What scene made you "cry" the most

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Re: What scene made you "cry" the most

Post by ogorhan »

Bluegaze wrote:I have had my eyes full of tears for a big part of Lilly's route, When she confessed to Hisao I had wet eyes already, and then when she told him she would be leaving I cried for real, until the very end, the most in the moment Hisao ran after her to the airport. That route is honestly a real masterpiece and even though I enjoyed it a lot, I was sad after playing it, realizing that such thing will never ever happen to me irl.
Haven't really cried at either Emi's or Shizune's path (got a bit sad during the bad ending of Shizune) and I haven't tried Hanako or Rin yet.
Imo the saddest route's for me is Hanako's in terms of emotions, drama, etc. There is also Rin's for some of the others for her neutral ending(?) but I didnt really connect to her that much so cant comment on that.

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Re: What scene made you "cry" the most

Post by Munchenhausen »

Lilly's corn/wheat field scene is engraved in my head and the fucking sweetest scene I have ever witnessed.

Good lord, it was really fucking nice.
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Re: What scene made you "cry" the most

Post by Bluegaze »

Munchenhausen wrote:Lilly's corn/wheat field scene is engraved in my head and the fucking sweetest scene I have ever witnessed.

Good lord, it was really fucking nice.
Indeed it was, I love it but it haven't made me cry like her leaving and Hisao running after her though. Just different moods, but it's great nevertheless.

I just played through the Rin route and well, it is very moving and sad, especially in the one ending they walk in the rain and Rin tells Hisao about her leaving for the art school, but It didn't make me feel like Lilly's leaving and such, maybe because I didn't like Rin as much as I liked Lilly.. Still I guess it can make you cry easily. Great job of the writers.
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Re: What scene made you "cry" the most

Post by alkante »

yeah Lilly's scene in the fieldor when Hisao is running at the airport made me tears up especially the second one i was so fucking scared it would be the end

Emi's ending joy tears was the first one i finished also that maybe related

When Misha tell her's story with THAT ********************************************************* of Shizune on the roof and was so fucking sad i cried for like half an hour just looking at the scene and i bet i would cry again if i watch now

some tear of rage with the bad shizune ending fuck you don't drop people like that fuck first bad ending also so maybe related
completion order Emi-Shizune-Hannako-Lilly-Rin
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Re: What scene made you "cry" the most

Post by KSPuff »

Bluegaze wrote:I have had my eyes full of tears for a big part of Lilly's route, When she confessed to Hisao I had wet eyes already, and then when she told him she would be leaving I cried for real, until the very end, the most in the moment Hisao ran after her to the airport. That route is honestly a real masterpiece and even though I enjoyed it a lot, I was sad after playing it, realizing that such thing will never ever happen to me irl.
I have to completely agree with you. I had the same reaction. I had to stop for a whileafter the goodbyes.

Honestly, I think I cried a bit on every route but Shizune's. Hanako's was more out of fear from when she finally snaps at Hisao in the bad ending Felt like she just punched me in the heart.
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Re: What scene made you "cry" the most

Post by Serviam »

There are two scenes:

1. Lilly's good end, especially when Lils starts to break down.
2. Hanako's good end, just as the two confess their feelings for each other.
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In order of completion: Lilly > Hanako > Rin > Emi > Shizune
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Re: What scene made you "cry" the most

Post by BMFJack »

I'm pretty sure the only scene that actually made me cry irl was for a bit during Lilly's route when she tells Hisao that she plans on moving to Scotland The hints dropped before-hand made me suspicious that something was up, but I didn't know what so I didn't worry about it. Then the reveal hit me like a ton of bricks.

Didn't cry for anyone else's route, although I got so pissed during Emi's route that I actually saved and quit immediately.

On an unrelated note, the piece of fiction that has made me cry the hardest was during Steins;Gate. I shed manly tears of manliness for about 45 minutes throughout a specific arc.
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Re: What scene made you "cry" the most

Post by Kochi »

It's been almost two years since I finished reading KS, and for what I recall, I don't remember crying at all. In fact, for the most part, the VN for me was like a flat road with the occasional feels bump. I do remember a friend calling me a cold bastard after I told him.

I should re-read, but I have little time these days, and I can't really afford to lose emotional balance during my uni finals. Perhaps after I'm done with those, I could give it another shot.
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Re: What scene made you "cry" the most

Post by Charmant »

Kochi wrote:In fact, for the most part, the VN for me was like a flat road with the occasional feels bump.
Sounds like the typical experience. Anyone who says they were constantly feeling stuff throughout is lying. I mean, half the scenes are Hisao wandering the halls. :lol:
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Re: What scene made you "cry" the most

Post by Kochi »

Charmant wrote:
Kochi wrote:In fact, for the most part, the VN for me was like a flat road with the occasional feels bump.
Sounds like the typical experience. Anyone who says they were constantly feeling stuff throughout is lying. I mean, half the scenes are Hisao wandering the halls. :lol:
Yeah. But then again, I've never been an emotional person. My flood gates have been sealed for years.

And as for the VN, I kinda see why people get the feels for it, though. It has quite heart wrenching moments. They just didn't seem to move me as much.
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Re: What scene made you "cry" the most

Post by Broomhead »

Kochi wrote: Yeah. But then again, I've never been an emotional person. My flood gates have been sealed for years.

And as for the VN, I kinda see why people get the feels for it, though. It has quite heart wrenching moments. They just didn't seem to move me as much.
I find KS to be an interesting litmus test of how screwed up someone's life has been. A friend of mine had some minor "road bumps" in terms of feels with the game. The other just went really quiet and locked himself in his room after Hanako route, then came out an hour or two later and wouldn't talk about it. (A third made so much fun of the game until I kicked him off.)

For me, I'm a cold-heart SOB and I know it. Heck, I find the Hunger Games to be a mediocre book. I think a lot of people like it because it poses interesting questions about their morality. I had most of my opinions about killing others set going into it. (rough middle school) That said, KS pulled up a lot of emotional embers for me.

I think that's why it's a hit-and-miss novel, really (KS). You have to have those emotions already. And, perhaps, a certain capability to be pushed over the edge by the right actions. Of course, I felt next to nothing on Shizune's route aside from the occasional tear for Misha.
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Re: What scene made you "cry" the most

Post by brythain »

Broomhead wrote:I find KS to be an interesting litmus test of how screwed up someone's life has been how large a person's emotional capacity is.
There, fixed it for you. :)

But seriously, I think it also measures capacity for empathy. Humans get involved with characters and their fates not necessarily because of sympathy (having been there before and thus having a fellow-feeling). Sometimes it's because of empathy (not having been there before and yet being able to project 'into the other person's shoes'). The two are not the same. People with stronger imaginations, especially those able to form fairly complete images/imaginings of other people (real or imaginary) tend to respond more easily to things like KS.

The fact is that we evaluate the world of humanity around us by forming imaginary constructs in our heads about other people. Some have theorised that the need to do so has driven brain-size development to cope with complex social environments. It doesn't mean emotional people are smarter; it means that we all have a large capacity for thinking about other people.

Personally, the nature of the scene that has made someone cry (or at least express discernible emotion in that direction), and the reason(s) for that response, are the most interesting thing to me about this thread:
  • I myself have felt pretty upset in at least one of Rin's endings, because it's as if all hope is lost and she is in utmost despair (literally, 'desperate' comes from the Latin for 'without hope').
  • I feel a bit of that in Shizune's neutral/bad ending too, because she has tried (by her own awkward lights) to do her best and thinks she has totally failed.
  • My initial response to Lilly was that it was a sad plot (neutral end) but not very character-driven; it took me more time to understand Lilly than to understand the rest, because she conceals the most—she has the most powerful sense of humour, the most womanly sensibilities, but she tries to hide it. I wasn't able to see Lilly as a real person for some time.
  • The same was true for Emi, but for different reasons. She conceals stuff in a different way and she has a poor sense of humour, so it all comes across as a thin veneer.
  • I felt quite a bit for Hanako, despite not having been bullied that much when young, nor being visibly physically deformed in a society-shuns-you way; she's not socially undesirable—most people will be kind to her in class, but she has shut them all away except for Lilly, and later perhaps Hisao. It's telling that when she opens up, she very quickly is on good terms with the Newspaper Club people. Nobody hates or shuns her at Yamaku, really; she only has herself to blame for not having much social support, and that's very sad.
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
Main Index (Complete)Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
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Re: What scene made you "cry" the most

Post by Broomhead »

brythain wrote:
Broomhead wrote:I find KS to be an interesting litmus test of how screwed up someone's life has been how large a person's emotional capacity is.
There, fixed it for you. :)
You bring up a fair point.

My friend, (the one who had "road bumps") has been clinically paranoid (by most definitions) since middle school, but he also isn't very empathetic. (Heck, I personally think he is a clinical psychopath. Not in a violent way, just dulled reactions and culturally incorrect emotional reactions to certain stimulus.)

The door-locker is rather close to my level of empathy in sympathy. He is highly sympathetic, and thus is not only dangerously trusting, but also often deceived. (Our relationship practically began with me saving his ass and saying "told you so.") He had a reaction to only one route, then burnt himself out on the second and didn't finish the other three.

The one I kicked off would've ended up on Emi route had I not ended his experience early. He is about two years older than me, and is very intelligent, however, he does not have any remote amount of sympathy, and has a hard time with empathy as well. Perhaps it was foolish of me to think he could handle the game, though, he was our boyscout troop's clown.

I can understand people very quickly through conversation, and have the Ender's Game mindset, and am considered an Empath. (The word is used for a variety of things, some of which I believe in, some of which I don't.) When I played the routes for each girl, although I had my preferences, I had similar emotional reactions for each.

I think, then, sympathy is an easier route, perhaps a bit more specific to a certain girl, although empathy is more key to getting the most out of KS. (although, I think having a screwed up life gives you a chance to develop high levels of both.)
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Re: What scene made you "cry" the most

Post by ZetaFunction »

Hi, my first post here.

It must be in Lilly's path. When Lilly confesses in Shanghai that she's going to leave and that she and Hisao could try long-range relationship, that was the closest I come to crying. At first, I got the neutral end, so the sadness was complete.

When the other girls broke up or had a problem with Hisao, I was more angry/frustrated than sad - not to the girls every time, but to Hisao. Partly because I don't always agree with Hisao and that he occasionally overthinks things. It is however impressive when he thinks a 200 word thought in 0.5 seconds real time. I wasn't angry to Hanako at any point, but to Hisao. I came very close to crying in Hanako's end, though.
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Re: What scene made you "cry" the most

Post by Ibinsned »


I probably cried the most at the end of Emi's route, when she shows Hisao her father's grave. I mean, I cried in Hanako's and Lilly's route like all you guys did, but for some reason, Emi's route as a whole really touched me. It wasn't that way the first time around, when Lilly's scene at the field hit me the hardest. This time, it was Emi's route. I dunno, I think Emi's route deserves more appreciation for how good it is.

Although, I cried a bit while laughing my ass off in Shizune's route. You know.
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