If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it?

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Choose the most severe physical disability that applies to you. Blank vote if none apply.

Hearing impairment (Moderate to severe in one or both ears)
Deafness (Profound in one ear)
Deafness (Profound in both ears)
Low vision (Correctable to 20/70-20/200)
Legal blindness (Not correctable to 20/200)
Blindness (Total in one eye)
Disabled/amputated arm or hand
Disabled/amputated leg or foot
Other (specify) (NOT including mental or milder physical disabilities)
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Re: What is your "disability"?

Post by FoxtrotZero »

I refuse to acknowledge any of my current problems as disabilities. I'm biologically predisposed to chronic depression, but I've gotten very good at dealing with it, particularly in the last year (and in the past few months, it's been very, very uncommon).

I'm fairly overweight (at last measurement, 5'10", 260lbs / 178cm, 118kg) but that's something I've slowly been remedying, again, largely within the last year, and I feel better for it. I used to be quite the introvert, but again, I recently tacked that problem, thanks in no small part to Katawa Shoujo.

My parents are divorced, but I don't consider that to be a fact of my life and not a problem. When I was younger I had a sort of emotional detachment, as if I was stuck in this state of shock that kept the world at bay. I've decided to ignore the majority of my life before seventh grade, marking the experiences as unimportant, the mistakes as unredeemable, and the consequences as having no bearing on who I am today. It's a blissful state of ignorance.

All in all, I'm a pretty healthy individual these days, in all sense but the literal, physical one (I do need to put more work into that). But my low points do happen. Something goes wrong and it's not hard for my day to become a downward spiral. Clinically speaking, depression is my problem, it's just... not a frequent problem anymore.
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Re: What is your "disability"?

Post by HLGU »

major depressive disorder along with extremely low self esteem

ridiculously low luck(if that counts)

anxiety disorder (including several subclassifications)

bulimia nervosa

self hatred

that's about it i guess

other than that i'm just one of the normal people who pretend to be nice and okay person.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Kyllmann »

Not sure if this counts as a disability, but it may in the future.
I'm currently very nearsighted, I can't read standard print without my glasses that's farther away than about five or six inches, or three to four inches to read what I'm writing now. As of now, it's almost fully correctable, but I have to get a new glasses prescription about every year.
However, I do have a genetic eye condition called optic disc drusen, which is basically a progressive buildup of calcified deposits on the optic discs in both of my eyes. It hasn't really shown many symptoms yet, but it gets progressively worse with time and could lead to anything from peripheral vision loss to (if I'm unlucky) total blindness. There's no known cure for it as of today, but one can hope.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Zailen »

I dont consider myself having a disability, but my doctor has stressed that I do for the last eight years. I have bad joints due to arthritus. I developed it at a young age. My knees, my hips, wrists, fingers, and shoulders. My hips can get so bad sometimes that they pop out of place on their own xD I'm 22, in good shape, yet I have the body of an old man, lol xD I work as a lifeguard, they still don't know...Good...Good. All according to plan.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Yoh_Komori »

Thought I posted this already, but here it is (again?):

injured hand, left wrist specifically. I was young(5) and a misstep and slide across a floor rug caused me to fly through a glass pane window. it slashed up my left wrist pretty good, there was (for a time) worry I would not make it, then more conversations still to my parents about amputation from my elbow down. I got to keep the arm, and my doctor's presume I regained 98% of the potential use of that arm.

I can move it fluidly, and grip, ect.. objects fine, it's when precision is needed that my hand fails me. Writing, sewing, cutting foods or precision wood and metal work, ect... all of those take a lot of time for me, or a lot of focus and mental struggle to keep the tremors I get at bay and the numbness from taking over my hand. It will go numb with time if I am using it for such kinds of work. I've learned to adapt though, I've gotten go with PC's, my memory stayed strong so I seldom took notes, if I needed to sew I opted to use a mechanical one and got quite good with it, and cooking I lived with knowing detailed work or fine jullianne cuts are simply not optional for me. :P

Most people seldom even notice I have issues until they see me write, then they question my god-awful penmanship( It does not seemed to have improved since I was 7, I am 22 now), and thats how they learn. :P
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by KeiichiO »

Low vision. I often get migraines due to my low vision. I should probably consider getting glasses/contact lenses.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by pandaphil »

I've always been near-sighted, but haven't been wearing glasses in recent years because they're just so expensive. Recently on top of that, I've started having problems seeing close, and have started wearing reading glasses.

You'd think if the universe was logical place, the two problems would cancel each other out and i'd have perfect vision. :p
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Xanatos »

pandaphil wrote:I've always been near-sighted, but haven't been wearing glasses in recent years because they're just so expensive. Recently on top of that, I've started having problems seeing close, and have started wearing reading glasses.

You'd think if the universe was logical place, the two problems would cancel each other out and i'd have perfect vision. :p
...But that would be illogical.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Auratus »

Well. I suppose I have mild hearing impairment, which my self-diagnosed mild aspie won't help. IMO, I have to said something like "What?" "Sorry, I didn't heard you" "Could you said that again?" more often than others seems to.

My eyes also aren't fare well with any kind of bright light. I can watch the sky only at morning, evening and night. If I want to watch it midday, I would have to see it with some film that blocking sunlight, Man. I even feel that my monitor is too bright and somehow it can't be adjusted to lower brightness. My arm also have subpar strength. I don't sure if I could be a surgeon for long. But I would give it a shot.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by YZQ »

I have responded before, but, upon thinking about it, I probably have a disorder, of being unable to feel (much) love or sadness. I recall my grandma's funeral (my mom's mom). My aunts and nieces are crying their hearts out, and even my mom had wet eyes. Me? I felt nothing. Honestly. I didn't repress any sadness, or thought of the whole thing as a bother. Rather, it felt as if I had none to begin with.

On that, I was never very close to anyone. I respect people, I may "care", but I never really loved. So yeah, never dated, and I'm pushing 30.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by pandaphil »

YZQ wrote:I have responded before, but, upon thinking about it, I probably have a disorder, of being unable to feel (much) love or sadness. I recall my grandma's funeral (my mom's mom). My aunts and nieces are crying their hearts out, and even my mom had wet eyes. Me? I felt nothing. Honestly. I didn't repress any sadness, or thought of the whole thing as a bother. Rather, it felt as if I had none to begin with.

On that, I was never very close to anyone. I respect people, I may "care", but I never really loved. So yeah, never dated, and I'm pushing 30.
Please don't feel bad. I'm actually older than you and have the same problem.

And I never shed a tear at my mothers death, and that's always bothered me. Even though I cry at character deaths all the time.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Brisingr »

YZQ wrote:I have responded before, but, upon thinking about it, I probably have a disorder, of being unable to feel (much) love or sadness. I recall my grandma's funeral (my mom's mom). My aunts and nieces are crying their hearts out, and even my mom had wet eyes. Me? I felt nothing. Honestly. I didn't repress any sadness, or thought of the whole thing as a bother. Rather, it felt as if I had none to begin with.

On that, I was never very close to anyone. I respect people, I may "care", but I never really loved. So yeah, never dated, and I'm pushing 30.
To be honest, I have that too. I see it more as I am overly-detached from the people around me. I hang out with people, I act nice, I attempt to be social but deep down I just don't give a rip. Back in senior year of high school when my last grandparent passed (dad's mom), I wasn't crying because I would miss her, I was crying because I felt shame that I didn't know her better. I got over it after I got home from the funeral. the thing I missed most was the chocolate-chipped cookies she used to make and I feel somewhat terrible for being able to say that. I can read the obituary in the newspaper and not care at all, I can even watch the news sometimes about some mass shooting and laugh. I do find this disturbing sometimes at being able to say that but I do have some level of attachment I guess. I do have a small group of friends I like to hang out with who share similar interests and I think it would hit me hardest if something were to happen to them. Bottom line, I can care but few give me a reason to. I feel like an ass just for saying that.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Xanatos »

Brisingr wrote:
YZQ wrote:I can even watch the news sometimes about some mass shooting and laugh. I do find this disturbing sometimes at being able to say that but I do have some level of attachment I guess. I do have a small group of friends I like to hang out with who share similar interests and I think it would hit me hardest if something were to happen to them. Bottom line, I can care but few give me a reason to. I feel like an ass just for saying that.
Same here. Though if I'm laughing at a shooting, someone's just made a dark joke or I'm thinking of whatever inane bullshit allowed the shooting to happen in the first place and laughing at the incompetence of it all.

Also, I'm suing you for criminal hypnosis. Dat avatar...
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by YZQ »

pandaphil wrote:
YZQ wrote:I have responded before, but, upon thinking about it, I probably have a disorder, of being unable to feel (much) love or sadness. I recall my grandma's funeral (my mom's mom). My aunts and nieces are crying their hearts out, and even my mom had wet eyes. Me? I felt nothing. Honestly. I didn't repress any sadness, or thought of the whole thing as a bother. Rather, it felt as if I had none to begin with.

On that, I was never very close to anyone. I respect people, I may "care", but I never really loved. So yeah, never dated, and I'm pushing 30.
Please don't feel bad. I'm actually older than you and have the same problem.

And I never shed a tear at my mothers death, and that's always bothered me. Even though I cry at character deaths all the time.
Well, I don't see it as a problem. Just something I throw out at this bar of ours, so that we can have stuff to talk about.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Brisingr »

Xanatos wrote: Also, I'm suing you for criminal hypnosis. Dat avatar...
The original looks better but I had to reduce the quality so I could fit it as my avatar.

The Original
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