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Re: Antiphony (Hanako)

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:09 am
by Beoran
Hmmm, I think some people here don't like "OOC" characters, or alternative character interpretations. I think they're interesting because they allow interesting stories that would be harder to do with the pure canon characters. My Hanako's Honeymoon was also in a way an alternate character interpretation. All in all, I think authors are free to write whatever story they like, as long as the style and technique are fluent, and the inner consistency is convincing. I did like the 1.1 version of Mendacium better since it made more sense internally.

Re: Antiphony (Hanako)

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:03 pm
by Total Destruction
I LOVE it when Mom and Dad fight.

But seriously, Bro... uh, -gurt, this is a good piece of fiction, and fairly believable. Both Hanako and and AND Hisao are pretty emotionally battered folks and this makes sense. Insecurities are a bitch, and often run both ways. Good job!

Re: Antiphony (Hanako)

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:56 am
by lolawesome
Mendacium should be required reading for all Hanako fans, along with That Guy/Mehkanik(sp?) Hanako Epilogue (up to part 2 or 3)

You got to take the chocolatey fluff as well as the emotional sledgehammer