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Re: Deus Ex: Katawa Revolution (Complete)

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 4:33 am
by Xiious
Kayo12 wrote:
Xiious wrote:Your sig reminded me of the dog meme. clever. i see what you did there
Um, I'm sorry, but I don't see what I did there. Could you enlighten me?
Image enjoy

Re: Deus Ex: Katawa Revolution (Complete)

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 6:32 am
by Kielox
Kayo12 wrote:
Kielox wrote:It's been almost a year since the release of HR and I still giggle like a little girl when I see a "I never asked for this" joke. :) But yeah, this fanfic has been a lot of fun to read and it is very well written as well! I think all the characters' reactions were portrayed very realistically and the story is very compelling.
Thank you for saying so, Kielox. Making the characters reactions and beliefs concerning augmentation was my main concern when writing this fic. I guess the hardest part with a crossover is making sure that the source material isn't lost, otherwise you're just cramming in characters someplace they don't belong. I'm happy so many people seemed to enjoy reading it and that they think the reasons for each person's views on augmentation were both believable and realistic.
Well, as you said, a lot of the people who have previously attempted to do a DE KS combination, did so humorously, which is the easy way to do it. It is much harder to actually put the KS characters in the DE world and make it believable. The last chapter was quite spooky as well and carried the proper DE atmosphere! It also read like it was taken out of one of Kenji's conspiracy theories... :)

Re: Deus Ex: Katawa Revolution (Complete)

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 11:50 pm
by Mut-Who
Wow, this was... amazing. Seriously, good work with this. I have to admit, when I first read this I was just expecting... I dunno, something just actiony and a sacrifice of the KS aspect of the story to make it line up more with Deus Ex. But you actually managed to fabulously combine both backgrounds and setting and do it in a matter that the major themes of each universe's setting and characters are explored and explored in a very believable and awesome way. (It probably helps that Deus Ex is realistically set in Earth's future, making a crossover with KS a nice, engaging but believable crossover)

On the matter of augmentation, I'll echo Yahtzee's take: in the future battle between people with ocean liner pistons for arms and the normies, I know which side I'm going to be on.

As for possible future material perhaps a little more dug into the espionage/actiony aspects of Deus Ex (which I believe was brought up in earlier comments), I think it would be a good idea. Now that you've managed to set up the universe in a believable way, I think that delving into those aspects of it would have a good amount of payoff.

But, should this be the only installment of Deus Ex: Katawa Revolution, I'll say that it was worth spending the better part of an hour reading this.

Re: Deus Ex: Katawa Revolution (Complete)

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 11:24 pm
by Triscuitable
Kielox wrote:It's been almost a year since the release of HR and I still giggle like a little girl when I see a "I never asked for this" joke. :) But yeah, this fanfic has been a lot of fun to read and it is very well written as well! I think all the characters' reactions were portrayed very realistically and the story is very compelling.
*Wikipedia* > *Looks at date* GAH! Oh my goodness, you're right!