN is great! Not as outstanding as the other infinity series titles (Ever17, Remember11) but still absolutely awesome.

Re: Recommend a VN

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:15 pm
by Mysterious Stranger
dunkelfalke wrote:Dudes and dudettes, Never7 was finally released in English about three weeks ago - many thanks to all translators.
This VN is great! Not as outstanding as the other infinity series titles (Ever17, Remember11) but still absolutely awesome.
Regarding this series, is there one I should play first?

Re: Recommend a VN

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:27 am
by Nobody in Particular
Mysterious Stranger wrote: Regarding this series, is there one I should play first?
It seems to be generally recommended to play them in the order they were released. Never7 > Ever17 > Remember11. Never7 is apparently the worst of the lot by a long mile, and also has the worst artwork, hence why everyone says to play it first.

Re: Recommend a VN

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:11 pm
by Mader Levap
From recommendation here, I played "don't take it personally, babe, it just ain't your story". In nutshell, this is Foreshadowing: the (meta) game. Final reveal is not IMO very plausible, but disturbing nevertheless.

It is free, so you, yes, YOU have no excuse. Play it NAO... as you can guess, I liked it a bit.

Re: Recommend a VN

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:55 pm
by Genesis
Mader Levap wrote:From recommendation here, I played "don't take it personally, babe, it just ain't your story". In nutshell, this is Foreshadowing: the (meta) game. It is free, so you, yes, YOU have no excuse. Play it NAO.

As you can guess, I liked it a bit.
"don't take it personally, babe..." is okay. Most of the writing is "lol u mad bro" and other such troll lines which take a lot away from what could've been a decent VN.

Re: Recommend a VN

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:12 am
by Mysterious Stranger
Anyone know of any translation projects for Kamikaze Explorer?

I ask because I was just browsing through VN openings on YouTube and came across this, whereupon I recognized one of the heroines (the one dead-center at 3:19) as acewing905's avatar here on the forums. Pretty astounding memory, I guess.

Re: Recommend a VN

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:00 am
by acewing905
Mysterious Stranger wrote:Anyone know of any translation projects for Kamikaze Explorer?

I ask because I was just browsing through VN openings on YouTube and came across this, whereupon I recognized one of the heroines (the one dead-center at 3:19) as acewing905's avatar here on the forums. Pretty astounding memory, I guess.
There was an anon at /vn/ who started to translate it. However, no idea what happened to him, as he hasn't posted any progress for some time.

Re: Recommend a VN

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:50 am
by Mysterious Stranger
acewing905 wrote:There was an anon at /vn/ who started to translate it. However, no idea what happened to him, as he hasn't posted any progress for some time.
Shame. It actually looks pretty fun, if a little over-exploitative.

Re: Recommend a VN

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:55 am
by Nobody in Particular
acewing905 wrote:There was an anon at /vn/ who started to translate it. However, no idea what happened to him, as he hasn't posted any progress for some time.
I don't think he was ever actually planning to release it. He was just doing it to enhance his knowledge of Japanese or something. I think he's still around, he just doesn't do updates for it anymore.

Re: Recommend a VN

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:23 pm
by arsde
Played a lot of VNs and even though I think a lot of them are better than katawa shoujo, none of them gave me the feels like katawa shoujo did. I find that pretty strange and sad because I liked the daydreaming period of 1 week. :P

Just finished all 3 galaxy angels game and they were pretty decent and I really loved the Vanilla character. If you want to fill your VN playlist then you might give it a try.

Re: Recommend a VN

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:02 am
by Nobody in Particular
arsde wrote:Played a lot of VNs and even though I think a lot of them are better than katawa shoujo, none of them gave me the feels like katawa shoujo did. I find that pretty strange and sad because I liked the daydreaming period of 1 week. :P
I don't think it is strange at all. Katawa Shoujo is generally played as a introduction to the VN medium, so of course that is going to hit harder than the others since you haven't experienced it before. I'm sure if I played something like the Muv-Luv trilogy first it would have the same effect as Katawa Shoujo. Hell, even Yume Miru Kusuri (my third VN) was an emotional rollercoaster when I first played it, and honestly that is one of the worst ones I have played.

Re: Recommend a VN

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 5:38 am
by Flutterz
After playing Katawa Shoujo, which was my first VN, I decided that I wanted to try other VNs. The fact that I have an EEE PC really helps, since it means that I can read my VN pretty much anywhere, anytime(as long as there isn't an H-Scene while someone can look in my screen :oops:), so I've gone through quite a few since then, and luckily all of them were pretty good. Oh, and all of these have most likely been mentioned in this thread, but whatever.

Cross Channel - The first one I tried after KS, and despite it going slowing at the beginning, due in no small part to the pretty unrelatable protagonist, it really starts to get interesting a few hours in, and I couldn't put it down near the end. Can't say much of the plot because it would all be spoilerrific.

Ever17 - The next one I tried, a story about a group of kids and young adults getting stuck in an underwater theme park. Very well written, draws you in from the very beginning, and just when you think you have it figured out, you're proven oh so very wrong.

Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo - Very interesting idea of a world where criminals atone for their crimes by showing that they are at the point where they will no longer commit them. Well-written characters, I especially like the protagonist, the one downside is that there is only 1 path, which is very slightly altered depending on which girl you pick.

Clannad - Unlike pretty much all the other VNs I've tried, for the most part it takes place in a rather standard high school setting, somewhat like KS. And although it may not have a crazy awesome twist like some of the other VNs, it has a very heartwarming story about the importance of family and is ridiculously long, in a good way, as a result of there being 8-ish main paths, a few additional hidden ones and all of them tell completely different stories and pretty much overlap only at the very beginning, when you make the choices that lead you to one path or another.

G-Senjou no Maou - Although this one didn't keep me glued to the screen as much as the others, it still has an interesting plot about a Devil appearing in town, and has what is probably the most unexpected twist in the VNs I've read.

Saya no Uta - Oh boy. This is the story of a medical student whose senses have been warped as a result of brain surgery to save his life, resulting him in seeing and experiencing everything around him as though it were made out of blood, guts and gore. But at one point he meets a beautiful girl, Saya, who appears normal to him. The story follows the 2 and how the protagonist comes to terms with his condition. Be warned though, it is MUCH darker than you might expect, so be prepared.

Currently reading Fate/Stay Night, might come back here to recommend it once I'm done, as I am currently very much enjoying it.