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Re: Katawa Shoujo Virgin heroine?

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 10:58 am
by Hans PK
Loonie wrote:Nowhere in there (or before that) do you see him state that "The only good heroines are virgins." 'Butbutbutbut...' I hear you say: ' is heavily *implied*!' Sorry, but that does not equal it. Nowhere. That was all an invention of every other person who had to tell the OP how they REALLY felt about this.
"i just play VN who have virgin heroine"
"Emi and Shizune might not be"
"So I Just Ignore Emi And Shizune Route "

Translation, especially for you:
He will only play routes that have the protagonist's conquest be a virgin.
There exists the possibility that neither Emi or Shizune are virgins.
Therefore, he will not play their routes.
Ergo, he believes that, to him, the only routes that are good (i.e. playable) are the ones with virgins.
Thus, his beliefs can be paraphrased as, "The only good heroines are virgins."


"Butbutbut.." I hear you say. "That's faulty implication!"

Implication is a conclusion that can be obtained by observing his statements, even though he doesn't state the exact phrase itself. You see, we can imply that a man who doesn't like dogs will not like rottweilers, even though he has not specifically said the phrase, "I don't like rottweilers." It could also be implied that I'm being sarcastic, sorta like you, as well as patronizing, also like yourself, throughout this entire God-damned post, but I have not specifically said that I am, so it must not be so. Isn't that right, Mr.Holier-than-thou?

Next time, you might want to actually try looking at what the OP's said and trying to piece the puzzle together yourself. I'll admit that I hold not the greatest faith that you have that ability, but it's still worth a shot.

Oh, hey, I just noticed that I just said "heroine" rather than 100% specifying that I was talking about KS. We're currently on the KS board and he's talking about VN's, so here's a good chance for you to use the powers of implication for yourself!

Re: Katawa Shoujo Virgin heroine?

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 11:01 am
by Qchan
Hans PK wrote:
Loonie wrote:Nowhere in there (or before that) do you see him state that "The only good heroines are virgins." 'Butbutbutbut...' I hear you say: ' is heavily *implied*!' Sorry, but that does not equal it. Nowhere. That was all an invention of every other person who had to tell the OP how they REALLY felt about this.
[Lots of words (sorry hans)]
*Slow clap* And lady's and gentlemen, We have the winner of the thread.

Re: Katawa Shoujo Virgin heroine?

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 11:07 am
by Hans PK
Loonie, the bad thing about being a sarcastic ass is that there are other people out there who can do the same thing back to you, but backed up with logic.

And I was almost hoping to avoid this today. Should've followed my advice on not getting one's hopes up. And all because you had to go and be an ass about one simple statement.

You done now? I could imply that from "I'm happy to bow out of it at this point and see where it goes", but screw implication. :roll:

Re: Katawa Shoujo Virgin heroine?

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:50 pm
by simmr001
Gotta say it's a little weird how this went from a question answer thread turned into the disagreement it is.

I know the irony in me saying this when I commented in here before, but the point still stands.

Re: Katawa Shoujo Virgin heroine?

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:05 am
by Markus Ramikin
Hans PK wrote:[...] Thus, his beliefs can be paraphrased as, "The only good heroines are virgins."
Wrong. All that you can say for certain is that he has a preference for virgins (or virgin heroines, whatever). He, personally. Which shouldn't be treated like a crime. People's preferences are their own business (modulo the usual disclaimers about "as long as nobody's being forced into anything"). Doesn't necessarily mean he thinks everyone should have the same tastes, or that nonvirgins need to be looked down on or are objectively worse persons/fictional characters, or anything like that.

Really, that's my whole problem with this thread. People crapping on other people's preferences. As I said before: live and let live.

(To be clear: I do think the OP has revealed a lack of knowledge about sexuality, and I think ProfAlister and maybe one or two other posts addressing that were justified. There's a difference between that, and what I'm criticising here.)

Re: Katawa Shoujo Virgin heroine?

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:18 am
by Steinherz
Markus Ramikin wrote:
Hans PK wrote:[...] Thus, his beliefs can be paraphrased as, "The only good heroines are virgins."
Wrong. All that you can say for certain is that he has a preference for virgins. He, personally. Which shouldn't be treated like a crime. People's preferences are their own business (modulo the usual disclaimers about "as long as nobody's being forced into anything"). Doesn't necessarily mean he thinks everyone should have the same tastes, or that nonvirgins need to be looked down on or are objectively worse persons or anything like that.

Really, that's my whole problem with this thread. People crapping on other people's preferences. As I said before: live and let live.

(To be clear: I do think the OP has revealed a lack of knowledge about sexuality, and I think ProfAlister and maybe one or two other posts addressing that were justified. There's a difference between that, and what I'm criticising here.)
OP's first post (and later ones) also seem that English isn't their native language. So there might have been some minced words.

Re: Katawa Shoujo Virgin heroine?

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:22 am
by YZQ
Eloquent In My Native Tongue, hopefully.

Re: Katawa Shoujo Virgin heroine?

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:43 am
by Oddball
I've got a great idea!

Let's all stop posting in this topic so that it can die and we can forget about it!

Re: Katawa Shoujo Virgin heroine?

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:57 am
by RedRover
^ What Oddball said.