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Re: Rin & Lilly

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:47 pm
by Brogurt
Acidhedz wrote:@Atat
Brohan, remaining pure and staying away from the dark temptresses known as 3d women is not something to be ashamed of. Hell, just one more year and you'll be given the opportunity to become a wizard with power that non-wizards cannot comprehend.

On a somewhat related note, I tried to imagine Hanako typing out the above paragraph and I couldn't see her doing it without remaining anonymous. It's not very very moe when you use a username~

Re: Rin & Lilly

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:08 am
by name of user
Acidhedz wrote:crippling shyness

ANWYAY. For me, it's Rin = Lilly = Emi > Shizune > Hanako. My top three, I think they'd be fun to be around. Shizune's all right, but I probably wouldn't get along with her too well. Hanako...well, if she isn't going to even try to befriend me, I have no problem returning the favour. Idk, shyness in fictional characters for me is a huge turn off, especially if they're presented as being "cute" or whatever. Shy people tend to appear snobby or standoffish to others (even if they aren't), as opposed to inspiring feelings of "omg i wanna sweep you off your feet and cuddle you forever <3".

Re: Rin & Lilly

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:22 am
by Acidhedz
When dealing with people in person I sometimes suffer from severe panic attacks. The last time I tried to work up the courage to ask a girl out I spent 3 or 4 minutes thinking I was going to have a heart attack.

I also have next to no ability to hold myself together in a face to face argument. As soon as it starts I get agitated and lose any ability to think straight.

Call it selective shyness if you want. Online I can take time to let my agitation fade, and I don't get as flustered and panicky without people looking at me.

Being verbally tortured by little punks at school everyday from 3erd grade to high school took a fun outgoing child and made him into a introverted, cynical, hateful, bitter and twisted man. Aside from my love of the things I do, and an overpowering desire to leave a legacy, the desire to shut up the voices of derision in my head is a powerful motivator. I will show every person that every talked down to me just how wrong they were.

I am a very intelligent person, and the neanderthals I went to school with made me an outcast because they couldn't understand me. Instead of fighting back and using my intelligence against them I tried my best to appease them and lowered myself down to their level. So my issues are partially my own fault. I will not sacrifice myself on the alter of ignorance to seek blind approval ever again.

I have faced myself and seen what I am without the benefit of self delusion. I still have a long way to go, but facing my truth and exposing it for all to see has liberated me in many ways.

Atat may have just meant made up characters, but some of the garbage that was said was incredibly insulting. Saying people like me aren't really people at all just because we don't deal with those around us that well.

Well try this on for size smart ass, the reason I don't get on well with people is because the vast majority of them are too stupid to waste my time with. I just normally have the courtesy to not point it out to everyone I speak with.

Bottom line is shy people have reasons for being the way they are, but for the most part it's because they have a hard time relating with others. Being ostracized just makes it worse year after year. So maybe instead of treating them like lepers you should try talking to them.

Re: Rin & Lilly

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:10 pm
by name of user
Acidhedz wrote:words
Hey man, I used to be pretty shy in middle school and the first half of highschool. Then I grew a spine.
You don't make a lot of friends by waiting for people to approach you all the time. Sometimes you get lucky and meet some truly kind people who'll be able to see past the shyness and draw you out from your shell. I'm not one of these people. I don't want to be all pushy just to hold a conversation with a "shy" person.

Anyway, with an attitude as pleasant as yours, I'm sure you'll have no problem attracting lots of lovely BFFs <3

Re: Rin & Lilly

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:48 pm
by Xeoniriel
name of user wrote:
Acidhedz wrote:words
Hey man, I used to be pretty shy in middle school and the first half of highschool. Then I grew a spine.
You don't make a lot of friends by waiting for people to approach you all the time. Sometimes you get lucky and meet some truly kind people who'll be able to see past the shyness and draw you out from your shell. I'm not one of these people. I don't want to be all pushy just to hold a conversation with a "shy" person.

Anyway, with an attitude as pleasant as yours, I'm sure you'll have no problem attracting lots of lovely BFFs <3
You didn't truly appear to be that shy at all then, merely a bit timid. Shyness can be an attribute that many carry for life even if they become great friends with more than a group of people. Not all people view becoming outgoing as a better alternative to meek.

Before this thread becomes befogged to hell and my comment further derails the thread lets try to get it back on topic with less personal attacks and more Rin & Lilly. They both have calming aspects to them - even if their personalities are completely different - which makes them somewhat similar. Notice that Shizune, Emi, and Hanako(in panic mode) aren't the most relaxing of sorts. I am rather chill so the Lily and Rin routes appealed to me the most for these reasons; although, I can't really speak for anyone else. This could be another reason they are often in a package.

Re: Rin & Lilly

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:01 pm
by pedrosorio
name of user wrote:
Acidhedz wrote:crippling shyness
Shy people tend to appear snobby or standoffish to others (even if they aren't), as opposed to inspiring feelings of "omg i wanna sweep you off your feet and cuddle you forever <3".
Acidhedz wrote: I am a very intelligent person, and the neanderthals I went to school with made me an outcast because they couldn't understand me.


Well try this on for size smart ass, the reason I don't get on well with people is because the vast majority of them are too stupid to waste my time with. I just normally have the courtesy to not point it out to everyone I speak with.

Regarding the topic, Rin & Lilly together at the top for me too.

Re: Rin & Lilly

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:51 am
by Tank-Toast
pedrosorio wrote:
name of user wrote:
Acidhedz wrote:crippling shyness
Shy people tend to appear snobby or standoffish to others (even if they aren't), as opposed to inspiring feelings of "omg i wanna sweep you off your feet and cuddle you forever <3".
Acidhedz wrote: I am a very intelligent person, and the neanderthals I went to school with made me an outcast because they couldn't understand me.


Well try this on for size smart ass, the reason I don't get on well with people is because the vast majority of them are too stupid to waste my time with. I just normally have the courtesy to not point it out to everyone I speak with.
Such a perfect example of forum talk! *yay*
I'm not supporting any arguing, just that this post made me smile.

On topic: Lilly and Rin are in close competition for my favorite girl. This is probably because they both seem calm and comfortable people as one poster above stated.

Re: Rin & Lilly

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:37 am
by name of user
Just to clear some things up with my dearest Acidhedz:

I (initially) wasn't laughing at you, specifically. I just found your word choice amusing. You know, because you said "crippling"...on the KS know what, nevermind.
And then you went all ~superior intellect~ on me, so now I'm feeling a little oh-no-you-didn't about it.
pedrosorio wrote:QED
Heh, I had to look that up, ngl. I'm going to have to use it sometime to impress my smart friends.

Back on topic, yeah, Rin and Lilly are just so chill. I could have a great time just sitting in the same room as them. I also like Emi because she's friendly and cares about your well-being, but that is not exactly relevant to the topic at hand.

Re: Rin & Lilly

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:08 pm
by Silentcook
Fucking Hell, I go away for a couple of days and this is the result?

I'm tempted to just deliver mass bans. Cease personal attacks NOW or I will. And don't believe that the tactic of adding a halfway ontopic line at the bottom of a shitpost goes in your favor.

Re: Rin & Lilly

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:36 pm
by Drkstrm
Rin's at the top for me. Can't decide who's at the bottom though. Hanako's second but, while I dislike none of them, Shizune, Lilly and Emi are dwelling somewhere at the bottom. Though this is probably because Rin's the only character that seems... In a word: "Woah..."

Re: Rin & Lilly

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:26 pm
by griffon8
Acidhedz wrote:If the world had more people willing to take a chance and get to know others the world would be a far better place.
Drkstrm wrote:Rin's at the top for me. Can't decide who's at the bottom though. Hanako's second but, while I dislike none of them, Shizune, Lilly and Emi are dwelling somewhere at the bottom. Though this is probably because Rin's the only character that seems... In a word: "Woah..."
Too bad 'woah' isn't a word. :roll:

I'm with you on not disliking any of them; they're all great.

Re: Rin & Lilly

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:07 pm
by atat
griffon8 wrote:
Acidhedz wrote:If the world had more people willing to take a chance and get to know others the world would be a far better place.
Drkstrm wrote:Rin's at the top for me. Can't decide who's at the bottom though. Hanako's second but, while I dislike none of them, Shizune, Lilly and Emi are dwelling somewhere at the bottom. Though this is probably because Rin's the only character that seems... In a word: "Woah..."
Too bad 'woah' isn't a word. :roll:

I'm with you on not disliking any of them; they're all great.
You say you don't dislike any of them. I would have to say I do. But you know, as much as I despise Hanako, I think I don't really dislike her, to me she has reached a 0 place. I actually kinda dislike Shizune more! (We have all seen movies and read comics though, we all know, it's totally a Pride and Prejudice thing!) To be honest, I don't know what it is about Shizune that I don't like, she just rubs me wrong (haha!), I am instantly repulsed. I like strong woman, I like attitude, I married a woman who will argue with me because she feels like it, but something about this character, just gets to me.

Sometimes, liking and disliking is not 100% rational or understandable.

Re: Rin & Lilly

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:14 pm
by Otakumon
Drkstrm wrote:Too bad 'woah' isn't a word. :roll:
Just because it's spelled wrong doesn't mean it's not a word. :roll:

Re: Rin & Lilly

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:08 pm
by griffon8
Otakumon wrote:
griffon8 wrote:Too bad 'woah' isn't a word. :roll:
Just because it's spelled wrong doesn't mean it's not a word. :roll:

It's because it's misspelled that it isn't a word.

And I fixed the quote for you. :roll: :roll:

Re: Rin & Lilly

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:17 pm
by Arbitrator
griffon8 wrote:
Otakumon wrote:
griffon8 wrote:Too bad 'woah' isn't a word. :roll:
Just because it's spelled wrong doesn't mean it's not a word. :roll:

It's because it's misspelled that it isn't a word.

And I fixed the quote for you. :roll: :roll: