Adult scenes

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Re: Adult scenes

Post by Extremist_Line »

The thing about KS is that it's one of the games I know of that portrays the sexuality and sexual actions of its characters in a realistic and deep way. The sex scenes all reflected the character you were with in some way. KS shows sexuality in a way lot better than a lot of games. It's an integral part of the characters and story advancement. It's not just thrown in to try and get the game popular. Despite what people may say, KS is hardly an eroge. It's more "Plot with porn" than "Porn with plot". It doesn't use the sex to get cheap thrills, it uses it to tell a story. This game is not designed to just get some quick faps with a way to get to them.

I have a great video on the topic I found if anyone wants to see it.
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Hanako >/= Lilly > Shizune > Emi > Rin
Currently:Finished all but Rin. Taking a break for now.
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Re: Adult scenes

Post by NomadicElectron »

Extremist_Line wrote:It doesn't use the sex to get cheap thrills, it uses it to tell a story.
Exactly. Throwing some sex in a game doesn't automatically make it awesome, but pretending it doesn't exist is also silly. I think KS took the perfect middle ground and used it as a device through which they could develop the plot, characters and their relationships.

Re: Adult scenes

Post by Guest »

Perfect middle, gold standard, well-fit? What? Unnecessarily long, bloated, full of minor details, even the best of KS H-scenes are worse then the worst of general plot scenes. Most H-scenes really don't fit. Why did Hisao took the pack of condoms to school but did not remember about it on vacation with Lily? When did he become fan of bandage? How did storage space become some kind of sex shop subdivision? Some of H-scenes can be simply cut-off, most of others (like the first and second on Lily route) could have been replaced by the single sentence like "we had sex, on the second day both of us felt awkward" for sake of readers' time and plot consistency. KS creators put a lot of work in creation of the adult content but it is definitely not the part with which I would like to associate my KS experience.
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Re: Adult scenes

Post by crystal »

Hanako's especially was important to her plot. The rest were relatively well written into the plot. Shizune path Such as Misha's being very important to Shizune's path With the possible exception of Lilly, I didn't feel they were gratuitously used.
Lilly path > Hanako path >>>> Shizune path > Emi path > Rin path.

My most heart wrenching moment...Misha getting a haircut.
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Re: Adult scenes

Post by Rinbro »

I think Rin's path would lose a lot of context and meaning without it's sex scenes. They are also very endearing and beautiful.

I really wonder how the point is put across without the scenes...I should try it out sometime...
Can you face your feels?

Re: Adult scenes

Post by Drake »

I agree, I was expecting a footjob scene with Rin, but it was an expectation that came from what I had come to consider normal for most VNs and not the character or KS in general.
In the end though I love Rin's scenes, it felt not only appropriate, but emotional, touching and endearing as well.

Re: Adult scenes

Post by Nyanchan5 »

I've only seen Hanako's and Lilly's H scenes so far.Hanako's scene made me feel uncomfortable.Hisao had no idea what he was doing and of course that's understandable since it was his first time but he messed up more than he should have.Putting her in that uncomfortable position and everything.The part that made me feel really awkward was when Hisao was trying to find a comfortable position and he kept using the words "squirming around" Those words just make me think of a dying fish flopping around on the floor.Also how they would get a rhythm and then lose it 5 seconds later.I will admit one thing that surprised me because it was different from the other visual novels that I've played with H scenes in them.He wore a condom but he had it all ready as if he knew he was gonna get with her.Hisao was just really awkward and the whole time I was just like "Really?Come on dude..."
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Re: Adult scenes

Post by encrypted12345 »

Nyanchan5 wrote:I've only seen Hanako's and Lilly's H scenes so far.Hanako's scene made me feel uncomfortable.Hisao had no idea what he was doing and of course that's understandable since it was his first time but he messed up more than he should have.Putting her in that uncomfortable position and everything.The part that made me feel really awkward was when Hisao was trying to find a comfortable position and he kept using the words "squirming around" Those words just make me think of a dying fish flopping around on the floor.Also how they would get a rhythm and then lose it 5 seconds later.I will admit one thing that surprised me because it was different from the other visual novels that I've played with H scenes in them.He wore a condom but he had it all ready as if he knew he was gonna get with her.Hisao was just really awkward and the whole time I was just like "Really?Come on dude..."
Dude, they're virgins. Give them a break. Not every one becomes a sex god at their first time. :lol: Besides, Hanako's was supposed to be uncomfortable (I'm still not sure why Hisao had that condom on him though).
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Re: Adult scenes

Post by NoOne3 »

encrypted12345 wrote:(I'm still not sure why Hisao had that condom on him though)
It just mean he was a hopefull man (he told himself, he want to be prepared). And those have long expiration date, so he could have it for some time.

The first one I ever bought, and put in my wallet, expired sadly :D.

Edit: I bet Kenji has a set of them of all brands on him all the time.
Last edited by NoOne3 on Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Adult scenes

Post by rydiafan »

Guest wrote:Perfect middle, gold standard, well-fit? What? Unnecessarily long, bloated, full of minor details, even the best of KS H-scenes are worse then the worst of general plot scenes. Most H-scenes really don't fit. Why did Hisao took the pack of condoms to school but did not remember about it on vacation with Lily? When did he become fan of bandage? How did storage space become some kind of sex shop subdivision? Some of H-scenes can be simply cut-off, most of others (like the first and second on Lily route) could have been replaced by the single sentence like "we had sex, on the second day both of us felt awkward" for sake of readers' time and plot consistency. KS creators put a lot of work in creation of the adult content but it is definitely not the part with which I would like to associate my KS experience.
the sex scenes added to the game .... most sex is not magical , perfect and loving ... most of it is painful and weird ( this goes double for younger ppl ) ... yes the game could have said " we had sex " or "the following moring " but it wouldn't have had the emotional impact on the player ... its like taking blood outta horror movies
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Re: Adult scenes

Post by encrypted12345 »

Guest wrote:Perfect middle, gold standard, well-fit? What? Unnecessarily long, bloated, full of minor details, even the best of KS H-scenes are worse then the worst of general plot scenes. Most H-scenes really don't fit. Why did Hisao took the pack of condoms to school but did not remember about it on vacation with Lily? When did he become fan of bandage? How did storage space become some kind of sex shop subdivision? Some of H-scenes can be simply cut-off, most of others (like the first and second on Lily route) could have been replaced by the single sentence like "we had sex, on the second day both of us felt awkward" for sake of readers' time and plot consistency. KS creators put a lot of work in creation of the adult content but it is definitely not the part with which I would like to associate my KS experience.
Plot consistency. Sure. Believe what you want. But the sex scenes were amazingly in-character. Condoms were symbolic of Hisao's white-knighting. Shizune binding Hisao was reflective of her assertiveness. Emi being playful naturally led to experimental sex (Is it that far of a stretch to believe that people have sex in a storage shed?). Lilly's healthy adolescent sex drive reflected her strong will and independence. Rin ... was just plain heart wrenching.

Maybe it's only because I've seen too many sex scenes crappily shoved into media. But Katawa Shoujo has awesome tier sex scenes. That's what I believe.
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Re: Adult scenes

Post by Althamus »

Some of them I thought fitted, some didn't.

Emi's I thought fitted really well, showing their relationship was quickly moving forward physically, because Emi was unable to move it forward emotionally.

Lilly's also seemed to work in my mind, despite the fact I was expecting her to be more reserved and proper.

The whole Shizune romance I had problems with. I think Hisao and Shizune would'vve been better off being bffs than dating, and consequently had problems with the H-scenes because they came out of nowhere, and disappeared into nowhere as well. The above characters only had a few H-scenes towards the start of their arc, but IMHO it's assumed they have more that're unmentioned. Shizune's arc is just strange...

Hanako's H-scene IMHO does exactly what the writer designed it for. It is awkward, it is a little uncomfortable, but it's meant to be as well, and it works.

The only thing I don't get is why Hisao carries a condom in Hanako's scene. He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to carry one incase of one-night-stands (particularly as he's a virgin), and he only kinda-maybe likes Hanako, but doesn't feel he can act on it, so it's not even as if he's preparing himself for incase he gets lucky with her. And apart from the girl he fancy's best friend, he doesn't really know any other girls well enough that he might think they want to sleep with him.
Routes played: Emi (10/10), Shizune (6/10), Lilly (9/10), Hanako (9/10), Rin (7.5/10)
Emi > Hanako = Lilly > Rin > Shizune
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Re: Adult scenes

Post by Daitengu »

Althamus wrote:The whole Shizune romance I had problems with. I think Hisao and Shizune would'vve been better off being bffs than dating, and consequently had problems with the H-scenes because they came out of nowhere, and disappeared into nowhere as well. The above characters only had a few H-scenes towards the start of their arc, but IMHO it's assumed they have more that're unmentioned. Shizune's arc is just strange...
I think you're projecting yourself on Hisao too much, which is messing up your perspective. If you keep in mind Shizune likes things her way, but also commends boldness,, it would make more sense.

Althamus wrote:Hanako's H-scene IMHO does exactly what the writer designed it for. It is awkward, it is a little uncomfortable, but it's meant to be as well, and it works.

The only thing I don't get is why Hisao carries a condom in Hanako's scene. He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to carry one incase of one-night-stands (particularly as he's a virgin), and he only kinda-maybe likes Hanako, but doesn't feel he can act on it, so it's not even as if he's preparing himself for incase he gets lucky with her. And apart from the girl he fancy's best friend, he doesn't really know any other girls well enough that he might think they want to sleep with him.
I think the condom specifically was Hisao's desire to want to protect Hanako. It's kind of the running theme of Hisao in that story.

Hisao is influenced by the girl he's with rather strongly on each arc. Thus he turns out different in each case.Example: In Emi's route he's more determined where as in Shizune's he's more independent.
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Re: Adult scenes

Post by Althamus »

Daitengu wrote:I think you're projecting yourself on Hisao too much, which is messing up your perspective. If you keep in mind Shizune likes things her way, but also commends boldness,, it would make more sense.
I don't have any problem with the H-scenes in themselves. They're in character for Shizune, wanting to be in control and do things her way. Even when Hisao takes control, it's not truly him taking control, it's her getting him to take control. That's fine, that's how she is.
What annoys me isthat H+S are friends... then he confesses... then nothing happens... then they sleep together... then nothing happens... then they sleep together again. And while in the other arcs it's assumed (at least to me) that their relationship continues, it's just not being written about (writers don't want to narrate EVERY SINGLE time they have sex, which works because that's how stories work), in Shizune's it's pretty heavily hinted at that those are the only times that they get together.
I think the condom specifically was Hisao's desire to want to protect Hanako. It's kind of the running theme of Hisao in that story.

Hisao is influenced by the girl he's with rather strongly on each arc. Thus he turns out different in each case.Example: In Emi's route he's more determined where as in Shizune's he's more independent.
Yea, that's true, and while I get and agree with that, and like it in most of the ways it's portrayed, in the Hanako arc, I still don't think it's an in-character move for him :P It'd be like if he built a nuclear bunker for her. Symbolises him wanting to protect her, and going to lengths to doso, but... he wouldn't do that.
Routes played: Emi (10/10), Shizune (6/10), Lilly (9/10), Hanako (9/10), Rin (7.5/10)
Emi > Hanako = Lilly > Rin > Shizune
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Re: Adult scenes

Post by Daitengu »

Althamus wrote:
I don't have any problem with the H-scenes in themselves. They're in character for Shizune, wanting to be in control and do things her way. Even when Hisao takes control, it's not truly him taking control, it's her getting him to take control. That's fine, that's how she is.
What annoys me isthat H+S are friends... then he confesses... then nothing happens... then they sleep together... then nothing happens... then they sleep together again. And while in the other arcs it's assumed (at least to me) that their relationship continues, it's just not being written about (writers don't want to narrate EVERY SINGLE time they have sex, which works because that's how stories work), in Shizune's it's pretty heavily hinted at that those are the only times that they get together.
I think the story reflects Shizune's personality as she compartmentalizes everything in her life into blocks. The story ends up being kind of blocky and segmented. Life just doesn't work like that for most, so the story feels funky. I get the point of it, even if I'm quite a bit more abstract. I also admit that there's lots of questions that float around while running though her arc.

I've personally wondered if she was waiting for Hisao to take more initiative, but eventually caved and took it her self. Seems that's a 'contest' that Hisao didn't do too good on if that were the case. Assuming that hypothetically is true, it would lead to the murky end we got being seen in a negative light. Bleh too many possibilities one way or the other in her arc. It's why her story is last place in my book.
Althamus wrote:Yea, that's true, and while I get and agree with that, and like it in most of the ways it's portrayed, in the Hanako arc, I still don't think it's an in-character move for him :P It'd be like if he built a nuclear bunker for her. Symbolises him wanting to protect her, and going to lengths to doso, but... he wouldn't do that.
He always acted like he was trying to walk down a hall full of broken glass barefoot while around Hanako. Like she couldn't take care of her self, so he has to, so he ended up being more mindful, though in odd ways. Hisao was really annoying me in that arc. Then again my perspective might be a bit different, since her path was my first one, and my opinion on all the others were based on it.

Dude's pretty dense, but we're the peanut gallery. I know I wasn't exactly a shining example of understanding as a teen. and in hind sight, Hisao was a idiot in all the arcs lol. Still, I like all the girls, except Shizune, oil and water type personality conflict.
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