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Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:36 pm
by Flarezium
RandomPerson wrote:
AaronIsCrunchy wrote:
Munchenhausen wrote: That's it.
Everyone wants Taro's dick. It's official.
Would be a shame if it was a certain limb that was paralyzed though...
Come to think of it... What is his disability. And munch now that I think about it makes more sense but sines she's not fat I'm guessing it's type 1 diabetes and I'm not sure what that entails either
Type 2 I believe.

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:38 pm
by AaronIsCrunchy
How about pairing the blind kid in the art class with Rin? She does display a certain admiration for him, and I reckon they could spend many happy hours expressing their feelings for each other through drawing.
That said, somebody who enjoys staring at the world as much as Rin does may find someone who can't see it at all as frustrating. Or MAYBE she'll view it as a truly new perspective?

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:38 pm
by RandomPerson
Well this has made my head spin a little, it's like my thought are becoming... Implausible

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:39 pm
by Munchenhausen
AaronIsCrunchy wrote:
Munchenhausen wrote: That's it.
Everyone wants Taro's dick. It's official.
Would be a shame if it was a certain limb that was paralyzed though...
If he doesn't use that as a chatup line, he's missing out.
"Hey baby, I have monoplegia in my right arm and therefore I can't wank. Can you do it for me? ;)"
RandomPerson wrote: Come to think of it... What is his disability. And munch now that I think about it makes more sense but sines she's not fat I'm guessing it's type 1 diabetes and I'm not sure what that entails either
According to the 3-3 class shot, he has Monoplegia (paralysis of one limb), but it isn't specified where.
Flarezium wrote: Harem route.

All the girls and Taro's Dick.
You say that like Taro's dick is a character in its own right...
Give it a route.

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:40 pm
by RandomPerson
Munchenhausen wrote:
AaronIsCrunchy wrote:
Munchenhausen wrote: That's it.
Everyone wants Taro's dick. It's official.
Would be a shame if it was a certain limb that was paralyzed though...
If he doesn't use that as a chatup line, he's missing out.
"Hey baby, I have monoplegia in my right arm and therefore I can't wank. Can you do it for me? ;)"
RandomPerson wrote: Come to think of it... What is his disability. And munch now that I think about it makes more sense but sines she's not fat I'm guessing it's type 1 diabetes and I'm not sure what that entails either
According to the 3-3 class shot, he has Monoplegia (paralysis of one limb), but it isn't specified where.
Flarezium wrote: Harem route.

All the girls and Taro's Dick.
You say that like Taro's dick is a character in its own right...
Give it a route.

Can I change teams to team Taros dick?

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:41 pm
by AaronIsCrunchy
Munchenhausen wrote:
AaronIsCrunchy wrote:
Munchenhausen wrote: That's it.
Everyone wants Taro's dick. It's official.
Would be a shame if it was a certain limb that was paralyzed though...
If he doesn't use that as a chatup line, he's missing out.
"Hey baby, I have monoplegia in my right arm and therefore I can't wank. Can you do it for me? ;)"
He has a left arm I think? xD Either that or he's scared of using it in case his sheer powerful godliness rips it off.

And that, dear children, is why Taro's dick is a separate entity.

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:43 pm
by bhtooefr
Taro is a member of King Missile?

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:44 pm
by SpunkySix
AaronIsCrunchy wrote:How about pairing the blind kid in the art class with Rin? She does display a certain admiration for him, and I reckon they could spend many happy hours expressing their feelings for each other through drawing.
That said, somebody who enjoys staring at the world as much as Rin does may find someone who can't see it at all as frustrating. Or MAYBE she'll view it as a truly new perspective?
I think that would be nice. I'd like to believe that Hisao isn't the only person at Yamaku that can see the inner beauty in Rin.

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:45 pm
by RandomPerson
Oh god new ship, Naomi x natsume x hanako. A three way between the newspaper club. For some reason in my head hanakos a lesbian, I think it was the awkwardness of the h scene and how she kinda forced herself to do it

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:48 pm
by Grimnir
AaronIsCrunchy wrote:And that, dear children, is why Taro's dick is a separate entity.
All hail Taro's dick, Taro's dick is love, Taro's dick is life!

We need T-Shirts people and buttons and flamethrowers. (The kids will love this one.)

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:51 pm
by bhtooefr
I don't see Hanako as a lesbian, although I do see her as bi, and she likes her women red-eyed and blonde haired. (Preferably significantly older ones, but a Naomi is fine too.)

(Actually, I like the idea that NekoDude advanced, that her types are tough women and pretty boys.)

You're certainly not the first to think of that particular menage a trois. ;) I think it could be a possible outcome of her bad ending, or Lilly's route. (I tried so hard to make Hanako x Akira concurrent to Lilly's route work, with Akira being closeted and claiming she had a boyfriend, but it would've been OOC for how Hanako was portrayed in her own route (given that she would've had to have dumped Akira for Hisao, with the timeline the way it was).)

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:55 pm
by RandomPerson
Makes sense, I think if you'd make a fan fic of it you'd have to go fully lesbian, because she's shy and everything even if she knows she's bi I fought shed ever admit it

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:01 pm
by Grimnir
bhtooefr wrote:I don't see Hanako as a lesbian, although I do see her as bi, and she likes her women red-eyed and blonde haired. (Preferably significantly older ones, but a Naomi is fine too.)
I know that is strange, but I've always imagined Akira as some sort of father figure for Hanako. (But hey, in that case Akira is definitely a filf.)

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:03 pm
by Potato
Liminaut wrote:Hanako could get drafted to help Misha catch up.
Because Mutou would totally draft the known anti-social reclusive trauma case for this assignment. :lol:

bhtooefr wrote:it would've been OOC for how Hanako was portrayed in her own route
Why would that matter if you were making it concurrent to Lilly's route?

There is far too much talk of Gabe Newell Gabe Newell Gabe Newell Gabe Newell's dick in here.

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:06 pm
by Flarezium
Potato wrote:There is far too much talk of Gabe Newell Gabe Newell Gabe Newell Gabe Newell's dick in here.
Sorry. :oops: