That is a pure assumption that time spent directly translates into good writing. The sequence of paths being finished could be dictated on which writers simply had more time to write, which story lines came together easier and flowed onto the paper, more re-writes needed, or simple writers block might have slowed some writers down.GoodleShoes wrote:Honestly, as long as it comes out in 2011, they should take their time on it. Especially if they're still making Rin's path... They should take a large amount of careful considerate time with....that.
So I can state with confidence that since Emi's path was completed first; Emi's writer must be the best, and therefor Emi's story will be the best.
(Or they were all done at the same time 3 months ago and they used a random number generator to pick the order they would announce completion. Just to string us all along longer of course... )