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Re: The KS Community's Tips on Getting Rid Of Feels

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:01 am
by Helbereth
I prefer this version:
I can't really speak for the place, but I've heard Canada is nice and peaceful most of the time. Although, my family (both sides, actually; separately) emigrated from Canada to the USA a few generations ago, so I might be wrong. I was never really told why that happened, and it was back in the 1930s.

Re: The KS Community's Tips on Getting Rid Of Feels

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:05 am
by setizk
Revvy wrote:
Total Destruction wrote:
Revvy wrote:Get High. Fap. Sleep.

Always works when I'm upset about something.
No sarcasm or irony here: you must be the coolest dude.

I hear that a lot.
*Virtual high five* i do the same thing haha

Re: The KS Community's Tips on Getting Rid Of Feels

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:20 pm
by misterprinny
New tip:

Find your spirituality. I'm speaking as a Christian, and today (Sunday where I am) kinda brought me back to reality on my priorities and beliefs. I feel emotionally stable for now and great. Whether you're Jewish, Muslim, etc, you should try to reignite your beliefs and get a hold on yourself.

Uhm...atheists...I'm not sure about you guys. Sorry. Go fap. That seems to be popular

Re: The KS Community's Tips on Getting Rid Of Feels

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:26 pm
by Pseudogenesis
misterprinny wrote:
Uhm...atheists...I'm not sure about you guys. Sorry. Go fap. That seems to be popular

D:< I resent that. We atheists are not more fap-prone than any other group! Good day, sir.

Re: The KS Community's Tips on Getting Rid Of Feels

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:32 pm
by Weird Badger
misterprinny wrote:New tip:

Find your spirituality. I'm speaking as a Christian, and today (Sunday where I am) kinda brought me back to reality on my priorities and beliefs. I feel emotionally stable for now and great. Whether you're Jewish, Muslim, etc, you should try to reignite your beliefs and get a hold on yourself.

Uhm...atheists...I'm not sure about you guys. Sorry. Go fap. That seems to be popular
I am agnostic but i agree, spirituality helps a lot and not only for KS.

Re: The KS Community's Tips on Getting Rid Of Feels

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:56 pm
by Total Destruction
misterprinny wrote:New tip:

Find your spirituality. I'm speaking as a Christian, and today (Sunday where I am) kinda brought me back to reality on my priorities and beliefs. I feel emotionally stable for now and great. Whether you're Jewish, Muslim, etc, you should try to reignite your beliefs and get a hold on yourself.

Uhm...atheists...I'm not sure about you guys. Sorry. Go fap. That seems to be popular
I can't really speak about what I do spiritually. It' not like I'm raping virgins for the glory of some weird deity or something, but it's weird enough that talking about it makes me uncomfortable. It'd something I've done all my life, but only recently discovered/observed, which makes it SKETCHIER, but I dunno. What works works, deity or no.

ON TOPIC. Don't get rid of feels. Do what I did today and translate them into a wonderful tri-tip and squash dish, with roasted corn and a fuckload of boozage for a few people. Cooking rules.

Re: The KS Community's Tips on Getting Rid Of Feels

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:25 am
by Hongu
Helbereth wrote:I prefer this version:
Would've worked better if the caption said 'Feminists'.
This is an awesome thread by the way. Brilliant.

Re: The KS Community's Tips on Getting Rid Of Feels

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:30 am
by ShinigamiKenji
misterprinny wrote:New tip:

Find your spirituality. I'm speaking as a Christian, and today (Sunday where I am) kinda brought me back to reality on my priorities and beliefs. I feel emotionally stable for now and great. Whether you're Jewish, Muslim, etc, you should try to reignite your beliefs and get a hold on yourself.

Uhm...atheists...I'm not sure about you guys. Sorry. Go fap. That seems to be popular
Well, being an atheist doesn't mean you don't have any kind of beliefs. The difference is that this belief is not directed at the being called "God", but rather some emotional, political or social way of thinking.

The best advice that came up now is never mull over how you wish you had your "waifu", how your life is miserable, or "I will never be able to do that". KS had, I think, some of the most realistic characters I've ever seen in a game, or even in entertainment in general (movies, books, etc). You have the feels because they resonate to some extent with the good and bad things you carry, almost as if some friend of yours had passed through the stories, or even yourself. So, don't waste this moment of decision (no pun intended) and reflection to discover new things about you, the world around you and their relationships, and try to change the bad points, connect the missing ends, whatever. Remember, Hisao left his gloomy mood and became a better person, don't go backwards now!!

And actually, I found I can't fap after playing KS. Too many feels and thoughts to focus on my "Healthy Adolescent Sex Drive".

Re: The KS Community's Tips on Getting Rid Of Feels

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:00 am
by Helbereth
ShinigamiKenji wrote:Well, being an atheist doesn't mean you don't have any kind of beliefs. The difference is that this belief is not directed at the being called "God", but rather some emotional, political or social way of thinking.
To me, any belief system becomes a person's "God", regardless of its supernatural or natural origin. It's an abstract idea.

George Carlin, for instance:
George Carlin wrote:“You know who I pray to? Joe Pesci. Two reasons: First of all, I think he's a good actor, okay? To me, that counts. Second, he looks like a guy who can get things done. Joe Pesci doesn't fuck around. In fact, Joe Pesci came through on a couple of things that God was having trouble with.”
He goes on to relate that prayers to Joe Pesci, a real person, had about the same success rate as any directed at a supernatural deity. While it's completely absurd, it's the same kind of abstraction people talk about when they say they believe in science or technology or whatever other modern marvel they deem worthy of their praise.

Deciding not to call it "God" is just semantics.

Re: The KS Community's Tips on Getting Rid Of Feels

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:04 am
by Xanatos
Helbereth wrote:Deciding not to call it "God" is just semantics.
Except science and technology actually aren't gods. Nobody prays to science or technology. Science and technology are actual things confirmed to exist with actual results that can be observed by any and all parties regardless of belief. Hardly the same as a god, which is why such things are not called gods.

Re: The KS Community's Tips on Getting Rid Of Feels

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:36 am
by Pyramid Head
Xanatos wrote:
Helbereth wrote:Deciding not to call it "God" is just semantics.
Except science and technology actually aren't gods. Nobody prays to science or technology. Science and technology are actual things confirmed to exist with actual results that can be observed by any and all parties regardless of belief. Hardly the same as a god, which is why such things are not called gods.
Actually Carlin didn't go into this much, but there are actually two different forms of religion: deism, belief in gods, and philosophy, belief in the things you see when smoking reefer meant to distract you from thinking about your own origins. While i do occasionally have big problems with theists, especially the stupid bastards who think human morals can stem from a dark ages book written by people who used to set other people on fire for not buying their fairy tale, philosophical religions are a little easier for me to get behind.
...mind you even that can be corrupted. There was a branch of Confucianism that had suspiciously similar stances to anti-women fundamental groups stemming from Abrahemic religions. While humanist philosophies in an enlightened age can keep people from going mad from natural human insecurities, every time i see a person using some imaginary friend or some faux philosophical bullshit to rule over someone else i just want to punch that person hard enough to sever their fucking head. Though by the looks of the avatar of someone else who posts here, all that happens when you try that is you just make a big fuck-off hole in their face.

Re: The KS Community's Tips on Getting Rid Of Feels

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:47 am
by inquisitivenegro
Don't try to get rid of your feels...try to control them.

Re: The KS Community's Tips on Getting Rid Of Feels

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:35 am
by gragon
inquisitivenegro wrote:Don't try to get rid of your feels...try to control them.
i totally agree with that.

But if you want to get rid of the feels for a moment (to sleep or something) go Meditate you must be thinking "yea no way im going to sit like a monk'' but you dont have to as long as you dont lie on your back every possition is fine! close your eyes and think of a trashcan. put all your toughts in the trashcan and after 5 min you let the trash can disapear. you slowly open your eyes and there you go you can go sleep without the feels. i use this too but thats for trying to get rid of hallucinations. it works most of the time :)

Re: The KS Community's Tips on Getting Rid Of Feels

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:44 am
by ShinigamiKenji
Helbereth wrote:To me, any belief system becomes a person's "God", regardless of its supernatural or natural origin. It's an abstract idea. (...) Deciding not to call it "God" is just semantics.
I think the word "God" would imply more than just a way of thinking. I'd rather put it the other way around; God being a belief system. For me, the idea of God implies in something with substance (even if it's imaginary for atheists). Kind of a judge that helped to write the laws, if you know what I mean. [/Rin]

gragon wrote: close your eyes and think of a trashcan. put all your toughts in the trashcan and after 5 min you let the trash can disapear.
Xanatos wrote:And for the topic, KS motivated me to edit my recycle bin icon. Now when it's full, Rin peeks out. I have stopped emptying my recycle bin.
Sorry if I shouldn't put a discussion from another topic here, but had to laugh after that and share it. :lol:

Re: The KS Community's Tips on Getting Rid Of Feels

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:30 pm
by Helbereth
Regardless of what you might call your belief system -God, science, philosophy, romanticism, theology, spirituality or otherwise- it's probably the best thing for you to fall back on when recovering from any kind of emotional turmoil.

Finding comfort in something familiar and using it as an anchor to keep you grounded while sorting out the troubling situation is completely natural. It can be anything from friends, to church, to your volunteer group, your therapist or even just your keyboard and a few sleepless hours spent writing - that last one was my solution.