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Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 3:05 am
by Rozen
whiteflags wrote:
EternalLurker wrote:
whiteflags wrote:explanation of what CMM wrote
((I'm well aware of what Hisao told us to do. If you'd read my post on this very page, I dumped that job on Sarina and went after Hanako. I dunno what Abigail, Marybelle and the like will decide to do, but I needed to make sure Hanako wasn't going to be lost in the labyrinth that is this mansion for the rest of eternity. Consider giving Sarina my job part of my win condition on her; I don't think SirMax will want to take 18 Stress on 20 Spirit or he'll be in trouble fairly early.
[But if you're cooking as well, that makes five people in the kitchen (you, Hanako, Abigail, me, and Crud) and Sir Max is doing shopping by himself. Hanako's situation is unfortunate, but we're all doing the same damn thing.]
(OOC: I don't think you guys have entered the kitchen yet, Abigail just told you guys you need to be there, yet none of you have actualy said you are there, but ya, we might be jumping the gun... but i'm having fun T.T)

edit: if you think your character needs to help with the shopping, than rp it.


Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 3:17 am
by Crud Bonemeal
As Marybelle ran off towards the kitchen with Abagail, Ayame called after her.

"I'll catch up after I take care of Kenji!"

("Yeah, I'm pretty sure someone said his name by now. I better hurry and get this guy bandaged up. Don't know where his room is, I guess the couch will do for now, it's not like he's going to stay still once he returns to his senses. At least Marybelle looks excited, finally.")

As soon as the other maids are out of sight, she lays the injured butler upon the couch and pulls a roll of bandages and some bandage tape from the pocket of her apron.

("It's a good thing I carry these and some gauze, just in case, or I'd have to hunt for my room, too.")

She works quickly to apply the bandages, removing Kenji's shirt and wrapping them around his chest until it's completely covered, and then taping the end to secure it. He was fairly light, and Ayame was in good shape, so it was easy to lift his torso to pass the bandages under. In her rush, Ayame must have poked the broken rib a few times, or provoked a more severe panic attack than usual, as Kenji had passed out.

("Well, that's good, I'll just tell him he bandaged himself in a fit of awesomeness or something if he asks, he was hardly lucid on the way here. No muss, no fuss.")

(OOC: That's an Athletics roll to get the bandaging done as quickly as possible, so that she can join the others in the kitchen in a timely manner. 4*2=8. Well, someone had to get a low roll eventually. Here's a double of the link, since the hypertext 2 doesn't really stand out: And, to save time, here's the part that takes place after that, in which Ayame attempts to find the kitchen.)

Having patched up the butler, Ayame now realized she had no clue where the kitch was. Well, she knew it was on the first floor, clearly. And it had to be near the front, that's where the others were headed earlier.

("Okay, this is easy, I just need to pay attention to the signs. This mansion is pretty echoey, I bet I'll be able to hear noise from the kitchen when I get close. Also, if they start cooking, I'll be able to smell it. There's also...")

Ayame's sharp mind, honed with years of rigorous homeschooling and medical training, began to work, narrowing down the possibilities until Ayame knew exactly where the kitchen was.

(OOC: Cunning roll: 4*4=16: Ayame will be out for the next few in-game minutes as these two things resolve. I hope nobody minds me queing up a second action so that I'm not all alone diverting CMM's attention for the next few posts. This way, I'll be right back in the thick of things the next time I post. I'll just let some time pass before having Ayame show up.)

(OOC: PS: Thankfully, all of this means that by the time Ayame gets back into the action, you guys will have worked out who's going shopping and who's cooking. As for Sarina, she can retcon herself nabbing Kenji's grocery list into the timeframe of Abagail's last post. Do it how you want, she'll just tell you to be careful with the poor guy.)


Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 3:27 am
by Rozen
Crud Bonemeal wrote:She works quickly to apply the bandages, removing Kenji's shirt...
OOC: I like where this is going.


Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:28 am
by ThreeStep
(Haha whoops. Totally missed the whole "Abagail goes shopping" bit, just saw "tell Ayame and Marybelle they're needed in the kitchen." Abagail'll just hang around the servant's quarters for a spell then or something, see if Sarina shows up.)


Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:03 am
by SirMax
((Jeez I go to bed and then get back from school to the thread length nearly doubling.
EternalLurker wrote:
whiteflags wrote:explanation of what CMM wrote
((I'm well aware of what Hisao told us to do. If you'd read my post on this very page, I dumped that job on Sarina and went after Hanako. I dunno what Abigail, Marybelle and the like will decide to do, but I needed to make sure Hanako wasn't going to be lost in the labyrinth that is this mansion for the rest of eternity. Consider giving Sarina my job part of my win condition on her; I don't think SirMax will want to take 18 Stress on 20 Spirit or he'll be in trouble fairly early.))
Well I can't really take the victory condition, can I? Sarina is always going to be at least considering smoking. I'll take taking the job without trying to get you in trouble for directly disobeying Hisao along with the not telling about the first mean thing she does as the condition, though. Otherwise I guess I'm stuck with the stress.))


Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:43 am
by EternalLurker
((I never said you couldn't smoke, just that you'd feel embarrassed/guilty when doing it in front of Kaoru. It's not like she'll be following you around all the time. >_> And if you're taking the Stress then of course you don't have to take that latter part of the victory condition. As for the former, I didn't disobey Hisao; the way he worded his request, he just implied that the shopping needed to get done, not that we both needed to work together on it. If he'd stated that we both needed to do so I certainly would've complied. Kaoru didn't see how shopping would have to be more than a one-person job; she's never shopped for this many people before. Amusing that adding more maids to help inevitably creates more work as well.))


Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 12:51 pm
by SirMax
EternalLurker wrote:I never said you couldn't smoke, just that you'd feel embarrassed/guilty when doing it in front of Kaoru. It's not like she'll be following you around all the time. >_>
EternalLurker wrote:"You will freak out and apologize fervently whenever smoking or even considering smoking as you bump into Kaoru, and, for at least the first incident in which she does anything mean to you, whether or not it's successful you won't tell anyone.
which basically translates to "Every time you see Kaoru you'll be diverted from whatever you're doing to freak out and apologize." I'd rather have one stress explosion than a mini-freak out every single time Kaoru shows up.
EternalLurker wrote:Anywho, I didn't disobey Hisao; the way he worded his request, he just implied that the shopping needed to get done, not that we both needed to work together on it. If he'd stated that we both needed to do so I certainly would've complied. Kaoru didn't see how shopping would have to be more than a one-person job; she's never shopped for this many people before.
well I just noticed that he never technically asked her by name, so I think that I haven't got a leg to sta- um, that you have me there.

Whatever, either way I'll take the 18 stress. I'm far enough behind without more wrangling.))

Oh thank goodness, he hadn't remembered her. That would have been a little embarrassing, not to mention awkward. Better to start off with a clean slate. Letting out a little sigh of relief, she realised that Hisao would have HEARD that sigh. Talk about suspicious. Luckily for her, he followed up with reassuring her that she could smoke, and her sigh could easily be interpreted to be a reaction to that. Taking the keys, she bowed deeply to Hisao. "Yes Master Nakai, right away." Honestly, while some people would be upset to be ditched by the other maid, Sarina was relieved. Not just because of the startling attack earlier, but Kaoru didn't strike Sarina as someone she wanted to be around too much.

Who was it again that had carried off Kenji? Well, Abagail seemed to know where she was going, so Sarina followed after her as quickly as she dared. Best to get away from Hisao quickly before he had a flash of realisation. Almost instantly though Abagail was off like a shot, quickly losing Sarina. Oh dear. Sighing, she resigned herself to trying to follow the other girl's hurried path. With a bit of luck, she wouldn't have taken TOO many corners...

((Luck roll 2*2=4


Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 3:48 pm
by ThreeStep
(I don't think Abagail quite knows where anything is yet. I've just been using the Athletics as she's running like hell all over the place until she reaches her destination, if that works according to rules)

Marybelle was right. The rooms were on the tiny side. That didn't bother Abagail though; they felt cozy. Just like home. Well, her old home. This would be her new home, wouldn't it? With a sigh she sorted and stacked her belongs properly, then set off for the kitchen.

Was she forgetting something? Or someone? Nah, couldn't be. Thinking about the Camp had been put her in a poorer mood so she headed for where she though the kitchen was at a slow walk. If she was forgetting anything, maybe it would come to her along the way.

(Luck Roll of 10 (5*2)( to bump into Sarina.)


Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 4:06 pm
by EternalLurker
((Summary posted in the OoC thread for everyone to clear up all these misunderstandings, and especially to get CMM caught up when he returns))


Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:02 am
by Commissar Mecha Milk
DM NOTES: (First off, I'd like to thank EL for his/her efforts in making that summary, as well as the kitchen description which I didn't mind at all, save for making the traps and such so obvious- I was planning for a perfectly normal-looking kitchen trapped like all get out :P ; 2 Favour for him! And now we return to our somewhat regularly-scheduled Meidoing. Hoo boy are things gonna get strange.)

Having dropped her stuff off in the servant's quarters, which she found quite easily, Abagail heads off to the kitchen, hoping to find the other maids there. Unfortunately, the mansion proves to be much larger than she expected (DM NOTE: I'm gonna roll Cunning for you, all right?)- in fact, it seems much larger on the inside than it does on the outside.

Not only that, but some design features don't seem all that... practical.

Suddenly, a loud roar shatters the silence of the hallways, and standing at the top of a stairway, Abagail sees a lion walk past the steps at the bottom. It doesn't seem to see her, thankfully, but only because something across the hallway at the bottom of the stairs caught its eye...


Marybelle has no trouble keeping up with Abagail, despite the latter's speed, and like Abagail, she witnesses the wild animal's haunches lower. Whatever the lion has seen, it looks like prey...


Though she doesn't know it yet, the extent of Kenji's injuries means that her rushed attempt to heal him hasn't helped in the least; if anything, he's more injured now than he's ever been. Even so, when he wakes up, Kenji will find himself approving of this; women acting all nice and polite to him gets his hackles raised. One who's apparently actively trying to kill him? Why, that's practically normal. And the fact that she failed? Incompetent too! If there wasn't a more womanly woman to woman the womaning woman since Eve, Kenji didn't know about her. Once he untangles all his limbs, and maybe realigns his internal organs, he's gonna give her a piece of his inconcievable mind.

(DM NOTE: Like I did with Abagail, I'd like to roll your Affection to save time, since this is too hilarious to not qualify as a Seduction attempt. Looks like Kenji lost! Congrats, Ayame! Now you function as another Master for Kenji, meaning you can give him orders and have them obeyed, though if he does anything you like, you're gonna have to award him Favour from your own pool. Whether your low roll was a bane or boon, well, that's up to you. If you don't like this result though, I'm willing to work something else out. this IS a big thing after all. )


Like Abagail, Sarina finds herself semi-lost in the mansion. Like Abagail, she finds her way eventually. Like Abagail, she notices that something's wrong with the mansion- as if someone had been playing hell with spatial relationships within the place. And like Abagail, Sarina sees the lion.

UNLIKE Abagail, however, Sarina finds herself the focus of said lion, which wiggles it's butt for a few moments before leaping to pounce, mouth wide open- and promptly flying over the maid as the mansion shakes, bringing Sarina down onto her fundament mere moments before the lion reached her.


Whlist searching the kitchen, Hanako doesn't notice (DM NOTE: Cunning roll) one rather important fact- now that the kitchen is clean, the floor seems to have a certain... pattern embossed upon it. A pattern whose boundaries are crossed as Hanako's shoes scuffle the edges of. Though she manages to jump out of the way in time to avoid the spurting lava, launched brimstone and scalding smoke rising from the floor...

Whatever might come out of the hell gate now towering from the middle of the kitchen might not be so easily dodged.


Having tidied up the kitchen, Kaoru turns her attentions to the cooking utensils, only to witness the hellish gate rising through the floor, smashing the immaculate tiles as the mansion shakes with its ascent. A loud, mocking laughter fills the air...


Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:47 am
by EternalLurker
((This is "regularly-scheduled"?! What is...what...what is this...I don't........lions and demons and Kenji, what... v_V

Poor Kenji. Obviously his own struggling as they carried him down the hall is what caused his ribs to break in even more places, but we'll never convince him of that. As for the seduction... o_O Yeah, seducing someone this early in the campaign may cripple Ayame's Favor pool...Up to Crud if he wants to go with it, I guess. Those rolls are humorous, but does Kenji really only have a 2 in Skill? (Butlers would probably use Skill to do their job and avoid chaotic interactions with members of the mansion.) Pretty crappy Butler if you ask me. *tsks at Kenji for being so pitiful* On that note, Kenji _is_ pitiful and obvious with his traps, so I didn't think it'd be right to make them subtle.

And I can't stop laughing at Hanako getting burned again, this time by hellfire. Brilliance. Now we know what really happened to the Ikezawa mansion. Play with hellfire (dabble in the occult) and you get burned.))

Ninja-bodyguard-assassin-maids are accustomed to dealing with a large number of situations, and thusly have a myriad of trained reflexes, in addition to Kaoru's innate ones. Nothing that had ever occurred within the confines of this kitchen could apply to any of them. There were degrees of physical impossibility which she was prepared to accept, but this trampled on those limits of sanity and laughed while so doing.

The girl could likely handle herself. She already had major burns; she was sure to have enough experience with fire, smoke, and perhaps lava and brimstone to know how to evade them when they rose from random tiles just below her feet. Not that it mattered to Kaoru even if that wasn't the case; it wasn't like the maid meant anything to her. Racing the rising lava, her kusarigama imbedded itself in the ceiling; she rebounded off a fridge (trapped?), swinging over an arc of flame and landing in a fluid roll under a puff of hot smoke as she recalled her weapon. From her new, safer location nearer to the edge of the kitchen -- irritably, merely two feet from the useless Hanako -- she eyed the scene in growing confusion, one eyebrow twitching as the fridge she'd kicked exploded in a brilliantly colorful and assuredly non-lethal display of fireworks. (Trapped. Uselessly. Kenji, you are so pitiful.)

For the first time in nearly a year, Kaoru, stepping into an aggressive, well-balanced crouch, pulled Problem Solver, her dual kusarigama, completely free of her armor, holding the horse hair just below each scythe and twirling them casually at dizzying velocities. Confused, but certainly not frightened, she bantered idly with Hanako in her usual callous manner, raising her voice as much as she could manage in order to be heard above the inferno and the sourceless laughter. "So does fire just follow you everywhere? Did the last mansion at which you - worked also spontaneously - unleash the flames of Hell itself--" She froze, her gaze locked on the massive, ornate double doors that had appeared directly in the center of the kitchen without any sort of warning. Well, I guess the whole flaming-death thing was a warning, but still... "...and the forces of Hell, as well?" she finished cautiously, now indeed becoming slightly concerned. Not that she wasn't sure she could handle whatever demons would come out -- demons were a dime a dozen, nothing before a trained assassin -- but protecting Hanako while she did so might be difficult.

Wait, what? Why did she care about Hanako anyway? She shrugged off that moment of useless thought and focused on how to deal with these things. A few careful glances around the room revealed some options. Problem Solver extended to an impossible length of well over twenty meters, weaving in and out of the six remaining refrigerators at what appeared to be a casual toss, landing once more in her hands. Bracing herself against a recently created pile of rubble formed from the ground's destruction, Kaoru grunted effortfully as she tugged on her lasso, sliding the trapped fridges across the ground towards the gate to bar the doors shut, and perhaps trigger the traps against anything opening that door with enough force to get through. Maybe Kenji could make himself marginally useful after all.

((Pulling six fridges across the ground simultaneously would be pushing the limits of an Athletics 3 roll normally even when using her entire body as Kaoru is, but Maid Weapons make everything better. ^_^ Problem Solver has an innate force multiplier along with being impossibly long and accurate. Ninja-bodyguard-assassin-maids are well equipped. The issue is where those fridges end up; sliding 'em all in front of the Hell Gate takes some skill. I'm guessing a 3 isn't gonna do the trick, though, since a 4 is the minimum for even a basic action. Fuck you 1s. Now I'm gonna have a fridge slamming into my face. One of the trapped fridges, judging by my luck.

I get the feeling Hanako is going to be cowering uselessly in a corner aside from muttered responses to Kaoru's query. Fire-fire-fire-figaahhhh, and all that jazz. This'll be amusing. Of course, on the off-chance that she isn't...Adding her Luck roll to my roll might cause the random spurts of flaming rock to knock the fridges in the direction I intended...Not that I'm asking for a hand or anything, just making an observation... >_>))


Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:45 pm
by SirMax
The second the lion leaped, hard wired reflexes kicked in, and Sarina was already reaching for her frying pan when the sudden shaking brought her to the ground. Quickly pulling herself to her feet, she readied the frying pan against the lion. Then, logic kicked in. What on earth was she doing, facing down a lion with a frying pan? Even if she could club it, its claws would reach her before her pan reached its head. And she wasn't exactly a baseball star, the chances of her hitting before it pinned her were nil. She was, in other words, in serious trouble.

But she couldn't very well just let the lion eat her. What kind of maid showed up and got eaten on her first day? Diverted momentarily by the other possible interpretation of that choice of words she blushed, once again remembering Hisao. Focus, Sarina, focus. she chided herself. Suddenly, it hit her. Hisao! She wasn't the only one in the mansion, and somehow she doubted that with his heart Hisao could survive being attacked by a lion even if it didn't kill him itself.

Steeling herself, she raised her frying pan, which suddenly gave off a flash of light. Looking at it, Sarina was startled to notice that it gone from normal, black and dull with a burnt, rough look, to shining steel trimmed with hearts and feathers. The hearts ranged along the pink to red spectrum, and the four feathers fanned out between them. The handle also seemed to have lengthened quite a bit, to almost long enough for a walking stick. Gripping it tightly, she pointed it at the lion. This was just getting more and more like the sort of stories she used to read when she was younger. First she ended up being the maid to a charming- she blushed a little at describing Hisao as charming- young man, and now she had some sort of ridiculous pan-maul with hearts all over it. Well, when in Rome...

"You leave Hisao alone!" she cried commandingly, brandishing the pan-maul at the lion. Sarina started to spin the pan-maul in front of her rapidly, a pink after-trail forming a circle. Another quick movement flicked the pan-maul to the side as the rotations continued. And then, Sarina let go. The weapon flew up into the air, still spinning rapidly, and Sarina reached up and plucked it out of the air mid spin to point it at the lion. A pink beam burst from the end and headed for the lion. Whether or not this was an attack or a light show, Sarina didn't know, but whatever it was, she hoped it stopped the lion finding Hisao. Overcome by a suddenly undeniable urge that seemed to control all fighters with supernatural powers, Sarina blurted out "Go! Flames of Passion!"

((Using affection for this, for obvious reasons. 4*3=12 ))


Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:04 pm
by ThreeStep
"Oh by the Bull, where am I now?" Abagail was sure she had passed the same gilded cabinet twice now, with no clue where in the mansion she was. It didn't help that she had barely studied the Agency-provided map on the flight out, too busy reciting the 57 Calls of Atlantis over and over again. She turned around, looking for any landmarks or markers.

"Twenty-seven. As the whale and the worm walk to supper, watching wolves wait for dinner. Twenty-eight. A man walked into a cave, looking for..." Without thinking, Abagail began reciting the Calls, tracing her steps. Maybe she could find the servant rooms again, take a different hall and try again.

"Forty-two. A lion will lead the lady...waitbytheBullandRubyandPillarwhatnow." Abagail had stumbled on a new section of the mansion. And a lion. A real, live lion. Abagail squeaked and ducked back around the corner, breathing heavily. When she saw Marybelle another squeak almost came out. Following the other maid's stare, Abagail peeked back around to see the lion stalking...Sarina?

She wanted to yell out a warning, but suddenly the maid's frying pan Where did she pull that from? began to glow and transform. She stared down at her uniform, avoiding the blinding light.

"Forty-seven. At the ruby dawn's song, call thy name and reach out." Suddenly it all clicked. "The Bull from the Sea guides, the Ruby of the Star-Sun protects," she murmured to herself. "This is my calling. I am Our Lady of the Gray." Steeling herself, Abagail tensed and threw herself around the corner at the lion.

(Athletics roll of 20 (4*5 to either tackle the lion or knock Sarina out of the way if her Love Girl Beam misses.)


Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:47 pm
by Crud Bonemeal
(OOC: Oh, geez, my first day and I've already got a "special friend". I'd say you should PM me a more detailed description before I decide whether or not to keep Kenji, I mean, how much Favor, and what actions would qualify? I don't need to be losing Favor every time he passes the salt, y'know. But, if it's not too crazy, it could be fun. Heck, Ayame doesn't even realize what she's done yet, so it may be some time before it even comes into play. Now, on we go to the crazy hellgate bit. You sure don't waste any time. I'll just cut into where Ayame was about to look for the kitchen.)

As Ayame set off for the kitchen, a massive rumbling nearly knocked her over.

("What now? Did the others blow the kitchen up?")

She discarded that theory as the rumbling continued. She decided to keep going to the kitchen rather than actively investigating the shaking mansion, figuring that if the kitchen weren't the source of the rumbling, she'd at least find one of the other maids, who may know more about what's transpiring. Luckily, if the worst was happening and the mansion was under attack, Ayame was always ready for a fight, having practiced throwing small objects since childhood. The kitchen should contain more than enough for her needs. As her mother always said, "The best weapon is the one that's plentiful and in arm's reach." Ayame broke into a dash, hoping to reach the kitchen before the situation got out of control.

("Oh, you know, it could just be an earthquake. I almost let my imagination get away with me again. Still, I'd better keep running, you can never be sure. I just hope Hisao doesn't get crushed by something. His heart should be fine if he doesn't panic. If he's been taking his medicine. Besides, I don't know where he is, or where to begin looking, I at least have a decent guess about the kitchen. Damn, don't go dying on my first day, Hisao...")

(OOC: Here's my Athletics roll to run to the kitchen quickly: I guess the roller doesn't like me using Athletics, the total is, again, 8.)


Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 12:07 am
by Commissar Mecha Milk
EternalLurker wrote:((This is "regularly-scheduled"?! What is...what...what is this...I don't........lions and demons and Kenji, what... v_V
DM NOTE: (This IS regular- for a MAID GAME! WAHAHAHA! Okay, so to simulate the impact of 6 fridges slamming into Kaoru- ow, 6 Stress).

Unfortunately for Kaoru's attempt to pull the fridges together and seal the Hellgate, she pulls a little too strongly, and one fridge lands directly on her, bottom first. Stepping out of the fridge, a dazed Kaoru is slammed in pretty much the same fashion by the second fridge. The pattern repeats itself for the third and fourth fridge. After the fifth fridge, Kaoru's jiggling brain cells finally align long enough for her to stay in said fridge for a few moments (and avail herself of a convenient icepack). After she hears a loud slam, she steps out, only to have the sixth fridge fall down on her, its sense of comic timing impeccable. In fact, the slam she heard was not the sixth fridge coming down, but the door of the Hellgate opening...


The beam smashes into the lion, and it is almost smothered by the POWER OF LOVEā„¢! Though it still slams into Sarina, its massive bulk unhindered by the beam, the look on its face is now one of affection, not anger. That said, an affectionate lion is still a lion, and having great big meaty lion-paws kneading their way into her belly wouldn't be exactly a relaxing occasion- so it's good for Sarina that Abagail's own mad tackle results in her slamming face first into the lion's butt first, the two of them tumbling head-over-claws to the end of the corridor, though it's obvious by the way the lion's eyes are rolling in different directions that it has taken the brunt of the damage. Abagail might want to wash her hair though.

(Lion suffers 10 Stress in damage! Lion is knocked out!*)

(*Minor enemies in Maid RPG are easy to take out, don't worry.)


Trying valiantly to run to the kitchen, Ayame still finds herself slightly tardy due to her long athletic legs getting caught up in her equally long but quite as athletic skirt, sending her tripping into a heap. Picking up the dress, Ayame keeps running off to the kitchen, her pride the only thing injured. Pity she doesn't know that she will arrive too late to stop the creature striding out of the hellgate...