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Re: Secret Santa 2018 - Story collection

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 11:03 am
by monkeywitha6pack
My very late post for BristerXD with the prompt Rins snowfort. I had a lot of personal issues over the last few months, and every so often I tried to sit down and work on it a bit and I'd rather not keep him waiting any longer, so heres what I pulled off

It's not too often we get more than a small amount of snow, but the storm last night brought in a hefty amount. Instead of getting to relax in the dorms where it’s nice and toasty, I’m out here building a giant snow fortress while Rin cryptically describes how she wants it to look.

After about the third time she’s told me to “make it less fluffy on that side,” I turn to her. “Please remind me why I’m the one doing this.”

“My feet would get cold if I tried,” she says with her version of a shrug.

There's no point in trying to argue with her so I get back to work. I woke up to her banging on my door about some dream she had, but this is a little extre--- Before I can finish my thought a snowball hits me in the back of the head.

“That wasn't very funny.” I whip my head around to see the culprit but Rin is just standing there, no one else in sight.


“Wasn't me.”

“Then who was it?”

Before I can get an answer I’m hit from behind again, and once more I whip around to catch the culprit, only to see nothing but white. I decide its best to fight fire with fire. I bend down to make a snowball, pause and…


I turn around, , and catch the culprit about to throw another one.


She looks back with a smug smile.

“Listen Emi, I think we can talk this through, no need for war!”

Without skipping a beat she throws another one straight at me, but I dive into the fort, the fluffy snow cushioning my fall.

“I don't think she wants war... she brought snowballs, not weapons.” Rin says, already sitting in the fort with me.

I let out a long sigh. “I guess there’s nothing I can do.”

I carefully make a sizeable ball and peek up from cover to look for the enemy... There! I throw the ball but she's too quick. Guess I was just lucky the first time.

“Dammit, shouldn’t the snow slow her down?”

“Oh, but it is!” I hear her yell but it's too late; another ball hits me right in the face.

Okay, I’ll never be faster then her, but I can be smarter! I just need to study her and predict where she's going.


“Finally!* I scream after finally landing a second hit.


“Ha! Don’t get too cocky!” Dammit, I got too distracted by a meager achievement.

I lean down and start making a surplus of ammo in between ducking and dodging throws from her.


I hit her once...


...and another before she can recover. Pretty soon I’m throwing a mini-barrage at her.

I see a few whiz by Emi’s head in between my throws, until one finally hits. I look over to see Rin on the ground with her shoes off, looking very proud that she managed to get a hit.

“See I told you my feet would get cold.” I can’t help but smile as she wriggles her shoes back on

it goes back and forth like this for some time, and at some point I started having fun. But now it's dark and we have to leave the fort unfinished. The three of us are back in Rin’s room, where it's considerably warmer.

“I’m sorry Rin, I never finished the fort.”

She leans her head onto my shoulder.

“You weren’t doing a very good job of it so it’s ok.Today was still better than my dream was, anyway.”

Re: Secret Santa 2018 - Story collection

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 4:52 am
by brythain
This one is for Vekter, a whole year late, on behalf of whomever was supposed to write for Vekter originally. :)


Better late than never!