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Re: Have you played Hanako's Game recently? (Poll)

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 7:24 pm
by abscess
Oh, the good old days, when homework was easy and there was nothing much to worry about but how to kill that damned boss in this or that game...... or memorize passwords.... Anyway, yeah. I'm in the part of having played "Hanako's game". As for "in the last 2 years part", I dunno, I think not. Can't really remember.

Re: Have you played Hanako's Game recently? (Poll)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 5:50 pm
by Strider
flurk wrote:its name is Hanako's Game. learn it.

also, the game

Re: Have you played Hanako's Game recently? (Poll)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:54 pm
by Solunar
Yes! I like stepping on the tiles and avoiding the lines, and sometimes going diagonally from tile to tile. Wheee. :)

Re: Have you played Hanako's Game recently? (Poll)

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:28 pm
by Hypothermia
All. The. Fucking. Time.

Re: Have you played Hanako's Game recently? (Poll)

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:05 am
by unkind
Ever since 1st grade

Re: Have you played Hanako's Game recently? (Poll)

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:00 pm
by Xynar
I used to play that alot when I was younger. I was a lonely little kid, no friends, so I had to keep myself entertained. After becoming an adult I hadn't done it in a long time until I played KS. Now I do it whenever I'm in an empty hallway at work.

Re: Have you played Hanako's Game recently? (Poll)

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:04 pm
by A Simple Fox
I play these "games" all the time. you never really keep score. I think it's because the act of "doing" something is the reward in itself. When I see someone playing Hanako's game, (you can tell right way if someone is even if they try to hide it) I just giggle to myself and ask them "Bored huh?"

I think the games you play when you are little influence the variation of the game. For example, I played chess a lot when I was little, so I moved like a knight on the tiles. My buddy played Checkers a lot, he liked to hop diagonally on the tiles. One person above me said the running man was a skateboarder because he played Tony Hawk, another said Mario, and another Sonic. I played Sonic on the Genesis and that's who i imagine who the running man is.

Lastly don't count the tiles on the ceiling if you are bored, you'll count them all one day and have nothing life to do. It does creep people out if you know though.
Taken from a real conversation:
"God it's so boring in here... What are you doing?"
"437. 501 if you count the tiles that are cracked in half."

And a quick question, Why was it always Lava?

Re: Have you played Hanako's Game recently? (Poll)

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 9:29 pm
by vaen
A Simple Fox wrote:And a quick question, Why was it always Lava?

Re: Have you played Hanako's Game recently? (Poll)

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:00 am
by SirMax
I don't do it by colour, but sometimes I'll try to step on each square or something without hitting lines or skipping over any. And on those sidewalks where one half is for bikes I almost always walk on the line.

Re: Have you played Hanako's Game recently? (Poll)

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 2:25 pm
by guest
I always do tile games if i am alone, avoiding cracks, only stepping on certain colors, its almost painful not to. also, when i am walking next to railings i put my index and middle fingers on the railing and finger-skate them. I walk lots of places alone, and really, its something to make the trip better. also, I play human-gate slalom if i have to get somewhere quickly. for those of you that don't know skiing terminology, that is where you weave between people. i originally did it on skis on crowded runs because there were too many people.

Re: Have you played Hanako's Game recently? (Poll)

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 7:01 pm
by Nightdragon
Used to a lot just for the sake of it. I think I might have been a little OCD, which would explain it. Now a days I'm too busy to care, but it was fun back when I was younger.

Re: Have you played Hanako's Game recently? (Poll)

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:00 pm
by timdhong
i play it whenever i go to the mall yes i hate the mall that much and in my kitchen cept with the light colored tiles

Re: Have you played Hanako's Game recently? (Poll)

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 6:24 am
by Cody8977897
Yes, for quite longer then I've known actually.

Re: Have you played Hanako's Game recently? (Poll)

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 5:08 am
by flurk
guest wrote:also, I play human-gate slalom if i have to get somewhere quickly. for those of you that don't know skiing terminology, that is where you weave between people. i originally did it on skis on crowded runs because there were too many people.
you do it because it's so damn fun, admit it :D

Re: Have you played Hanako's Game recently? (Poll)

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:34 am
by kobe
flurk wrote:
guest wrote:also, I play human-gate slalom if i have to get somewhere quickly. for those of you that don't know skiing terminology, that is where you weave between people. i originally did it on skis on crowded runs because there were too many people.
you do it because it's so damn fun, admit it :D
And i do it to piss off my friends who aren't slender enough to fit in a 1.5 feet opening between two groups of people. speed is a bonus.