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Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 1:05 pm
by Maakasu_Taihaku
XD I feel the same, i still ready to do the other girls, just to expierence more... but i will have to do my best not to go down Hanako's Route....thinking about her all the time. Hanako's writer did a great job indeed...i will always hold her story close to my heart

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:20 pm
by ForLackofaBetterName
I think I'm alright with playing it through more than once. I think it's just going to be for Emi and Lilly though. Maybe more, we'll see. All the options that I would pick as myself in Hisao's position lead me through to either of those two. They feel the best for me I guess, and I really loved the story.

One thing that I for some reason can't do is make myself do the bad routes. I know what happens, but it doesn't make it any easier. For some reason I just can't bring myself to purposely be an asshole and/or go for the bad endings. Same thing happens for games where you can do either evil or god paths to anything.

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:59 pm
by Titus
Well... I am kinda stuck on Shizune's route :wink:

I finished it but I keep going back to it, to re-read what I didn't understand (late night playing) and because Jigoro is pretty hilarious to me.

I think there are many people here who wont so easily give up their favorite route because it might be changing history or something to them, thinking their heroine character would be the best possible outcome for Hisao.

Which isn't so wrong, Hisao strengthens his heart a bit with cardio in Emi's route, where otherwise he would be tired in no time like in Shizune's route at the school festival throwing balls at bottles :lol:

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:04 pm
by Cobalt
I don't think i'll be ready to play another route until a month or so from now, but for different reasons than most of you; Playing through Emi's path, which is really one of the most uplifting stories i've ever read, sent me straight into emotional turmoil, I finished it last night (I got the good end), and I felt really happy, but now i'm feeling really depressed again, it doesn't make any sense, I got a happy ending that made me feel good, and now i'm depressed for no apparent reason. So I think i'll only be able to play another route after I piece myself together again, and feel like i'm ready to take on the emotional stress that the game inevitably gives you.

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:37 pm
by ForLackofaBetterName
Titus wrote:I think there are many people here who wont so easily give up their favorite route because it might be changing history or something to them, thinking their heroine character would be the best possible outcome for Hisao.
I can understand this, but I had this constant wonder of maybe another one even being better. I got Emi first, then did Hanako, then Shizune, then Rin, then Lilly. I actually liked all of them (albeit there were a few slow parts in Shizunes... I still really liked pieces out of it). In the end I'm glad I did all of them because I realized that there are pieces out of every heroine and route that I admire and really like.
(Also, I guess I wouldn't know what I was missing, but I'm SO HAPPY I decided to do Lilly's. I was skeptical about her path at first for god knows what reason).
Cobalt wrote:I don't think i'll be ready to play another route until a month or so from now, but for different reasons than most of you; Playing through Emi's path, which is really one of the most uplifting stories i've ever read, sent me straight into emotional turmoil, I finished it last night (I got the good end), and I felt really happy, but now i'm feeling really depressed again, it doesn't make any sense, I got a happy ending that made me feel good, and now i'm depressed for no apparent reason. So I think i'll only be able to play another route after I piece myself together again, and feel like i'm ready to take on the emotional stress that the game inevitably gives you.
I wonder if it's related to what I felt when I would come to the realization finding someone just like your favorite characters from here in real life seems next to impossible. I feel ya though bud, I don't know if I'd say I'm depressed about it (or as deeply as you say you are)... but I'm feeling pretty mixed and rough from playing through. I guess since I'm new to animes/VNs/etc. and still in the closet about liking those things so much I end up feeling worse just for the fact that I'm letting something like them make me feel so bizarre. Share more thought you have on what you said, maybe it'll help me figure out what's up with me too.

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:54 pm
by Cobalt
ForLackofaBetterName wrote:
Cobalt wrote:I don't think i'll be ready to play another route until a month or so from now, but for different reasons than most of you; Playing through Emi's path, which is really one of the most uplifting stories i've ever read, sent me straight into emotional turmoil, I finished it last night (I got the good end), and I felt really happy, but now i'm feeling really depressed again, it doesn't make any sense, I got a happy ending that made me feel good, and now i'm depressed for no apparent reason. So I think i'll only be able to play another route after I piece myself together again, and feel like i'm ready to take on the emotional stress that the game inevitably gives you.
I wonder if it's related to what I felt when I would come to the realization finding someone just like your favorite characters from here in real life seems next to impossible. I feel ya though bud, I don't know if I'd say I'm depressed about it (or as deeply as you say you are)... but I'm feeling pretty mixed and rough from playing through. I guess since I'm new to animes/VNs/etc. and still in the closet about liking those things so much I end up feeling worse just for the fact that I'm letting something like them make me feel so bizarre. Share more thought you have on what you said, maybe it'll help me figure out what's up with me too.
Very well, maybe pouring my guts out on here will help some.
It's not events in the game that bother me, i've only played through Emi's good route, and there's not really anything there that's traumatizing or anything like that, it's when i'm not playing that things start to bother me. Among the more noticeable changes: I've lost interest in playing videogames, (normally my favorite pastime) today, I tried playing some of my favorite games, but after playing two rounds or so, I realized I wasn't having fun at all.
I've been effectively transformed from a teenage fap machine into a hopeless romantic, I assume this is temporary, as others on this forum have experienced the same decrease in sex drive.
Lastly, i'm feeling really weird, it's like something is bothering me to the extent of making me feel completely dejected, but I have absolutely no idea what it could be. Or like i've become inspired to change my way of living to something better, but with no way to change it.
But I could easily be misinterpreting this, all I know is that it feels bad, bro.

The only things that bother me stemming directly from the game are:
I realize that i'm really, really, uncharismatic, and during some sequences in Emi's route where Hisao convinces Emi to let him stay her boyfriend, and let him get closer to her it dawned on me that if I were in Hisao's position, I would have miserably failed trying to do that. Which is disheartening, to say the least.
On the topic of Emi, while I know that she's a fictional character, and Hisao is actually the one dating her in the first place, I feel more affectionate towards her than any other girl I've ever met. At first, this blew my mind and made me question my sanity, but then I realized that i'm only fourteen, I live in a small town, I'm homeschooled, and very reclusive. So, that's not really that bad.

I'm feeling kind of good after typing that all out, but if I'm guessing correctly, an hour or two from now i'll be back to having "the feels" or whatever you want to call what i've been having.

I'm also going to take a break from KS for a while, and i'll post here tomorrow night to tell you guys if i'm feeling any better.

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:36 am
by myshoesarebrown
Cobalt wrote:Lastly, i'm feeling really weird, it's like something is bothering me to the extent of making me feel completely dejected, but I have absolutely no idea what it could be. Or like i've become inspired to change my way of living to something better, but with no way to change it.
But I could easily be misinterpreting this, all I know is that it feels bad, bro.
This, a thousand times this. The feeling of knowing you want something different, knowing you want a change, but have no goddamn idea what it is, it's just --


Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:38 am
by A Humbled Fan
myshoesarebrown wrote:
Cobalt wrote:Lastly, i'm feeling really weird, it's like something is bothering me to the extent of making me feel completely dejected, but I have absolutely no idea what it could be. Or like i've become inspired to change my way of living to something better, but with no way to change it.
But I could easily be misinterpreting this, all I know is that it feels bad, bro.
This, a thousand times this. The feeling of knowing you want something different, knowing you want a change, but have no goddamn idea what it is, it's just --


I had that feeling. I ended up figuring oh what it was about a week after I finished. It'll come to you! :D

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:36 am
by Cobalt
I think it's safe to say that i'm recovering- from, whatever that was that I was experiencing.

I woke up this morning feeling considerably better than I had the night before. I hopped on to this forum to look at the running chart in the Emi inspired workout thread, and figured I might as well check this thread as well before I went running. ahumbledfan, your post actually helped a lot, I think, because I realized fretting over whatever my brain was trying to signal to me wasn't going to make me come to a realization any faster, and wallowing in depression from not knowing certainly couldn't have been helping either, so, thank you.

I'm warming up to vidyagaems again, so that good, I think.

Also, for myshoesarebrown. I think this flowchart applies kinda applies here:


Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:59 pm
by Maakasu_Taihaku
A Humbled Fan wrote:
myshoesarebrown wrote:
Cobalt wrote:Lastly, i'm feeling really weird, it's like something is bothering me to the extent of making me feel completely dejected, but I have absolutely no idea what it could be. Or like i've become inspired to change my way of living to something better, but with no way to change it.
But I could easily be misinterpreting this, all I know is that it feels bad, bro.
This, a thousand times this. The feeling of knowing you want something different, knowing you want a change, but have no goddamn idea what it is, it's just --


I had that feeling. I ended up figuring oh what it was about a week after I finished. It'll come to you! :D

I finished both of Hanako's and Lilly to learn about them..

I feel the same, i have a feeling i know, but now exactly sure...

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 6:01 pm
by Hctap
I think the feeling about this VN is the fact that it ends.
The degree that we're drawn into the girls lives, and the amount of emotional investment we've put into it means that it's almost like a death of a loved one when the story is complete.

I haven't completed it yet (only got Lilly's path to go), and I STILL feel guilty when Emi (who's path I followed when I first played) chastises me for not going down to the track.

It's a story that gets under your skin, like all good stories do.

Can I take this opportunity to thank the Guys at 4 Leaf Studios for making such a thing of wonder... When's the next one? :P

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:09 pm
by Maakasu_Taihaku
Hctap wrote:I think the feeling about this VN is the fact that it ends.
The degree that we're drawn into the girls lives, and the amount of emotional investment we've put into it means that it's almost like a death of a loved one when the story is complete.

I haven't completed it yet (only got Lilly's path to go), and I STILL feel guilty when Emi (who's path I followed when I first played) chastises me for not going down to the track.

It's a story that gets under your skin, like all good stories do.

Can I take this opportunity to thank the Guys at 4 Leaf Studios for making such a thing of wonder... When's the next one? :P
Wanting more is one of the feelings i feel, i can understand what you mean.

I also feel like i should improve myself in some way

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:08 pm
by Michael Jackson
Koppov wrote:First VN I have played, I didn't even know you can have different paths. Thought Emi's path is only one as it was so long and detailedly written. Can't be more paths, right? It was free, for god sake. I had in back of my mind there might be "bad" and "good" ending while playing through, but it would be with Emi either way. I didn't think the decisions affected how the story continues much at all, I thought it only made you choose different side path but it would return to same path after few screens. So it was bit of a surprise to me. It's better that way though, I didn't choose the path depending on what girl I wanted to know better by initial expression, I just made the natural decisions in order to make Hisao continue going to school without any problems.

Now I don't feel like seeing those other paths, it feels like cheating on Emi. I can't deny Emi's the type of energetic girl who I'd wish to partner with, to add counter-weight to my traits that are much more withdrawn and emotionless, but hopefully offer her traits that she lacks, like calmness, rational thought, humor and protection and perhaps in process creating a "full" or something. Rin felt uncomfortably familiar, which I didn't want to even admit, but reading here a little bit I probably only saw the surface. I thought the writer made Rin typical artsy, non-sensible kind of side character, who you couldn't get to know better, which I thought was all too predictable choice of design.

I'm now a little depressed and think how self-centered it all is. Initially I approached Katawa Shoujo as a quick fap material, all the while thinking how horny those Japanese guys must be for making these. It changed though and I didn't even want too see any eroge material after a while, when I got to that point they felt very off for me. I haven't watched really any pornography since, and I think I will keep it that way. I'm left with longing for partner like Emi, though, perhaps pretty stupid, but can't deny it. I just want to take care of someone that emotional, pure and full of energy. Perhaps I'll return to look into the other paths, but it feels forced and I don't even know how to trigger those other paths, I don't want to think about how to trigger paths.

You my good sir, are completely inside my head. Every word is my exact thought.

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 11:21 pm
by kotomikun
AlphaAscalon wrote:It's kinda funny, I've played a bunch of VN's and for the first time I'm feeling apprehensive about going down another path. I'm thinking weird crap like how will Hanako ever be happy if someones not there for her.......If Hanako's writer reads this I want you to know that I thank you for giving me this wonderful treasure.
- Rykn
This is one reason I'm glad I ended up doing Lilly's route last, since Hanako seems to gain independence in a way that seems unlikely outside of Lilly and Hanako's routes. I mean, none of the characters really need Hisao in a white-knight sense, but all the good endings have a pretty big and mostly positive influence on Hisao and the current girl. Which makes undoing all that to do someone else's route seem kinda sad, in a way...

I ended up on Emi's route first kind of by accident, which was probably a good thing since her story was so much better than I expected it to be. Even though I saved all over the place during the route, I decided to just restart from the very beginning for each new route, since it seemed less like cheating, or rewriting history, or something, that way. I went through Shizune's, Hanako's, Rin's, and Lilly's routes after that in that order, with a brief unintended fall-off-the-roof-and-die interlude, somehow getting all the good endings, and now I'm kind of afraid to go back and do the bad endings. I mean, the good ones were enough of an emotional rollercoaster already.

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:06 am
by V_nce
Koppov wrote:It changed though and I didn't even want too see any eroge material after a while, when I got to that point they felt very off for me. I haven't watched really any pornography since, and I think I will keep it that way.
Same thing. Been a week already, havent finished the game yet, and havent felt any heeds for doing it anymore. Its as if one of the many aspects of becoming a better person thanks to KS was to stop fapping (like it was wrong; but you get the picture).