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Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 4:27 am
by kuniqs
Emi - not even friends. Her energy and attitude is pretty much overrated, and people who cheer everytime get on my nerves.
Shizune - blah, reminds me of few pests from high school, but without 'dere' side she has.
Lilly - I would stay reserved to her since such glamorous people more often than not hide well their evil antics. Y'know, sexually repressed and such.
Hanako - I'm quite a socialness nerd like her, but more of the stepford smiler type who doesn't care what THEY think about him, so either I would scare her off with too much straighforwardness or get full of her existential angst and pretty much tell her to go fuck herself, she'll feel better afterwards :twisted: Shy vs. shy couples fare rather terrible in real life. Plus, she's the type of girl who expects you to know/guess her throughs.
Rin - platonic one. I can imagine sitting in some lone spot with her and playing 'who will get embarassed first' :wink:
Kenji - wouldn't mind him if he had more reliable personality. You can vomit now.

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:51 pm
by Roamin12
Lilly, because I'm such a refined gentleman. But seriously, my personality matches hers the most, and I love tea. And don't forget about her "healthy adolescent sex drive" :wink:

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:11 am
by Iroha
Rin. <3
Her spaciness and abstract thinking are some of the cutest things about her :3
Maybe I wouldn't be able to understand sometimes, but I'd TRY.
I'd treat her with the most respect and care a human being could give. And never yell at her, no matter what, unlike Hisao.

Lilly, yes I would date her as well. She's so elegant, and just has a classy aura about her.
However, I don't think we'd be very compatible because I can be hyper at times and she'd probably be frustrated with me, because of her calm, relaxed nature. (Though not nearly as much as Shizune would be, that's for sure! XD)

And Hanako, I would... but.. I just see myself getting frustrated with her shyness. I love her in the game, but real life I wouldn't have the patience AT ALL.
I'd have given up on her a long time ago, if not the very first encounter with her where you introduce yourself and she gets so scared XD
I just have no idea how to deal with overly shy people... :T

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:21 pm
by Titus
Iroha wrote:Rin. <3
Her spaciness and abstract thinking are some of the cutest things about her :3
Maybe I wouldn't be able to understand sometimes, but I'd TRY.
I'd treat her with the most respect and care a human being could give. And never yell at her, no matter what, unlike Hisao.

Lilly, yes I would date her as well. She's so elegant, and just has a classy aura about her.
However, I don't think we'd be very compatible because I can be hyper at times and she'd probably be frustrated with me, because of her calm, relaxed nature. (Though not nearly as much as Shizune would be, that's for sure! XD)

And Hanako, I would... but.. I just see myself getting frustrated with her shyness. I love her in the game, but real life I wouldn't have the patience AT ALL.
I'd have given up on her a long time ago, if not the very first encounter with her where you introduce yourself and she gets so scared XD
I just have no idea how to deal with overly shy people... :T
Alotta people forget that the girls influence you as much as you do them. You'll eventually become somewhat like one of the heroines of the game.

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:07 pm
by Hadokant
She is a lot lke me even down to the same interests. I love chess so does her I love billards so does her. My favorite to do is read. And i even did the different tile game. Also i had a very rough childhood. No fire involved but i was insulted snd no friends. Also her casual outfit is both hot and cute. I think i almost had a nosebleed when i first saw it. It also resulted in a lot of of HNGGGGGGGG

Lilly: i would like her more as a friend then a lover to me. Though her h scene is hot.

Emi: Too energetic for me. Even though i like her personality. Also one word: Anal

Rin: Would want as a friend.

Shizune: nope, Too competetive but her cat smile is awesome

Yuuko: maybe

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:18 pm
by Daitengu
Hanako or Rin. Because both could be very interesting to talk to once they decide to talk. Mainly because I'm a bibliophile and can think abstract.

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:07 pm
by MrRaumulus
For me it would probably be this order, First Emi, Lily, Hanako, Rin and then Shizune.

Emi is one of my absolute favorites and her upbeat and more laidback personality would match up with me pretty well. Similar thing with Lily. I think I could work with Hanako's issues seeing as how I'm a bit of a loner myself. Though Rin seems just too out there for me and Shizune is way too aggressive and competitive

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:28 pm
by Mirrormn
I would get along well with Hanako, Lilly, or Rin. Emi is too childish and immature for me to see her as more than a friend or little sister, and I don't like Shizune at all.

However, based on the evidence of my decisions from my first playthrough, I would be too reserved and non-committal to end up with any of the girls, leading to a manly picnic. Except there's no way I ever would have accepted Kenji's offer to go to the roof, so I would have spent the festival alone in my room. Blah =/

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:33 pm
by The O.H.L.
For me it would probably be Misha as my first choice just because I get really energetic around energetic people, we're both pretty loud and yeah, both a little oblivious and obnoxious.
As for the other girls it would go

Emi: No. I hate the sporty type who try to encourage you, I just feel like they are patronizing me. Plus, she would turn me off of lemons.

Shizune: Maybe, I don't really know too much about her, and even though I'm quick to judge I still think there is more to her (Haven't done her route yet).

Lilly: I could make friends with her no problem, although I would probably offend her without realizing it or see how far I could push her tolerance of topics. See where she would want to stop talking about things.

Hanako: I'm a bit of a face changer, because I'm really quite shy but around people I'm friends with I'm fine, so I could see a friendship blossoming just from reading next to each other in the library (I'm a bit of a bookworm).

Rin: She makes me laugh, so would probably try the hardest with her to become close friends with her. I can't see anything more then that though. I would probably just try to be her rock when she feels down.

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:41 pm
by Dream Hacked
I personally could not decide between Rin and Hanako ^_^

Rin: I have the deep thinking ability and I feel I could understand her. She wants someone to be able to express the absurdness of her paintings and her mind over all with her and maybe have the same mindset of sometimes being oblivious from something else because of thought. As far as her hobbies. I love to draw, and art appeals to me. :) I feel as though if Rin were real, we'd get along greatly.

Hanako: I've always been the quiet one and I feel as though I could cope with her insecurities and talk to her about them and be enclosed with in someplace or be some place away from society. I enjoy chess and the desire of the experience from books as well as the next person. That is someone I could possible be best friends with.

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:21 pm
by Maakasu_Taihaku
Lone Collie wrote:
Maakasu_Taihaku wrote:Hanako definally :D, i fell for her hard XD
Shes mine you fool :evil:
~Forever Alone~
Shes mine :D SO there lol.
Plus shes not a prize she would pick the guy, and i got to say considering who she is and who i am, were a perfect match(well as perfect as u can get).

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 6:05 pm
by Des_Zac
Definitely Hanako, I honestly couldn't see myself with any of the others.

The first time I fully played through the game picking everything I would in real life I got Hanako.

I don't know why, but that's just how I feel...

I also believe that, personality-wise, me and Hisao are pretty similar. I love reading and used to play Soccer when I was younger.

I just feel like me and Hanako would get along very well.

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 6:11 pm
by ArazelEternal
I think I could date any one off them. But my first choice would probably be Hanako followed by Lilly.

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:27 pm
by Oogy
Hah, probably any one of them, considering the sad and desperate position I find myself in. *Cough*

Seriously though, I think I'd want (as in most attracted to or most determined to get closer to) to date, would be either Lilly or Hanako. A person like Hanako would intrigue me, but I have no doubt that I might make all the wrong choices because I'd have no idea of how to deal with her very well. Not that I have much experience in dealing with people with these kind of personalities at all, but there it is.

I guess the fact that I went for Hanako's route on my first playthrough says enough.

The one person I'd never date in real life, would have to be Shizune, there's actually nothing at all about her that attracts me personally.

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:17 pm
by Axelownz
Emi - no chance of dating, could be a friend though. Her energy level would kill me and completely drain my energy in a relationship. If she was just a friend i could manage her energy level much easier.

Hanako - I see this one the best honestly. Our hobbies are not the same, but i think we would work well. She is pretty low key, which i would like and needs her space sometimes, which is something i need as well. Just because of that i think i would be able to interact with her well, and have a good relationship. I'm also not the type to go out to loud energetic places, and prefer a nice quite night, so i think that would work for both of us.

Shizune - Probably the worst for me. I am not at all competitive and i am too laid back, Shizune would probably be butting heads with me as a friend and a relationship would never work.

Lilly - Could work, she seems a bit too proper for my tastes but i don't see any reason why a relationship would not work.

Rin - Rin would probably be my infatuation. I like her hair length on a girl, and the color is nice, though if it was blonde i would probably be even more infatuated. I may get to know her. I would never be able to completely understand her, but would get along with her. I wouldn't push her into doing this, and tell her to do what she wanted. I can't see being just friends too easily since i would probably be too attracted to her and would probably slip up along the way .

This is all assuming i had what it takes to get with these girls. Honestly my luck with women isn't exactly great....though some of it is not really my fault, some is though.