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Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:04 am
by newnar
Tomate wrote:
newnar wrote:
You have no idea. NO FRIGGIN IDEA. I was like FUCK THIS GUY!!! Hisao just left Hanako to wallow in her room by herself on her birthday when she didn't go to class that day! Shit I'm so riled up in pure disbelief. Damn! It's so hard to concentrate on two girls at the same time. I just can't get my head off Hanako. Hisao just acts COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS to her throughout Lilly's arc. Douche! My mind tries to justify it by saying,"Hey, it's LILLY's arc, so it's not that much of a surprise." But hell this hits me 10,000 times harder than when I played Rin's arc right after Emi's.

Hisao: I am an idiot. She(Lilly) must have thought I was calling to talk with her, but I only asked for help with Hanako.

God I'm so gonna punch his face in. Hanako is apprently a worthless pile of junk who isn't even worth calling Lilly for. "ONLY" asked for help with Hanako. ONLY. Like it's as important as asking Lilly where she placed her favourite recipe.
Man this is kind of silly, no? Hanako is not some fragile weepy girl, she actually fares better by herself in Lilly route, she doesn't need a White Knight.
And calling your girlfriends who happens to be in the other side of the world and just ask her about other girl is insanely rude.

I'll never understand why people get so attached to one route and refuse to play the others, each route is a opportunity to lean, a new universe to explore.

FYI, I didn't "refuse to play others". My post is evident of that. As for being attached to a certain character, simply put, it isn't explainable. If I could I would be God. Same goes to whether she fares better in Lilly's arc. It's all perspective. I just hope you respect mine.

Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:05 pm
by Maakasu_Taihaku
Whether or not we agree on where she does better...

truthfully theres not point in debating the case....

cause we do not know how she changes after kissing Hisao
She could've improve alot more than in lillys...
but we don't have the pleasure....atleast for now, to know

Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:42 pm
by Erratic_Unicorn
Hey guys,

Well I've played this game twice through now, first time with Emi and the next time with Lilly and I absolutely loved the characterization in this game. These may be some of the most vivid characters I have ever interacted with in video games. Well at the end of Lilly's route, I was straight up bawling. This game kind catalyzed all the thoughts about reality in my head and plummeted me into what my brother has called an "existential crisis." Just the fact that these characters have affected me in a greater way and are in many aspects more real than some of the people I interact with in the day to day made me question my entire reality. The effects are real, but the source of them is called fiction, so I didn't know what to think. I was plummeted into another bout of depression (I think I may have depression and my friend has finally convinced me to go seek help for this). I'm currently trying to get out of this almost week-long now bout of depression. I've started swimming in the mornings and just trying to find value in the little things in life.

At the same time, I had a Skype discussion with my best friend, while it did not concern the game it did help me out in some ways. Part of my depressive feelings was part that I thought I'd never meet people as beautiful as I did in this game. But I had, my close circle of friends are just as beautiful as the characters in the game, albeit the sex isn't as good.

Well now I'm reading literature on existentialism and absurdism. A redditor recommended me some books so I'm going to do that. Hopefully, I'll be able to get out of this bout of depression. However, on the game, this game has probably caused one of the most intense emotional periods of my life, and is easily now one of my favorite games of all time. I'm pretty sure I already have my game of the year for 2012, even though it is only now February.

Any advice would be appreciated and thanks again four leaf studios for this great game.

Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:13 pm
by Crazy Welshy
I absolutely adore this game, and I'm finding it incredibly difficult to shake from my mind, and I've only finished Emi's, Lilly's and Hanako's arcs. This game is just brilliant and has even altered the way I see things in some respects.

Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:23 pm
by Maakasu_Taihaku
Im doing Emi next to see if she can pump me up, cause i want to start running

Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:31 am
by cuddlypotato
I found myself, personally, more so thinking about things in a new light, and having a change of perspective of things from this game, than actually being "obsessed" with it. Sure I have been reading it almost non-stop since I discovered it, but that's only because that's how I am when I read anything. I can't put it down. I don't know, just when I finally do finish with the final story, I won't read it anymore really. Maybe in a couple years or so, as that's what I do with books and such, but being as attached to the characters doesn't really effect me as much as the experience that you get from such a read.

Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:29 am
by Jawn
It's an odd feeling- that I feel. I've played through all but Rin's route, all the good endings, and there's an odd feeling left inside me. Kinda depressive. I can't find it in me to smile or talk how I normally do. For the past week I've been very softly spoken and I feel drained.

I skipped college this week because I couldn't bare to be around people; my mother knew something was up and we've spoken about it which makes me feel a lot better.

I think the main thing about this game is that it creates such a vivid image of the characters you can imagine them as real people. Their personalities, their tendencies. It's stunning, really. It is literally like shadowing a boy with a heart condition as he finds love, and it's so emotionally moving as you find yourself laughing and feeling sad.

The way the characters are developed and how the love between Hisao and whichever girl you find develops is incredible.

I think one of the most emotionally straining things about this game is that I am envious; envious that I do not know any girls as sincere and kind as the girls presented in KS. It's sad really but anyone who is down in the dumps after playing KS, I suggest you just talk about it. Even on these forums- it's helped me greatly. The more you talk about it the more you realise it's just a damn good visual novel, and that makes it okay. The time spent between the beginning and the end of a route is just a damn good book and that's how you should remember it. Keep the values it teaches you and remember, it's just a game :)

Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:43 pm
by Maakasu_Taihaku
It really does make you feel everything. Good and bad, Happy and sad...
Very few storys can do this.

It makes you feel your there, and you know them personally.....

Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:23 am
by Dave1
Jawn wrote:I think the main thing about this game is that it creates such a vivid image of the characters you can imagine them as real people. Their personalities, their tendencies. It's stunning, really. It is literally like shadowing a boy with a heart condition as he finds love, and it's so emotionally moving as you find yourself laughing and feeling sad.

The way the characters are developed and how the love between Hisao and whichever girl you find develops is incredible.

Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:38 am
by fcd15
Dave1 wrote:
Jawn wrote:
The way the characters are developed and how the love between Hisao and whichever girl you find develops is incredible.
While I agree their relationship developed the best out of all of them, I think all of them were incredibly well-thought and planned. I feel Shizune's route was the less 'intimate' one, but even then it had lots of twists and turns, including the most surprising one (when Misha tells Hisao she confessed to Shizune. I felt like the writers were just playing with me all along, since her little animated scene shows Misha jealous of one of them, and I took for granted that it was because of her being interested in Hisao.)

Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:41 am
by Robnonymous
fcd15 wrote:I felt like the writers were just playing with me all along, since her little animated scene shows Misha jealous of one of them, and I took for granted that it was because of her being interested in Hisao.)
You and me both.

Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:22 pm
by hickwarrior
Hmm, how to respond... It feels like I'm emotionally deadened, but yet unsure. I'm not sure how to feel after having had so much go through me, possibly through the week or something. I guess I'm still wrapping my brain around what's happening to me, even if I can't rationalize some things, there has to be something to this VN that still swirls in my mind.

Anyway, I think I'm just looking forward with unease, like I don't really want to. All I can say is I feel weird and don't know where to put this emotion. Like, somewhere tangible.

Might be overthinking this, but it's just odd that I feel like this. Like I've been deflated after having had some kind of self-conceived emotional baggage.

Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 7:10 pm
by Titus
I think it's the music that does you in.

Shadow of the truth or cold iron playing over some unique art work = emotional maelstrom.

Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 7:33 pm
by gRaViJa
Thanks for this topic! I had a bad case of the feels too (read my topic "why KS changd my life a bit") if you want to know why. But i'm starting to feel "normal" again and take the lessons into my own life. Thanks to this topic i know i'm not the only guy who had the feels and thought it was weird in some way.

Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:16 pm
by Glief
Like a lot of people, I had a bad case of the feels after going through KS (still working through it, in fact), and i'm just starting to get back to "normal" again as well.
I just felt it might help me to say though, that KS has given me the confidence I need to get the help I need. (I won't go into details, too long of a story)
I also wanted to thank all of you. Reading your posts has helped me feel a lot better.