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Re: Best use of Side Characters

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 3:41 pm
by Dream
HarvestmanMan wrote:Honestly, Nomiya is used so frequently in Rin's route that it's hard for me to call him a side character.
"Antagonist" or a foil/contrast to Hisao also seem to fit for Nomiya, most certainly.

Re: Best use of Side Characters

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 2:38 pm
by Steinherz
Dream wrote:
HarvestmanMan wrote:Honestly, Nomiya is used so frequently in Rin's route that it's hard for me to call him a side character.
"Antagonist" or a foil/contrast to Hisao also seem to fit for Nomiya, most certainly.
^ This.
Also, I think Jigoro fills the role of foil/contrast in Shizune's route (but GOD is he a douche). (he also looks almost creepily like one of my favorite music artists, which annoys me because I hate his guts. Yet he looks like one of my favorite artists >.<)

In my opinion though, I have to say the best use of side characters is (for me) a tie between Hanako and Emi's routes. They both have side/major characters who play a major role in their route and don't feature in any other (Miki for Hanako and Meiko for Emi). They also help out Hisao figure shit out, but ironically the "minor" characters who help Hisao out the most in Emi's route, are Mutou and Misha (they basically give Hisao the logic to figure out how to save his relationship with Emi).

Re: Best use of Side Characters

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 3:58 pm
by Helbereth
Xybaro wrote:
OtakuNinja wrote:Shizune's or Rin's.

Also, Lilly is NOT a side character, @Dream.
For the purpose of anyone else's route, she is; even in Hanako's she's a secondary character at most. The same thing goes for any of the other girls in relation to the 'main' girl in the route you're reading. The only time when you can consider all five girls 'main' characters, is during Act 1; and even then the distinction gets skewed as you edge toward a particular girl.

Re: Best use of Side Characters

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:43 pm
by Megumeru
Steinherz wrote: Also, I think Jigoro fills the role of foil/contrast in Shizune's route (but GOD is he a douche). (he also looks almost creepily like one of my favorite music artists, which annoys me because I hate his guts. Yet he looks like one of my favorite artists >.<)
Actually, I concur.
Jigoro may have been an asshat, douche, and pretty much an all-round-pain-in-the-ass in Shizune's route, but the one thing that kept him from actually claiming the title of 'antagonist' is his lack of major role/conflict benefactor in Shizune's route, unlike Misha. He is more or less a supporting character who provides background for the main character (in this case, Shizune).

Yes, he is an asshat but antagonists doesn't always have to be one. If you're reading a story about The Joker, the antagonist would always be 'Batman' regardless of his status. If the main character is a villain, then antagonist would always be the 'good guys'; works vice versa.

Take Rin's route for example. Nomiya can be categorized as the antagonist, but he's second to the main instigator of the conflict/foil of the story: Rin herself

Or at least, her soul searching. :lol:

Re: Best use of Side Characters

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:56 pm
by Steinherz
Megumeru wrote:
Steinherz wrote: Also, I think Jigoro fills the role of foil/contrast in Shizune's route (but GOD is he a douche). (he also looks almost creepily like one of my favorite music artists, which annoys me because I hate his guts. Yet he looks like one of my favorite artists >.<)
Actually, I concur.
Jigoro may have been an asshat, douche, and pretty much an all-round-pain-in-the-ass in Shizune's route, but the one thing that kept him from actually claiming the title of 'antagonist' is his lack of major role/conflict benefactor in Shizune's route, unlike Misha. He is more or less a supporting character who provides background for the main character (in this case, Shizune).

Yes, he is an asshat but antagonists doesn't always have to be one. If you're reading a story about The Joker, the antagonist would always be 'Batman' regardless of his status. If the main character is a villain, then antagonist would always be the 'good guys'; works vice versa.

Take Rin's route for example. Nomiya can be categorized as the antagonist, but he's second to the main instigator of the conflict/foil of the story: Rin herself

Or at least, her soul searching. :lol:
Well it has been stated there is no Batman without the Joker, so there's that.
And I agree, in Rin's route Nomiya and Rin herself are the "antagonist"
OH OH OH. I just found a good example of who I was mentioned Jigoro looking like Image
(I remember seeing a picture of Voltaire with a similar hairdo as Jigoro, but I can't find it >.>)

Also, anyone reminded of a friend's father when they were introduced to Jigoro? Like "oh hey he looks cool, he's probably a nice... NOPE"
I swear one of my friend's father acts very similar, stuck-up, arrogant and full of himself.

Re: Best use of Side Characters

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 1:38 am
by HarvestmanMan
Steinherz wrote:(he also looks almost creepily like one of my favorite music artists, which annoys me because I hate his guts. Yet he looks like one of my favorite artists >.<)
For some odd reason I began thinking of Jigoro looking like Ted Nugent.

Jigoro looking like Ted Nugent.

Jigoro looking like Ted Nugent.

Re: Best use of Side Characters

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:06 pm
by Steinherz
HarvestmanMan wrote:
Steinherz wrote:(he also looks almost creepily like one of my favorite music artists, which annoys me because I hate his guts. Yet he looks like one of my favorite artists >.<)
For some odd reason I began thinking of Jigoro looking like Ted Nugent.

Jigoro looking like Ted Nugent.

Jigoro looking like Ted Nugent.
Oh god no.
I meant he looked strangely like Voltaire.... except Voltaire wouldn't be caught dead in such a goofy shirt

Re: Best use of Side Characters

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:41 pm
by emmjay
Oddball wrote:I think Mutou contributed most to Emi's route, although I really do like how he handled Hanako's break down as well. It wasn't a big scene for him, but it showed that he really does know what he's doing. He's not all just awkwardness and science talk.
Gotta agree with you on both of those. Add his little talk with Hisao about why Yamaku exists in the first place, and you start getting why this guy works where he does. (The scene with him tutoring Misha towards the end of Shizune's route is also a nice little bit of characterization for him.)
Side note: Anyone else notice that the fireworks scene in Hanako's route is the only CG to feature Yuuko?

Re: Best use of Side Characters

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:18 pm
by Xanatos
emmjay wrote:
Oddball wrote:I think Mutou contributed most to Emi's route, although I really do like how he handled Hanako's break down as well. It wasn't a big scene for him, but it showed that he really does know what he's doing. He's not all just awkwardness and science talk.
Gotta agree with you on both of those. Add his little talk with Hisao about why Yamaku exists in the first place, and you start getting why this guy works where he does. (The scene with him tutoring Misha towards the end of Shizune's route is also a nice little bit of characterization for him.)
Side note: Anyone else notice that the fireworks scene in Hanako's route is the only CG to feature Yuuko?
Yuuko gets no love. :lol: Well, except from Miki.

Re: Best use of Side Characters

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:30 pm
by Oddball
Xanatos wrote:
emmjay wrote:
Oddball wrote:I think Mutou contributed most to Emi's route, although I really do like how he handled Hanako's break down as well. It wasn't a big scene for him, but it showed that he really does know what he's doing. He's not all just awkwardness and science talk.
Gotta agree with you on both of those. Add his little talk with Hisao about why Yamaku exists in the first place, and you start getting why this guy works where he does. (The scene with him tutoring Misha towards the end of Shizune's route is also a nice little bit of characterization for him.)
Side note: Anyone else notice that the fireworks scene in Hanako's route is the only CG to feature Yuuko?
Yuuko gets no love. :lol: Well, except from Miki.
Yuuko got more much CG time than most side characters.... not counting Misha.

Re: Best use of Side Characters

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:32 pm
by Xanatos
Oddball wrote:Yuuko got more much CG time than most side characters.... not counting Misha.
Yeah but it wasn't enough. :x I wanted more Yuuko!

Re: Best use of Side Characters

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:46 pm
by YZQ
emmjay wrote:
Oddball wrote:I think Mutou contributed most to Emi's route, although I really do like how he handled Hanako's break down as well. It wasn't a big scene for him, but it showed that he really does know what he's doing. He's not all just awkwardness and science talk.
Gotta agree with you on both of those. Add his little talk with Hisao about why Yamaku exists in the first place, and you start getting why this guy works where he does. (The scene with him tutoring Misha towards the end of Shizune's route is also a nice little bit of characterization for him.)
Side note: Anyone else notice that the fireworks scene in Hanako's route is the only CG to feature Yuuko?
I guess we take Mutou for granted, sometimes (like we do with some of the teachers we love).

Re: Best use of Side Characters

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 12:38 pm
by Dream
Xanatos wrote:Yeah but it wasn't enough. :x I wanted more Yuuko!
You can never have enought Yuuko.

Re: Best use of Side Characters

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:34 pm
by Steinherz
Dream wrote:
Xanatos wrote:Yeah but it wasn't enough. :x I wanted more Yuuko!
You can never have enought Yuuko.
Damn straight :lol:
Yuuko is one of those characters that everyone seems to like.