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Re: Ask!

Post by Brogurt »

Nicol Armarfi wrote:multiple H-scene tracks
oh gawd
Are they like 80's porno background music or what?
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Re: Ask!

Post by Suriko »

Rykthrall wrote:This is related to the creation of a secondary VN inspired by KS:

If we were to put Katawa in the title, would you take us to court?
Unlikely. We'd just politely ask that you don't. Maybe guilt trip you a bit (a lot). If we did stick our lawyer onto you, you might not survive.


But seriously, it is a pretty fundamental aspect of copyright that titles are considered IP, for very obvious reasons. If you have the resources to make a game, make a cool new story.
Guest wrote:You guy's have mentioned that you talked a lot during development. Where did more discussion take place, the Dev Fourm, IRC, or Email?
IRC, by a very large margin. The forums were more or less where 'static' information was kept (like character bios, visual designs, CGs, scenes, etc). It ended up largely superseeded though by a combination of developers adding stuff directly to the SVN copy of the game, and the Trac ticketing system Delta set up later in development for the project. Email was almost never used.

IRC is probably best thought of as our office, and the SVN copy as the factory floor.
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Re: Ask!

Post by Suriko »

Guest wrote:Kenji in Lilly's and Shizune's path has that one moment where he seems sensible, like when he worries about Hisao when Hisao is depressed, or pushes Hisao to write back to Iwanako. Is there a specific reason the writers for these paths chose to relieve him of his comic relief role for those scenes, and did the other writers decide to downplay his role in their routes?
Different writers just used him in different ways, including some minimising his role. None of us really felt obligated to use any specific characters; we just wrote them in where it made sense to us (and where other developers also thought the same, remembering that basically all of the writing in KS was looked at and commented on by many other developers). Some paths used more (like Lilly and Hanako paths), others used fewer (like Rin path).

Throughout development, there were more or less two schools of thought when it came to Kenji: those who thought he should remain solely as a gag character, and those who wanted to portay him in a slightly more fleshed-out, grounded fashion. In the end, a balance was struck, and different routes differ slightly on exactly how fantastic versus realistic his character is.
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Re: Ask!

Post by darkmelee »

how do you guys feel when people claim that parts of the game should have been certain ways, by way of writing/choices or art?

because sometimes, i feel like some people get way too offensive about their own opinions, to the point of arguing wholeheartedly about the smallest detail for little to no gain even if they 'win'.

since this is your project and not theirs, how do you deal with someone questioning your merits on a fundamental level, and not just accepting it as it is?

i understand critique, but the phrase 'what it could have done with person A/plot-point B' gets tossed around a lot. do you think that maybe people had their own ideas about what was going to happen and were disappointed it didn't end up a picturesque copy of their expectations?

i realize i've sorta asked several things, related or not.
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Re: Ask!

Post by Irandrura »

I ran a search on this first; I apologise if it's come up before. There seem to have been some speculations in the past but no unambiguous answers. I also apologise if there are board rules against religious topics or questions; I had a quick look and didn't see any.

We've seen that Lilly wears a cross, and she mentioned formerly attending a Catholic school. She also mentioned that Akira found the religious aspect stifling, but didn't comment at all on her own views. (Does that imply that she was comfortable with the religious aspect, or simply unbothered by it?) While it seems clear that Lilly does not blindly(!) follow all Catholic dogma (for instance, using contraception), is she Catholic personally, or broadly Christian even if she doesn't identify as Catholic?

I understand if this is the sort of question that you might not want to answer, and that's fine. I was just curious if any thought went into the topic when her route was being written.
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Re: Ask!

Post by Pimmy »

GG Crono wrote:This isn't a question, just something I want to say, and this seems as good a place as any to say it.

Thank you for Katawa Shoujo. All of you. Quite some time ago, a friend of mine mentioned this offhand to me, and told me about a visual novel whose premise sounded like the setup for an exceedingly distasteful joke. And here and now, the punchline to that joke is one of the best stories (or should I say five of the best stories?) I've ever had the pleasure to read. This product really feels like the labor of love that it is. And thank you very much for sharing it with us all.
Lmao you butt, were you the one that was like SORRY IM NOT INTO THAT FETISH stuff when I was trying to explain the game to you? I remember someone did that haha.
Guest wrote:This is a question for the artists, but it doesn't particularly pertain to the game. I was playing Rin's route, and although it resonated with me the least of the routes, it did make me realize that ever since a kid I wanted to draw.
How did you artists for Katawa Shoujo first start drawing, and was it derivative of anime or was it a more "formal" education style of learning art, and what tips would you give to a person who wants to start?
I always drew since as long as I can remember, and aspired to be a cartoonist as a kid. I started to get serious in high school though, when I had classmates who were better than me. I started deriving from anime a lot at that point, but I don't consider that a bad thing, wanting to draw anime gave me the courage and drive to start drawing the human body. As for tips, just draw like every day and try to fix what you did wrong the last time you drew, even if you're just doodling. Don't be afraid to use references ever.
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Re: Ask!

Post by Suriko »

Irandrura wrote:I ran a search on this first; I apologise if it's come up before. There seem to have been some speculations in the past but no unambiguous answers. I also apologise if there are board rules against religious topics or questions; I had a quick look and didn't see any.

We've seen that Lilly wears a cross, and she mentioned formerly attending a Catholic school. She also mentioned that Akira found the religious aspect stifling, but didn't comment at all on her own views. (Does that imply that she was comfortable with the religious aspect, or simply unbothered by it?) While it seems clear that Lilly does not blindly(!) follow all Catholic dogma (for instance, using contraception), is she Catholic personally, or broadly Christian even if she doesn't identify as Catholic?

I understand if this is the sort of question that you might not want to answer, and that's fine. I was just curious if any thought went into the topic when her route was being written.
Lilly identifies as Catholic, despite not agreeing with every aspect (as you mention, contraception being one).
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Re: Ask!

Post by Aura »

Fronzel wrote:I've only played a handful of VNs but the things that KS does with its sprites (moving them on screen to indicate actions described in the narration, displaying at different sizes to reflect character's distance from Hisao) are quite new to me. Was this an original idea?
It's not unique at all, many VNs do something like that.
<Aura> would you squeeze a warm PVC bottle between your thighs and call it "manaka-chan"
<Suriko> I would do it if it wouldn't be so hard to explain to my parents
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Re: Ask!

Post by Aura »

rusticarmor wrote:I haven't seen any of the character sprites below the knee, is there anything below that point or just cut off there to same time?
Also on that train of thought, seeing how the sprites have so many facial features is it possible that they sort of work like paper dolls? That there is a base maiden with no features? just a loosely shaded blank slate of a face?

If I'm at all on the right track can you release at least one of the sprites faceless and legless (dont pull an emi joke you now what I mean)? If not I'd love to now how you did do it
Some of the sprites were drawn all the way, most not. And yeah the different expressions were obviously just layer work on drawing program, but the game itself uses a full image for each expression. As usual, we won't release any game assets.
<Aura> would you squeeze a warm PVC bottle between your thighs and call it "manaka-chan"
<Suriko> I would do it if it wouldn't be so hard to explain to my parents
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Re: Ask!

Post by Aura »

Quitch wrote:2. Also, the anon who originally posted the art back in 2007 and started all this (well, triggered the real push to make it happen), who was that? Were they ever involved with the project or did their involvement end with that 4chan thread?

3. Did you consider including an explanation of the Japanese school year, or was it considered unimportant?

2. We don't know, and the translation and colouring of the page happened well before the 4chan sticky, possibly years before, so the person who did that wasn't involved even then.

3. No, it wasn't important.
<Aura> would you squeeze a warm PVC bottle between your thighs and call it "manaka-chan"
<Suriko> I would do it if it wouldn't be so hard to explain to my parents
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Re: Ask!

Post by Aura »

darkmelee wrote:how do you guys feel when people claim that parts of the game should have been certain ways, by way of writing/choices or art?

because sometimes, i feel like some people get way too offensive about their own opinions, to the point of arguing wholeheartedly about the smallest detail for little to no gain even if they 'win'.

since this is your project and not theirs, how do you deal with someone questioning your merits on a fundamental level, and not just accepting it as it is?

i understand critique, but the phrase 'what it could have done with person A/plot-point B' gets tossed around a lot. do you think that maybe people had their own ideas about what was going to happen and were disappointed it didn't end up a picturesque copy of their expectations?

i realize i've sorta asked several things, related or not.
Eh, I have even less of a problem with something like that than critique. And I have no problem with getting critique. Everyone is entitled to thoughts and opinions of their own.
<Aura> would you squeeze a warm PVC bottle between your thighs and call it "manaka-chan"
<Suriko> I would do it if it wouldn't be so hard to explain to my parents

Re: Ask!

Post by Guest »

1. Is there an in-game explanation of why there's a stand selling beer at the Yamaku school festival?
2. Was Iwanako's letter actually a photo of a handwritten letter, or just a handwriting-like font? If the former, who wrote it?
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Re: Ask!

Post by Nicol Armarfi »

Talifan9 wrote:Is there any estimation for that OST release by the way? (Know it is a fairly new idea, just wondering)
Not at this time, sorry :(!
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Re: Ask!

Post by Deltamon »

After couple references and some pictures.. I kind of got curious, how much is Hanako related to Hanako-san, the japanese folklore similar to the Bloody Mary?
Hanako = Shizune = Rin = Lilly = Emi
I just don't like categorizing people. Even if Hanako will always be the dearest for me, I still prefer if they all get equal share of love.
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Re: Ask!

Post by rrc2soft »

Hi Devs!

First, I have said it in other places, but I'll just repeat it here: The game truly rocks, at many levels (as a game, as a source of inspiration, as a story...). Thanks! :D

Now, a (very egoistic) question for all the writers. What resources have you used to learn how to write / create stories? Your tools of the trade :wink:

Storytelling has always attracted me since I was young (I literally devour anything related to it), although my own limitations made me convince myself that I couldn't do it (despite some very small attempts like computer game levels that people really liked). But recent events and Katawa Shoujo have inspired me to finally understand my inner voice on how to face the creative process, thus I am ready to pursue the "path of the writer". And from this and other threads I see some of you started with no experience on this matter. So, what resources (books, websites, etc) did you use to help you learn the deep intricacies of writing and storytelling? BTW I know that Rome wasn't built in two days :wink: and I need to practice-practice-practice in order to get my ideas out. But if those resources connect with me and can become a road to get my inner voice out, it'll be nice :D .
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