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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:33 am
by Dream
Yeah, she certainly enjoys art, but feels unsure about wanting to pursue that as a carreer with all that implies. In fact i was a bit sad that her relationship to art/wondering why she makes art wasn't a more focal point in the route than it was, probably because i'm a practicing illustrator myself.

But yeah, i imagine that seeing herself forced to give a meaning or expectation to her art-work would be a most unpleasant prospect for Rin. That shit can be harsh from what i've heard, although it depends on what sort of Art/carreer you pursue.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:48 am
by Yuyukoyay
I liked her curious nature and cute shake xD. Though it may seem impossible, I really did understand Rin's character throughout most of the story. If you payed attention you could tell Rin liked Hiseo because she stopped talking about the blind kid, and her wanting to hang around Hiseo. Though you would prob dismiss her as not caring if Hiseo hung around her or not, She did care because she prob would have walked away and avoid Hiseo from wanting to hang around all the freaking time.

One thing Rin is she is prob the most honest blunt person of all 5 story girls. The reason Rin doesn't put any distance to Hiseo is because she is the first person that Hiseo partially opens up to regardless of any route you take. She just has what you would call a poker face. She feels the emotions but you can't tell by on her face. She is a bit of a vocabulary moron though, and constantly forgets words XD.

Her issue is simply that she just wants someone to understand her to the point where she doesn't want to be seen as a weirdo to that one person. Even Emi sees her as a weirdo and she is her best friend XD.

It's really not that confusing till the end. I still don't understand why I was forced to yell at her reguardless of what choices you make only because she didn't really annoy me that much. I'm very much like Rin though so I'm a bit more patient in understanding others than by losing it.

That's what i think anyway.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:24 pm
by Dream
Yuyukoyay wrote:It's really not that confusing till the end. I still don't understand why I was forced to yell at her reguardless of what choices you make only because she didn't really annoy me that much. I'm very much like Rin though so I'm a bit more patient in understanding others than by losing it.
Her behavior might not have irritated you, but it certainly irritated Hisao... And i can see why. I myself felt pretty frustrated by her, but often tried to hold myself thinking that she doesn't intend to be cold or a jerk, and a great part of why i could do that is that i have a lot of knowledge and experience with mental problems or "unusual" people that Hisao couldn't possibly have. In fact i think i said something similar in a conversation regarding Hanako's route.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:42 pm
by Xanatos
Yuyukoyay wrote:you could tell Rin liked Hiseo because she stopped talking about the blind kid

Though you would prob dismiss her as not caring if Hiseo hung around her or not, She did care because she prob would have walked away and avoid Hiseo from wanting to hang around all the freaking time.
What does the blind kid have to do with anything? She said what she had to say about him. Of course she stopped after that. Why continue when it's not relevant anymore?

And her not avoiding him doesn't mean she cared. If she didn't care if he hung around or not, she still wouldn't have gone out of her way to avoid him because she wouldn't care either way. She obviously enjoyed the company, of course, but your reasoning is iffy. :P

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:23 pm
by Yuyukoyay
Xanatos wrote:
Yuyukoyay wrote:you could tell Rin liked Hiseo because she stopped talking about the blind kid

Though you would prob dismiss her as not caring if Hiseo hung around her or not, She did care because she prob would have walked away and avoid Hiseo from wanting to hang around all the freaking time.
What does the blind kid have to do with anything? She said what she had to say about him. Of course she stopped after that. Why continue when it's not relevant anymore?

And her not avoiding him doesn't mean she cared. If she didn't care if he hung around or not, she still wouldn't have gone out of her way to avoid him because she wouldn't care either way. She obviously enjoyed the company, of course, but your reasoning is iffy. :P
Well she gets kind of too into him when she talks. You don't just make up an entire philosopher about some nobody in your class xD. I'd Imagine that Rin would of liked Hiseo more, since hes a lot more similar to Rin in her story and can relate better. No clue what is happening when Hiseo isn't there, but I'd imagine she would take a liking to the blind kid or at least have some interest in him if she just brings him up out of nowhere randomly.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:51 pm
by Xanatos
Yuyukoyay wrote:You don't just make up an entire philosopher about some nobody in your class xD.
Rin does. :lol: And how is Hisao similar to Rin? They're both depressed but then so are all the rest in their routes. Also, it's Hisao. A. :P

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:56 pm
by Denouement
I remember feeling jealous when she talked about the blind boy. So awful, I know, I don't condone such behavior. :lol:

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:41 pm
by Xanatos
Denouement wrote:I remember feeling jealous when she talked about the blind boy. So awful, I know, I don't condone such behavior. :lol:
"Oh, he can't see and his paintings are awful?! SO JEALOUS!"


Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:52 pm
by Denouement

Though actually she said she kind of liked his paintings, though whether that means they aren't "awful" is hard to say. XD

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:13 pm
by Xanatos

Though actually she said she kind of liked his paintings, though whether that means they aren't "awful" is hard to say. XD
:lol: She kind of gets hungry looking at Hanako the Mystery Toilet Girl too. Don't trust her!

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:29 am
by Dream
Xanatos wrote:"Oh, he can't see and his paintings are awful?! SO JEALOUS!"
I'm so glad i wasn't drinking anything when i read that :lol:

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:50 pm
by Xanatos
Dream wrote:
Xanatos wrote:"Oh, he can't see and his paintings are awful?! SO JEALOUS!"
I'm so glad i wasn't drinking anything when i read that :lol:
Relevant link.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:07 pm
by Dream
Xanatos wrote:
Dream wrote:
Xanatos wrote:"Oh, he can't see and his paintings are awful?! SO JEALOUS!"
I'm so glad i wasn't drinking anything when i read that :lol:
Relevant link.
Oh man, that does make the post better :lol:

To take things a bit back on topic, Rin said that the kid's painting were interesting and he was starting to get more into sculpture (and if memory doesn't fail me, one of the greatest argentinian sculptors was blind) So his paintings are not necessarily (but most likely) terrible.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:19 pm
by Xanatos
Dream wrote:Oh man, that does make the post better :lol:

To take things a bit back on topic, Rin said that the kid's painting were interesting and he was starting to get more into sculpture (and if memory doesn't fail me, one of the greatest argentinian sculptors was blind) So his paintings are not necessarily (but most likely) terrible.
That's basically the voice the post should be read in. :lol:

And "interesting" doesn't mean "not terrible". Ralph Bakshi's animated adaptation of he Lord of the Rings is interesting...But very terrible. :lol:

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:44 am
by twoleafclover
Replayed Rin's route properly last night. I just picked it up in December, so it's been a month.

It's interesting, replaying it, I become really sensitive to hints in the writing. Impressions that I got first time around - about Rin's reluctance to make an exhibition, about Rin growing feelings for Hisao throughout the route as well - seem much stronger this time around, and a lot of foreshadowing about her character and her direction seem more stark. Some repeated metaphors - butterflies - seem to carry more weight.

I got Rin, a lot of the time. She has a weird way of phrasing things and receives things differently, but it's got it's own internal logic to things, she's rational just in her own way. I feel like I understood her better than Hisao a lot of the time, even though I won't pretend to fully understand her at all.

I saw that she was resistant to airing her work in a gallery off the bat and eh, I'm rather sympathetic to the reluctance, I write poetry myself and whilst I want to publish it, there's a host of reasons why I don't want to, which aren't at all practical, stuffed in some forgotten hole in my mind. Art is often very personal, and airing that to a lot of people... making it public, making that something business-like, something you have to sell, something you have to rely on and commit to regularly, throw your entire personality and thoughts regularly up onto a piece of paper so often that yourself seems to sort of run out of yourself, and you sort of become hollow, just to complete something - it's kind of scary. I half-anticipated where she was heading with that 'I have to destroy myself' concept.

There's a lot of potential problems with her following the exhibition, even just scratching on the surface. Hence why I was pissed off there was no 'this is dumb, let's not do this' option. But replaying the story over again, I see more clearly why Hisao thought that - he seemed to actually confuse Rin's conflict for his own, assuming Rin, much like himself, just needed to be proactive about his inner conflict and move onwards - through the exhibition - but what he was really doing was comparing apples and oranges. I think he got stuck on the idea she needed to change, after that, and became stubborn out of frustration (which I could understand quite a lot, even if I didn't find Rin that frustrating, it's hard to sometimes get a straight answer out of her a lot of the time).

I related a lot with her distance, her loneliness, her inability to communicate and connect, her disinterest in communicating, despite being very interested in people, yet her loneliness despite of her disinterest in communicating with most people, and her lack of satisfaction with herself in regards to Hisao, because she's concious of not being normal... yeah, I could relate. I cried only twice at Katawa Shoujo, and one of the times was that huge wall of text. The desperation behind it was pretty horrible to see, considering how composed Rin sometimes appears, but it's just... I talk a lot like that when I get very, very upset - it was all too familiar. Very close to home, and I related a lot to the character. I shouldn't have been surprised when a commonly thrown around theory is that she has Asperger's. It's irritating having that word stalk you down a lot, it only got applied to me after turning 18, a year and a half ago now, so it feels like an unnecessary label for what it is like to be myself. Although something I have noticed about Asperger's is that there's no Aspergic (that's a word now) personality, like with all kinds of autism, really, personalities are somewhat intertwined with the condition, but there's almost surprising how people remain unique. I've met people who have Asperger's who are outgoing, just socially clueless, I've met others who are shy (and socially clueless), and I've met some who have huge anxiety and others who take things really coolly, almost with a hint of disinterest. Really, when it comes down to it, Adam is Adam and Beth is Beth. I'm me. And Rin is Rin. She probably has the Spergy, but does it matter? It doesn't really make much difference to me, a person is just a person, at the end of the day.

Anyway - was I the only person who paid attention to Rin's paintings? I hate to read too much into these things and psychoanalyse what's just a vidya gaem character, but they all seemed really sad and lonely to me. In Rin's Neutral Ending, the painting specifically showed seemed to scream to me "I can't connect with people.", and many of her exhibition paintings seemed to have moments where they were about connection to other people. Still have no idea what to make of her mural, though, I've read the section over again and it's kind of confusing. Rin's probably right, it's just a mural with no ideas, except maybe some cohesive confusion.