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Re: Favourite Ending?

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:01 pm
by [LaZa]
I liked most of the "endings" (Which aren't, because, it's only act 1, unless the project gets abandoned before the full release, I hope it doesn't), I actually have a favourite one, Hanako's, as I find it cute how someone of her nature, extremely shy, tends to socialize a little more with Hisao, and hints a relationship, but I prefer to pick the "everyone's ending is awesome, I'll wait for full version", as I found the others good too.

Re: Favourite Ending?

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:18 am
by AapoAlas
I do think it's Rin's Coulds in my head. It's just... Very good, simple, yet effective. Maybe closest to what I can imagine _actually_ happening. Hmm... Now that I realize it, I'm probably quite a boring person.

Re: Favourite Ending?

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:00 am
by Esa94
AapoAlas wrote:I do think it's Rin's Coulds in my head. It's just... Very good, simple, yet effective. Maybe closest to what I can imagine _actually_ happening. Hmm... Now that I realize it, I'm probably quite a boring person.

Also, liking Rin doesn't make one a boring person. Neither do I think a completely boring person would like Rin, but that's just, like, my opinion.

Re: Favourite Ending?

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 2:00 pm
by neumanproductions
Esa94 wrote:
AapoAlas wrote:I do think it's Rin's Coulds in my head. It's just... Very good, simple, yet effective. Maybe closest to what I can imagine _actually_ happening. Hmm... Now that I realize it, I'm probably quite a boring person.
Also, liking Rin doesn't make one a boring person. Neither do I think a completely boring person would like Rin, but that's just, like, my opinion.
Well, I chose Rin's even thought Hanako is my favorite girl so that says something; Rin is like really close to surpassing her though thanks to that trailer in the overalls. :mrgreen: And I'm not boring in the least bit.

Re: Favourite Ending?

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:45 pm
by TipsyRooster
Okay, I thought I may as well ask here, since it's the first I heard of it and I need to know.
Is the second Rin end a hoax, and if not, how do I get it?

Re: Favourite Ending?

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:47 pm
by kapparomeo
Yes, it's only a hoax, not something that's actually part of the game - see this post back on the first page of the thread. I just put the option in the list as a little joke.

Re: Favourite Ending?

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:21 pm
by Parity
I like my picnics with a hint of MANLY.

Re: Favourite Ending?

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:31 pm
by kapparomeo
Mercutio wrote:the Emi ending, I gotta admit, bugs me. it was the first ending I got, and when it ended and the credits rolled, I was like "WTF? was that an ending?" 'cause it doesn't seem like the start of a relationship. in "Is Carnival!" Emi kind of goes from 'cute little sister' to 'annoying little sister', with her getting on Hisao's ass about food. she even says something like "what the hell is that crap", and while I know those aren't strong swear words or anything, it seemed weird for Emi to say that. and there wasn't anything to suggest that Hisao had any desire to be with her, it was more like she'd be helping him get healthy and that was about it. seemed like a friendship ending and nothing more, like not much had changed between them and Emi treats him like she treats most people.
To be honest, the Emi ending doesn't even seem to be at the friendship stage, more like the 'work colleague' stage. While some have complained that the Shizune ending is overcooked and melodramatic, Emi's end really goes too far the other way and is bereft of even the hint of intimacy - there's a definite disconnect between the cutsey "Is Carnival!" title of the scene, and Emi ragging on Hisao and even spoiling his cake later on with a guilt-trip (which saps the fun out of the occasion even despite them eating together). The scene really just lacks any sense of moment, and it isn't helped by Hisao skipping the fireworks. The only development that may highlight the scene is that Hisao now has an exercise regime - and that isn't even a development because he already pledged himself to it the previous day. In any case, that's not a development of a relationship... that's loading up another duty and obligation!

Re: Favourite Ending?

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:55 pm
by Wrench Wench
All relationships have a lot of the duty and obligation thing.

Re: Favourite Ending?

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:11 pm
by Mercutio
kapparomeo wrote:To be honest, the Emi ending doesn't even seem to be at the friendship stage, more like the 'work colleague' stage. While some have complained that the Shizune ending is overcooked and melodramatic, Emi's end really goes too far the other way and is bereft of even the hint of intimacy - there's a definite disconnect between the cutsey "Is Carnival!" title of the scene, and Emi ragging on Hisao and even spoiling his cake later on with a guilt-trip (which saps the fun out of the occasion even despite them eating together). The scene really just lacks any sense of moment, and it isn't helped by Hisao skipping the fireworks. The only development that may highlight the scene is that Hisao now has an exercise regime - and that isn't even a development because he already pledged himself to it the previous day. In any case, that's not a development of a relationship... that's loading up another duty and obligation!
that's it, man - I couldn't think of what bugged me, and you got it. the thing with Hisao not even spending the rest of the day with Emi was a huge part of why I didn't think it was the ending, didn't think it gave any sign that they were even into each other. if he'd said something like "I should probably get to bed early, but it feels better to stay here with her, just a little while longer," then that would be something. I mean, with all the other girls, he stays for the fireworks with them - yeah, he's inside with Hanako, but he's with her, so it still counts.

thing is, there's probably stuff changed in act 1 that we don't know about 'cause the devs were saving it and/or getting it right for the full release, so there's some chance we're ranting about something that's been changed. I hope so, 'cause I think Emi's pretty cool up until "Is Carnival!" and if she sticks with being the annoying little sister, her path's going to be kind of a pain.

and I get the duty and obligation thing in relationships, like Wrench Wench said. but when you've known someone for, what, four days, and it's already a duty? that's not a possible relationship, that's a drill sergeant waiting to happen. :mrgreen:

Re: Favourite Ending?

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:13 am
by G3n0c1de
I wonder if the devs would actually make a drastic change such as that. On the one hand, there is overwhelmingly negative fan feedback on the ending. But on the other, the devs have stated that most of the changes to act 1 would be fixing grammar, spelling and the like.

Re: Favourite Ending?

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:42 am
by neumanproductions
G3n0c1de wrote:I wonder if the devs would actually make a drastic change such as that. On the one hand, there is overwhelmingly negative fan feedback on the ending. But on the other, the devs have stated that most of the changes to act 1 would be fixing grammar, spelling and the like.
and also the fact that they've stated time and time again, how they aren't going to let the fanbase influence their work. If they did that we would have had old Emi to stay; and new Emi is starting to grow on me so I must thank them for that.

Re: Favourite Ending?

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:51 am
by kosherbacon
I am amused to see that the fake Rin end is more poplar than the actual Emi end. Who else voted for that? :twisted:

Re: Favourite Ending?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:07 am
by kapparomeo
Another thought about those concerns regarding Shizune's dramatic ending: please correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it the ending for Act One locks your route for the remainder of the game - you can't swap paths and experience a different girl mid-play, and from Act Two on it's either that particular girl you wrapped up the festival with, or no-one. In that case, Shizune's ending is not "exaggerated", but rather entirely appropriate - it's just as well that Hisao feels a stirring of what may be love, because he does spend the next four acts pursuing Shizune specifically after all.

Re: Favourite Ending?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:38 am
by Bara
Despite my preference for Emi; in my opinion the path for Shizune is the most well developed and satisfying "end of festival". I won't call it an "end" since we all know it isn't.