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Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] [New Frontpage+Chapter Eleven!]

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 8:16 pm
by AntonSlavik020
Loved this chapter. And that fanart you just posted is hilarious.

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] [New Frontpage+Chapter Eleven!]

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 3:15 pm
by RidiculousLuke
New Chapter! On a side note, I've been having some trouble with the artwork for this post.

I'll post it when I can.

Chapter Twelve- The Festival Part 4


Quiet, so very quiet. Which is understandable since we're now closing in on the schools medical building. Unlike the other locations here, this is probably the one place visitors don't want to be. In a way it sort've reminds you that the students here aren't exactly 'healthy'.

A festival's a happy occasion after all, it's not something that's meant to remind you about your own mortality.

... Well actually it kinda does in w-

You know what, forget it. I should just focus on the task at hand. That task is the current whereabouts of Kobayashi, If it's like Fukuhara thinks then okay but what I don't get is why she would be swimming laps instead of helping us out...

If I remember correctly, she was pretty pumped when she was helping us build the stall. She didn't whine and complain like a certain blonde in our group, she was quite happy.

... So then why? Thinking back to the man with the jean jacket that showed up before I left, I feel a light bulb go off in my head.

... Family problems. Well, maybe not. I mean, that guy seemed pretty nice when I met him so maybe the problem is more on the daughters side. Of course that could just be an act on his part.

Traversing the school grounds has been quite the workout for me, Fukuhara has been nice enough to keep a slow pace with me but I know she would rather walk faster than this. There hasn't been any conversation between us during this journey, funny how something like a notepad could fill the silence.

quite literally tucked away in the corner, we finally reach the school medical building. On the outside it's nothing special, looks pretty much like every other building here. Old on the outside.

And new on the inside. Well, only a little. in terms of equipment, I think it's one of the most heavily financed sections in the school. Followed closely by the education system and maybe the student acommodation.

... Yeah right, the dorm rooms are pretty average. I remember Takashi once screaming late at night and then complaining to me the next day that his room in paticular was the site of intense vermin breeding.

A hearty laugh escapes me, the sound echoes in the hallway we're currently standing in. Fukuhara eyes me oddly and I quickly look away in embarrassment.

"Eh, it's nothing. Just thought of something that was funny." Fukuhara smiles a little and looks ahead again.

... Dammit Kichirou, keep it together. I try but the image of Takashi's bed being carried away by rats and him chasing after them causes me to chuckle uncontrollably.

This time though, Fukuhara doesn't turn around. Instead she just keeps checking every door we pass. After I calm down, I cough a little in an attempt to get her attention.

"You don't know where the school pool is, do you?" Fukuhara stops and turns, her face flushed as she shakes her head. I look at her like this should be common knowledge before sighing.

"Well neither do I." This earns me a light smack on the head as Fukuhara's face scrunches adorably, "Ow!" I laugh while she silently fumes.

That's right, I don't know where it is. Which I feel isn't really my fault, after all, I thought someone was supposed to show you around the facilities when you first got here...

I look around, the hallway we both stand in seems and probably is, endless. I heave another sigh and turn to Fukuhara, "How about we split up? I'll go down here," I point behind me, "And you go that way." Fukuhara follows my hand before nodding slightly.

She pulls out her notepad and writes, [Okay, I'll text you if I find her.] I nod and Fukuhara waves before running off.

Well, here I am. All alone. In this beige-coloured nightmare of a building... No use fretting now, let's get going.

Turning around, I limp through the hallway. Stopping now and again to check any nearby doors.


"What do you know, another locked door!" I grumble. Cursing to myself while leaning head first against a wall, I do a mental run through of all places I've checked.

I'm not sure how long I've been at this, it feels like hours honestly and I am pretty sure that I've been down this hallway already...

I detach reluctantly from the wall and trudge onwards, the sound coming from my single shoe and crutch creating an interesting chorus every time I step.

Crutch, step. Crutch, step.

A pattern that I have completed probably a million times now. What's shocking however is how good I've actually gotten with it, not long ago I would often fall. On sidewalks, into people, and sometimes into traff-

Joking. It was never that bad. Recently though, I have been a lot more active so maybe that's the reason. A few months back, I never thought I would be roaming my high school in search of two of my friends, who also just so happen to be girls.

... More friends huh. Honestly, I thought I was going to be stuck with Takashi until I graduated but it seems like lady luck has been watching over me.

Kinda thought I wouldn't make any friends when I got out. Sure, I befriended Takashi rather easily but then again, he wasn't all that popular himself...

Not that popularity is a big thing here.

In a way saying something like, "We're all crippled down here." would actually make sense.

Now that I think about it, I haven't seen any fights break out here like they would back when I was in middle school.

Okay sure, physical fights are probably strictly off limits but a mental kind of fight hasn't taken place yet. Or It could've, I just haven't seen it myself.

Although the morning battles Takashi has with that cafeteria soup could be considered a war of the minds. I laugh as I turn the corner.

... Dull, beige and empty. Not exactly a stark contrast from the last fifty hallways I've been in...

This is driving nuts, I check my phone again in the hopes that Fukuhara has found our target.

Nothing, of course... Great, well what about this room? It's got double doors after all...

Huh, it's not locked for change. I slide open one side after a little effort, I can't see anything inside due to the lights being off. I step in slightly and peer around for a switch. Feeling around blindly, I eventually find it and flip it up. It takes a few seconds but soon this room shows itself.

Well, it's not a pool but it is a physical rehabilitation center of some kind. Instead of water the whole room is filled with machines and weight racks, dumbbells, barbells and all other manner of workout equipment litters this place.

Not a bad setup we have here at Yamaku, not that I can really be the judge of this. I've never been one for gyms or exercise, I did have to go to a rehabilitation center like everyone else missing a limb or two but after I finished all that I never kept up with the plan that was given to me.

I never really liked the lady who helped me, someone who wouldn't even bat an eyelid if you couldn't get up. She was just there for the paycheck...

Hopping through the racks, I run my stub over the various dumbbells. Jeez, forty-five kilograms. Is there even a student here who can carry this thing? I doubt it, I'm gonna bet the lighter weights here are the only ones used.

Sitting down on a nearby bench I observe everything around me, it's a little dusty here honestly. Good thing I don't have allergies, the last thing I needed on my medical profile would be an aversion to all things dirty.

I wonder if anyone's been here recently. Doesn't look like it, Maybe our pool here is the more attractive cardio option the school has to offer. While lazily scanning the room my foot knocks something over, I gaze downwards.

What's this doing here? This should be on the rack. It's not that heavy, around five or seven kilograms.

I think I could carry this at least, I leave my crutch and hop up. After making sure my stub grip on the bench is tight, I lean down and grasp the dumbbell. I strain a little but I manage to lift it up, so far so good.

I look for an empty spot on the rack. I let go of the bench and balance on my only leg, the weight I'm carrying has instantly started to resist me. I struggle but manage to hop, pain starts to shoot through a majority of my upper body as I jump towards my destination.

Pain, pain, pain, pain, pa- There! I settle the dumbell into its respective spot and sigh. I run my stub over my hand, a little sore but nothing serious. Before I can even register my surroundings, my butt's already crashed against the bench.

I'm already this worn out? Man, I suck. I wipe the sweat from my forehead and sigh, I used to be better than this...

My questionable fitness level will have to wait for another time because my ass is currently vibrating. I pull out my phone, a text at long last... I hope she found her.

"Susumu, I found Kyoko. She's here at the pool as I thought, Luckily I remembered where this place was :-P"

... She's lying to herself now? She looked about as lost as a tourist in Tokyo earlier. The rest of the message is essentially her drawing out a grammatical map of where the school pool is located. I place my phone away, grab my crutch and begin limping out of the room.

I stop at the door and look back, this room's nice. I hope more people get to use it in the future. I slide the door closed and pull out my phone again, alright this way I think.

... Could this woman be even more cryptic?


This must be the place, what with the colour scheme change and all. The once beige of the hallways prior has now taken on a rather bland shade of blue, no doors. Just a hallway. Would've helped if we knew that earlier. Our search wouldn't have lasted as long as it did.

Hobbling through the passage, I notice a light coming from the end. The further I 'walk', the darker it gets. The closer I get to the light, the more apparent the smell of chlorine gets.

... This is taking longer than I thought. I realise that I'm sweating again, great I guess I really did hit my peak back there. I almost collapse but luckily I make it to the end of the tunnel, turning one more corner I am nearly blinded by the light coming from inside.

The area is empty, which is no longer that much of a surprise considering the other rooms here. Unlike the others though, it's very well lit, naturally for a change. The large window panes make the afternoon light coming from outside really stand out. Compared to the hallway I was just in, this place seems even more blue but that's probably due to the central attraction and purpose of this room, the school pool.

Which is, by the way, massive. It stretches out for what feels like a few miles. Do the students of Yamaku really use this place for rehab? Won't most of them drown before they can even reach the other side? Not that I should complain though, since I can't really swim anymore. I did hear once that there are one-legged swimmers in the Olympics...

I think my future won't be there though...

I shake my head a little in an attempt to clear my thoughts. Now that I'm here, I should find Kobayashi. A task that ends up not lasting long as something nearby crashes into the water, I gaze at the submerged blue and gray figure as it swims onwards.

Well, at least we now know where she's been. My eyes leave the great blue and look to the bleachers off to the side, Fukuhara sits right at the bottom, scribbling away on her notepad.

I limp over and take a seat near her, she notices me and smiles. I smile as well while placing my crutch down, she straightens her posture and begins using her notepad for communication instead of artistic pursuits.

[She's been here the whole time, I've tried talking to her but she seems a little hesitant about going back.]

"Why?" Fukuhara just shrugs and looks out at the pool. I wonder if Kobayashi really did leave because of her father being here, seems likely but we'll have to hear the reason from the person herself.

The wait isn't long as Kobayashi emerges from the pool, using the little ladder to hoist herself out. She flicks her long ponytail back as she shuffles over to us, she grabs a towel from the rack nearby and starts drying off. Eventually she turns to us with an expression of surprise, fake surprise by the way.

... Okay, allow me to be the first male student at Yamaku to say this. The female swimming costume, was a delightful choice by the school board. I've said before that Kobayashi is rather, uh, 'Gifted'. It's really noticeable now though, that suit wraps around her body tightly, especially around a certain feature of hers.

I can't help but blush and look away as she runs the towel over her head.

Despite the embarrassment I'm experiencing, I speak up, "Aren't y-you supposed to wear a swimming cap?" Not the best thing I could've started with...

Kobayashi presses the towel to her chest and blushes, "Uh, w-well, I guess. I didn't really think about it!" She laughs awkwardly while trying to avoid eye contact.

I sit up slightly and prepare myself. I need to take this slow, "So, what's your best lap time?" She seems confused at first but she speaks hesitantly, "I don't really know..."

My eyes look her over, not in a seductive way! I'm merely trying to gauge her reactions to my questions. Suddenly, something small and rectangular enters the scene.

[Kyoko, are you scared about seeing your father?] Damn Fukuhara, getting right to the point are we?



She's right though, the question seems to effect Kobayashi in a negative way. Fukuhara puts down her notepad and gets off the bleacher, she steps towards Kobayashi and rests her hand on her shoulder gently.

The pony-tailed girl looks away shyly and I just sigh and stare outside, who would've thought that this years festival would be a weird family reunion for some kids...



"I think you should at least say hello, he looked like he really wanted to see you." I'm not exactly sure if that's what he actually wants but I've got a good feeling about the guy.

Kobayashi looks to the floor as Fukuhara grips her shoulder a little tighter. What follows next is a rather lengthy silence, I glance around for a clock. I spot one near the entrance and sigh, we actually found her faster than I thought.

Still got enough time to work at our stall before the festival's over. Although that all depends on our friends willingness to face her father.

... Can't blame her, father figures are never easy.

... Not that I know, my Dad wasn't the most attentive man but he wasn't violent. I should be glad I didn't have an abusive father, something like that would've been slammed into my medical history in a heartbeat.

Still, Kobayashi's hesitation is something else. What could she possibly be avoiding... My mind wanders to the other day, when we were collecting the supplies for our stand and that paint can landed on her. I would be lying if I said that those screams of hers aren't locked away permantently in my consciousness somewhere.

Maybe her condition has something to do with this. After all, most of us are here for a reason.

Kobayashi looks to me shyly, I look her in the eye. She doesn't hold the gaze long as she turns her head downwards again before speaking, "I- I dunno guys," She stutters, "I think I would just be a nuisance."

Fukuhara looks shocked and I just shake my head, "No way, you helped build the stall with us. How could you be a nuisance?" I sit up and grab my crutch before limping over to the girls.

"Look, let's get back to the stall okay? I think you should at least just greet the guy." Kobayashi blushes and looks at Fukuhara, who just nods with a smile.

"..." Kobayashi sighs and looks upwards, "You know what? You're right, I can just say hello."

"Exactly." I give her a pat on the head, an action that causes her to blush and stare at me. My eyes begin to wander and all the tension that was around suddenly vanishes as I notice a certain jiggle she has.

I blush heavily and begin coughing uncontrollably, the girls look a little worried but I raise my hand up to reassure them.

"Y-You should get changed you know? You c-can't go out like that." I say in between coughs. Kobayashi looks down and blushes, "You're right! I'll get changed!" She puts the towel back on the rack and runs off towards a changing room.

My coughing fit subsides rather quickly and I'm soon left standing with my hand on my head awkwardly. I feel a soft poke in my side, Fukuhara shows me her notepad. [Not bad Susumu.] I wave my hand and hop away slightly.

"I didn't do anything special." I feel another poke as Fukuhara silently giggles at me, [You managed to convince her to come back. Something I thought wouldn't happen, you're a nice guy after all.]

"After all?" Fukuhara looks away conveniently and I just sigh. she eventually motions for the exit and follow after her.

We lean against the wall outside the pool area and I pull out my phone. Well, so far so good. No messages from Takashi so I guess everything's going well.

... Then again he hardly carries his phone around. Now I'm worried.


"Hello!" Kobayashi reappears clad in her school uniform, Fukuhara gives her a hug and I just nod.

"Ready to go?" I hear an inhale and an exhale before Kobyashi speaks up, "Yeah! Let's go." She pumps her fist in the air.

She looks happier than before, maybe the swim did her good?

Whatever, I finished my mission. I found the girls, Takashi owes me, even though we didn't bet on anything.

"Well, let's get back. I hope Takashi hasn't burned down the stall or something." The girls laugh in their own way as we leave the medical building together.


Wish I was joking honestly...


The Mid day rush, everyone's here now. The noise level has definitely increased...

And so did the crowd level. We struggle to move through all the people, the girls push on despite to barriers ahead of us. They've even been kind enough to walk directly in front of me, to act like some kind of human shield.

I appreciate it, if I was left alone I would probably be swallowed by the throngs. After moving through the worst of it, we leave the main area and walk towards the back of the school, Which just so happens to be the location of our stall.

What I expect to hear next is police sirens or maybe a news chopper but instead, all I hear is several tiny voices squealing with joy. I'm more than a little shocked at the sight in front of me, where in the heck did these people come from?

Kids, loads of them, all at our stall. Catching goldfish, taking on the shooting range and trying to dunk the 'Bakaguchi'. What's crazy though is the man in charge of this operation, Takashi rushes from attraction to attraction.

... He's playing every role, he even made the kids get in orderly lines.

The girls and I stare at the sight before us in awe. Takashi notices our faces and shouts, "There you are you pricks! Get in here now! I can't hold them off much lo- one second pal!"
Takashi strips off his jacket and climbs inside the water tank and assumes his role with a smile.

"C'mon! Gimme' your best shot!"


I feel a nudge from Fukuhara, I nod dumbly and limp over to the shooting range. As I take my place I notice a man emerge from the crowd of children. "Kyoko! There you are!"

The man with the jean jacket, Kobayashi's father runs over to the girl. I don't really catch what they say after that as a little girl is trying to take the range rifle for herself.

While I man the booth I let my eyes wander, Takashi's probably been dunked about seven times since I've been here. Fukuhara's manning the goldfish tank in place of Kobayashi. Even without speaking she still cheers the kids on in her own way. I can't help but smile, we got plenty of customers in the end.


... Not good, what do I give them once I run out of stuffed animals?


The last shot is taken, the last ball is thrown and the last fish is caught. The festival's officially over.

Well, not yet, there's still the firework display. I never saw it last year but this time, I wanna see it. I pack up the rifles and pellets, Fukuhara sits on the counter top while looking at her phone, I hear it snap closed just as I place the last rifle away. A small poke gets me in the head, causing me to look up.

[Kyoko's finished with her father, she'll meet up with us for the fireworks.] I nod, in the end Kobayashi was gone for a long time. She didn't get to help out.

Could've used her though, I was about to fire shots at the kids if they didn't settle down...

"Takashi, you good man?" Legs splayed out and head submerged, the courageous warrior floats in the water tank silently. I'm about to call someone for help until a lone hand surfaces and gives me a slight wave. I laugh and survey the booth, everything's packed. Should have no problem dismantling this stuff tomorrow.

I hear feet hit the ground, Fukuhara turns to me and writes on her notepad.

[I know the perfect spot to view the fireworks, I'll text you all the directions okay?] I smile and nod.

[I'm going to head back to my room quick, see you in a bit :-)] I chuckle at the little smiley face before she places the notepad away and waves goodbye.

Fukuhara walks off, leaving Takashi and me behind.

I lean against the counter and sigh. Takashi climbs out of the water tank and walks over, "So! What took you so long bro?"

"Dunno, girls were a little tricky to find."

"Did you find out why they were missing in action?" He asks while draining the water from his shirt.

"Well," I run my stub through my hair, "Fukuhara's sisters were here to visit, I ran into Chiyoko at one point and..."

"We eventually found out that Kobayashi was at the school pool. Weird huh?" I turn my gaze to the blonde, he stares at me hard and leans in.

"Wait!" I flinch as he eyeballs me, "What?" I ask flatly.

"This is all too much to process!" Takashi sits on the counter top, "First of all! You were with Chiyoko?"

"She found me, she even made me eat a candy apple with her..." Takashi blushes and stares at me.

"Wha-?" I point at the red stains on my shirt, a tiny bit scared he wouldn't believe me.

Takashi takes a second to breathe, "And... Fukuhara has sisters? Were they hot?" He questions rapidly.

I sigh, "Well, one of them was just a kid but the others were.." Takashi leans closer, eager to hear my answer.

"T-They were pretty hot..." I trail off as Takashi blows his top. He hits the floor while I sigh.

"Don't bother dude, they are way out of our league." I limp out of the booth and look towards the school building.

A few people have started to wander away from the festival center, I heard that the one of the best spots for the fireworks is right here on school grounds but it will, of course, be packed. Didn't Fukuhara say she knew a spot? Man, I was,'t really not paying attention after all...

Takashi stands up, his hair is a mess and his face has taken on a more sullen look. "I cannot believe I had to man this stall while you were out, grabbing women left and right..."

"Grabbing? That didn't happen. Although..." I trail off and Takashi raises an eyebrow, "They did grab on me a whole lot." I smirk.

"Screw you man." I laugh and Takashi just sighs before speaking, "Anyway dude, we should get ready. How about we go back to our rooms real quick?"

"I need to get my camera after all."

"You have a camera? I never pictured you as the creative type."

"Hey! I'm super creative!"


"You're not just using it as a front to pick up girls are you?" I question. Takashi falls silent and I chuckle.

Knew it. As we begin walking off I stop and turn back, It's a shame we have to take this all down. You know what? I'm gonna take something with me to remember this day.

I limp over to the large water tank and pull the 'Dump a Bakaguchi' sign out and hold it under my arm. I'll be taking this then.

Takashi's further away than I thought, I hop after him before we enter the dorms together. We split up and enter our respective rooms, I place the sign down near my closet as I take a seat on my bed. Chucking my crutch onto the floor, I stretch out and lie down.

The softness of my bed sheets attempts to lull me into sleep, it's a struggle but I manage to stay awake.


Time passes as I sit around, waiting for Fukuhara's text while thinking back to my day spent at the festival with all those girls...

Maybe Takashi's right. Maybe I am lucky?


The text came through a few moments ago, the spot Fukuhara chose is outside of the school. Supposedly it's somewhere in the forest, which isn't my first choice for a place to watch fireworks honestly.

But if she says it's good, then I'm gonna trust her.

Since this spot is outside school grounds, we were encouraged to dress in something besides our uniforms. It's been a while since I've worn anything else so this'll be a nice change. Pulling the door of my closet open, I inspect my rather limited collection.

Shorts? Nah. Tank t- No. Who the hell do I think I am?

... Um, this is gonna take a while.


Standing before my mirror, clad in a pair of grey jeans with one leg rolled up and tied and a simple light blue button up shirt. I quickly give myself a once over.

... It's okay but if I remember correctly, my Uncle bought me this shirt. Wasn't I only supposed to wear this during something fancy?

Well, there are girls coming so... That counts as fancy right?


Standing here won't help, I don't want to be late so this is what I'm gonna wear. I grab my phone and crutch before stepping out and locking my door.

I hear the third door up open, Takashi steps out in a tank top similar to the one he was wearing earlier but with a green jacket draped over his shoulders and some simple shorts.

"Hey man. You ready?" He asks while running a hand through his already heavily modified hair.


"Cool, then lets b-"

"T-A-K-A-S-H-U!" A high pitched female voice echoes through the air, Takashi freezes and clings to his door.

Down, right at the end of the passage, I see a hand grip the wall. It's covered in several bracelets and rings. I see the blood drain from Takashi's face as the woman reveals herself.

"There you are baby! Where've you been?!" The woman's short with purple rimmed glasses, her hair is done in a rather elaborate bun. She inches closer to us while giggling.

"NO! Stay back woman! I-" Before the rest of the sentence can leave Takashi's mouth, the woman has already leaped right up to us.

How the hell did she move so fast? Takashi finds his key and slams it against his lock in a panic, he fumbles badly and drops the key. He leans down and grabs it before trying again.

He unlocks it, cheers and proceeds to open his door. In another swift movement, the door is closed before Takashi can even step foot inside and his head is locked is some kind of hold.

Takashi screeches as the woman literally squeezes the life out of him. All I can do is stand still and watch this unfold. Mid headlock, the lady notices me and smiles.

"Oh! Who is this young man Takashu?!" The woman asks in between skull crushing Takashi.

"I-I'm Kichirou Susumu. Pleased to meet you." I bow and the woman giggles.

"My word! What a gentleman, unlike my Takashu here..." The hold grows more ferocious, she's even started to scrunch his face.

"M-mom... Stop..." Takashi mutters, his eyes slowly rolling backwards.

... Mom? The hold she has on him proceeds to reach new heights as she contorts her body so Takashi rests on her shoulders like a sack of rice.

"Why didn't you respond to our texts Takashu? Dad and I were worried sick you know!" Her grip tightens and Takashi looks like he's gonna black out.

"You don't want to repeat what we've already been through do you?" The question seems to carry some weight as Takashi growls pathetically.

"MOM! I GI-IVE! Let m- g-go." The womans grip loosens and Takashi falls to the ground. After dusting off her hands off, the woman looks me over.

"I don't think Takashu's told you about me has he?" She claps, causing the multiple bracelets on her to jingle, "I'm Takashi's mother! Pleased to meet you darling." She extends her hand to me.

A western style greeting, it's a little tricky for me but I've been through this a couple times. I tuck my crutch under my arm and shake her hand firmly. "Oh my. What a strong grip!" She giggles.

Takashi stands up shakily and moans, "Mom! Why didn't you tell me you were coming?! I would've rolled out the carpet and all." Mrs. Yamaguchi adjusts her extravagant glasses before pouting.

"I tried to call you beforehand but you never have your phone on..." I can't help but agree.

"Yeah, he's notorious for that." I chime in, my statement earns an understanding chortle, "Oh isn't he?!" Mrs. Yamaguchi and I laugh as Takashi slumps against a nearby wall.

"Mom! Stop it! Look, wha-" Mrs. Yamaguchi grabs her son by the face and sighs, "Look dear, Father and I want you to show us around your school! We still don't know anything about it!"

"Oh yeah," Takashi mutters, "Where is that guy at?"

"Well, last I saw him... He was around one of the cute little stalls you kids built, probably getting himself a snack." Mrs. Yamaguchi's gaze turns cold.

"... And he's probably looking for something extra! I've seen the girls here you know!" Her grip suddenly tightens, Takashi screams in agony as his face gets slowly compressed.


Oh yeah, we should get going shouldn't we? Fireworks and all that.

"Well, it was lovely meeting you ma'am but Ta-" Looking at my partner in crime in the state he's currently in, I hold my tongue.


Leave him Kichirou.

"You two have fun. I've got to go." I smile and bow, Mrs. Yamaguchi grins broadly, her grip not loosening from her son in the slightest.

"It was wonderful meeting you darling! Take care now!" She waves while Takashi tries to form a coherent sentence. I merely give him a handless salute and start hopping down the hallway.

"Now Takashu! Show me your dorm room! I hope it's clean!"

... Your room's never clean Takashi. I'm praying for you buddy.


Stepping out of the dormitory, I take a deep breath. Most of the smoke that was wafting around this afternoon has disappeared, replaced by that good old mountain air.

I clearly remember when I first arrived here, the only thing I truly liked about the school was the location. I didn't grow up close to nature, I was raised in a city. A big city with all the dirty air one could want.

I still miss home honestly, I never hated the concrete jungle but I will admit that being out here is a nice change.

... I wasn't free like this a few years ago.

"Oh Susu!" Looking down, I notice a familiar girl standing by the stairs.

"Hey Kobayashi." While hopping down the steps, I can't help but stare at this girl. I've never seen her out of her school uniform after all.

A casual blue short sleeved shirt, covered by a white frilly sort of shirt. A few tasteful pieces of jewelry and a pair of shorts.

I feel a bit silly for not wearing shorts now. I blush as I notice how defined her legs are now, they're really long and pale. They don't look ghostly, more like whats the word? M-Milky?

I look away and cough, "Fukuhara sent you the text?"

"Yep and I have an idea of where she wants to meet up!"

"Oh, you do?" I question, my eyes sadly turning their gaze towards her legs again.

"Yeah. Fuku took me to this place in the forest once, so I figured that's where she would want to go," She giggles, "The view there is awesome!"

I nod, "Cool uh, lead the way I guess." Kobayashi looks towards the dorms and speaks, "Where's Yamaguchi? Usually he's like the first person to be here."

I laugh a little and shrug, "I think he's a little busy right now, I'm sure he said that he'll catch up." Kobayashi nods and looks to me, she follows my eyes downwards before blushing.

"I-Is this outfit a bit much?" She blushes and I quickly move to address her, "N-No! It's uh, really nice. Don't worry about it!."

"You look good." I'm quite flustered at this point. Kobayashi looks at me shyly before crossing her arms and giggling, "T-Thanks Susu." She looks away and squeezes her arms together, causing her chest to push out.

I feel a coughing fit coming on...

"Let's g-get going hey?" Kobayashi nods and starts walking, I limp after her and quickly we settle into a decent pace.

Soon, we're out of the school. I follow Kobayashi as she crosses the road and we walk on the sidewalk for a few meters before coming to a stop. A small pathway leading into the forest catches my attention. Kobayashi leads and I follow after her, soon the street behind us disappears as the trees overhead block out the light.

"Pretty dark huh?" Kobayashi looks back and nods, "This isn't the most well kept path in the world. Are you gonna be okay? You know, with the whole..." She trails off shyly.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I nod, she doesn't need to worry. If I fall she'll hear it... I hope.

As we get deeper into the forest, the path's getting a little more uneven. The roots of the trees have made there appearance, it's like they're saying that this is their path or something. I hear a gasp, Kobyashi suddenly trips on a rock and falls forwards.

"Whoa, you alright?" I hop over to her, she doesn't say anything. Instead she seems to be focusing heavily on her breathing.

I squat down, an action made increasingly awkward by my missing leg. Kobayashi looks up, our gazes meet. I want to ask if she's okay but the words are stolen from my lips.

I've never looked at her so closely before, even in dark I can still make out her expression. She doesn't look away and I don't either, the blue in her ponytail grabs my attention.

I always found it cute how there are these little strands of hair that seem to stick out, denying her attempts at holding them down. She blushes and stands, "I'm f-fine!" She states while running her hand through hair, picking out any leaves that might of tried to rest in her ponytail.

"Oh, good. We-" I try to stand up but my balance falters and I start falling. Kobayashi reaches out and grabs my stub, stopping me from hitting the dirt.

She looks worried, "Careful! Are you okay?" She helps me up and I grip my crutch tightly.

"Thanks, I'm fine now. Just lost my balance there, I shouldn't squat huh?" Kobayshi giggles, "Yeah, it looks weird." This time I laugh as she just blushes.

"Your right about that one."


We both stand there awkwardly before I speak again, "Let's keep going shall we? Are we close?" Kobayashi looks around and nods a little.

"I think so, you r-" She's cut off by a loud rustling coming from the bushes nearby. She jumps a little and hides behind me, what the hell? Don't use me as a shield, I'm only like half a person.

The rustling gets louder, even I'm getting a little scared. Something bursts out of the foliage and screams, causing Kobayashi and me to squeal like little girls.

"Ha! Got you!" I squint, "Takashi? what the hell man..."

"You should've seen your faces! You were like a-" Kobayashi dashes out from behind me and decks Takashi straight in the face.

"Oomph!" Takashi falls to the floor as Kobayashi yells, "Why did you do that B-Bakaguchi!"

I grin, glad to see that nickname's caught on.

"Ow dammit! I think you broke my nose!" Kobayashi sighs and stomps her foot, "I don't hit that hard, you must just be weak!" She giggles and starts walking.

"I think it's close, let's keep going." I nod and look at Takashi. Once Kobayashi's out of earshot, I speak up.

"So, how was your time with your mother?" I chuckle as he stands up, feeling out his nose cautiously. "Oh yeah! I had a great time!" He says sarcastically.

"Not only did I get an earful about my room but I also got asked a million questions about you..."

"Your mom seems nice to me."

"What are you? Blind?!" I laugh and start hopping down the trail again.

"I only managed to get away after lying to her about my Dad having an affair."

"Hey, that's dangerous. What if she hurts him?" If she can devastate her son like that, I'm a little frightened about what she would do to a fully grown man.

"Pssh," Takashi walks in step with me, "He can take it. He's been with that woman for like twenty-five years or something."

"That long? Wow. Good for them, even though you were born during that time." I joke.

"Screw you..."


We catch up to Kobayashi and follow her through the forest for a while until we reach an opening. Stepping out of the tree cover, I'm nearly blinded by the night sky above. Stars litter this otherwise empty black canvas, some shine brightly and others sort of fade into the back softly.

"She wasn't kidding huh?" I speak up, "This is quite the view." I let my eyes wander the sky as Kobayashi and Takashi take a seat near a large tree.

"Told you." Kobayashi giggles as I turn my gaze towards my friends, I'm about to speak again until I notice a figure behind Takashi.

I decide to stay silent, the person creeps closer before dropping its hands on Takashi's shoulders.

"WHA-" Takashi screams and flies forwards, falling face first in the dirt. Kobayashi is startled but she soon relaxes, "Hey Fuku!"

Fukuhara is wearing a black turtleneck with a light purple sweater over top. She's also got a matching skirt and thigh highs on.

Fukuhara waves at us and takes the seat Takashi had. I walk over and sit down as well, "Hey dude, get up." I say as I pass Takashi's body.

He struggles but manages to stand again, "I-I just can't win today!" He slowly drops back down to the floor, his body laid out like an angel.

Poor guy, first his mother and now a fellow student.

I feel a poke in my side, [Well, what do you think?]

"Oh, uh, really nice. It's quiet here, a nice change from hanging around the school grounds." Fukuhara nods and sets her notepad down. We all sit in silence, not really sure what to do to pass the time.

"Are you sure we'll see them here?" I question.

"I'm sure of it Susu, the schools nearby isn't it?" Kobayashi looks at Fukuhara for answers, a shrug is all she gets.

It would be embarrassing if we end up seeing nothing...


As I look around, I don't feel all that bad though. Even if we do miss the show I still think we'll all remember this moment.

We're currently in the 'prime' of our lives after all. Which I never believed honestly, there isn't anything wrong with getting old.

"You know, I think we did really well today." I say while staring up at the stars, The girls both nod.

Kobayashi sighs while Fukuhara smiles and leans her head against the tree nearby.

"So," I lie down and turn my gaze to the girl with the ponytail, "Did things go well with your Dad?" Kobayashi looks into the distance for a while before nodding.

"Y-Yeah, I think so." She doesn't say anything further and I don't push her for more, she's still smiling so I guess nothing bad happened. It's none of my business though, I shouldn't get involved.

"Oh Fuku!" Kobayashi lights up, "You saw your sisters today right?"

Fukuhara smiles a little and pulls out her notepad, [I did.]

"How were they? Did they enjoy the festival?" Fukuhara shrugs and writes, [I think they did, one never knows with them though.]

The girls keep chatting to each other and I tune out their little conversation. My eyes wander over to Takashi, he's still lying on his back limply.

"Did you enjoy the festival Taka?" I ask with a smirk.

He grumbles, "I had to work! Unlike someone I know..."

"But... Yeah, I did." He rises up on his elbows, "It was fun playing with those kids you know?" He smiles to himself.

"What about you? Did you enjoy yourself?"

... Did I enjoy myself?

Shioyaki, Chiyoko, Fukuhara's family, searching for Kobayashi, Takashi's mother... A lot happened today.

We also built a stall for the festival that was a hit with the kids...

"Yeah." I look at my friends and the sky, "I did."

Takashi sits up to speak but is instantly stopped by a loud bang, in the next instant the whole area is bathed in coloured light. All our eyes are instantly glued to the sky, several sparks fly into the picture. Blasts of various shades fill the once empty sky with colour, each one bigger than the last.

We all gasp and cheer as the show continues, at some point Takashi sits down next to me.

"What a show huh?" Takashi exclaims.

"Yeah!" Kobayashi's eyes don't leave the sky and Fukuhara just looks up like she's in a trance.

"Good choice Fukuhara." Her focus is broken and she looks at me with a smile. I smirk and look back up.


"Now is as good a time as ever!" Takashi pulls a camera out of his pocket and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Wha-" Takashi grips me tightly and brings the lens closer to us, "C'mon you two! Let's get a picture." The girls notice and move a little closer to us.

Kobayashi grabs my head slighty and grins and Fukuhara leans in and smiles.

I smirk awkwardly as the flash goes off, capturing this moment in time forever.


Looking back, It was a good picture.


Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] [New Chapter Every Friday!]

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 6:43 pm
by Mirage_GSM
"Your right about that one."
, at some point Takashi sat down next to me.

Considering the length of this chapter just these two minor issues is quite impressive :-)

The chapter itself was very good, both dialogue and pacing - though I'd question the wisdom of spending hours to search for the two girls while one - presumed incapable - guy is left tending the stall :-)

Oh and Takeshi's mother is probably a bit too over the top compared with the rest of the more down-to-earth cast, but she's not in for long enough to really grate. Not nice leaving his buddy at her mercy, though. He could have at least tried to save him :-)

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] [New Chapter Every Friday!]

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 8:47 pm
by HoneyBakedHam
Nah, Mirage, every man for himself.

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] [New Chapter Every Friday!]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:58 am
by RidiculousLuke
Takeshi's mother is probably a bit too over the top compared with the rest of the more down-to-earth cast, but she's not in for long enough to really grate.


Yeah, she is kinda over the top. Takashi's parents are the weirder ones in the cast, this crazy stuff the mother did though isn't going to be all that common. I merely put it in there to spice things up, and also because the metal images were too funny to resist :P

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] [New Chapter Every Friday!]

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:05 am
by RidiculousLuke


Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] [New Chapter Every Friday!]

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 3:15 pm
by RidiculousLuke
Act 2 Introduction- Chapter 0- Leg


The light shining from my monitor pricks at my eyes, just wishing I would let it in. It can insist all it wants but I'm hardly awake right now. Cupping a yawn with my only hand and running my stub through my hair, I let my tired gaze wander the room. Hoping that my eyes will wake up if I start using them.

As luck would have it, it worked. I turn my attention back to the laptop in front of me, rubbing my temples before lazily opening up the internet browser.


School internet... As usual, not the fastest in the world. Sighing deeply, I watch my homepage slowly load. By all means, take your time buddy. It's not like I have class this morning. My focus begins to drift as I wait, I stare at my left arm lying on my desk. Slowly examining my forearm until it ends abruptly around the wrist. I also run my hand over the several scars that extend down its length.

I guess it was too much to ask for an attractive amputation. A change in scenery grabs my attention, I look over my news feed briefly before opening up my email account. Going through my contacts, I find who I'm looking for.

Haruto Susumu, my one and only Uncle. I promised him a while back that I would keep in touch but with everything that has happened since I've arrived, I could hardly find the time to contact him. I open up a new subject and start typing.

I get most of the formalities out of the way, the weather, how I've been, my current condition, asking how he's been, the usual. When I finally write all that out, I realise I should probably tell him about the people I gotten to know here.

Where to start... Oh, perfect. I begin typing up what feels like a status report on a mental patient about my friend, Takashi Yamaguchi.

... Needless to say, the guy's odd. I've known him for about a year now, we met back during my first term here at Yamaku. I don't really understand it but we got along well from the start, we can both joke with each other pretty harshly and not take it all that seriously, we've also had a few small personal conversations. You know, I would say we're sorta close.

I still don't know a lot about him though, I know he has a minor form of Dyspraxia or... What was it called? DCD I think? His parents, one of which I've met, are a little mad. He's also a bit of a pervert but then again, most guys our age are, in their own way. In the end I would say he's pretty average, despite the terrible luck he has with woman.

Maybe if he didn't open his mouth, he wouldn't have such a bad time. He's a little rough around the edges but he has a good heart, I know it.


Who else? Oh yes, Fukuhara Hiromi. One of the three girls I've met this year. Despite being mute, she's not quiet at all. Honestly, she's a little cheeky and rather unique, with that bowl haircut, notepad, and graceful posture, she definitely stands out. I thought talking with her would be impossible but she seems to have overcome that boundary, the fact that she actually talks to me at all is still a little surprising.

During the festival, I got to meet her sisters. Boy was that a surprise. Haruki, the little girl with spunky twin tails and the glare of a mafia boss. Harumi, A total bombshell with a career in fashion design and last but not least, Haruka. The formally dressed sister with glasses, a robotic sort of personality and the current heir to her families legacy.

I did a little research a few days ago, it turns out the Fukuhara family is kind've a big deal. They own a large amount of the trading industries across Japan, a lot of construction projects are also funded by them. I wouldn't be surprised if you walked through the streets and saw a building with their insignia. They're definitely well known among several communities.

... What else, oh yeah. Where would Fukuhara be without her friend, Kobayashi Kyoko. Another girl I've gotten to know, she's also rather mysterious. She's... um, 'Stacked' like a d-delivery van and has a rather pleasant disposition. I don't really know her reason for being here at Yamaku but I think I've had already had a run in with it, I don't think it's anything nice but she hasn't spoken about it, pretty sure she doesn't want to.

She also has some family issues, Fukuhara and I spent some time during the festival looking for her because she didn't want to speak to her Father. In the end, we managed to convince her although she was rather cryptic about how it went. I don't think I should pry into her personal life.

All that aside, she's cool.


What do I type now? I could talk about Fumio but I've hardly spoken to him this year, all I really know about him is that he's our current vice president in the student council and a blind man.

... Did I just think that? Heh, reminds me of certain someone. That someone I am referring to is in fact the last person worth mentioning, Chiyoko Iwasaki. My own personal stalker.

... Okay, well she hasn't really stalked me but I do sometimes think she follows me around when she has the chance. She's a second year like myself and is also part of the student council. I don't know a lot about her or her reason for being at Yamaku but she isn't a bad person. Far from it, she's nice, a little playful, and oddly caring. I think she has a little crush on me, I'm not sure why. She also seems to have no problem in violating my personal space.

... Not that I really mind, she uh, s-smells nice. Anyway, is that it?

I lean back in my chair and survey my writing, correcting a few spelling mistakes along the way. Once I'm happy with it, I press the send button and exit my internet browser. I'll just have to see if Uncle responds, hope he does.

Yawning again, I stand up and hop over to my mirror. Grasping its edges tightly for support, I inspect my face. Paying close attention to the lines under my eyes and the loose strands of hair in my fringe. I look a mess, maybe I should get a haircut? Nah, couldn't be bothered. Can't do anything about my eyes, I just look like this... I inspect my right leg briefly, the stub that ends around my knee hangs uselessly from my body like a piece of meat, just waiting to be snatched by some kind of predator with an appetite for amputees.

Sighing deeply, I reach for my closet and pull out my uniform. I slide into it a bit like a snake and sit down to roll up the right pant leg for the day. I have to do this, if I don't I'll end up wandering through the day with a piece of fabric loosely flopping around, not fulfilling it's purpose. Happy that the knot is tight, I wrap my tie around my neck and reach for my phone. I scroll through my texts while occasionally fiddling with my shirt, This happened a few days ago. Takashi decided that since we all have each others numbers that we should start a group chat.

A good idea, although I was scared that the girls would flat out ignore us after the festival but luckily we're still tolerable. I chuckle at the conversation that's been going on this morning as I put the phone down and begin doing up my tie.

[Takashi]: "Breakfast! Most important meal of the day people! What'll it be?"

[Kyoko]: "Noodles for me! And some milk! :O"

[Hiromi]: "Toast for me."

[Takashi]: "Great! I'll get that for you guys."

[Takashi]: "Oi! Kisu! You alive? What do you want for breakfast?"


I want to reply but I think I'll be rolling solo this morning, Could use the alone time. I check my tie and type out my response,

[Kichirou]: "Don't bother man, I'll get my own stuff this morning."

A little harsh in hindsight but I think it gets the point across. The vibration in my pants proves otherwise, I open up the chat.

[Takashi]: "No way bro! We can't have you bailing on us today!"

I sigh and grab my bag, so much for that alone time. I better just comply.

[Kichirou]: "Alright -_-' I'll have the soup and some toast."

[Takashi]: "See, Was that so hard? :P"


[Kichirou]: "Yes, it was. Oh and don't spill my soup this time alright?"

I put my phone away and lock my door, taking a few seconds to make sure my crutch and balance are stable before heading out of the dorms.

The early morning air rests against my skin pleasantly, not sure how the day will go but judging from the weather. It'll be okay in the end.


My spoon plunges into the saucy depths, already fully accepting of his fate and driven by my hand. Together we dive through the soup in search of something edible. Scooping up a suitable chunk of... not sure, I place the spoon into my mouth lazily and gaze at the people around me.

Takashi digs into his food with absolutely no manners, Kobayashi slurps up her noodles while going through some of her school work with Fukuhara. Who nibbles on a slice of toast while flipping through her textbook now and again.

Clearly the girls aren't here to chat, guess I'll have to settle with my last option. Takashi stops eating and pulls out his phone suddenly, groaning to himself as he types out something and shoves his phone back in his pocket.

"Who was that?" I ask while swirling my spoon through my soup. Takashi just sighs and picks up where he left off, "My Mom..."

"Ever since the festival, I have to constantly deal with their texts now." He shoves his chopsticks into his meal, "Said I didn't talk to them enough..." He trails off.

"Well, family is important isn't it?" A fat lie coming from me, Like I understand that concept. Takashi sighs and looks over to the girls, "What about you two? Got any texts from your family?"

The girls look away from their school work and respond, "Not really. Dad's never been good with phones." Kobayashi giggles a little. Fukuhara shakes her head and focuses back on the work in front of her.

"Great, just me then." Takashi says as I chuckle and scoop up another chunk of the unidentifiable nature, "Just you then."

"Well, at least food doesn't expect anything from me." Takashi smiles and finishes off his breakfast. I don't have the energy to give him a witty comeback, so instead I try to remove the taste of the soup I have with some toast. Not the best thing to use honestly, it's just as bland.


As I finish up my soup, I notice Kobayashi squirming a little in her seat. I think she's shaking actually, I want to ask what's up but she quickly stands up. "I gotta go to the ladies room real quick!" She exclaims as she walks out of the cafeteria abruptly.

We are all left speechless, Takashi forgets about it rather quickly and Fukuhara just goes back to eating her food. I lean back and look behind me, wonder what's up? She does this pretty often.

Once in a while, she seems to go to the bathroom when we're all together. I asked Fukuhara about it but she just shook her head and said that it's something that she just 'does'. Said that she might have a weak bladder. I'm not convinced but I'll quit while I'm ahead.

After eating up the last of my toast I stand up and grab my crutch, "I'm gonna get a move on, could you guys do the tray for me?" Fukuhara smiles and nods and Takashi just huffs to himself.

"One of these days, you're gonna do your own trash man." I laugh and nod knowingly before waving goodbye. I step out of the cafeteria and start walking towards the school elevators. I said to myself yesterday that I would try to improve my attendance, I've never been a straight A student. I've actually been a below average student my whole life but that does not mean that I can't rock the best attendance record in the school.

It'll be hard but I think I can manage at least that much. I thumb the button while yawning and wait for my ride patiently. Wish I could climb stairs without it taking me around four hours to climb one flight... The elevator arrives and I step in, before I can even press the button to the second floor, someone jumps into the lift with me.

"Good Morning Kichirou!"

... Do I have to deal with her this early now? I press the button and sigh a little, "Morning Chiyoko. How are you this fine day?" I fake a smile.

She beams, "I'm doing great! What about you?" I yawn and lean against the metal walls of this cable operated box.

"Alright, just a little tired you know? Didn't sleep that well." I rub the back of my head as Chiyoko gives me a pout.

"That's no good Kichirou!" She mock frowns, "You need to get enough sleep if you're gonna be a good student."

... I've never been a good student in the first place. I merely nod at her slowly.

"You're right." I say flatly as I watch the little screen on the lift, why does it seem to be going slower than usual?

"Oh hey! This is for you!" She holds out a small beige envelope, "I was tasked to give this to you." I take the letter and chuckle slightly.

"Is that so? I thought you just wanted to see me. So you used this as an excuse."


... What the hell did I just say?! I can't be sending her false signals.

Chiyoko giggles and blushes a bright red, "M-maybe... But it's a good cover isn't it?" She looks me dead in the eyes, don't do that woman...

"Uh, y-yeah. Very, um, effective." I mutter as the lift doors slide open, revealing the beige walls of the school halls. I've never been so happy to see this shit colour in my life...

"Anyway, thanks for giving me this but I gotta get to class." I tuck the letter into my pocket and start limping off, Chiyoko catches up to me and walks beside me.

"My class is next to yours you know!" She giggles and slightly tugs at the sleeve of my uniform. I blush a little and nudge my arm away from her, "Oh yeah, well! This is me! Bye!" I slide open the door to class 2-3 with more power than I thought I had. All I hear from Chiyoko as I quite literally dive into class is a meek 'goodbye', I hope I didn't hurt her feelings.


I hobble to my desk and fall into my chair ungracefully, after placing my bag down I decide to check out what Chiyoko gave me. The envelope is small and simple, nothing complex like a pattern, just a plain old letter. It gives off a rather serious air. When I tear it open and read the contents it all adds up.

This is a message from my nurse, specifically one Mr. Masuyo. It seems that package he told me about a week or so ago has shown up at his doorstep and it's time for me to collect. I'm more than a little curious as to what's in this little delivery of mine but it'll have to wait. Mr. Okada's lumbered into class and he looks a little ticked off about something.

He slams his suitcase onto his desk harshly and loudly mutters to himself, "Bastard. Bastard. Bastard..." I decide it would be best to join everyone else in this room in the tuning out the teachers current problems course of action. As I unpack my school work and stationery from my bag, Takashi and the rest enter the classroom together. Takashi sits down next to me and Kobayashi and Fukuhara take their seats while conversing in their own way.

"Hey, what's that?" Takashi questions while pulling out his ruler, only to frown and place it back in his bag.

"Letter from the nurse, I've got a package to pick up." Takashi smiles, seems he got what he wanted, before nodding.

"Cool, hope it's something sweet huh?" He smirks and flips through his work quickly. Doubt it honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if all I get is just the box with its stuffing, or maybe some kind of new prototype medicine designed to help regrow limbs.

... It's gonna be the box.

Mr. Okada wastes no time starting today's lecture, we all settle into the work as the clock above ticks on endlessly.

I need to stay awake...


I'm currently outside, with my crutch on my right, literally nothing on my left, and a chocolate bar hanging from my mouth, I wander through the school grounds at a relaxed pace. Class ended some time ago and I'm on my way to the school medical building to get my package. I want to get this over with, the curiosity is honestly killing me. I turn the corner of a rather large hedge and hop down the path at a easy pace, occasionally stopping to take a bite out of my little treat.

Around half way on my journey down the yellow... or more like brown brick road, I spot a lone student balancing on top of a nearby wall. Her hair is short and messy, it's a interesting shade of... white, I think. Her eyes are slightly droopy and she's got a dainty smile stuck to her face. She notices me approaching and jumps down from her high point, I'm a little startled so I stop walking and speak up, "Hello there."

She eyes me briefly before mumbling something, "Kou... Ki- Koha- Kenta? No..." She grasps her chin roughly as she starts running through a list of names.

"Keii- no! That's not it." I raise my stub to interject but in that instant she sparks up, "Kichirou! Kichirou Susumu!" I nod as she speaks at a rather fast pace.

"Kichirou Susumu, second year, rather average in terms of grades." That hurt, "... A miracle that he managed to pass last year." Okay, that one stung.

"Missing left hand and a large majority of right leg, reason unknown." She eyes my limbs oddly before smiling proudly.

"Now you're probably wondering who I am." I'm about to speak but she cuts me off again, "My name is Ayame Hanamoto. I am the current student council president of Yamaku academy and a third year!" So this is our notorious 'wandering president' I bow out of consideration, which she seems to thoroughly enjoy.

"Good to meet you." I say awkwardly as she just laughs, "Likewise." She says before balancing on one foot now and again.

"Na- nope. Can't do it. How do you do it?" I raise an eyebrow, "Do what?"

"Do the whole one leg thing, I can't even balance for long." As she tries to balance, I notice her weird black and white striped thighs highs. An odd choice considering that she's wearing the standard uniform.

"Uh... Years of practice I guess?" I shrug as she just nods thoughtfully, "Yes, years. Makes sense doesn't it?" She giggles lightly and I just stare at her awkwardly.

"Now! To business!" She thrusts a finger in my face and I flinch, "Why are you out here? Class will be starting soon Mr. Tardy!"

"I h-have to go see the nurse, it's important." I show her the envelope and she just shrugs, "Oh, well... Get going then second year!" I nod and limp off at her command, glancing back once I'm a few meters away. What the heck was that about? No wonder Chiyoko and Fumio have a hard time, she's flippin' weird.


Before I open the doors of the medical building I freeze, wait... Where is m-

She stole my chocolate bar!


Candy less and tired, I reach the familiar corridor of doors. Behind one of these doors is my nurse, I take a moment to recount my steps from the last time I was here, It's at the end I think... Once I reach the last door in the hall, my mood improves.

He's even got a nameplate now. I give it a few knocks and wait, a few minutes later, a small 'come in' rings out and I step inside.

"Susumu, welcome." Mr. Masuyo smiles as he flips through a few files.

"Hello, I see you cleaned this place up." He grins while scratching his head, "It took some time but I've finally settled in here." Last time I was here, Mr. Masuyo had just changed offices. So he was in the middle of moving all his possessions, needless to say, this place looked like it belonged to the worlds most unorganized hoarder. I take a seat nearby and my bespectacled nurse puts down what he was doing and looks me over.

"How are you doing?" He asks in a fairly authoritative tone. I look at him lazily, "Okay, haven't had a good time with the sleeping thing." He nods and pulls out a file from his desk.

"Well, it's not uncommon for you is it? Trouble sleeping."


"Any nightmares occurred?"

"Not recently, I think." Mr. Masuyo sighs and writes something down in my file, "Well, I'm going to prescribe you some sleeping pills just in case." I nod as he places my file away.

"Okay! Your reason for being here today is this," He drags a rather large box out from under his desk and places it in front of me, "Go ahead and open it, I need to get my tape..." Mr. Masuyo stands and wanders around his office as I move closer to the box. It's rectangular in shape, from the outside it's nothing special but I get the feeling it's something else entirely inside. I peel the plastic and tape off it slowly before opening it up, what I find is quite unexpected.

"It's... A leg?" Mr. Masuyo appears from behind a table and takes a seat again, "That's right, it's yours." I look at the prosthetic with a frown. "Where did this come from? This wasn't cheap, I can tell."

"Your Uncle got it for you." I stare at Mr. Masuyo with a look of amusement, "Don't lie to me, there is no way my Uncle used his money for this."

"He did. In fact, he was rather ecstatic that it finally arrived." I pick up one of the attachments from the box and inspect it, "What the hell was he thinking, he knows I hate these things."

Mr. Masuyo speaks up while unrolling a bundle of measuring tape, "Change out of you uniform will you? I need to check if it fits." He motions at the curtain covered bed sitting in the corner of the room, I put the contraption down and hobble over to the bed. Once there, I take off my pants and slip on the shorts lying on the fabric below me.

Quite the breeze I've got going now. I hop back to my chair as Mr. Masuyo unpacks my new leg, "Alright, find something to grab onto as I check your measurements." I grasp a chair for support as Mr. Masuyo wraps a long strand of tape around my stub. After trying a few other angles he leans back with a smile, "Looking good, lets try it on." He screws the large metal-like rod into place and attaches the fake foot to the end of it. "Here, put your stub in that."

Ah yes, the sock that you're supposed to wear. I encase my leg like a slab of meat and wait for Mr. Masuyo to bring over prosthetic. It's a little tight at first but soon he straps it on and takes a step back. "How is it?"

"Dunno, feels... weird." I look over my new leg curiously, I haven't worn one of these things in years. "Try taking a step." Mr. Masuyo suggests. I nod and lift my leg up before placing it a little bit in front of me. I apply some pressure and take a step forward, I soon lose my balance but Mr. Masuyo grabs my shoulders and chuckles, "That bad huh? Well no worries, we'll have you walking in no time." He motions me to sit down and starts dismantling the prosthetic.

"Who said I want to walk." Mr. Masuyo frowns a little while placing the fake foot into the box again, "Susumu... Don't give up so easily, it takes time to get used to it." I sigh as the box is closed.

"Your prosthetic will be sent to your room sometime this afternoon. Can't have you hopping around with this thing."

"I have a bag." Mr. Masuyo chuckles, "I think this is a bit big for that." I look the prosthetic over.

"I think your right." I laugh dryly as Mr. Masuyo rubs his glasses with his shirt, "Look Susumu, your Uncle insisted that you start walking again. Enough time has passed since your accident, you're ready." My gaze dodges his and stares out the window nearby.

"Take your time, but don't forget about it. Don't let it gather dust okay?" Mr. Masuyo smiles warmly as I just nod a little, "I'll... g-give it a try sometime."

"Good man." Mr. Masuyo stands and opens the door, "Your Uncle said there would be no refunds on this so..." I laugh and stand, "Thought so."

I grab my crutch, change back into my pants and step out of his office. "I'll see you before the summer vacation alright?" I bow and smile, "Alright."

"And give the leg a try alright? For your Uncle." I look away and sigh, "I said I'll give it a go later." Mr. Masuyo nods and closes the door slowly, "Have a good day Susumu."

"You too sir." The door is closed and I'm left standing in the corridor, I look down at my stub.

"You're more trouble than I thought, even if you are half the leg you should be." I laugh and begin limping out of the medical building.


If I hurry, I won't miss lunch...

... Or class.


"After giving his speech to the workforce last Sunday, Hachiro Fukuhara opened up to the public and stated that there is nothing to worry about."

"He told interviewers that the construction would not be halted and will continue as planned, despite the protests that were staged at the site for days."

"Protesters came forth and stated the a large majority were payed off by the Fukuhara family to keep quiet but we have not received any evidence about such allegations."

"In other news..."

Funny how building a hospital is seen as a bad thing to some people. Guess the location was a bad choice, don't see why locals would be so riled up for no reason.

I stopped by the common room after class to blow off some steam, what I thought would be a bunch of male students lounging around, watching some form of female only sport is instead occupied by a completely different breed. Everyone here is studying and watching the news, since when did we take learning seriously?


... Guess I'm the weird one. I stand up and exit the common room with a limp, Before I enter my dorm room I stop outside Takashi's room. I'm more than a little disappointed when he doesn't suddenly lunge out of his room with his usual banter, he isn't here right now. Where could he be at this hour of the day? He isn't part of any club so...

I unlock my door and step inside, tossing my bag onto my bed before hopping over to my desk. I lean over to my bed and pull out a textbook, after opening it on the page I was on during class, I pull open my drawer and retrieve a chocolate bar from my stash. Biting into the cocoa goodness I take a second to relax, my eyes wander the room before stopping on the large box sitting in the corner.

"Oh, you're here." I mutter. I look down at my work briefly before sighing, "Well, you'll have to wait. I'm currently preoccupied." I wave the chocolate bar in my hand for emphasis.

... Great, now I'm talking to a fake leg. Snapping off another piece whilst looking over the various equations, I feel my eyes close slightly and notice the overwhelming presence my bed has. Focus didn't come easy but I managed to review my work successfully without passing out after maybe two slabs of chocolate and rebellious thoughts. The man can't get me to walk if I don't want to!


Well, maybe I should give it a spin now? I close my textbook and weigh the options for what I can still do today in my head.

Okay, I choose... Prost- Productive napping! I hop off my chair and crash into my bed. As I lay there, the calendar hanging on my wall grabs my sleepy attention.

A few more weeks and then it'll be summer vacation, wonder what's gonna happen this year? Trip to the beach? Some kind of school trip? Or will I just be spending it with Takashi again...

I guess I'll find out when I get there. With the people I know now, I doubt I'll have a boring time.


My eyes close and soon I drift off into sleep...

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] New Chapter Every Friday! *UPDATE

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 9:57 am
by Mirage_GSM
A bit late to comment this time around.

At the part where he was writing about his friends to his uncle I was a bit uncertain if that was supposed to be solely interior monologue or if it was what he was writing verbatim. In the end I decided it was probably the former, but you might try to make that more clear.

I wonder how Ayame o tto be student council president. There has to be an interesting story behind that… How did she steal his chocolate bar? Didn't he have that in his mouth?

Also some problems with apostrophes, e.g. here:
"I think your right."
Otherwise good chapter again. I wonder why he is so against prosthetics. Since he has only one hand he is even more inconvenienced by a cruth than he normally would be.

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] *Update*

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:53 pm
by RidiculousLuke
Hello everyone.

Unfortunately, there is going to be a slight delay in the release of the next chapter. It will be out sometime this weekend, so keep an eye out! So long for now and thank you to everyone who took the time to read this ongoing story :)

At the part where he was writing about his friends to his uncle I was a bit uncertain if that was supposed to be solely interior monologue or if it was what he was writing verbatim. In the end I decided it was probably the former, but you might try to make that more clear.
It was an internal monologue on Kichirou's part. During that scene, he was also talking to himself in between the sections, like "Who else? Oh yes," or the "What do I type now?" and so on.

Kichirou's a weird guy.

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story]*UPDATED*

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 4:58 pm
by RidiculousLuke
Character Bio's have been updated!

Anxiety problems and family issues have been wrestling with me this past week and just to add fuel to the fire, I've been in a bit of a creative funk...

I apologise for saying that I would update last week and then not doing it... :(

In order to get myself going again, someone I know suggested I write a short story to get my gears grinding.

So here it is, the events here take place the same day as the previous chapter



... Eighty-seven


Wait, I messed that up.

Start over. One, two, three, four, five...

... One hundred and eighty-three!

Wait what?! One hundred an- What the hell! Quick! Gotta check my funds.

... Crap.

How did this happen? Oh, might've been that ramen pack I bought last week that soaked up the last of my dough...

Dang it, that's all I had for the next month. I really gotta stop overstepping my boundaries, but who am I kidding? I'm Takashi Yamaguchi! I know no bounds, I'm limitless baby...

Well, it ain't so bad. Just won't have anything fancy like heated food for a while, gonna have to settle with the second best. Frozen goods.

Which honestly gets a bad rep you know? They aren't bad, just a little... Whoa, that's cold.

It has to be something small... Last time I got something a little larger, every bastard in the male dormitory decided to have a freakin' feast... Didn't even save me a piece, what kinda guy leaves just a wing behind anyway?

Can't be anything green...

Ham? That could work, I think they sell bread here as well. It's settled then! Onwards!


Why is this bread a little soggy? Did the delivery van drive through a storm to get here? Nothing else in this store's been wet though, I smell a scheme going on here...

Great, a queue. Better get in line though, wouldn't want push over some geezer. Where did I put my wallet again? Left or right pocket? Or is it the back one?

Here it is! Right le- Um, how do I...?


Just breathe man, just breathe...


Ah, cash money. Just a normal slip of paper but man, does it carry some weight in this little world of ours.

What the heck is he looking at? Can't a man admire his somewhat hard earned money from time to time?


They should invest in a second teller, can't be that hard to find some dude to fill that position. Hell, I could do it! Well, if my motor skills don't fail me that is...

"Next please."

That's right, ham and bread for the high school student, ring that up brother. I can already feel a churning deep within me, I'm starving.


Wonder if Kichirou would like some? Nah, I've only ever seen him eat sweets or occasionally he embraces the dangerous side of the food world.

With what they give to us for breakfast every morning... I thought most of us would be dead from lead poisoning by now.

Jeez, I'm cutting it close here. I think I still have enough left over to buy myself that nice pen I saw at the craft store, but I could be wrong.

Bagged up and ready to go, thank you bro. I'll be sure to visit this establishment more often, if the mood strikes me!

... Pain in the ass to walk all this way though. Not my fault Aura was closed, 'back in ten' they say!


Wonder if I should get a bicycle? I could but maybe I should hold off, wouldn't want to forget how to pedal mid-cycle you know?


Man, I went far. Really takes me back to the old days, good times...

Better now though, haven't pissed off a local gang in years. Man, that one time they threatened to break my-

Oh shit! Hide!

Did she see me?


I-It's her. That girl, with the apron. Orange in colour and plastered in cute little pictures of teacups. S-She didn't see me yet right?

I hope not, would be embarrassing if she saw me while I wasn't in my optimal stride.

I've seen this girl almost every time I decide to go out, she works at this little boutique store, sells flowers and junk like that.

Not my kinda store but hey, I could learn to stomach it given enough time... And general support from a nice caring girl.

Okay, I'm in the clear. Now I can take my time and run through my options.

Number one: I go in, say hi, start working the charm, utilize the environment to my advantage and start up some truly riveting conversation about flowers or something. Once that is out of the way, I get her phone number.

Option two is a little more tricky: I pretend to trip and fall into that flower patch over there, she rushes to help me, I brush it off and apologize. And then I get her number!

Wait... What about the charm? Won't I look like a dork if I-

Forget it! I'm going i-


"Yuna, sorry I'm late."

"I got these for you."

"D-Daichi, they're lovely!"

"I love you..."



Maybe I should sit in a bucket with the bread and just let the yeast rise and suffocate me...

Well, it doesn't m-matter. She's missing out though!


I need to get back to Yamaku.


Don't look at me like that you bastards! You ain't getting this stuff.

Should I message Kichirou? I kinda wanna know what he got from the nurse.


Eh, I'll find out tomorrow. If there is one thing I know about that guy, it's that he usually shuts down late afternoon.

Open sesame! Now wh- shit! How did that get there?

Maybe mothers right, I should clean this place up a bit.


Forget it.

Now, where am I gonna hide this stuff for tomorrow...?

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story]*UPDATED*

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 2:23 pm
by Irdorath
Nice story :D your OCs are very well(?) made.

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story]*UPDATED*

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 6:12 pm
by RidiculousLuke
Alright here's the next chapter, this one's a two part-er.

*Edit* Fixed it up a little, hopefully will be less weird to read.

Act 2 Chapter One- Assessment Part 1


The pills... They worked all right...


... N-No, relying on them in the future is not an option, since I appear to be sleeping with my head stuck in the gap between my bed and the wall. How the heck did I end up here? I try my best to move my body, only to feel a painful ache crawl across my neck and shoulders.

I'm throwing those pills out, the side effect of sleeping displacement is a strike in my book...


If I can just move without the pain... Can I reach them? With the state I'm currently in, I wouldn't be surprised if I got whiplash as soon as I tried to move.

Whatever, here goes nothing.

Amazingly, I manage to slowly remove my head from the gap without damaging myself. Once I'm positive I'm in the clear, I roll onto my back and relish in the softness of my bed sheets, the cool sensation is a welcomed change. Clearly I was in that awkward position for quite some time...

I indulge in the gift that is my bed before opening my eyes and looking around my room slowly. A groan escapes me as soon as I glance at my alarm clock, not overly late but not the time I usually wake up...

Sitting up and sliding over to the end of my bed, I grab the small bottle of pills on my side table and toss them at the bin under my desk while sighing. Here's to hoping I can function without them...

But like I told Mr. Masuyo yesterday, I don't think I've been having nightmares lately. Perhaps I've created a safety mechanism already?

One glance at my face in the mirror causes me to chuckle dryly,

"Yeah right." I pity my reflection and reach for my crutch, I've definitely calmed down but I doubt I'm out of the woods yet.

The feeling of carpet curling under my toes helps relax me somewhat as I hop towards my closet. As I pull out my uniform for the day I can't help but eye the large rectangular box making itself at home in the corner of my room. Pulling out my clothes and tossing them on the bed haphazardly, I then approach the box with caution, opening it slightly and staring at the contents.


N-Nope, not yet.

I step away from my boxed friend and collapse onto my bed. From there I begin changing, the process is slow but thoughtful, every movement I make showing years of experience working around my lack of a left hand. At times it's annoying but I often enjoy the slowness of it, it's sort've relaxing in a way.

Just as I finish tying a knot in my right pant leg, I notice a shadow beneath my door.


He's early today, but then again, I don't think he's ever lurked around my door before.

At least I think he hasn't... I stare blankly at the door expecting a knock of some kind but nothing happens, is he thinking of what to say? Or is he just standing there like a creep?

One never knows with Takashi. I slip into my shirt while keeping my gaze on my door, I'm getting a little anxious now...

My tie doesn't give me any trouble this morning surprisingly, perhaps Taka's presences has mystical properties? I hop to my feet, or should I say 'foot'? Whatever, it's time to find out what this guy is doing.

...Is someone really outside my door right now?

I reach out for my door knob only to be nearly knocked over by Takashi entering my room. Did I forget to lock last night?

... Did he pick my lock? Would explain why he was hanging around. But was that even him?

"Morning Kisu!" Totally oblivious to nearly sending me to the floor and making extra sure to drag out the last vowel in that awful nickname, Takashi stands before me with his bag in hand and an expectant look on his face.

"Hello." I say before shaking my head with a yawn and limping over to my desk.

"Damn bro, you alright? You sound like you slept on the window-sill."

I let out a chuckle as I start packing up my textbooks, "Yeah, in a way I did."

Takashi stares at me briefly before shaking his head. He looks around my room casually before noticing the box in the corner, "Is that what you got from your nurse yesterday?"

I look to him in panic as he approaches my packaged prosthetic, "I-It's nothing interesting, just some c-clothes I left at my Uncles..."

"The nurse had your clothes? Isn't that weird?"

"They know each other so..."

Takashi eventually walks away from the box and nods, "Makes sense, still weird though."

I let out a fake chuckle as I zip up my bag.

... Did I just lie?

"Let's get going man, we're gonna be late at this rate!" Takashi steps out into the hallway, I follow him out and stop to lock up, My gaze lingers on the box. I'm really uncomfortable about this aren't I?

Deal with it later Kichirou... For now, let's just get going.

"Why were you outside my door for so long?" I ask as we leave the dormitory, Takashi looks to me with a puzzled expression.


"Did you lock pick your way into my room?"

Takashi laughs, "How and why would I do that bro? You're paranoid!"

I sigh, "Maybe, but that was still weird..."

Takashi stretches out while holding his bag above his head, "You definitely didn't get enough sleep man."

Was Takashi even outside my door that whole time? Maybe I was just seeing things?

... It could've been C- No. That wouldn't happen, she's not that crazy. At least not yet...

I'm gonna assume it was either Takashi, nobody, or a side effect of the pills...


We approach the morning crowd of students, unlike other schools, the rush to get to class is rather civilized.

Makes sense given some have canes or are in wheelchairs, I don't think it's encouraged here to knock over you fellow students for the sake of time...

It doesn't take long before we make it to the cafeteria, I look for an empty table while Takashi dives into the breakfast queue.

I find an empty table near the back and take a seat, my gaze floats towards my blonde friend as he fights his way to the front. Fight on Taka, secure some half decent food for your fellow country men.


God, it's really weird watching someone furiously push his way through a disabled crowd without actually hurting anyone...

D-Did that girl just hit him with her cane? I turn my gaze away with a laugh and begin digging through my bag.

I make sure I have what I need for class before two food trays crash into the table, Takashi takes a sit across from me and lets out a breath that he was probably holding in for long time.

He wastes no time tearing the plastic off a roll of some kind and biting a huge chunk out of it.

The grin he wears is one of absolute victory, a man who faced the odds and won. Well, for a little while anyway, Takashi soon chokes and sputters.

"W-Wrong flavour!" I let out a laugh as Takashi brushes at his tongue in an attempt to remove the unwelcome guest.

"I admire your energy, but I think you need to work on your focus." I state while poking a straw into my juice box.

"Whatever man," He coughs and reaches for something to wipe his face with, "You weren't there. It was like a bull fi- Ow!"

Takashi flinches before feeling out the back of his head timidly, "I can't believe she hit me with her cane... Why would she do that man?"

I take a sip while looking over my scrambled eggs, I wonder how long these were sitting on the counter... Pretty sure they're not warm anymore.

"Who can blame that girl? With a head of your size, it's almost criminal to not give it a shot."

I chuckle mid-sip as Takashi scoffs, "Yeah, very funny prick..."

My chuckle turns into a laugh as I poke at my cold meal. I should give up hoping, there isn't a single warm thing on this plate.

... Ew, rubbery. Takashi tosses the 'foul' roll aside and reaches for the apple on his tray. He leans back and takes a bite, "So, what's on the menu for today?"

"Last I checked it was something involving meat."

"No not like that! I mean whats the plan for today?!"

"Oh. I dunno."

"Sheesh. Well..." Takashi looks over the cafeteria for a while before snapping his fingers, nearly dropping the apple in his hand. "How about we get together with the girls?"

"You sure about that? Don't you think we're kinda forcing ourselves onto them a little too much lately?"

Takashi takes another bite and chuckles, "Well, we haven't forced anything on them yet..."

"Eergh..." I cringe.

"Anyway, why not? They're nice girls man, why are you being such a prude? Even though lately you've been some kind of chick magnet!"

I poke a fork into my meal while rubbing my head, "I'm not a chick magnet, It's just, you know... We shouldn't scare them off."

"Scare them off? What are they? Deer?" Funny he should say that, I always thought he looked a bit like a boar...

Takashi looks to me for an answer but he soon gives up, "Alright, we'll let them cool for today..." That's good I guess. "Wait!" Never mind.

"Maybe I'll hang out with the two of them myself!"

Wonder how that's gonna work out... Well it's alright I guess, ladies, watch yourselves. Takashi Yamaguchi's coming for you.


It took some time but I managed to endure my breakfast. I let out a sigh and stand up, "Well, Better get going then." Takashi spits the apple core into a nearby bin, good aim buddy but really gross.

After grabbing his bag he speaks up excitedly, "Oh hey! You wanna go to the city tomorrow? Check out the arcade? Huh? Come on... you know you wanna..."

I roll my eyes, "Really Taka, are we doing this again? You know I can only play like two of the games there."

"I don't want a replay of the last time we were there when I had to stand and watch you for hours..."

Takashi shakes his head and slams a hand onto my shoulder, "Oh c'mon man! It'll be a blast. I'll be sure to pick out the things we can do together!"


"Alright fine." Takashi pumps a fist in the air before taking the lead as we exit the cafeteria. Might as well, not like I had plans tomorrow. Unless you consider catching up on sleep you don't need a plan...

"Hey Taka."


"You forgot to clean the trays again."

Takashi turns around, "Oh sh-" and flies past me...

I shake my head and start limping away. I had to remind him, the last time he forgot to do it he was assaulted by one of the cooking staff. Or was it someone from the cleaning staff?

... Could've been both.


Come on lunchtime... Come on! I'm dying here.

Spending an hour being forced to form a coherent English sentence isn't fun. And it doesn't help that I have a guy sitting next to me who always laughs his ass off when I try to speak out of the book.

I should've given him another bump on his head.


Alright, shes moving on. Now all I need to do is lay low behind my textbook and make sure she doesn't pick me again. I sneak a few looks from behind my makeshift hiding spot, my gaze falls upon Kobayashi.

... She's actually quite good, well I think she is at least. I can hardly speak the language so I don't really have the right to judge.

Huh, wish I was in Fukuhara's shoes... She gets a free pass in this class... Hey, that rhymed!

"Psst!" Takashi prods me with his ruler.

"What?" I look over at him.

"Whats do- Dude. Stop trying to hide, it won't work!"

I blush and drop the book before sighing, "Whats up?" I inquire while leaning back in my chair and looking to the front of the class.

If she asks me to read again and you laugh Taka... I'm gonna get detention for a something I'll be thanked for...

"I was just gonna ask about tomorrow. Along with the arcade, where else should we go?"

"Taka look," I lower my voice, "I don't really mind what you pick. As long as we don't stay out all night and miss the last bus home. So, feel free to choose whatever you want."

"No overnight trip uh? Aw..."

He was actually considering that... I have a feeling he wants to plan this like a team, set up an itinerary together, make it the best day possible. But I just don't want to...

Jeez Kichirou, Some friend you're being. I blame the pills...

"Okay everyone, very good!" The teacher finishes her rounds of forcing us to speak a language we only sort of know and gives us an encouraging thumbs up. I wonder if she actually car- no Kichirou, stop all this negativity! I'm coming off medication and I'm hungry. She isn't to blame, I think.

"Lets all move on to the next page..." If I can just endure this, fuel up on the break, and sit through the next class...

I'll see tomorrow for sure.


The birds outside bask in the sunlight, completely free from concern for the world around them. Not that they should worry, they're just birds...

But then again I'm just human so... Same thing? Whatever, I hop away from the window and head for the exit, Class is finally over for the day. I should be celebrating, not philosophizing...

As for my friends, Kobayashi left early, Takashi and Fukuhara are staying here to work over what we went through in class. They said I should join them but really, I work better alone. But I mainly don't want to jinx their chances of passing the exams.


But hey! I said I would attend classes at least, right? That's something in my book! Visions of a nice nap and maybe hanging out in the common room float into my head gradually as I happily limp towards the student elevators.

Just as I'm about to turn the corner however, I notice two familiar figures. Standing before the stairwell, is our very own student council. There's Nakajima and...

What was her name again? Ayame Hanamoto I think? I wonder what the student council president and vice president are doing out of their little room... Oh yeah, checking up on their student body... Right, probably part of the job.

I turn to leave but a weirdly pitched female voice calls out, "You there! Second year!"

"Y-Yes?" I flinch as the white haired girl approaches me.

"Good to see you Kenta!"

"Kenta? No, I-I'm Kich-"

"Ayame... That's Kichirou Susumu, not Kenta Sasaki..." Nakajima sighs softly and turns to face me, "Hey there Susumu." He nods in my general direction.

"Hey Nakajima, what are you tw-"

Hanamoto claps her hands together awkwardly, "Oh right! Kichirou Susmu. The one with the, uh... Oh! The chocolate obsession! By the way, thanks for giving me some yesterday. It was delicious."

So she did take it... Hanamoto hums a tune while skipping away from us and down the hall, stopping every so often to check the classrooms around her.

"So..." I inspect the two of them for a topic of conversation. "Whats that?" I point at the clipboard in Nakajima's possession.

He looks in my direction aimlessly, Hanamoto giggles at me with a smirk from behind a classroom door and I rub the back of my neck in embarrassment. I reach out for Nakajima and give the clipboard a light tap.

"Oh, this?" Nakajima lights up, "We're goin-"

Hanamoto hops over to us out of nowhere, "We're going around the school asking what everyone thought of the festival, Once we know what everyone thinks! We can take note of it for next year!"

"On the grand scale of things," Hanamoto points down the hallway dramatically, "This way, we can make the festival better every year."

"Y-Yes." Nakajima chimes in.

"Oh, that's uh, a good idea."

"So then, let us ask you!" Hanamoto assumes a more rigid and professional posture, "What did you think of this years festival?"

"It was, you know, uh... A lot of fun..." Nakajima holds out the clipboard while Hanamoto writes something down, "Yeah, It was fine."

"Fine..." Hanamoto moves her hand awkwardly around head, as if she's trying to scratch it.

"Oh! You we- I mean he..." Hanamoto turns to Nakajima, "He was part of the festival this year right? Didn't he have a stall?"

"He did, in fact he helped us out with paying for more supplies."

Hanamoto makes a weird expression and hums, "Really now, that's a new one. A little fishy..." I cower under her gaze, "But a good service to your school student!"

"I-I thought it was the least I could do..." I rub my head while Hanamoto nods with understanding.

"Good on- Wait!" Hanamoto jolts to attention while Nakajima flinches, "The track team still hasn't paid us back have they?"

"...They were in a hurry, I think it's reasonable that they haven't paid us back yet." Nakajima smiles while Hanamoto merely shakes her head.

"It's only been a few days..." Nakajima mutters.

"Maybe, but they still owe us!" Hanamoto slams a finger on the clipboard, "Give them a week! If we don't push them before summer break, We'll miss our window."

"Write it down Fumio!" I look away anxiously, so there are two women in the student council who disregard his blindness...

"I-I can't." Nakajima blushes.

"Why no- Oh." Hanamoto dismisses the whole thing with a giggle and takes the clipboard from Nakajima. She flips through the pages until finding a suitable spot to write down the reminder. "Be more forceful with sports team when it comes to money..." She mumbles while writing.

I look to Nakajima during this, he's wrapping his hands around his cane tightly. Must be stressful... Dealing with this girl every day, but then again, I only know her like this. She might be a totally different person while she's in the council room.

"Alright now back on topic!" Hanamoto enters my personal space, "I would like to ask you specific questions about the festival. Nothing complex, actually they're relatively simple questions. Is that fine with you?" Hanamoto looks me in the face, I blush at the proximity.

"S-sure, go ahead."


I wave goodbye and step into the lift, that took longer than I thought it would... she wasn't lying about 'specifics' either, well I hope they at least got a lot of reports from this. Would suck if the complexity of the questions and her interrogator like personality would scare people off. Then again, I guess having Nakajima there as a mediator of sorts helps. He's definitely a little more well, balanced.

Sliding my hand over the button, I lean against one of the steel walls as the lift closes. Maybe they work well together, although Nakajima had a hard time getting a word in... But who can blame him, that girl is uh... I'm not gonna say it. I did notice during our conversation all the weird motions she was doing now and again, I wonder if she has Tourettes or something? I heard that people can have a physical tick as well...

She could just be insane though. The doors part and I step out, I find a wall to lean against briefly while I check the time on my phone. No need to rush Kichirou, slow and steady.


I exit the main building and wander through the school grounds, I originally thought I was going back to my room but after all that, I don't think I can fall asleep. It's like that girl injects energy into you... Maybe that's why she's president, leaders can be infectious at times.

My leg and crutch drag me through the grounds, my mind in another place entirely during the trip. I eventually come to a stop when I run out of breath, damn my low fitness levels. Speaking of fitness, I snap back to reality and take in the view.

This is the track field. What am I doing here?

Well, whatever. I could sleep on the bleachers... Yeah, that's a plan.


And anyway there is no way anyone is training right now, I'm sure even athletes get laz- Oh. Guess not. As I get closer to the field, I start to see the familiar colours of our school gym outfit. a vast collection of students form a cluster on the track, after the mark they all start running in an organized line.

Away from the track are several others who are busy warming up, chatting, and looking like they just came back from a marathon. The cast of characters here share a recurring theme, most are missing a limb or two, some are in wheelchairs surprisingly, and some have a bandage or a knee brace.

Motivation in a team environment is a powerful thing. I hobble over to the nearest seat, trying my best to stay hidden. I hope they don't toss me out, this bleacher looks awfully inviting... I place my crutch down and take a seat, not the softest surface but it'll do its job. Should I kick my feet up? No, maybe that's a little impolite.

Last thing these hardworking people need is some guy waltzing in acting like he owns the place, even though he's hardly exercised a day in his life. I obviously took part in rehab for my condition once upon a time, in the end though it all amounted to nothing...


Maybe I should try again? If I use tha-


And the thoughts gone, guess not...

A shout from the field grabs my attention, a student who looks to be the boss is cheering for people on the track. He soon blows his whistle after another lap, the group breaks up and converges near the other set of bleachers. I look over the tired students curiously, they look happy. What do they call that feeling? Runner's high I think?


Wait. Is that...?

A long ponytail sticks out from the crowd, it's Kobayashi. Wait, she's part of the track team? I shouldn't be surprised, I've never even asked what she does after school. Then again, the girls haven't inquired on what Takashi and I do after school either...

Not that there's much to ask Taka, it's probably something weird and possibly x-rated... And I doubt anyone wants to know what I do.

...Maybe it's the light or my general aura but Kobayashi notices me almost instantly, oh crap! How the hell did sh- Oh, she's coming over here.

... Damn, that is one military grade bra she's got. G-Good work soldiers!

... Ah, I'm a pervert. However! I would like to shift the blame to my partner in crime for being, well, as he is. I didn't choose my company for my high school life! Or did I?

Well no time to contemplate that now, she's here. "Susu, what are you doing here?"


How am I gonna explain this one?

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] Act 2 Update! 18/04

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 7:33 am
by Mirage_GSM
I'm really uncomfortable about this aren't I?
I don't remember - did you give a reason why he is so afraid of prosthetics yet? Hit over the head by his mother as a child with one?
"Sheesh. Well..." Takashi looks over the cafeteria for a while before snapping his fingers, nearly dropping the apple in his hand.

"How about we get together with the girls?"

"You sure about that? Don't you think we're kinda forcing ourselves onto them a little too much lately?" Takashi takes another bite and chuckles, "Well, we haven't forced anything on them yet..."

"Eergh..." I cringe.
Try to put dialogue by the same character in the same paragraph. I had to read this thrice to figure out who was saying what and I'm still only half certain I got it right:
"Sheesh. Well..." Takashi looks over the cafeteria for a while before snapping his fingers, nearly dropping the apple in his hand. "How about we get together with the girls?"

"You sure about that? Don't you think we're kinda forcing ourselves onto them a little too much lately?"

Takashi takes another bite and chuckles, "Well, we haven't forced anything on them yet..."

"Eergh..." I cringe.
Same problem continues further down, but you can probably figure it out.

Bit awkward to end the chapter in the middle of a conversation. One usually does that for the sake of a cliffhanger, but that's not the case here…

Anyway, looking forward to the next chapter.

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] Act 2 Update! 18/04

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 2:12 pm
by RidiculousLuke
I don't remember - did you give a reason why he is so afraid of prosthetics yet?
Nope. :)
Try to put dialogue by the same character in the same paragraph. I had to read this thrice to figure out who was saying what and I'm still only half certain I got it right:

"Sheesh. Well..." Takashi looks over the cafeteria for a while before snapping his fingers, nearly dropping the apple in his hand. "How about we get together with the girls?"

"You sure about that? Don't you think we're kinda forcing ourselves onto them a little too much lately?"

Takashi takes another bite and chuckles, "Well, we haven't forced anything on them yet..."

"Eergh..." I cringe.
Yep you got it!

It's funny. I've been putting multiple character dialogues in clusters for the last few chapters, I guess it's starting to get annoying now huh? ^^' Writing this chapter was new territory for me. It might not seem unusual but I feel like there was way more talking in this than the other chapters...

I do really want to push more dialogue from now on, since I feel that if the story is so heavily shown through Kichirou's inner monologues, it might eventually get boring.

Anyway, yes! Gotta do better on the paragraphs from now on, I'll go over and fix the ones from this latest chapter at some point.
Bit awkward to end the chapter in the middle of a conversation. One usually does that for the sake of a cliffhanger, but that's not the case here…
Indeed, this chapter's in two parts. And the issue with that is I probably should've waited to post both of them at once to avoid this problem... I can make all the excuses I want but I've been incredibly lazy with my writing and I really want to be able to hit my Friday deadline consistently. If I don't, I just feel empty inside.

The longer I put things off, the worse I feel, and the more I end up rushing things. I need to get my shit together...

Anyway, my whining aside, thank you as always for your feedback Mirage. You keep me on my toes! :D

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] Act 2 Update! 18/04

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:59 pm
by RidiculousLuke
Act 2 Chapter One- Assessment Part 2



"Susu, what are you doing here?"

... Now how am I going to explain this without sounding like a complete creep? Obviously I should just tell her that I was wandering around the grounds and just so happened to land up here. I could also throw in my condition to further explain my reason for sitting here, which could work but honestly, from some reason I'm skeptical it'll work.

Since I'm a teenage male, most will probably think that I'm sitting here to ogle at girls.

This is a rough situation I'm in...

"Heeelllo...? Susu?"

I wonder if anyone really suspects that I could be using my condition as a way to fulfill my perverted fantasies, I'm not of course but hey, people judge.


I should've just went back to my room like a good student, maybe I could've gotten some work done... Dammit Kichirou! What have you done?

Quick, open your mouth and speak!

"Hello." Better than nothing...

Kobayashi giggles a little while eyeing me with concern, "You feeling alright? You looked a little zoned out there."

"M-Me? Nah, I'm fine."

Kobayashi smiles awkwardly before running a hand through her ponytail, "So... What are you doing here? I didn't think you were one for track."

"I was uh, wandering the school grounds and I just sort've... Ended up here."

I point to my working leg, "All that 'wandering' has left me feeling drained, I really need to pay more attention to where I'm going..."

"I can't just get up and walk everywhere you know?" I let out a chuckle, "Too much work."

Kobyashi flicks the hair from her fringe back while giggling, "I think it's good that you're trying." She takes a seat next to me, "Exercise can be fun."

"Fun when you're with someone that can help of course." She sighs.

"Lacking confidence?" I ask.

"No! W-Well, maybe! It's hard okay?" Kobayashi blushes, "I like being active but... I struggle sometimes." Her expression turns sour.

I scratch my head, should I offer her some comfort or something? Don't know if it'll help.

Kobyashi's face eventually lights up again, "So hey, ever thought about joining one of the physical programs?"

What is she getting at? Is this a sales pitch?

I want to tell her that it's not that easy for me, but the look in her eyes spurs something out of me that I should've kept a tighter grip on, "I could give one a try... I have a prosthetic after all."

... Shit. What the hell did I just say?

Kobyashi nearly jumps out of her seat, "Really!? I didn't know, That's awesome Susu!" She wriggles around happily.

I try to calm her down, "I've hardly ever used one, I can't even walk, let alone stand."

Kobyashi shakes her head quickly before standing, "That doesn't mean you can't learn!" She waves her hand and shouts into the distance, "Captain! Captain over here!"

Oh no, Koba- what are doing? Don't let more people know about it. The shouting eventually elicits a response from a tall man who is clad in a tight tracksuit with a whistle hanging from his neck. The man excuses himself from the people he was conversing with and runs over to us.

Now that he's closer to us I realize that he's probably as old as me, if not older. I think he might be a third year.

"Kobyashi? What's up?" The boy asks

"I was wondering if you could help my friend here, he has a prosthetic but he can't walk." Kobyashi asks excitedly.

What is she planning?

"I dunno, let me check..." The boy pulls out a sheet of paper out of his pocket and gives it a quick once over, "Schedule's a little tight but... I think I could squeeze in a favor."

"With the track meet coming up, a lot of people have recently joined up outta nowhere so I've been really busy you know? Nothing like a big school event to bring the student body together uh?" He lets out a hearty laugh which Kobayashi and I can't help but join in on.

I quiet down instantly and panic, "I don't want to waste your time though! I haven't used a prosthetic in years."

The boy brushes his shoulder absentmindedly, "That's okay, I can help you out! I mean look over there," His hand points towards the bleachers on the far side.

"That girl over there, she arrived at Yamaku this year in a wheelchair. With the help of her doctor and the track team, we got her walking and then running in just a few weeks!"

Kobayashi nods along with the boy, "See Kichirou! You can do it if you work at it."

"I guess..." I mutter, "But I-"

Kobyashi sways on her feet slightly before smiling awkwardly, "Excuse me guys, I-I gotta go to the bathroom real quick."

Kobyashi bows in apology and jogs off, The boy and I look on after her until she fades into the distance.

"Do you know why she does that?" He asks curiously.

"No idea, not even her best friend knows." I shrug.

"Huh, well it's strange. I asked if there was a problem before but she just shook it off."

The boy scratches his nose, "Whatever it is, it isn't affecting her performance with us so... It doesn't really matter." He lets out a laugh before turning to me.

"Anyway listen, how about this," He pulls out that same piece of paper again, this time with a pen.

"How about you come around here sometime next week with that prosthetic of yours and we'll see if we can get you walking."

"You'll have to get in touch with your medical adviser though."

"He's on campus," I speak up, "Mr. Masuyo is my nurse."

"Oh cool! That makes things way easier, it always gets messy when you have to reach outside the school limits you know?" He chuckles while writing, "So, what's your name?"

Am I going to go through with this? I could back out now but... The way Kobayashi looked when I blurted out that I had a prosthetic... I would feel like an ass if I said no now.

Just never really had a friend or even a stranger who would consider helping me without a second thought.

I think I should go for it. I mean, I won't be alone on this. This guy will help me, the nurse will be in on it, and my Uncle will probably be elated... I wonder if he placed a bet on me at some point?

He's always been a bit of a gambler...

I breathe in slowly before speaking again, "Alright I'm in, Kichirou Susumu's the name. I'm a second year."

"Great!" He writes down my name before sighing.

"Now it's gonna be a little tricky," He furrows his brow, "I'm mainly supposed to be helping our team get ready for the track meet but... I think we can get you walking before the event. Heck, I bet we can train you to compete in the event!"

"I never said I would join the Track team!" I exclaim, "I've h-hardly ever exercised in my life!"

"Well, there's a first time for everything Susumu." The boy smiles, "Don't panic, We'll just focus on getting you up and about okay?"

He laughs again, "I'm not gonna make you run a marathon!"

I sigh in relief, "Sorry."

"It's cool Susumu, baby steps right?" He gives me a thumbs up, "If you just want to be able to walk, we'll still help you."

"Alright, Thank you uh..."

"Nishimura, Eiji Nishimura. But you can just call me Nishi if you want."

"Okay then, 'Nishi'" I smile while reaching for my crutch.

"Leaving so soon? Don't want to wait up for Kobayashi?" Nishimura chuckles.

"I've got some homework to do and I'm a little beat." I rub my head in embarrassment, "I'm sure Kobayashi will be okay without me."

"Alright well, take this with you." Nishimura writes something down and then tears it off and hands it to me, "We'll get together at that time okay? Oh, and be sure to let your nurse know about this."

"I will, see you later Nishimura." I start hobbling away.

"It's Nishi okay!" He laughs, "See you later man."

I wave goodbye and begin my journey back to the male dormitory. So I guess I'm gonna learn to walk again... How did that happen?

Well whatever, I won't deny that I'm not a little curious about trying.

Maybe with enough time, I could even run?

...I'm gonna put it down as a 'Maybe' for now.


The 'walk' back to the dorms is uneventful, most students are starting to wander back to their rooms while I hop up the stairs. It's been a long day for some clearly. I follow the other male students briefly before a hand grips my collar tightly, I nearly fall over at the force being thrust upon me.

I turn my head in panic and come face to face with the culprit. N-Not good, It's Chiyoko.

"Kichirou! Hello!" The blonde headed girl gives me a toothy grin, I try to pull out of her grip but she's got me in a vice.

"H-Hey Chiyoko, how's it going?" I ask nicely while trying to escape from her clutches.

"I'm doing wonderfully thank you!" She finally releases me but she makes certain that I can't flee.

Not that I could, maybe if I ditch the crutch though. Perhaps I could create a diversion. Chiyoko looks to the sky before shooting a finger in my direction.

"I need your help!"

Here we go... Well, I know I can't say no... "What's up?"

Chiyoko looks around her suspiciously before moving closer to me, an action that causes me to blush. "Do you know that there's a big party going down at the Shanghai tonight?"

"Party? Shanghai does stuff like that?"

"Well, no, but the student council booked out that little tea house for the day!"

"Oh, that's uh, awesome. Enjoy yourself tonight then, I gotta go..." I make a move for the dorms but Chiyoko grabs a hold of my arm and nuzzles her face into my shoulder.

"Kichirou! I need you!"

Does she want me to come so it's a date? I don't think I can do something like that right now...

"I need a partner for this job!"

"Partner? Job?" I ask with confusion, "What?"

Chiyoko removes her face from my shoulder and looks me straight in the eyes.

Yep, s-still hot. "Something's going on within the student council and I want to get to the bottom of it!"

"Going on?" I question, "What, is there going to be an assassination attempt or something?"

Chiyoko laughs, "No! Well... I don't know actually, it could happen."

... Doubt it, but she looks like she needs my help. Why my help though is still beyond me.

"Okay, I'll help you." Chiyoko bounces up and down before realising that she's still holding onto me. She lets go with a blush.

"But are you sure I'll be allowed to join in? I mean, I'm not in the council."

Chiyoko clasps her hips and giggles, "Not a problem! I'll say I invited you at the last second! There's no rule about bringing along a date."

Great, so it is a date to her... Well, I better just go with it.

"When's the party?"

Chiyoko looks at her small pink wristwatch, "Well, the party is at eight, but we should get going at around half past seven."

"You know, because of the uh... yeah."

Oh, she means my condition... She's not wrong though, I am slow. "Okay, well I'll meet you out here then?"

Chiyoko giggles, "Perfect but! Dress in something other than our uniform, it's outside of school time you know!"

Guess there's going to be some closet diving in my future, "Alright, until then." I hobble off with a wave and Chiyoko happily returns it.

As I pass through the dormitory hall, I feel a sense of dread wash over me.


What am I going to wear?



I could fit in with Uncle's drinking buddies in this but for a gathering of students, this won't work.


What does this one say about me? Confident in his sexuality but secretly insecure inside?


Now this just makes me look like a duck.


Can't look sloppy, can't look too classy, can't look too casual... I need the right mix.


Well, this will do I guess. A dress shirt red in colour with a slight pattern that isn't too hard on the eyes. Good thing the pants were easy to pick, honestly thought it would be the hardest part.

I tie the knot in my right pant leg while looking over at the box in the corner.

... Wait until next week Kichirou, don't want to get too cocky. Also don't want to get to the party and be like, 'Oh hey, check it! I can suddenly walk again!'

With the knot tight, I stand up and hop over to the mirror for one more look over. Well, it'll do.

Maybe if I'm lucky, Chiyoko will never want to be seen with me after she sees this... No that's unlikely, I think it'll take a lot more for her to hate me.

She's not so bad, I'm actually a little excited... F-For what's going on in the council, not for the d-date. It's not a date anyway!


Okay, I'm good to go. Check the time... Still got a few minutes before half past. Should I go out and wait anyway? From what I've heard, women take a long time to get ready.

Heh, this kinda reminds me of the time R-

... My gaze lingers on my boxed prosthetic. I feel my chest tighten and my eyes begin to sting slightly. Quite the step I just took there, Haven't thought about her in a while...

It's not important anymore, I should get going.


The air outside is cool, the sun has long since set, leaving only the shroud of night and the faint glow of several lampposts. I take a seat on the steps outside the dorm and exhale slowly before looking to the sky. The stars twinkle slightly, some more than others.

I lean back and sigh, I think back to earlier today at the track field. That Nishimura's a cool guy, I've got a good feeling about him. Maybe he can change my view on prosthetics...

It won't be easy... I run my hand over the cold concrete underneath me, feeling myself shiver at the touch. In that moment I think back to what Mr. Masuyo said the other day.

"Look Susumu, your Uncle insisted that you start walking again. Enough time has passed since your accident, you're ready."


"You're ready."

Am I?

My mind begins to wander... Despite my protests, it moves towards a door, a door that I've have long since left alone. Internally I beg it to stop as it grips the handle, slowly ever so slowly, the door is pulled open. I shut my eyes on reflex as I feel the bitter cold emanate from the beyond. I'm about to scream until I hear a voice ring out from behind me.

I snap back to reality in an instant, as I blink I feel a lone tear roll down my cheek before it drops onto my sleeves abruptly. I shake my head in an attempt to focus as the voice gets closer.

"You're early Kichirou! I'm supposed to be the one that waits for you!" Chiyoko puffs out her cheeks as I stand, when I turn towards her I hear her take a breath.

Her eyes flutter around, as if to take me in. I don't get it, do I really look that good?

"You look... Stunning!" She squeals, "Everyone's going to be super jealous!"

"Well the single ones will anyway!" Chiyoko giggles with joy and grabs a hold of my arm, at this distance I can look her over. She's wearing a light green tank top that is covered by a strange woolen sweater. With some skinny jeans and cute little boots to finish off the look.

She's also let her hair down, that familiar headband of hers is nowhere to be seen. I actually think she looks kinda cute without it.

Her hairs a little messy when its worn like this but I think it fits her personality well, "Ready to go!?" She squeezes my arm.

"U-Uh, yeah sure." Before I can say anything else, Chiyoko pulls me down the stairs and we both walk out of the school. We begin the journey down the hill in silence, despite my discomfort at this situation, I appreciate the warmth coming from Chiyoko.

... Although she's totally milking this.

I look over every now and again, only to catch Chiyoko doing the same. I feel myself blush as I try to focus on the walkway instead, I hope no one I know sees this. If Takashi saw me, he might put me on his hit list... Not that he has one, I think.


Several lights come into view as we leave the walkway and wander into the town proper. We pass by several shops that have been closed for the day, I sneak a glance at the Aura mart down the street, which stands in its corner proudly to show that it's open twenty four hours a day.

We turn several corners before the familiar sign of the local tea house comes into view, unlike how I usually see it, there are a bunch of kids milling about outside. I say kids but they're students from Yamaku, I can tell this since I think I've seen these guys before during the festival.

I quickly realise that we're no longer alone and shake Chiyoko off me, she frowns and tries to grab me again but I lurch forward to avoid her. She doesn't get another chance as the students outside notice us.

"Chiyoko! Over here!"

"There you are Chiyoko!"

... She's popular. The students run up to us, mainly giving their attention to Chiyoko. Quick Kichirou, while she's distracted let's sneak away and get a drink. This is a party after all.

With my blonde companion distracted, I push through the door and enter the tea house. The familiar jingle sounds out, it's signal lost on the people inside. It's packed in here, students, some clad in the Yamaku uniform and some deciding to dress up for the occasion, fill the building to the brink.

Several waiters and waitresses fumble around the crowds, taking orders and carrying trays loaded with snacks and drinks. In the chaos I spot a familiar face.

"Hironori! Hey!" I call out to the purple haired man standing outside a booth full of students, he notices me and waves before returning his focus to the orders he's receiving. Better leave him be, he's got his hands full tonight, all the staff does.

I limp through the building in search of people that I might know, making sure to not fall onto any tables. The last thing these guys want is me as the main course...

A booth in the back catches my attention, only a few people are seated within it, and surprisingly I know them. Hanamoto sits in the middle, her laugh resounding through the area as she converses with what must be fellow members of the council.

She wipes a tear from her eye before locking eyes with me, I flinch as she stands on top of her seat and points to me dramatically.

"Satoshi! What are you doing here?! You're not council!" She chuckles to herself before waving me over, "Screw it, get over here!"

I hop towards her and mutter, "My name's still Kichirou."

Hanamoto sits back down and takes a swig from her soda, "Satoshi, Kichirou, same thing." She shrugs, "I can't be blamed for that though! You're quite forgettable!" I frown as I take a seat at the end of the booth while everyone laughs in unison.

"Yeah, funny..."

Hanamoto stops herself and sighs, "God man, take a joke! Say, what do you want to drink? Hey waiter!" She shouts out while I rub my forehead.

A waitress approaches and I order a bottle of water, the freckled lady bows and rushes off to attend to the others.

"So what are you doing here outsider!" Hanamoto points her straw towards me.

"Chiyoko invited me." This statement causes the girls of the table to raise their voices.

"Really now... Chiyoko's got good taste." Hanamoto eyes me oddly while I try to sink into my seat.

"Where is that girl anyway? In fact, where's Fumio at?" Hanamoto questions while looking to the others, who just shrug in response, "Do you know Kichirou?"

"Chiyoko's still outside I think, and I don't know Nakajima that well so I have no idea." Hanamoto leans into her seat with a sigh.

"Where is that guy... This is important! We don't get to celebrate like this very often."

... You know, when I first laid my eyes on the student council here. I thought they would be a bunch of no nonsense self important types who wouldn't even socialize with it's student body, Despite being in charge of it. But the more I see of them and their nutcase of a leader, I've come to the conclusion that the council is slightly... Loose.

... Good thing they don't serve alcohol here.

My drink arrives and I thank the waitress before she's called away by someone else. My gaze wanders the room as I take a sip, looks like the food's coming out now. It's nothing complex, just several trays filled with a variety of sandwiches and cakes.

Out of the corner of my eye I spot Hanamoto gazing at the food trays longingly. I put my bottle down and look to the ceiling with a chuckle, this buildings probably been here for years. Or it could be new, One never knows with these things. I'm sure they're a bunch of fanatics that love making rustic places like this.

Suits the town here honestly, the older look. This small community below Yamaku is totally different from the city nearby. From a travel perspective, this region offers a good variety in terms of locations.

A shrill voice calls out nearby and I gaze back down to check. Chiyoko stomps over to me with a cute frown, she slaps my shoulder lightly while fuming.

"Ow! What?!"

"You left me out there you dummy! You didn't have to sneak away!" Chiyoko grabs my neck roughly and attempts to strangle me, I feign asphyxiation while Hanamoto looks us over with glee.

"There you are Chiyoko! Now come sit here, leave your boy toy alone!"

Chiyoko blushes and releases me from her grip before she slides into the booth and takes her place next to Hanamoto.

The student council president slings her arm around Chiyoko's shoulder and laughs, "That's one down! Where's Fumio anyway? Do you know?"

Chiyoko fidgets under the contact, "I haven't seen him since this morning."

Hanamoto scoffs, "Jeez, he's awfully elusive. Even for a blind man."

The council really doesn't have a filter... A silver object suddenly enters my vision, a waiter happily lowers a tray full of sandwiches onto our table, "Here you go guys, enjoy!" The scruffy man bellows before waddling away.

Hanamoto lunges over and swipes two sandwiches off a plate, she leans back proudly and nibbles on her prizes. Everyone else at the table takes turns while I wait for a chance to get something. Chiyoko plucks the smallest sandwich off the tray, before she can take a bite Hanamoto wraps her arm around her again.

"This is what I'm talking about! The company of my fellow council," Hanamoto eyes me briefly, "A stranger, and an undisclosed number of Yamaku students that weren't even invited!"

Huh, guess I wasn't the only last minute entry.

"It's nice." Chiyoko smiles and blushes as our eyes meet. I lower my gaze and finally grab something off the tray, I'm not entirely sure what's in this but I don't really care at this point. I take a bite and chew thoughtfully.

... It's surprisingly good, whatever this is.

Hanamoto stares blankly into space while trying to take another bite, the sandwich misses her mouth and ends up prodding her cheek. "Hold on a minute..."

She starts, "Can we even afford all this?!"

Chiyoko rubs her head with a dry giggle, "Good question..."

"The answer is no. But we'll live." We're all startled by the sudden appearance of the vice president.

"Fumio!" Hanamoto exclaims, Nakajima blushes a little at the mention of his name.

"That's me, sorry I'm late." He bows slightly before feeling his way towards the booth, he places his hands on the edges of the table and takes a seat carefully.

"Hey Nakajima, where have you been?" I ask curiously, Nakajima raises an eyebrow and looks in my direction.

"Susumu? What are you doing here?"

"Chiyoko invited me."

"Oh, of course." Nakajima sighs knowingly as he relaxes into his seat, it only takes a few seconds since he got here for Hanamoto to start bombarding him with questions.

"Second in command! Where were you?"

"I was... Um, b-busy." Nakajima doesn't stutter very often, I wonder what he's been up to.

I notice Chiyoko watching the whole conversation closely, is this what she was talking about? Is something going on with Nakajima?

"Busy? Now's not the time to be busy! We're celebrating remember?" Hanamoto laughs while snatching another sandwich off the tray.

"Sure, b-but we need to be careful. The school isn't going to give us a bump in the budget just because we want to party..." Nakajima runs a hand through his hair roughly.

I slide a plate over to Nakajima and speak, "Hey, have something to eat why don't you?" I smile despite the futility of it.

"Oh, thanks Susumu." He gives me a nod and feels out the corners of a sandwich before taking it.

"Pssh! The schools just gonna have to deal." Hanamoto stands on her seat again, this time with a glass and spoon in hand. I think she's trying to attract attention but she keeps missing the glass rather badly. Eventually she smacks the spoon in the right spot, Nakajima flinches at the sound.

"Everyone! Thank you for coming!" The other students cheer loudly, "Staff of the Shanghai! More food and drinks for all please! We will pay!"

The cheering returns doubled. As Hanamoto slides back into her seat I can hear Nakajima mumble under his breath.

"We won't though..."

Chiyoko orders herself a drink while conversing with the people at the table, I tune out the voices and stare blankly into space. What am I even doing here? Granted, I wouldn't be doing anything different right now if I decided to stay in my room. I guess it isn't so bad... I mean hey, free food. And I'm still interested in what's going on with the council...


Time passes, the party is still in full swing. Everyone is either eating while nosily discussing the upcoming exams while others have pulled board games out of nowhere and have started playing against each other.

I let a slice of cake sit in my mouth as I glance around me. The conversation at the table is broken as a rather large box enters the scene.

"Snakes and Ladders? Never played it." A student says while looking over the box curiously.

"Worry not my friend, it's easy enough!" Hanamoto sets the game board up and passes around pieces.

"You too, outsider!" I wish she would go back to calling me by someone elses name...

"Alright, I'll play." I grab my piece and shift a little closer towards the board.

Nakajima sits there looking around aimlessly, "What are we doing?"

My heart sinks, we can't play this if Nakajima can't. Hanamoto moves to address this problem, literally.

She slides over to Nakajima and sits next to him, "Snakes and Ladders Fumio! Here, I'll help you play." Hanamoto places a playing piece into Fumio's outstretched hand, he furrows his brow in curiosity and blushes heavily as Hanamoto doesn't move her hand away.

I look over to Chiyoko who seems rearing to go, she notices my gaze and speaks up, "I'm gonna get to the top before you Kichirou!"

I let out a chuckle, "We'll see..." My competitive edge takes over and the game begins.


The game keeps us thoroughly entertained as more food arrives in between rolls of the dice. Chiyoko's had terrible luck so far as she seems to almost have an attachment to snakes, whenever I mention this I get a scolding from her along with a puffed up face.

Halfway through the game, Hanamoto pulls something out of nowhere. At first I struggle to identify it but I soon know what it is. Is that a flask? Is she gonn-

... That's alcohol for sure. Is that even legal?

Her face scrunches and a small sigh escapes her, Nakajima's face contorts at the smell but he doesn't complain.

"Are you even allowed that Hanamoto?" I question.

"She's of age Susumu. Sadly." Nakajima sighs as Hanamoto slings her arm around his shoulders.

"It's cool!" She slurs, "Gotta get the party started!"

Wow, she's a light weight...

Nakajima blushes a deep crimson as Hanamoto stays stuck to him as she rolls the dice. She lets out a 'tsk' as the dice roll takes her down one of the snakes.

"Dammit! I was so close!" She giggles and snuggles into Nakajima's shoulder.

Chiyoko stares at the two of them hard, can't blame her. This behavior is new for me too. Is this what she was worried about I wonder?

It's my turn again as the dice is handed to me, I shake the die carefully before letting them go.

... Ladder! Perfect, I'm in the lead. But not for long as Nakajima's also getting some good rolls.

"This won't do!" Hanamoto states oddly as she slowly climbs on top of Nakajima, he gasps as she settles into his lap. She looks a bit like a cat curling up to its owner.

She sighs happily and helps Nakajima with his move, after the roll she takes Nakajima's hand and guides it. Two spaces in and Nakajima hits a ladder.

"Yes! A ladder." Hanamoto cheers while Nakajima smiles awkwardly. Chiyoko huffs and makes her move, she growls as she moves her piece only to end up at the head of another snake.

"Bad luck." I state and Chiyoko nearly throws the dice at me.

"It's nothing, just a bad roll!" She cries before taking another bite out of her cake. I let out a laugh as the person next to me makes her move.


How many sips of that has she had? She looks plastered... Hanamoto's been mumbling something into Nakajima's ear for a while now, whatever she's saying it seems to be leaving the boy more than a little flustered.

I won't lie, I kinda want to know as well. I take the dice and make my move, I take my piece and start moving. I make sure to act as confident as possible but Chiyoko soon lets out a loud squeal, I look down in confusion.



"What the f- How?!" I glare at the board in disbelief as Chiyoko moves my piece down the snake for me.

She gleefully mocks me, "Aww. Too bad Kichirou!" I look at her with anger as she pulls her tongue out at me.

I stew in my rage and munch down on my sandwich. I-I was so close dammit! The person next to me takes the dice and begins to roll but suddenly stops. I look her over before following her gaze.


My face increases in temperature at the sight, things are getting a little i-intimate with those two. Hanamoto giggles softly as she runs her finger over Nakajima's neck, I gotta give the guy credit, he has the composure of a warrior.

She nibbles on his ear and whispers, Nakajima's expression starts to break as he gasps. Chiyoko's also blushing and so is everyone else at the table.

"Looks like we have to end this early..." I mutter as Chiyoko moves closer to the two.

"Is she...?" Chiyoko asks as Nakajima nods while trying his best not to gasp as Hanamoto rubs his chest playfully.

"She's long gone. We should leave..." Nakajima sputters before Hanamoto squirms in his arms and clings desperately to him.

"Noooo..." She mumbles as Nakajima reaches for his cane.


Game over I guess... As the four of us get up to leave, the others at the table are rather confused until Chiyoko tells them to continue without us.

Chiyoko manages to remove Hanamoto and carry her out of the teahouse. On the way out, the student council president would slip out of her grip often and observe the other students weirdly.

Before I leave the tea house with them, I make sure to quickly move my playing piece to the top of the board.

... I win?

I shrug and limp towards the exit, making sure to wave goodbye to Hironori on the way out. I give the place on last glance before leaving.

Guess the party isn't over, even if the host leaves...


The sky is pitch black and the air is freezing as we make our way back to Yamaku. Chiyoko walks in front of us with Hanamoto leaning against her, occasionally the girl feels the need to sing only to be stopped by Chiyoko's pleas.

Nakajima and I take up the rear, which makes sense given our mode of transportation. Even in the dark, Nakajima sticks out. I don't think he's cooled off yet.

"You alright?" I ask.

"F-Fine. Just a little..." He fiddles with his shirt collar, "Hot."

It's nowhere near boiling out here, Nakajima's basically acting as a heater. I glance at the street lamps as we start the climb up the hill, Hanamoto stumbles at the change of inclination and nearly falls over but luckily Chiyoko's got quick reflexes.

Nakajima lets out a sigh as we walk. "Really... That girl." He mutters, "I told her to stop doing that, she never listens..."

"I don't think listening is her strong point." I joke.

Nakajima sighs, "She's... She's one of kind you know? She's gifted. I can't think of anyone else better for the position of president."

"It's not easy." Nakajima states, "The student council was in a rough spot a few years ago. One of the best leaders we ever had graduated and we were left with two girls who didn't know what they were doing..."

"But then... She came around." At this point Nakajima's talking to himself.

"She was something else, she had this spirit you know? This fire. I felt like we were back to the old times..."

"And now you're not?" I question.

"No! It's just well... She seems distracted lately."

"Well, she is a third year right? She's going to be graduating soon."

Nakajima's mood sinks, "Yeah... She is isn't she?" He places a hand in his pocket and clutches something tightly.

"Anyway, what was all that back there? She was awfully fond of you." I tease.

"She was d-drunk! She doesn't care about me like that!" He stutters out while returning his focus to the road.

I once heard from my Uncle that while in a drunk state, people become very honest about themselves. Trust me, Uncle was very honest with me that one night...

He told me about some girl he knew back in high school, he supposedly tried to impress her by jumping the local river on his bicycle...

... And I think he failed.

The gates come into view and we make our way to the school dorms in peace. Once we climb the steps, Hanamoto separates from Chiyoko and shouts, "Thank you all for a great night! I look forward to working with you next year!" She's still gone...

What happens next shocks most of us, Hanamoto staggers to Nakajima and plants a tender kiss on his lips. It lasts for quite some time, enough time for Chiyoko and me to nearly fade into the background.

The two part, Hanamoto gazes into Nakajima's dull eyes with a dreamy smile before waltzing off towards the female dorm without a single word.

Nakajima stands there like a statue, he lets out a breath of relief and blushes with enough intensity to light a city. He mutters a 'bye' before bowing and entering the male dorm, the tapping of his cane echoes down the hall inside before he vanishes.

Chiyoko and I are left standing in the cold, not really sure what to do with ourselves. Chiyoko decides to break the silence.

"Well, that was fun huh?"

"Oh, y-yeah. It was cool. Thanks for inviting me"


Why does this feel like a date now? Chiyoko faces me and looks at me expectantly. W-What? You can't be serious...

I let out a sigh and decide to at least give her something, I wrap her in a hug. Chiyoko nearly overloads as she clings to me tightly, her breathing turns raspy as I start to blush.

I let go quickly and give her a pat on the head randomly, "T-There you go..." I trail off awkwardly and wave goodbye.

"I-I'll see you tomorrow okay? We gotta talk about what happened tonight!" She waves with a smile as I enter the dorm.


I drag myself to my room silently, I glance at Takashi's door while fiddling with my lock. If only he saw what just happened... He would've had a fit.

I unlock my door and nearly crash into my bed, I gaze at the numbers shining from my alarm clock. I unbutton my shirt slightly and crawl under my covers.

Screw it, I'll sleep like this. I make myself comfortable and stare at the ceiling.


Why do I feel like after tonight, I'm going to be seeing more of Chiyoko from now on?

I soon drift off into sleep, my dreams are filled with the chatter of students and the almost love making between two authority figures.