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Re: 'What if Hanako..?' Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:55 pm
by SpunkySix
forgetmenot wrote:
SpunkySix wrote:That makes me sad to think about.

Does Yamaku even have a popular clique, though?
I remember a scattered few fanfics that depicted Saki as the ringleader of said clique.
Why Saki? That seems... arbitrary.

Re: 'What if Hanako..?' Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:02 pm
by forgetmenot
SpunkySix wrote:
forgetmenot wrote:
SpunkySix wrote:That makes me sad to think about.

Does Yamaku even have a popular clique, though?
I remember a scattered few fanfics that depicted Saki as the ringleader of said clique.
Why Saki? That seems... arbitrary.
I think it had something to do with themocaw's original attempt at a Saki pseudo-route. She was depicted as being rather appearance-oriented and quite nasty when she wanted to be. From there, I saw a few writers take it one or two steps further to turn her into the queen bitch of Yamaku.

I'd mention something about that depiction not really being in line with the April Fools' post, but fanon has sort of given Rika the same treatment. It's interesting to watch in real-time... part of the reason I still read everything posted to the fanfic board.

Re: 'What if Hanako..?' Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:36 pm
by Potato
SpunkySix wrote:
forgetmenot wrote:
SpunkySix wrote:That makes me sad to think about.

Does Yamaku even have a popular clique, though?
I remember a scattered few fanfics that depicted Saki as the ringleader of said clique.
Why Saki? That seems... arbitrary.
Fanfiction? Arbitrary?

If Hanako were that way, it'd sure be a very different route...Maybe she'd actually still be pals with Lilly then the Lilly/Shizune confrontations would involve a lot more badass Hanako to the rescue. :lol: Or, hell, maybe she'd have gravitated toward Shizune instead what with her being the council president and big on influencing things. I don't think she'd care much for Misha though...

Now I'm imagining a Yamaku with this Hanako where she's pals with Shizune but a total jerkass to Misha and either Hanako or Shizune's route branches off into a Misha route where the good end involves telling off Hanabitch like a boss. :lol:

Re: 'What if Hanako..?' Thread

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 3:17 am
by Munchenhausen
forgetmenot's got this shit in the bag ;)
Originally, the thread was just titled "What If..?" and was hoping it to be a general "Throw your 'what if..?' ideas out here and we will all judge you" style of thread.
Alas, the Cook thought it was a bit vague and had me narrow down the title.
Either way, yeah :3 everyone throw your ideas out

-- on topic --

I also recall Saki being some sort of popular bitch architype. Isn't it written somewhere that she's in the fashion club? Plus she's damn pretty. Not to mention her horrible fate will no doubt leave her with a mean side. All the boxes ticked for stereotypical bitch!

But I'd say Yamaku no doubt has cliques. They're just a part of normal human interaction in industrious settings, regardless of missing limbs.
I failed AS-Level Sociology. I know this shit.

Re: 'What if Hanako..?' Thread

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 3:58 am
by brythain
Munchenhausen wrote:I also recall Saki being some sort of popular bitch architype. Isn't it written somewhere that she's in the fashion club? Plus she's damn pretty. Not to mention her horrible fate will no doubt leave her with a mean side. All the boxes ticked for stereotypical bitch!
You've just sealed her fate for me in my headcanon. I know exactly where to fit her into my mosaic novella now… *sinister laugh*

Re: 'What if Hanako..?' Thread

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 4:14 am
by Oddball
This is what we know about Saki, taken from the April Fool's post.

Saki suffers from Spinocerebellar ataxia, a degenerative disease that makes her gradually lose muscle control, amongst other issues. She uses a crutch to help her balance, but is going to lose the ability to walk and eventually, all daily tasks and even eating and breathing. Fated to die with no hope of a cure, Saki is a conflicting figure. She has to live with a horrific, degenerative condition every day, yet she is outgoing and fashionable just like any high school girl. Saki takes the clumsiness caused by her condition in stride, even going against it by taking up activites that require fine motor control such as joining the Yamaku art club, where Hisao meets her. He finds Saki an engaging but troublesome person to deal with, due to her incredibly frank and complex personality. One moment she might be giggling about the new spring fashion line, the next, stating her bitterness for her crippling illness, yet never dropping her dazzling smile. But even Saki, for all her openness, holds things inside she would never tell anyone else...

There's no mention of a fashion club or her being a bitch.

Also, the artroom CG has a girl that looks like Saki with longer hair.
artroom.jpg (47.82 KiB) Viewed 4142 times

Re: 'What if Hanako..?' Thread

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 4:24 am
by Munchenhausen
Well, I can see where the whole fashion club idea came from; does imply she has some interest in the topic. Plus her being frank could work also.

Who was it what put her in the fashion club? I'm assuming it's fanon, in this case

Re: 'What if Hanako..?' Thread

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 4:44 am
by brythain
Munchenhausen wrote:Huh.
Well, I can see where the whole fashion club idea came from; does imply she has some interest in the topic. Plus her being frank could work also.

Who was it what put her in the fashion club? I'm assuming it's fanon, in this case
Art club for sure. I think there's someone who looks a lot like her when you're looking for Rin in Rin's route, Act 2.

Somewhere around this: "I knock on the door of the art room and open it. A girl who was possibly doing something important with the scroll of paper she's carrying turns to reckon me, and smiles in a sweet if a bit confused manner."

Edit: oh yes, sorry, that pic was posted up already above, the young lady with her legs in disarray. Which is somehow at odds with the more ladylike image she exudes in the April Fool's version...

Re: 'What if Hanako..?' Thread

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 4:46 am
by Oddball
let's take the Saki talk to a new topic so we don't get derailed too much.

I'll start one.

Re: 'What if Hanako..?' Thread

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 5:18 am
by bhtooefr
So, I think Hanako is naturally shy and somewhat prone to anxiety.

Without that tendency, she could very, very easily be the type that puts her bullies in the hospital, and then over the years, slowly mellows out.

Re: 'What if Hanako..?' Thread

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 4:02 am
by Mahorfeus
She probably has razor blades hidden in her hair and rolls of yen coins in her pockets. Standard issue.

Re: 'What if Hanako..?' Thread

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 4:28 am
by Munchenhausen
Mahorfeus wrote:She probably has razor blades hidden in her hair and rolls of yen coins in her pockets. Standard issue.
Yes, yes, I can definitely say I can see Hanako to be a dirty fighter.
Gonna go freely on the flawed logic that because we don't see her actually fight anyone it can't be disproved.

Fistful of coins, biting, scratching, spitting. She'd go for your hamstrings.

Re: 'What if Hanako..?' Thread

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 4:53 am
by Potato
Munchenhausen wrote:
Mahorfeus wrote:She probably has razor blades hidden in her hair and rolls of yen coins in her pockets. Standard issue.
Yes, yes, I can definitely say I can see Hanako to be a dirty fighter.
Gonna go freely on the flawed logic that because we don't see her actually fight anyone it can't be disproved.

Fistful of coins, biting, scratching, spitting. She'd go for your hamstrings.
I move that it not only can be disproved but has already been disproved by the fact that there is no such thing as dirty fighting. :P

And she'd probably get Lilly to help.

Re: 'What if Hanako..?' Thread

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 6:28 am
by AaronIsCrunchy
She'd be the kind of girl to sever your Achilles' tendon, then watch coldly as your calf rolls up your leg and you writhe around on the floor in agony. Y'know, if the situation ever called for it.

Re: 'What if Hanako..?' Thread

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 6:46 am
by Munchenhausen
AaronIsCrunchy wrote:She'd be the kind of girl to sever your Achilles' tendon, then watch coldly as your calf rolls up your leg and you writhe around on the floor in agony. Y'know, if the situation ever called for it.
"You should have g-given me the chocolate, H-Hisao..."