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Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:01 pm
by Oddball
- Rin: Can't think of anything right now, which is kind of ironic for a character who seems more bereft of common sense than any other person in KS. (safe for Kenji)
You really can't think of anything? Rin is one of the worst of them. She is over working, over thinking, and practically killing herself over something that she really doesn't even want to do just because other people say that it's something that will be good for her.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:31 am
by Nobody in Particular
Guest Poster do the girls get forgiven for making some major faux-pas yet Hisao gets hated for being occasionally clueless? Maybe because he's the protagonist and the girls aren't. Or maybe just a double standard. All in all, Hisao's not really any more dense than his female counterparts, but I guess since Hisao's the character we control (to a limited degree) we hold him to higher standards.
Thank you Guest Poster, that is what I was trying to say a few pages ago! People ignore the faults of the five girls but concentrate on every area where Hisao screws up. Like you said this is either because he is the protagonist or they don't want to blame their "waifus" but everyone is at fault here, all six of them. 18-19 year olds are bound to make stupid mistakes, they all are, Lilly especially.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:42 am
by Mysterious Stranger
Nobody in Particular wrote:Like you said this is either because he is the protagonist or they don't want to blame their "waifus" but everyone is at fault here, all six of them. 18-19 year olds are bound to make stupid mistakes, they all are, Lilly especially.
Whoa now, are you talking shit about mai waifu?

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:49 am
Guest Poster wrote:All in all, Hisao's not really any more dense than his female counterparts, but I guess since Hisao's the character we control (to a limited degree) we hold him to higher standards.
That and the game doesn't go out of its way to make you fall in love with him. Most of the time he's just there because he has to be, being less of a character and more like a set of shoes for the player to wear. Sure he might be better compared to other VN protagonists, but he's still a bit lacking.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:22 pm
by themocaw
Maybe it's just because it's how my first play-through went, but I kind of like Hisao. He was a thoughtful guy whose major character flaw was being an awkward 18-year old without the best social skills. Despite being a nerdy intellectual type, he ended up falling in love with the school track star, and through patience, discretion, and a little advice from his teacher and mentor, was able to push through a major romantic crisis and keep his girlfriend close to him. (Yes, I talked to Meiko instead of doing the Misha Saving Throw.)

Although I did want to facepalm when he started talking about how "we might die in a car crash tomorrow." Dude, you can't say that sort of shit to Emi, of all people! Good thing she got that he was basically being a foot-in-mouth nerd and not a mean-spirited idiot.

Being a socially awkward geek also helps explain the whole "Hanako H scene" thing too.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:26 pm
by Brodoin
The only time so far that I've disliked Hisao was during Hanako's bad ending. Even though I got the bad ending on purpose, I kept saying out loud "shut up you idiot, you're gonna ruin it".

After that I went back and did her good ending, just to make myself feel better.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:32 pm
by Sin of my sins
I can't really say I can blame Hisao for anything, because in the end, the player is the one making the most crucial choices. If the relationship ends well, then obviously you've made good choices, if not, it's hardly Hisao's fault considering who's pulling the strings behind the scene.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:56 pm
by Megumeru
I don't dislike Hisao.

I mean, sure he mopes a lot but I've seen characters who does that worst than he did and get away with it*coughShinjicough*. He's just your average guy, just living the moment in his life where he change for the better (or worse). Sure, he made stupid decisions (e.g. Shizune's ending, confronting Hanako + her 'scene', his talk with Rin, etc.), but would you done the same if you're stuck in that situation? You don't have that 'time' to select the 'right choice' when you're confronted with these issues like Hisao does (albeit with your help, so his ass-hattery is also credited by YOUR actions). So, even if he wasn't given that ''time-stop" to allow him to make that selection, he'd still go for what he thinks is the best way to respond--and follow it through according to emotions and human instincts.

He just got lucky, so for the actions he took, how he got himself involved with five girls, I don't dislike Hisao.

I LOATHE HIM!!no, really. I don't dislike him

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:56 pm
by Nobody in Particular
Sin of my sins wrote:I can't really say I can blame Hisao for anything, because in the end, the player is the one making the most crucial choices. If the relationship ends well, then obviously you've made good choices, if not, it's hardly Hisao's fault considering who's pulling the strings behind the scene.
Not all of the choices were made by the player. For example, when Hisao shouts at Rin about how he doesn't understand. No matter which ending you are going for you will always get that scene. Another good example is during Emi's route, where choosing to talk to her while in her house results in Hisao being a complete douche. I'm sure everyone that chose that route didn't want Hisao to start talking about stupid shit.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:18 pm
by Guest Poster
Regarding the bit in Emi's that time you as the player should have already picked up the fact that Emi really doesn't react well to being pressured, so going after her after she leaves to get some space is tempting fate and Hisao being overly tactless is just the game's way of telling the player he shouldn't have made that decision.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:31 pm
by Sin of my sins
Nobody in Particular wrote: Not all of the choices were made by the player. For example, when Hisao shouts at Rin about how he doesn't understand. No matter which ending you are going for you will always get that scene. Another good example is during Emi's route, where choosing to talk to her while in her house results in Hisao being a complete douche. I'm sure everyone that chose that route didn't want Hisao to start talking about stupid shit.
Yea, I do agree with you about the fact that Hisao could have handled a lot of situations better, but what really leads to those unwanted situations are the choices made by the player. Sure, it's somewhat stupid that a slight mistake can cost an entire relationship, but I guess that's just shares the same unpredictability as real life and can't really be helped. Hisao was an ass at times though.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:50 pm
by zanger
Mysterious Stranger wrote:Hanako herself states that she consented after the fact, albeit for the wrong reasons. So, no rape there, either. Although you could argue that Hisao could've been a little more active in seeking confirmation before going through with it.
Always remember to break the mood by asking the question "Do you consent to this immediate act of sexual intercourse?" to protect yourself from criminal liability.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:57 pm
by Mirrormn
zanger wrote: Always remember to break the mood by asking the question "Do you consent to this immediate act of sexual intercourse?" to protect yourself from criminal liability.
Even a simple "Are you ready?" before penetration, which is exactly what Hisao asks in Misha's sex scene, would have helped make things more comfortable and consensual. Although I don't think Hisao could have really done anything to fully prevent that encounter with Hanako from going poorly. She wanted it to happen for the wrong reasons, so it was going to be uncomfortable and unfulfilling no matter what.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:06 pm
by Oddball
Sin of my sins wrote:
Nobody in Particular wrote: Not all of the choices were made by the player. For example, when Hisao shouts at Rin about how he doesn't understand. No matter which ending you are going for you will always get that scene. Another good example is during Emi's route, where choosing to talk to her while in her house results in Hisao being a complete douche. I'm sure everyone that chose that route didn't want Hisao to start talking about stupid shit.
Yea, I do agree with you about the fact that Hisao could have handled a lot of situations better, but what really leads to those unwanted situations are the choices made by the player. Sure, it's somewhat stupid that a slight mistake can cost an entire relationship, but I guess that's just shares the same unpredictability as real life and can't really be helped. Hisao was an ass at times though.
Hisao is a confused messed up kid that can't quite bring himself to tell people how he really feels dealing with other confused messed up kids tha can't handle telling him how they feel (with the possible exception of Lilly who seems fairly well adjusted compared to just about every other character in the game including some of the adults.)

here is no way those relationships were going to work without some stupid mistakes on both sides.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:00 pm
by Guest Poster
Even a simple "Are you ready?" before penetration, would have helped make things more comfortable and consensual. Although I don't think Hisao could have really done anything to fully prevent that encounter with Hanako from going poorly. She wanted it to happen for the wrong reasons, so it was going to be uncomfortable and unfulfilling no matter what.
The situation was waaay too awkward for either to speak at all, so if the only acceptable sign of consent was a spoken "ready?"/"yes", then no consent was given. If non-verbal communication also counts, she did give several points including just before the actual intercourse.