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Re: Orientation of the girls in 3-3

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:32 am
by NekoDude
Oddball wrote:Haruhiko is gay and describes himself as feeling like a woman trapped in a man's body.
I've chosen to portray him as completely straight, and a bit of a scumbag bro-type -- at one point he says about Emi: "I've seen twelve year old boys with bigger tits". At one point, when Miki and Kenta hook up in a very odd manner and she comes out of the shower naked, Haruhiko internally snarks "I wish I was queer so I could get chicks." (And yes, that's totally a Bloodhound Gang reference.)

Miki in my story identifies as lesbian and has a long-standing relationship with another girl, yet manages to stump-fist Kenta and go cowgirl on Hisao. Both are cases of exceptional circumstances that are not going to be repeated, however.
Helbereth wrote:Suzu, on the other hand, reads as completely heterosexual in almost every conceivable setting. Neither of the popular routes detailing romances with her so much as mention the possibility of her being interested in pursuing the fairer sex beyond a friendship role. There might be some argument about her relationship with Miki not being completely platonic, and perhaps Miki, as stated, might consider an escapade or two with the nubile narcoleptic, but I can't think of a fiction in which Miki has actually even suggested the idea--she seems to know Suzu would refuse. Incidentally, Suzu's demeanor reads the same way as Natsume and Naomi--neither totally girlish, or unusually boyish--but because she isn't paired with anyone in particular, she reads as heterosexual.
I've written Suzu as totally straight as well. However, I did have Miki proposition her after trying to persuade her with methamphetamine. It didn't work. It just caused her to walk 3 kilometers so she could fuck her 15 year old boyfriend instead.

Why? Because I'm evil. :twisted: No, actually, it's because one of the major themes of my story is that some people can handle temptation, and others can't -- and this bears little correlation to whether they're good people or bad people. Sexual orientation also bears no meaningful correlation to good/bad people, though it may bear some correlation to the ability to resist temptation. (Obviously someone can't earn a reputation for being bisexual unless they have at least approached both a male and a female.)