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Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:42 pm
by KeiichiO
StudyOfWumbology wrote:I have no idea what the fuck is going on anymore.
I wasn't sure what was going on in the beginning. I assumed it was a terrible excuse for a thread just by simply reading the name, and it appears I was right. I think talking about bacon is a much better way to burn through our post counts.

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:45 pm
by pandaphil
Oh man, we're gonna get yelled at by the Mod again. :(

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:50 pm
by KeiichiO
pandaphil wrote:Oh man, we're gonna get yelled at by the Mod again. :(
I'll take full blame if that happens.

OT: I think Yuuko would be an abusive mother. She's pretty loony.

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:53 pm
by YZQ
Yuuko hurting a child? My bet is on Kenji getting his eyesight fixed first.

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:58 pm
by Xanatos
KeiichiO wrote:
pandaphil wrote:Oh man, we're gonna get yelled at by the Mod again. :(
I'll take full blame if that happens.

OT: I think Yuuko would be an abusive mother. She's pretty loony.
...Seriously? Yuuko?

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:07 pm
by KeiichiO
Xanatos wrote:
KeiichiO wrote:
pandaphil wrote:Oh man, we're gonna get yelled at by the Mod again. :(
I'll take full blame if that happens.

OT: I think Yuuko would be an abusive mother. She's pretty loony.
...Seriously? Yuuko?
Yeah, she'll find a lover, have kids, but then the lover leaves her with no warning. Yuuko is driven to levels of insanity due to immense stress of having to raise kids on her own while still having the responsibility of two jobs, and she takes it out on her children. She'll basically turn into George Lopez's mom. I feel bad for the kids that have to put up with this monster of a women...


(Really, I shouldn't have to point out when I'm being sarcastic)

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:21 pm
by Xanatos
KeiichiO wrote:Yeah, she'll find a lover, have kids, but then the lover leaves her with no warning. Yuuko is driven to levels of insanity due to immense stress of having to raise kids on her own while still having the responsibility of two jobs, and she takes it out on her children. She'll basically turn into George Lopez's mom. I feel bad for the kids that have to put up with this monster of a women...
Now that...I'd like to see that. :lol: I wonder how Hideaki will turn out under Jigoro's care, actually...

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:33 pm
by Zailen
I don't believe that any of them could be an abusive mother. I dont see any part of their personality that would give them the ability to harm a child, especially after the good ends on each. This is honestly...An impossible thing to choose on which one is most likely, considering I dont see any of them doing it anyway. vote is...None. xD

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:59 pm
by Steinherz
Xanatos wrote:Now that...I'd like to see that. :lol: I wonder how Hideaki will turn out under Jigoro's care, actually...
Hideaki would probably hate to act like his father and most likely do everything different.

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:02 am
by win746
Steinherz wrote:
Xanatos wrote:Now that...I'd like to see that. :lol: I wonder how Hideaki will turn out under Jigoro's care, actually...
Hideaki would probably hate to act like his father and most likely do everything different.
He may turn to be exactly like Shizune, like Shizune's male counterpart. Now to wonder how he'll look like older......

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 5:59 pm
by TehLandshark
Katie wrote:As we all know, the leading heroines of Katawa Shoujo have undergone great traumas and experienced a great deal of pain. I don't think any of them would become physically abusive... however! It's a well-known fact that many emotionally abusive parents lived rotten childhoods themselves. Do you think any of the katawa shoujos might emotionally mistreat their future children due to their poor mental and emotional health? Debate!
This assumes post "good" (or community-decided as "good") ending for each character.
I will go from least to most likely:

5. Lilly. Lilly practically acts like Hisao's mother in half of the route, trying to worry about him and take care of him. Her over-motherliness is the reason Hanako claims to hate her in Hanako "bad" ending. There are two situations in which she could be abusive: 1. She is over-caring and becomes a helicopter mom of sorts. 2. She leaves Hisao and the child for something she holds more dear, like how she almost left Hisao for her family. However, being a helicopter mom isn't abusive so much as annoying and we can assume that she would hold Hisao and her child more dear than anything in the world after committing to a relationship like that.

4. Hanako. Hanako after the good ending is seen attempting to break out of her shell of shyness. She consents to sex with Hisao and even kisses him in public. We can also see that she has the ability to be social through her actions with the newspaper club in Lilly's route. If she is becoming less shy, she is putting her bullying and pain in her past and is most likely to become (or stay, depending on perspective) a loving person. However, there is that chance of "bullied becomes the bully" that you can't overlook. This probably would be taken out on Hisao, rather than the child in my opinion.

3. Emi. She doesn't take her relationship with Hisao seriously (until maybe post "good" ending?) and has severe emotional issues from her past. Definitely a viable option for abusive momma.

2. Shizune. Shizune looks at everything from a cold, hard, objective perspective. She gots no capacity for feels. Between that and her communication complications she would appear emotionally dead to her child. I think that's fairly abusive.

1. Rin. Rin doesn't look at everything from a factual, objective perspective like Shizune, she doesn't have a perspective. She lives in her own little bubble on her own little wavelength. She has less capacity to communicate than a person with Lilly and Shizune's disabilities combined. She has 0 capacity. According to her, she can think of only 4 things at one time, and she never dedicates a single one of those thoughts to anything relevant to anyone but herself and the vast mysteries of the universe. And we expect her to have emotional attachment to her child, let alone Hisao, Emi, or anyone? She would appear as emotionally dead as Shizune and probably not care enough to try to support her, which even Shizune would. Sorry to all of the "Rin be mah Waifu" people on the forums, she definitely had the best written route, but as a person she is just detached from everything.

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 6:46 pm
by pandaphil
TehLandshark wrote:
Katie wrote:As we all know, the leading heroines of Katawa Shoujo have undergone great traumas and experienced a great deal of pain. I don't think any of them would become physically abusive... however! It's a well-known fact that many emotionally abusive parents lived rotten childhoods themselves. Do you think any of the katawa shoujos might emotionally mistreat their future children due to their poor mental and emotional health? Debate!
This assumes post "good" (or community-decided as "good") ending for each character.
I will go from least to most likely:

5. Lilly. Lilly practically acts like Hisao's mother in half of the route, trying to worry about him and take care of him. Her over-motherliness is the reason Hanako claims to hate her in Hanako "bad" ending. There are two situations in which she could be abusive: 1. She is over-caring and becomes a helicopter mom of sorts. 2. She leaves Hisao and the child for something she holds more dear, like how she almost left Hisao for her family. However, being a helicopter mom isn't abusive so much as annoying and we can assume that she would hold Hisao and her child more dear than anything in the world after committing to a relationship like that.

4. Hanako. Hanako after the good ending is seen attempting to break out of her shell of shyness. She consents to sex with Hisao and even kisses him in public. We can also see that she has the ability to be social through her actions with the newspaper club in Lilly's route. If she is becoming less shy, she is putting her bullying and pain in her past and is most likely to become (or stay, depending on perspective) a loving person. However, there is that chance of "bullied becomes the bully" that you can't overlook. This probably would be taken out on Hisao, rather than the child in my opinion.

3. Emi. She doesn't take her relationship with Hisao seriously (until maybe post "good" ending?) and has severe emotional issues from her past. Definitely a viable option for abusive momma.

2. Shizune. Shizune looks at everything from a cold, hard, objective perspective. She gots no capacity for feels. Between that and her communication complications she would appear emotionally dead to her child. I think that's fairly abusive.

1. Rin. Rin doesn't look at everything from a factual, objective perspective like Shizune, she doesn't have a perspective. She lives in her own little bubble on her own little wavelength. She has less capacity to communicate than a person with Lilly and Shizune's disabilities combined. She has 0 capacity. According to her, she can think of only 4 things at one time, and she never dedicates a single one of those thoughts to anything relevant to anyone but herself and the vast mysteries of the universe. And we expect her to have emotional attachment to her child, let alone Hisao, Emi, or anyone? She would appear as emotionally dead as Shizune and probably not care enough to try to support her, which even Shizune would. Sorry to all of the "Rin be mah Waifu" people on the forums, she definitely had the best written route, but as a person she is just detached from everything.

Nice summation there.

I'm not sure how much of a "helicopter mom" Lilly would likely be though. Isn't she the one who warned Hisao to back off from Hanako and let her breathe during her route?

And yeah, Rin wouldn't be so much an abusive mother, as a neglectful one. How easy would it be for her to get distracted and just forget about the child. Definitely a bad thing if they're outside or in public at the time.

Otoh she did indicate several times in her arc that she knew she had a problem, and would like to understand people better. So I can see Hisao, or any other partner easily being able to convince her to get professional help. Either with medication or therapy.

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:36 pm
by Helbereth
I'm going to abstain from voting, but I would like to point out that most of the assumptions I've read in this thread seem wholly based on the personae the girls project during Act 1, rather then that of that of their transcendent character after the end of Act 4.

All five of them learn to see past their insecurities and personal issues as the story goes, and assuming Hisao really had anything to do with that is both condescending and unrealistic. If anything he might influence the change to happen sooner, but if you really pay attention through their tales, the girls change a lot--more than he could possibly have caused.

Rin becomes less aloof, letting Hisao into her world slowly. The epiphany that causes her to push away from him, that her interest in him is actually love, serves to give her perspective, which we're shown at the end in the flowery field. Even without reaching that end, she realizes she needs to grow and change, despite how much it frightens her. Really anyone who decides to pursue her could have that same effect.

Emi starts the story by projecting happiness while hiding depression, and, through persistence, Hisao manages to flip those paradigms and teach her that showing vulnerability isn't always a weakness. That's really a lesson that life will teach her eventually, no matter how she may rationalize the delusion.

Hanako, of all the girls, knows herself. The bad end shows that perhaps more concisely than the good one, as she basically tells Hisao exactly what she knows is wrong with her, and rejects him because he doesn't understand. The skittishness and timid outlook is derived from childhood experiences, and as she moves into adulthood and realizes adults are usually far less objectifying than children, those fears and anxieties will eventually lose their grip.

Shizune, though cold and jaded on the outside, is a hopeless romantic on the inside. Instead of being direct with people, she uses games, arguments, and mockery to show her affection, but she does know it isn't an effective approach--she tells Hisao as much. Despite the personae she projects, she's willing to fight for her friends even when their motives are unclear (trying to help Misha, comfort or no), and eventually people will notice that and give her a chance.

Lilly covers up her insecurity with a practiced outward personae of quiet grace. Of all the girls, she has the most trouble saying how she really feels--often only relating half the story. She surrounds herself with people she cares for, and tries to do everything she can to make them feel comfortable, even at great personal cost. The thing she has figure out is that it's okay to be selfish sometimes, which I'm sorry to say is something humans are really adept at learning.

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:43 am
by Loonie

A wonderful life? Really? Has anyone even remotely remembered what Akira tells Hisao about how that went down, even if she might have gone a bit overboard with her resentment? Being shipped off to an all-girls catholic school for her parents' monetary and image reasons and then being forced to grow up before her time? And no one finds this even remotely problematic, that she might one day hold this over her own children ala 'When I was your age, I took care of myself and my older sister too!'

I have an emotionally abusive grandmother myself. On the surface her childhood was not that rotten at all, but plenty was demanded of her regardless back in those days and now, that she's the woman of the house so to speak, she feels she's entitled to be payed back for it. Ultimately it's all due to her inability to own up to her mistakes and admit to herself that she asks too much of others for selfish reasons. Lilly has grown up in the closest analogue to the modern aristocracy, forced to grow up before her time and frankly it wouldn't surprise me none if she starts to feel entitled in expecting her children to be just as obedient as she was. And of course...most children never are.

Even in her good ending I don't see Lilly as learning any of the above about herself, because Hisao was ultimately the one whose realizations about himself spurred him towards chasing after her and convincing her to stay. And there's something very earnest about Akira worrying about Lilly at the end of her good ending, that most tend to completely dismiss. So yeah - Lilly.

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:08 pm
by YZQ
The qualities of the other half will obviously have to come into play. Take Loonie's viewpoint on Lilly. If her husband so wishes, he could shut her up before she goes on that self-entitled rant. In a family, it takes both the parents to clap.

Also, if the kids so chooses, they can very easily get back at the girls if they become emotionally abusive, due to their disabilities. Maybe, Lily wouldn't want to guilt-trip the kids after being pranked every single time after the rant.