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Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 4:10 pm
by Smoku
Maybe they see her as a reflection of self or something. Like, Shizune might scare of a typical nerd. She's like, too aggressive. Emi, on the other hand, would just wear off the nerd. And what stereotypical nerd likes sport?
Lilly would be considered boring by the nerd. She's a high-class lady, who gives a feeling like she would listen to classical music, play a piano and drink tea all freakin day long. No video games. no nothing. (I'd LOVE to see her in a black t-shirt, jeans and take her on a rock concert)
Hanako, on the other hand, holds nerd potential. She likes books, like nerds. She is alienating herself, she's an outcast, like nerds. And she would be the one who looks like she could play a little video games or whatever to kill time. She's not aggressive, not too lively. Nerd dream girl.
Too much psychological dwelling here.
Hanako would me my last choice of all.

Well, still I like her more then Misha or Kenji.

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 7:59 pm
cpl_crud wrote:Because I'm an admin I can vote all over the shop.
And that's pretty much what I did.

Last vote was for Emi out of pity.

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 3:18 am
by ElisaMasah
Smoku wrote:Maybe they see her as a reflection of self or something. Like, Shizune might scare of a typical nerd. She's like, too aggressive. Emi, on the other hand, would just wear off the nerd. And what stereotypical nerd likes sport?
Lilly would be considered boring by the nerd. She's a high-class lady, who gives a feeling like she would listen to classical music, play a piano and drink tea all freakin day long. No video games. no nothing. (I'd LOVE to see her in a black t-shirt, jeans and take her on a rock concert)
Hanako, on the other hand, holds nerd potential. She likes books, like nerds. She is alienating herself, she's an outcast, like nerds. And she would be the one who looks like she could play a little video games or whatever to kill time. She's not aggressive, not too lively. Nerd dream girl.
Too much psychological dwelling here.
Hanako would me my last choice of all.

Well, still I like her more then Misha or Kenji.
Well there are lot of nerd stereotipes, I know a lot of Hardcore Tabletop Gamer and Pen & Paper RPG MinMaxer that glady spent lot of time with a girl like Shizune discussion on the best way to take Australia.
And Yep ... some Nerd like tea and classical music too or could easily spend lot of time in Deep Philosophical Conversation on The Meaning of Life, Universe and Everithing ...
Yet I've know some Magic & D&D player that are built like Vin Disel (yum! :3) ... So Yeah
I think that Hanako appeal is mostly on the "Video Game/Intenet" stereotipes of Nerdom and yet YMMV.

Hanako shyness is more great than just appeal for Nerd but more on the Knight in Shine Armor that some men have hidden inside, sometimes is a bit twisted (the Dodged Nice Guy) and not Nerd Only.

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 5:21 am
by Smoku
ElisaMasah wrote:[q
Well there are lot of nerd stereotipes, I know a lot of Hardcore Tabletop Gamer and Pen & Paper RPG MinMaxer that glady spent lot of time with a girl like Shizune discussion on the best way to take Australia.
And Yep ... some Nerd like tea and classical music too or could easily spend lot of time in Deep Philosophical Conversation on The Meaning of Life, Universe and Everithing ...
Yet I've know some Magic & D&D player that are built like Vin Disel (yum! :3) ... So Yeah
the tea philosopher type and Vin Disel type are not stereotypes :P
By stereotype I mean the classic understanding of the Nerd. Like you know, the first thing that come sup to your head: a geek boy (now girl too more often) that is picked on at school, is pretty shy with women (or even scared of them), physically weak, is rather more into Science then humanist subjects.
This kind of nerd would ran away from Shizune cause if shear terror.

The more brave nerds would gladly take on Shizune and really talk about Risk with her (those nerds aren't that rare). But the Vin Disel nerds are a rare bread :p
But yes, I get your comment ^^
anyone wants to ad something more?

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:59 pm
by Leotrak
I can see Shizune coming off as intimidating... But, in her own way, the same goes for Emi ">_>

Just imagine: gloomy nerd, no experience with women on one side... and Emi on the other, a female keg of cheerfulness that will explode at the slightest opportunity.
Yes, I'm using stereotypes. Sue me.

Lilly's "well-bred" mannerisms, too, could end up making someone feel intimidated, I believe. Mostly to people who aren't used to being formal at all...

Rin will just freak people out. Nothing else to it.

And Hanako is more likely to run away before the nerd has half a chance to ">_>

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 5:12 pm
by Caesius
I have no problem with being myself in formal situations or around formal people.

I think it's more likely that someone like Lilly would be intimidated by me rather than the other way around. Either way I don't really find her as interesting as the other characters.

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 5:31 pm
by Darroth
Leotrak wrote:I can see Shizune coming off as intimidating... But, in her own way, the same goes for Emi ">_>

Just imagine: gloomy nerd, no experience with women on one side... and Emi on the other, a female keg of cheerfulness that will explode at the slightest opportunity.
Yes, I'm using stereotypes. Sue me.
Unlike said nerd WANTS to make friends and have fun with girls but is too shy. Basically I would imagine the conversation to be like this:

Emi: Come on Hisao let's go and do it!

Hisao: I just don't want to! Thinks: Please make me go.

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 5:44 pm
by Member22
In a real life situation... I imagine I wouldn't have much of a problem getting along with Emi, Hanako or Shizune.

But I think I would encounter problems with Lilly and Rin. In Lilly's case, I have absolutely nothing against her.. but her *mild* aloofness i.e acts a little older than her age and tends to treat people more like a responsibility (i.e motherly) barely ticks me off...

As for Rin... well, there is not much to say about her... firstly, I'm not that much of an artist, I also don't think like an artist and I am not capable of thinking like her. I'm not bashing her but her train of thought is hard for me to follow :(

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 6:21 pm
by Leotrak
If KS were my life... I don't think I'd manage to get along with any of them ">_> I'd find Shizune too bossy to try getting close, Emi too bubbly cheerful, Rin too weird, would avoid Lilly because she'd seem too distant, and I'd be too much of an idiot to be careful around Hanako ">_>

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 7:03 pm
by Member22
Leotrak wrote:If KS were my life... I don't think I'd manage to get along with any of them ">_> I'd find Shizune too bossy to try getting close, Emi too bubbly cheerful, Rin too weird, would avoid Lilly because she'd seem too distant, and I'd be too much of an idiot to be careful around Hanako ">_>
lol Kenji end for you then :wink: :lol:

No really, I can see where you are coming from tho...

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 7:37 pm
by Smoku
If KS was real, I'd get along with everyone except Hanako.
I like bossy girls like Shizune, I don't mind being ordered around. I can also order around quite well ( I was forced to be a leader way too many times >.>)
I'd get along with Emi, cause I know how important is my body and she would probably make me a lot more healthy.
I'd get along with Rin, cause the whole artist thing is every-day situation for me. But she's not my type.
I'd get along with Lilly, but that would be the hardest. I'd probably treat her with great respect, maybe even worship like a goddess, then I'd try to pull her little down to my level, step by step, like taking her to many places, try spending a lot of time together, to try overlook her charm of divinity. It would be up to her whether she'd go with that, so that's unsure.
But Hanako. never ever. Well, maybe talk about books but that's just about it.

Kenji >< I'd probably kill him one day of sheer annoyance.

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 9:31 pm
by Darroth
As for me if I were Hisao:

Shizune - Her bossiness and making EVERYTHING into a contest would make me go FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU
Emi - Considering she almost kills me twice I wouldn't like her. But, I could get past that, I would like her outgoing and caring nature.
Rin - I don't like art. At all. Except for Classical and Baroque, so I wouldn't connect with her.
Hanako - It depends on how she develops in act 2 and 3. Maybe, maybe not. I would probably mess it up. :?
Lilly - Yes, and then some. I would cheerfully drink tea with her for hours.

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 1:25 am
by Caesius
Playing through Act 1 v3 I found that Emi's new sprites made her seem much more mature and assertive; she's also the only one I mentally formulated a consistent "voice" for so far. Shizune is still my favorite, but after playing through Emi's v3 route she's cemented herself as my second-favorite. Rin is third, and Lilly and Hanako are tied for fourth (at least until I play through their routes again). Misha is probably last; after playing P4 (the undub even!) and finding Yukiko's laughing fits annoying, I doubt that Misha is tolerable in any medium besides text on a screen.

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 3:13 am
by ElisaMasah
Well in the Real Life™, I’ll probably hit on that hot Nurse in no time.
But for the sake of the What If … I’ll go on from a “friend with” point of view.

In no specific order ...

Since Kenji is the main enemy of the Feminist Conspiracy, is my duty to thwart all of is “manly plan”. We will fight, and hard.

Oh I’ve already a friend in Real Life™, who laugh as much and as loud Misha so I’m not inherently against Misha just for her laugh. Probably I’ll try to steal her for Shizune so I can find who she really is. And if I my suspect are true, probably we will spend lot of time together eating sweets and making fun of the boys.

Not any trouble with Shizune being bossy, bitchy is another thing. Yet I like her and probably I’ll join the student council so I can be a balancing force and mitigate some of her bitchness with Lilly (unless my theory that Lilly is a Villain in sheep Clothes is true), after all I’ll already do this with some of my friends that are obsessive about control and victory like her.
And being a boardgame player myself I’ll have no trouble to introduce her and Misha to games other than Risk, even the collaborative ones like Arkham Horror so me and Misha we can use her mad tactician skills to defeat Cthulhu and go all WaHaHa on him.

Ok, I’m not into Sport unless is a way to have fun with friend (like playing Volleyball on the beach) and I like my sweet food and I don’t like being collide into.
Yet I’ve this soft spot for kitten, puppy, cute thing, kitten and kitten, so even if Emi and I will surely disagree on diet a lot, I’ll never hate or be mean to someone that has such cute puppy eyes.

Well I’ve some artist in the family and I’ve my “Rin” moment myself, I’m not sure I’ll join the art club but I’ve no trouble see me and Rin staring and the clouds talking about The Question to the Ultimate Answer to Life, Universe and Everything™.

I like tea and I like classical music, and I can be pretty well-mannered if I want. And I’ve brothers … so I think I’ll could enjoy some time with Lilly. The real trouble is that Lilly is one of the character that as yet to show is true colour in the game (se my Lilly is a Villain theory) so I’ll really could be sure only after I’ve seen the Complete Game (doooo waaaant, when when?).

I keep no book on my bedside table, because if I start reading I forgot lesser thing like sleeping or eating. And I was pretty shy in my past and I play childish game with the floor tiles … so I was a bit like Hanako without scars and and a lot less cute (T_T).
If not hunted by some of the other girl I’ll probably spent lot of my time with her the library reading book, and talking to myself when I think I’ve guessed some important plot of the story.

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 3:47 am
by Leotrak
Caesius wrote:Playing through Act 1 v3 I found that Emi's new sprites made her seem much more mature and assertive; she's also the only one I mentally formulated a consistent "voice" for so far.
Funny, I have a voice associated with only Rin :P Well, consistent one, anyway... Got one for each of the other girls too, but not as much as for Rin >_>
ElisaMasah wrote: Emi
Ok, I’m not into Sport unless is a way to have fun with friend (like playing Volleyball on the beach) and I like my sweet food and I don’t like being collide into.
Yet I’ve this soft spot for kitten, puppy, cute thing, kitten and kitten, so even if Emi and I will surely disagree on diet a lot, I’ll never hate or be mean to someone that has such cute puppy eyes.
I'm proud to reveal that I am immune to puppy-dog-eyes 8) Well, I might give points for effort, but it's not a means anyone can sway me by :P