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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:12 pm
by dunkelfalke
ArazelEternal wrote:Already its helping me feel a little better, because I am actually doing something for myself now. After another couple weeks of good, brisk walks I plan on stepping it up to a light jog.
Welcome, dude. That's the spirit!

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:27 pm
by dunkelfalke
gRaViJa wrote:Always listen to you body :)
That's almost the motto of Polar, the finnish company that made my heart rate monitor and my bike computer :mrgreen:
The thing is, getting fit is addictive. Three years ago I could barely walk, a few kilos more and I'd landed in a wheelchair. And now... well, the last time I weighed as "little" as now was when I was 23 and I am way fitter now than back then. In fact, today I managed to put on my old jeans that sat in the locker for eight years. It fits better than back then around the arse, but the belly is, of course, larger now (too much skin and visceral fat is the hardest to lose).

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:50 pm
by NoOne3
completesky wrote:What music does everyone listen to when running? I'm sick of Touhou and want something new.
"Angry Birds" covered by Pomplamoose is roughly 1 min. long.

My 1.5 min is more regional, still it has hilarious video on Youtube, it's "Jozin z bazin" by Ivan Mladek and his Banjo Band.

"Ride of the Valkiries" by Richard Wagner helped me much with my first crysis of continuous 3 min run. Link is for 5 min version, I guess the shorter one was used in "Apocalypse now", so this would be it.

I needed another support while running 5 min. runs, so I turned for some Powermetal (I'm not really a fan, but like some headbanging from time to time. But it's native to me, so I don't expect enyone would like it very much: "Metalowa Husarya" by Sorcerer. It really made my heart pumping, disregarding a historically nonsense lyrics.

And expecting I wouldn't find anything more uplifting for 8min. I decided to opt for peaceful, quality music, with a more supportive finale: "Stairway to heaven" of course by Led Zeppelin.

After that I plan to use few songs together, I've got some Pink Floyd ready for week 5 day 3.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:08 pm
by dunkelfalke
NoOne3 wrote:"Jozin z bazin"
Hahahahaha I even know that one, but I thought it was czech.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:59 pm
by Kilo
I came back from my second day on week 4 (I found a track in granny's town :lol: ), and I am tired a lot just like yesterday. Also, I've seen 2 people today get seriously injured because of excessive exercise; I don't believe in that kind of stuff, but maybe it's a signal?
For all I know, tomorrow I will rest. From what I've seen from now, I'm needing to rest one time per week. I did it last week and I am encouraged to rest tomorrow too, and no one commented on me overexerting myself IRL (Maybe I exaggerate it here on the internet, and I'm not that tired if no one noticed), so if I'm in the mood I'll run tomorrow. It's probably just my sleep that got screwed up these last two days, and it's always easier on the third day of repeating the same exercise, right?

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:03 am
by completesky
NoOne3 wrote:My 1.5 min is more regional, still it has hilarious video on Youtube, it's "Jozin z bazin" by Ivan Mladek and his Banjo Band.
Hahaha oh wow. I asked for some running music and received a soundtrack for life.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:59 am
by NoOne3
dunkelfalke wrote:
NoOne3 wrote:"Jozin z bazin"
Hahahahaha I even know that one, but I thought it was czech.
Well, it is. Still it have lot of fans here in Poland, and became kind of a cult song for a while, and words of the story are simple enough to be at least 50% comprehensive for Poles right away (the same language group).
Plus my father play some guitar (as an amateur), and has some czech songs in his repertoire, Jozin included. Still we both don't know the language, outside those songs we learned.

As for your parts, I regret Rammstein's "Engel" is too long for 3 min, and bit too short for 5min, so it didn't make into my set.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:44 pm
by dunkelfalke
Yep, I understand that song quite well, too, being born in the USSR.

BTW I cannot imagine how you can run listening to Pink Floyd. I mean, it is my favourite band, but their songs are far too calm for such activities. Well, except for "one of these days", maybe.
But maybe something by Riverside, if we are talking about prog rock? It is an amazing Polish band.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:03 pm
by Althamus

Only if i had a running partner..... Q_Q
We are your running partners ^_^

I am really helped by being able to talk about my results here with you guys, being able to talk about things that went wrong, things that went right. It's not a running partner, but I can post-mortem it with you, which is definitely the next best thing ^_^

For music, I'm listening to the soundtrack to The Legend of Black Heaven quite a bit atm, as well as the soundtrack to Princess Mononoko when I walk. I listen to Remember the Name - Fort Minor when I'm doing pushups.

Also guys, don't forget to take in energy. If you're burning small amounts over a long period of time, you can 'get away' with lower calorie intake, because your body can compensate and burn fat to give you energy. I get it, it works. But speaking from personal experience, if you don't eat enough and are doing short, high-burn activities, depending on person, age, fitness etc etc etc, your body will struggle to burn fat fast enough to supply you with energy and you'll get dizzy etc etc. This is really not good for you, and I know when I get to this stage, I have a 80% chance of catching a cold or something within a day or two, as my immune system plummets (not enough energy to keep me doing the necessary things and power my immune system). If you're doing proper runs or sprints, make sure you watch your energy levels, seriously.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:17 pm
by NoOne3
dunkelfalke wrote:BTW I cannot imagine how you can run listening to Pink Floyd. I mean, it is my favourite band, but their songs are far too calm for such activities.
For shorter runs I found I could be kept running by sheer amount of uprising decibels pumping through my ears... It cease to work for periods longer than 5 minutes though. So if I can't be kept in move this way, it is easier to me to find some slow inside pace, and concentrate on keeping it. This way music serves only as a time measurement, and can't be too distracting. It only helps a little to have some "umpf" at the end.
dunkelfalke wrote:But maybe something by Riverside, if we are talking about prog rock?
Never heard of 'em. I might look at them in a free moment, but I'm a little set in my ways. I mostly keep to the oldies.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:36 pm
by Walrusfella
Alright, couch to 5k with Emi, day one, week one. Off to the track now; saints preserve me. :)

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:03 pm
by Kilo
I skipped today after seeing 2 more people getting seriously injured. I mean, 1 is nothing, 2 is probably a coincidence, 3 is scary, but what does 4 mean?
I don't know, but today I'll stay home. It's already 8 PM in my country, I just finished dinner and there is a hard test tomorrow.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:06 pm
by Walrusfella
That went pretty well! I suppose I'll have to do the rest of it now. Not one step back.

Only if i had a running partner..... Q_Q
One Hanako fan to another - go have a bash at the first day. I did it just now and felt pretty good afterwards.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:09 am
by Althamus
Walrusfella wrote:That went pretty well! I suppose I'll have to do the rest of it now. Not one step back.
Nice work :D As Emi says, first week is the hardest :P After that it gets easier ^_^

I'm repeating my W1 this week, as last week I felt that I was really struggling to finish the sets, and fell short by only a couple of pushups on some of the sets, but figured that falling short is falling short, and rather than push on to harder exercises before I was really OK with previous ones, I figured better to make sure, y'know?

But yea... It's kinda noticable how much I'm improving. First week I tried, I failed. I couldn't get through the sets at all, and Wednesday and Friday I was progressively reducing pushups per set to grantically try and let myself complete it. End of that week I'd found something I was comfortable doing, and worked my way up from there. Second week (last week) I started on the Week 1 proper (apologies for the confusing terms xD) and completed it... with difficulty. And falling short on a couple of sets, but getting kinda 23/25, so I figured it was mostly close enough.
This week, I'm repeating Week 1 again and... it's only Monday, but I've flown through the sets so far. My arms are sore, but I've done all the pushups in each set without pause or problem. I'd say comparing my performance now to 3 weeks ago, it's a massive improvement :D
14/18/14/14/20+, and I did 14/18/14/14/23 :D

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:31 pm
by Kilo
I really like this feeling of... evolution.
2 weeks ago I felt like a wreck who couldn't do anything right. I had everything spoonfed to me, and I just carried on with life without doing anything useful. I think I lacked passion for things; I didn't love to do anything. Every sport, every activity, every single hobby I had... I gave up. On my first day with running, I thought I would give up on it too, with time. But time has passed and not a single thought about it on my mind.
I can't express my gratitude to the makers of this game and to the awesome people in this forum.
I am currently planning on joining a local track team (Turns out there was one after all, I just had to look for it).
Thank you guys for all this help. I mean it.

P.S. Yesterday's rest worked like a charm. Today was really smooth, I ain't feeling any pains or whatever. Ready for week 5!