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Re: The piano and a change

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:30 am
by kosherbacon
Awww, last chapter coming? :cry:

Re: The piano and a change

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 11:37 am
by Wren
Time to bring out the big guns. Looking forward to the last chapter :).

Re: The piano and a change

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 7:10 pm
by Mag
Wow haven't been to the sight in a while and this is what I miss. Awesome story Smoku.

Poor Emi. She tried so hard to make sure that Kenji wouldn't go so crazy with the Feminist Group stuff and Hisao, of all people, is the person to pull him back in. I'm sure Hisao could have found a better solution to this matter. I am disappoint to Hisao.

Why was Akira fighting a bunch of men? I'm also assuming they are yakuza. Or possibly mafia but most likely yakuza considering that everyone is in Japan. Although it still surprised me a bit to see Akira like that, even though I have seen a bunch of stories and theories of Akira being in the mob business.

All in all, great story Smoku. Looking forward to your next story.

Re: The piano and a change

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 9:35 pm
by kosherbacon
Why is Akira fighting a bunch of gangsters? Because she's awesome, that's why.

Re: The piano and a change

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 9:37 pm
by Mag
kosherbacon wrote:Why is Akira fighting a bunch of gangsters? Because she's awesome, that's why.
Indeed she is. I am mistaken. Please accept my apologies.

Re: The piano and a change

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 11:20 am
by Leotrak
You have me snickering for minutes on end while reading this... Brilliant, Smoku, just brilliant ^_^

Re: The piano and a change

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:24 pm
by Smoku
After all my adventures with the university, successfully passing every crazy obstacle I had this year (... Except my defending of my diploma work next week) I finally finished. Sorry for some grammar mistakes and I hope you'll enjoy it. I'm starting to work on a fanfic centered on Mutou soon.



I took a glance at my reflection in the mirror in my room. I think I looked good enough in this light blue dress mom bought me a little while ago. One little adjustment and I'm ready to go...
I opened the closet and there was a big box under the coats and stuff. The sign on the box said “Fragile”. I opened it. It wasn't dusty at all. I'm using it rather often. Inside it were my little private treasures. On top was my diary, an old plain red notebook. No, It's not the thing I'm looking for. Let's see... Old mementos like tickets on my first punk rock concert, a neat little Anarchy t-shirt... Ah, right. Here. Almost on the bottom of the big box was a smaller, wooden box, wrapped in a chain, locked tightly with a titanium lock. I always carried the key with me, on my neck. I reached for it and opened the lock. Inside it were two circular objects. Also often used. Practically every day. I took them out, hid everything else and left it as it was.
Then I put the objects in my bra.



I closed the door shut. Rin wasn't coming back since she was painting outside. She had the spare key anyway. On my way down I passed a girl going opposite direction I was. Her hair was a mess and she didn't look quite well. Rather... drunk. She tried to hold onto the wall, but there wasn't much to hold on actually. Right when I was going to pass by her, she tripped. I managed to catch her tough.
“Ya seen my drums, cutie?” she asked.
“Uhm, no...”
“Oh, damn... Well, never mind.”
She recovered from the catch and made her way further up.
... Drums...?


I made my way inside the male dorm. It was still day time so no problems with it. I went up, to my boyfriend's room. Boyfriend... I never thought I'd date him. He's so fun tough. If only he wasn't into this conspiracy nonsense, he would be perfect. But I'm working on that.
I noticed his room door open. Hm, he has to be inside. So I entered.
“Hello, Kenji. The door was opened so I... what the hell?”
Inside was my boyfriend. He was tinkering with some stuff on his desk. He was dressed in a white sleeveless shirt with a black sign “Manly picnic: means no bitches”. On his head was a black and red bandanna with a skull right in the place of his forehead.
“Oh, hi, Emi” he greeted me with a wave.
“Uh... wha- what're you doing, dear?” I was getting sure if all my hard work just went all the way down flushed in a manly toilet.
“Just checkin' the gear for tonight's action. Nakai didn't tell you? We have uncovered the last of 'em damn feminists.”

Nakai? NAKAI?? He went mad too?
“uhm... Excuse me” I said and left straight to Hisao's room.

-knock, knock-
I knocked on Hisao's door as politely I could in this state.
“Come in” his voiced allowed me inside. So I came in.


I was sitting in my room discussing the situation and drinking tea with Akira while someone knocked on my door.
“Come in” I said expecting Kenji to report about the state of his mini cameras.
The door opened with a loud smash. I swear it almost fell of. There was standing Emi, in a pretty cute blue dress, but with a very un- cute look on her face, with eyes burning red.
Akira was already up, with her big gun right out pointing at the intruder. Where did she but that giant thing out..?
But Emi ignored the gun pointed straight at her head, she was focused on me. She made a few steps towards me. I could hear a loud click. Akira armed her gun and was ready to shoot.
Suddenly Emi moved her sight towards Akira... and vanished. Akira was just as surprised as I was. Next thing I remember is that Akira's gun also rapidly disappeared from her hand and next half of second later she fell to the ground hard.
“Ugh... What the fuck?” she cursed.
Then I felt something hard on my neck and Emi appeared right in front of my face, furious. She had Akira's gun in her other hand, which wasn't clutching my neck in an iron grip, but she threw to the ground on the other side of the room.
“We have some talking to do, Hisao Hakai” She said with a voice that made such an impact on me, it could probably cut through brick walls. And she didn't shout or anything. I was sure it was death then hell for me if I decided not to cooperate, despite my sins.
I noticed Akira wanted to get up and do something about the situation.
“No, wait” I stopped her.
Emi's grip loosened up a bit, she turned her back to me and left the room. I believe I should follow, so I did.
Akira was behind us, but she kept her distance. Emi suddenly stopped near the stairs, away from our rooms and asked:
“Hisao? What the hell did you do to my Kenji?”
“S-so, you noticed...?” I felt cold drops of sweat forming on my skin.
“Who wouldn't? Now tell me what the hell is going on or I swear you'll regret you were ever born”
She wasn't kidding. I mean, look what she did!

I decided to tell Emi everything about the situation and the plan I had.

“Oh... so that's what's going on... But you shouldn't make Kenji go back to his.. previous state like that!” Emi protested, but her rage went away.
“I know, but we need him... it was kinda the only way.” It wasn't easy to convince her.
“Ok, fine! Just get over it and give him back to me after this is over” She got up and made her way to Kenji's room. I followe dher. There she just wrapped her hands around him, kissed him and said “Good luck on your last action, Kenji”
“Wha, last? But...” he was surprised.
“LAST action” Emi didn't propose or order. She just stated an undeniable fact. Kenji nodded as if nothing happened.


“Hisao, what was I struck down with? Cause I'm damn sure it was harder then steal. I had my share of steal, so I know” Akira massaged her right side, still aching a little after Emi's fast kick.
“titanium, probably.” I answered. This encounter was strange.
“You have one heck of a devil here. Think I could hire her?” Akira asked with curiosity in her voice. She wasn't fooling around. It was a woman pretty well known in her environment. Akira was one of the most famous mercenaries in Japan. Many crime syndicates, VIPs and even the government payed millions of yen for her jobs. And here, she was struck on the ground by a high school crippled girl.
“I would've knock her out in a while” Akira stated tough. “She just surprised me with that speed, that's all”. What is this I see? A blush? No, that's surely some kind of an optic illusion made by the sun playing with my eyes.

Either way, on with the plan... I naturally told Emi that Lilly must not know about anything of this.



I put all the stuff inside inside a brown pack and but on the suit with a light bulb image on it and a sign “Whorish inc. Electricity and stuff”. Specially made for undercover business. Also I put a pair of black sunglasses and made my way to school, equipped with the pack.

The entrance was closed. Nothing special, today's free from school. I took out a cellphone, with a temporary false number, and made my call.
“Yamaku high, can I help you?” a voice of a secretary was heard.
“You called for an expert, ma'am” Kenji said with a calm, manly voice.
“Um.. I'm not sure we did...”
“Yes, ya did. Some sort of student council ordered me to repair lights in the music room, i'm sure you know, missy”
“Ah, student council... Right, we have them have a little interdependency when it comes to such issues. I'll send someone in to open the door for you, sir”
Just as planned...


I called Nakai after leaving the school: “Done”
“Great. You have served well, Kenji. Please, monitor the situation now”.


I turned of the phone.
“So what now” Akira asked.
“Now we wait. You have to be on standby somewhere close, Akira”


Monday has come. Nothing happened since the last day we made all the setup. Akira said she'll manage somehow and then vanished. Kenji continued to observe everything on his monitor. All ready.

I entered the classroom in my usual manner and also attended all the boring classes. At the end of everything I approached Hanako and we began talking. She knew everything what was going on. We waited for an appropriate moment: for Misha and Shizune to pass by us the close as possible. When they did so I said a little bit louder:

“The piano Lilly's family donated for the school sure is amazing isn't it? Brand new and the sound is so lovely”.
I wasn't facing them so I wasn't sure of the fact I wanted to know, but later on Hanako confirmed my suspicions: Misha probably signed that to Shizune. The stage was set. Now just wait for the actors to come to play their roles.

I texted Akira and Kenji that probably today everything is going to be done.


Takashi was way too lazy to go to school today. He overslept anyway. It was almost noon. He decided to finally get up and take a shower.
He didn't belong here... it's a damn cripple school. HE was normal, so hell knows why his parents suddenly decided to send him to this god forsaken place.
He took his towel, a little cosmetics bag and a toothbrush with him, still a little sleepy.
He entered the empty bathroom. Naturally it was empty, everyone are at school now. He left his stuff on one of the sinks and slowly started undressing when he heard a sound of the entrance door opening. Oh, so then someone actually is here. He turned around to see and before his eyes was a beautiful, busty blond woman wrapped in nothing but a long white towel.
And she pointed a giant gun right at his face.

“Ya done watching?” She asked
Takashi only managed to gulp.
“Good. Now scram. And you never saw me. Remember it, cause if someone will know I'll find you and kill you. Then I'll kill your mother and grandmother and burn your house”
Takashi ran with lightning speed, in the meantime probably unconsciously filling up his underwear.

“Huh, I may have overdid it a bit...” Akira murmured to herself.


School ended. Hanako went back to her dorm with Lilly, for undercover measures, leaving everything to us.

Time passed, it was slowly getting darker and darker. Kenji bravely kept watch behind his monitor like a golem guardian, stoic and unwavering, fueled by the anti-feminist passion.
Akira was yawning on a chair in Kenji's room. I was lying on his bed, feeling quite sleepy. Nothing happened. Nothing.

Night came by right after the sun had set.

“Oi, we got movement near the music room”- Kenji reported.

Akira vanished right after that.


Together with Misha I set of to school. The Student Council had an extra set of keys just for emergency cases. It was going to be used right now.

“A new piano. Outrageous! We have to make it to the music room tonight” I furiously signed to Misha.
She nodded. She always helped me in everything. No mater how stupid it was.
I hate music. I hate instruments.
That's because everyone love them so much. They are so damn happy to listen to music. They always talk about music.
Hey, what music do you like?
Hey did you hear the new song?
Did you hear...?
NO, I didn't hear! I'm deaf, for Christ sake. Some of them even live by music Live with music. Live thanks to music and together with music. And I have nothing. My world is... like a demo version of what they got.
And that piano... Everyone love it so much. And the one who plays it all the time. That Satou blind girl... They give her so much attention, because she's blind. And she plays so nice! I hate her. I hate her! I hate it how unfair she is. How God is unfair with blessing her in such a way and just taking away from me...
And now her freaking rich family bought a piano for the school. The school? Hah! For their precious little blind bitch to get even more attention.
So I wrecked her damn pianos every time... I cut their strings, mostly, being careful not to leave any signs of my constant crimes. And Misha was with me, to support me.
And then that new guy Nakai started dating her. With this, Satou went overboard. I wrecked and wrecked her piano but he just came again repair it over and over, like in an infinite loop.

And this night was yet another night of my revenge. Nakai WILL get tired of this soon enough.

We made our way to the music room without any problems. Everything as planned, as usual. So we entered together. But there was standing the regular piano we always wrecked.

“Where's the new one?”

I signed to Misha but she didn't know. Then she suddenly looked behind her, towards the door we just entered. I took a look behind her shoulder and there was standing someone. A person in a suit closed the door, cutting out our exit. The person grinned wickedly at us, her teeth reflecting the moonlight. Her lips moved then but I had no idea what she said. I wasn't sure it was a man or woman. It was impossible to judge, even seeing her reflected in the light of the moon.

“Hello” Misha signed towards me. She was translating what the person said.
Guess we should talk.
“Who are you and what are you doing on the school grounds this late?” I asked an obvious question. I was the authority here.
“Me? And what are you doing with those bigass scissors there?” She stopped grinning, her face started looking rather serious now. It was... scary.
“T-That is none of your business! You are trespassing on Yamaku high grounds, thief! Leave or we will call the police!”
The woman slowly moved away from the door, towards us and said, while Misha signed, with shaking hands “You asked who I was. Would be impolite not to answer”. Then she pulled some kind of a can out of her pocket.

“I'm your worst nightmare”
that was the last thing Misha signed. We wanted to make w run for it by the windows but they didn't want to open. What the hell? Jammed? All of them? The person throwed the starnge can towards us and something started to came out of it. Gas!
“Cover your face, Misha!” I signed but Misha didn't see. She was trying to open the windows, clearly in a state of panic. I did my best to avoid breathing in the gas, but I think I failed. I started to get dizzy and it was hard to stand. I looked at the mysterious person. She already had a gas mask on her face.
The world was going blank. I was fighting with all my strength but my body was out of control and I fell into darkness...


I woke up. It was still dark and I was in the same classroom. But I couldn't move. It seems I've been tied up to a chair. On my left was Misha, also tied up, with her head hanging down. She was out cold. In front of me tough was the very same mysterious person and right beside her was... Hisao Nakai. I tried to free myself, but I was tied up way too good.
He was standing with a pen and a notebook, writing something quickly. Then he came close to me, ripped a page from the notebook, wrote again something in the very same notebook and showed me the content: “Sign this” a sentence in the notebook said. Then Nakai showed me the ripped piece of paper:
“I, Hakamichi Shizune, with the assistance of Shina Mikado, am responsible of the frequent damage caused on the music school equipment. I deeply apologize for my behavior and promise to repay for everything I have done. I also promise to personally apologize to Lilly Satou, as the most often instrument I damaged, was the piano she regularly used”.
No way! I turned my face away to signalize my disapproval. Nakai murmured something to the person and then wrote in the notebook:
“If you disagree, we will publish videos with you during your crimes”
H-He's bluffing! There are no videos! How? God damn, how?
Nakai then wrote:
“Also I cannot assure you how this person by my side here will react on a disapproval”. I took a peek beside him. The person was opening some kind of briefcase. From it, she took out a smaller case, but it on the table and opened it. I didn't see the content.
She smiled with an evil satisfaction and then turned the briefcase so that I could see what was inside.
The case was filled with small blades, razors, some kind of tweezers and all kind of metal shiny things I had no idea how to use. But I had an idea what they are for and it wasn't nice. I felt blood running away from my face and cold sweat forming on my forehead. The person, a woman, looked like eager to use every single thing from the case.

I...I.... I want to live...



“Dear Diary,
This was truly a strange day. Today Miss Hakamichi came, together with miss Mikado as her regular translator, and confessed that she was behind all the damage done to the music room piano. She told me then everything about how hard it was for her. I gave her a hug. I think I understand now what it means to be deaf and how different our world are.

There's a slight possibility we might even become friends if we talk more like this...

Hisao is such a sweet boyfriend. I grew to love him. He's so caring and helpful.

Today Akira called asking how's it going. As usually I answered it was fine. It actually was and the future looked bright. She said she couldn't drop by cause she had another very important business appointment to attend to. My sister is a hard working, good person."
Lilly stopped her recorder and completed yet another entry of her audio diary



We have defeated our final foe. It was all over. My job was done. Me and Nakai saved the world from the feminist infestation. We were heroes. And this chapter came to an end in my life. Now, I had a girlfriend to make happy. Life was going to get good, man.


Re: The piano and a change

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:47 pm
by Mag
awesome story. Nice ending too. Loved how Akira was so bad ass. Although Emi moving at such a high speed and kicking with titanium legs......ouch. Sounds brutal. But all in all, story was great.

Good luck Kenji. I would say that Emi will drive you crazy, but your crazy already. A nice pair i must say.

Re: The piano and a change

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:01 am
by kosherbacon
I got a bit worried towards the end. I was worried that Emi wouldn't get a happy ending. I'm glad she did.

...what? Don't look at me like that. I don't hate her that much.

Re: The piano and a change

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:13 am
by Mag
kosherbacon wrote:I got a bit worried towards the end. I was worried that Emi wouldn't get a happy ending. I'm glad she did.

...what? Don't look at me like that. I don't hate her that much.
I don't know kosherbacon. Something just tells me...........that you may...........just it a hunch............

Re: The piano and a change

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:26 am
by neumanproductions
Mag wrote:
kosherbacon wrote:I got a bit worried towards the end. I was worried that Emi wouldn't get a happy ending. I'm glad she did.
...what? Don't look at me like that. I don't hate her that much.
I don't know kosherbacon. Something just tells me...........that you may...........just it a hunch............
Oh come now. No one can really hate Emi, just get really annoyed by her; especially when I can't have cake because of her.

Re: The piano and a change

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:29 am
by Mag
neumanproductions wrote:
Mag wrote:
kosherbacon wrote:I got a bit worried towards the end. I was worried that Emi wouldn't get a happy ending. I'm glad she did.
...what? Don't look at me like that. I don't hate her that much.
I don't know kosherbacon. Something just tells me...........that you may...........just it a hunch............
Oh come now. No one can really hate Emi, just get really annoyed by her; especially when I can't have cake because of her.
oh so very true neumanproductions. Emi may just be sinister on that part. I mean there must be a more deeper explanation for her hatred towards cakes. Maybe she got attacked by a cake once and hate them forever.

Re: The piano and a change

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:32 am
by neumanproductions
Mag wrote:
neumanproductions wrote:
Mag wrote: I don't know kosherbacon. Something just tells me...........that you may...........just it a hunch............
Oh come now. No one can really hate Emi, just get really annoyed by her; especially when I can't have cake because of her.
oh so very true neumanproductions. Emi may just be sinister on that part. I mean there must be a more deeper explanation for her hatred towards cakes. Maybe she got attacked by a cake once and hate them forever.
But cake is best when given by a girl.
Or it's just that good.

Re: The piano and a change

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 2:11 am
by Mag
Ok neumanproductions. I have to ask. What anime is that in the first link. And the second link is true. Its just that GOOD!

Re: The piano and a change

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:14 am
by Leotrak
I have a better question... WTF is Conan doing there on that second picture? XD

Anyway, Smoku, good read ^_^ Awesome ending 8)