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Re: If you were Hisao...

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:19 am
by Drake
Drake wrote: lead to the possibility of me being in a romantic relationship with Rin.
Understanding full well of course, that a romantic relationship with Rin wouldn't actually be "Romantic", but you get my point.

Re: If you were Hisao...

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:28 am
by boredism
The Spoiler Free Version: I am antisocial, hate people, and keep my distance to everyone. At most these people will end up as friends instead of love interests. The only one that may be a possible love interest is Hanako under very specific circumstances.

The Spoiler Full Version:
If I liked a person named Iwanako, Iwanako likes me back and confesses to me, I have a heart attack, and end up in the hospital learning I have some heart problem. I doubt I'd have much of any visitors, I have many friends in many social groups but I keep my distance so they do not really care (I am quite certain as I've been to the hospital for a duration and only my parents ever visited me). If Iwanako visits things will change drastically, I will most likely truly talk to her, instead of Hisao's "I am depressed, leave me alone". We may actually get together for a short while, I will go with my parents decision of going to Yamaku simply because I felt no connection to my school anyway except for Iwanako. We will most likely try some kind of long distance relationship or just end up being friends.

As I am a very adaptable person, I will most likely have sorted out my issues with my heart by then, I had cancer and got over the whole I am depressed, why me phase quickly, so I doubt this will be any different.
Act 1 will be very different for me, I will introduce my self quickly when I transfer in, Misha and Shizune will do their Join the Council! thing and I will most likely say I'll help just do not put me under the member list. I do not feel the need to join clubs. Play a game of Risk with Shizune and try to end it quickly so I can leave. Then I'll wander aimlessly around the school looking for a quiet place to rest and do nothing. I'll most likely wind up finding Lily and end up drinking tea with her. Then look at time and ask if there are other quiet places in the school, Lily will most likely say the library and the roof, and if I wanted i could follow her there. With nothing better to do, why not, so I follow Lily to the library and meet Yuuko who will most likely look away from me as I generally frown and look angry or bored. I thank Lily and wander off into the stacks. Grab a random book and see a beanbag chair, since I haven't sat in one in quite a while I decide to go over seat and rest. So I do, Hanako might be startled when I sit down, but I most likely will just close my eyes and lean back without even noticing her. Hanako might be conscious of me but I doubt she'd run away. Then I get up leave back to the dorm. Meet Kenji, deal with his antics, not that I mind them. The next day, I doubt I will be proactive in joining anyone for lunch so I leave the room, I get hit my Emi, heart beats heavily, after the flutter, I will sigh and wander off aimlessly around the school. Misha and Shizune elect my help to collect supplies, I do so, and meet Rin, who starts off the conversation. I do not mind her ramblings so I'll go with it. I meet the nurse who tells me to exercise, I reply sure whatever. Then go help her with her mural. The next day I wake up early to "run" with Emi, but because I never cared for physical activity, I either walk or at most power walk the track. Tell Emi that I am not into running my heart can't take it, but if she wants someone to help her with her training I won't mind helping out, I got nothing better to do, and I can do some lazier morning exercises instead. Lily and Shizune have their fight. I decided to simply separate them so I drag Lily out under the excuse to find Hanako. Depending on how things roll out I might help either Lily or Shizune with the festival. Later to waste time I guess it will be similar to Hisao where he decides to go to the library or to town. This is then where their individual arcs branch out I guess.

Kenji: I understand his ranting quite well and can have prolonged discussion about it if he so desires, but my laziness will try to keep the conversation short. I do not mind helping out with his favors, but after a while it will get annoying and I will force him to explain it to me.

Mishi / Shizune: Since I unofficially joined the student council I guess I will go help out time to time, we will be friends at most, but that is about it. I do not really like noise, so Mishi being the embodiment of noise is not someone I feel like dealing with. Shizune is quiet so I do not mind her, and I do not mind her competitiveness. But my apathy and friendship with Lily will prevent me from actually getting together with her. We will most likely be at most friends. If for some unknown reason, Misha wants my comfort I doubt I will give it, instead I will simply sit there and listen, if Misha confesses her love of Shizune to me I will help her out in small ways but not to the point of hooking them up.

Emi: No, not happening. Her hyperactivity is going to tire me out. I do not mind being around her, helping her out, but not to the point of a romantic relationship. Her personality and mine clashes to much.

Rin: Her unique mind is nice and the silence around her is enjoyable. I do not mind being around her, helping her mix paint or what not. I doubt I will push her to do the art gallery, and I will help her out with getting Nomiya off her back if need be. If for some reason she does decide to do the gallery, I guess I will support her as well, maybe not the I need to destroy myself by smoking, but it is not like I am going to confess my feelings to her assuming I have them during such an important moment of her life. I'll simply support her and make sure she stays alive. She'll be more or so a Kenji replacement without annoying favors.

Lily: This is a bit different. We are similar in a sense. We both like the quiet serenity of drinking tea, are very capable people, like to keep a slower pace, can cook relatively well, keep people at a distance, are quite independent, have a facade to the public, and keep our problems to ourselves. I will most likely have a mutual relationship with her. Where we may depend on each other when we really need it. Me being over my whole Arrhythmia thing I doubt I will really try to hide it nor my past. No reason not to tell her if she asks. As I know someone like this I know that we are not really romantically involved in any way, just we know who we can trust. I highly doubt that I would stop her from going to Scotland. We will have a stronger friendship then any of the other girls.

Hanako: The only one with a chance of some kind of romantic relationship. We both dislike people, like the peace and quiet, feel we are broken people, been bullied, and been betrayed by friends. I am just more at peace with my condition, so if she asks about me I'll simply tell her, not really asking for anything in return. I doubt I will have some white knight syndrome because I am not brave enough to do such things unless it really annoys me. The only time I might exert some kind of White Knight Syndrome is during the group work crisis, but that most likely wouldn't have happened anyways cause I am quite competent at lying, so instead of saying I went to buy you a birthday present, I would have said I went to meet my parents and collect my allowance or something. If she does freeze than I guess I will take a few more drastic princely measures. I doubt I will call on Mutou cause I have a large distrust of teachers, so instead I will cause an incident to redirect the attention and get Hanako out of the room, this can be falling off my chair and asking Hanako to escort me to the nurse, or starting a commotion with Misha cause I know she can take it, and get Shizune to sneak Hanako out. Also for their drinking birthday party, I never really cared much for alcohol as anything else but a cooking ingredient, so at most I would drink a glass of white wine and a glass of red, the rest of them will get really drunk and I'll most likely take care of them. Then during Hanako's birthday, I doubt I would intrude too much, more or so provide food to keep her alive and to assure her I am around. If for some reason she decides that she has to strip in front of me, I will not have sex with her (where did Hisao get the condom anyway?bah, blame Kenji), nor will I hug her cause I ain't really the romantic type, I will merely sigh and ask why she is doing this and talk things out. If the conversation goes well than we might have a chance of going out, else I think life will just go on, we will be friends.

Re: If you were Hisao...

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:36 am
by crystal
Misha/Shizune seem like fun to hang out with, but I wouldn't be willing(or able) to learn sign language. I would steer clear of Rin.(Disliked the whole route.) Emi's interesting, I can probably get a relationship with her going without nearly getting myself killed. Plus I can hang out with Rin who I do like as a person(Just not as the love interest).

But if it came down to it I would hang out with Lilly/Hanako. They're both really nice, and Akira is awesome. And since I have the benefit of knowledge here(I assume), I would go after Hanako. I would know how not to treat her to "get the bad ending". If I only know what Hisao knows(nothing), I would hang out with them anyways but just let it play out. I'm pretty indecisive if I'm not completely aware of what's going on around me.

Re: If you were Hisao...

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:58 am
by SirRazer
Hmm...interesting thread.

Well, I'm an introverted person, I don't like to be in crowds, I am stressed when I'm out of my territory. Others often call me 'pessimistic', but I prefer 'realistic'.
But strange enough I can get along with almost everyone I meet. Especially kids and old people seem to like me, but I don't like them, though.
When my sister sometimes took care of some children as a summer job, those little rugrats would always crawl around me and asking me to play with them and stuff....they were clinging to me as if I were part of the family. Well, I started locking the door to my room when my sis was babysitting.

I have one important principle I follow: Every human is beautiful in its own way! (It's just an excuse for me being ugly, I think)
Even if I don't like someone, I don't show it. Well, this led to some girls, which were considered 'ugly' by others, to hang around me.

Now, back to topic ^^:

Lilly: Damn, I'd love to know someone gentle as her. With her blindness I wouldn't be bothered by my own ugly-ness, although she could still feel it. I'd try to befriend her for sure, but considering my luck she probably would find someone else as boyfriend since I would probably never be brave enough to tell her my feelings.

Rin: as much as I like her in the VN, in real life I probably would avoid her. Rin's unique, but...I don't think I could be as patient as Hisao in the VN. I don't think I could cope with not understanding her. And with not being understood.

Emi: Cute, nice and always cheering up the people around her. I would love her! And she's small - I like small girls, because I am rather small for a guy :p But I'm not a runner, I prefer cycling.

Hanako: I'd go for her. I already stated my principle and therefore I don't care about scars or missing limbs. She's reading a lot, just as I do. My room is a small libary, ya know ^^ Sitting quiet and reading a book, maybe cuddled up together, seems just like a small piece of heaven for me.

Shizune: Sorry, no chance. Too harsh and bossy. I would still try to be on good terms with her, but I wouldn't try to make her my girlfriend.

Aside from the main-girls, I'd try to get close to Miki. Somehow I like her.