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Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *F/CC Ch. 3: The Drunkard*

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:54 am
by PharaohSauron
Just felt like dropping by to say "Still Alive, the cake is a lie," and other clever things. The point is, I realized a couple weeks ago how potentially boring this could get if I kept it in Hisao's POV, what with the little hints of disability-dodging tweaks that I, ah, *Seraph* added to the game. We wouldn't be able to get more than one sentence out of the girls describing the fights if we kept it like that.

As such, I'm going to re-write Rin's fight to have it from her POV, and then continue that trend. I won't say where her train of thought will go, though; maybe like "Deep 12," maybe not. And don't worry, I won't be re-writing everything I've written since then; I haven't touched this thing since then because I'm an achievement whore for Agarest War. That, work wearing on me, preparing mentally for a Con, being in an online class with a bunch of "hippie mentality" assignments, turning another year older this past week, and the energy-sucking power of humidity may have had something to do with it.

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *F/CC Ch. 3: The Drunkard*

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:48 pm
by GG Crono
Ugh. Effing humidity. I know what that's like. D:

Anyway. It's always good to try new things creatively. I look forward to seeing the results. :)

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *F/CC Ch. 3: RE-WRITE*

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:38 am
by PharaohSauron
The ground feels wet to me. I guess I’m not wearing shoes, then. Unless I happen to be standing in a puddle; that’s happened on several occasions, even though I don’t remember walking into them. Maybe someone picked me up and placed me in it while I wasn’t looking. While I ponder these things, and wonder why this dress feels so breezy, Seraph’s voice echoes throughout the empty courtyard.

“The first match shall begin right in this very temple. The rest of you will not be able to interfere with the match, but you can shout words of encouragement to them.” Good, the power of friendship will win in the end. That’s usually how these things go, right?

“Just a few more things before we begin. First, the general story is that you are fighting Servants and Masters, to the death, for control of the Holy Grail, which is said to grant any wish the winner makes on it. Second, I had scanned several people around the school and town during the vacation, so some of their personalities may have bled into the characters you will be facing; it will make things interesting, to say the least.” Seraph ended that on a dry note. This could lead to some interesting philosophical and ethical debates between me and myself, and possibly Seraph; perhaps when we leave I’ll discuss this with him.

“And finally, I have some… things… to attend to, so my friend that you saw at the computer will be here to take over for me. Say hello, Cici.”

“Hello, Cici,” said the slightly-monotone feminine voice. Well, if she’s saying ‘hello’ to Cici, then who is that voice…?

“While Seraph takes care of his business, I will be here to answer any questions you have and announce the match-ups. I will also be monitoring your vitals, just in case…” She seemed to trail off on purpose. “With that said, the first match will be between Dark Sakura and Berserker.”

As I focus back on the others, I notice that they are all staring in my direction, so I turn around to see if anyone is behind me.

“Oh, I guess she means me. Someone wish for me to ‘break a leg.’” I smile to myself on the inside with that little joke.

“Uh, how about ‘bust some heads,’ instead, Rin?” Aww, how sweet of Hisao.

Hanako chirped up, saying, “Uh, Berserker is s-supposed to be the spirit of Heracles, from A-Ancient Greek myths. B-Because of his class, and partly due to Heracles’ story, he is supposed to go in a mad rage when he fights, so be careful.”

Trying to remember who this Heracles is wasn’t doing me much good, so I just walked over to the front of the temple while the others stood off on the grass, away from the stone walkway. “Wait, where’s your weapon?” Emi yelled toward me, seeing as how I was unarmed, in more than the usual manner.

“I’m fine, just wait and see.” I said coyly, finishing with a sweet giggle. I was feeling rather giddy about the whole idea of fighting people, especially ones I know. You have no idea how exacerbated I get with some people. And yes, that is completely without a bit of irony; I’m just as human as the next armless cuckoolander. Moments later, the earth shook, then again, and again. It felt like someone was stomping their way closer toward me.

Then he appeared through the temple archways: a giant, in the true sense of the word, over eight feet tall, and muscles upon muscles. All he wore was a type of metal skirt that soldiers wore in ancient Europe. He was dragging a giant stone sword behind him that looked like it weighed a few hundred pounds; Hanako called toward me and said it was called “Nine Lives.” I was beginning to wonder who Seraph picked for this character, because I certainly couldn’t think of anyone, until…

Oh, man, that’s just freaky. On top of this hulking mass of muscle was the head of Kenji, complete with red-and-yellow scarf and coke bottle glasses. He did have wildly flowing black hair, which managed to suit him… I really had a bone to pick with the real Kenji, so I guess I’ll take it out on this one. More of a challenge…

“GGGRRRAAAAWWWW!!!” Crap. This might not be easy. “DAMNED FEMINISTS!” Well, it’s still Kenji. On steroids. With a sword.

“FIGHT!” Cici’s voice rang over the temple. Immediately, Kenji rushed, as fast as a giant can, toward me. He moved the slab stone sword with great ease. I stood there motionless, waiting for him to get closer. As soon as I was within his sword’s range, Kenji roared out, “GIGANTOMACHIA!” He lifted the sword directly behind his back, as if putting all of his strength into this swing.

Now, I don’t really like Kenji. Aside from the drunkenness, the paranoid attitude, and his generally unfavorable attitude toward women, which is a group I happen to belong to, the thing that really pissed me off was when he insulted my last art project. Normally, this wouldn’t have bothered me, but seeing as how I was painting it as a present for Hisao, I made an exception. Because of this, I decided to toy with this particular Kenji for a bit…

Just as his sword was mere inches from my head, I activated my shadow power, and fell into the pool of black and red shadow beneath me. Nine Lives connected with the stone walkway, instantly turning the stones into powder. I was standing in what could be considered an infinite room of pitch-blackness, aside from the light and image coming from the portal I just fell through, and the portal on the temple deck I was about to rise out of. If I wasn’t in the middle of a fight, this would be a nice place to sit and ponder life’s mysteries, like where that missing sock in the dryer ends up. Maybe it ends up here?

Anyway, as the dust cleared, I poked my head, up to my nose, out of the shadow, almost like I was in a pool of water, except I can ‘swim’ much better in shadows than in actual water. The others hadn’t seen me yet, as they were still looking rather worried toward the giant crater. I rose out of the pool, as the shadow began to waft through the air around me, rising almost as smoldering wisps. Once I noticed the others had seen me, I couldn’t help but giggle. How un-Rin-like. I slowly descended the temple stairs, moving no faster than an old man, partly because that’s how this Dark Sakura seemed to move in the image I had of her in my mind, but also because I wanted to piss Kenji off even more.

Kenji was too preoccupied with removing his sword from the three-foot deep crater he created. As soon as he lifted his sword back up, I had teleported within a foot of his personal space. Kenji roared, either from surprise, fury, or the fact that a pure, yet sexy woman was mere inches from him; I’m not sure. You can’t rationalize madness.

“Try and dodge this, big boy.” I smirked and began waving my armlets about toward him, the long sleeves of my black dress flapping with the movement and the wind. With each flick, the shredded frills of the black dress became sentient, although they stopped just below my crotch… oh, that’s why it’s breezy here. The strips of cloth turned into expanding and extending spears and spikes, which moved at alarming speeds, striking Kenji in the gut. However, each strike appeared to do little in the way of stunning him, because he roared in frustration. The next thing I knew, Kenji’s arm shot out and, with the force and possibly weight of a ‘super sumo-wrestler,’ grabbed me by the neck. I felt my skin tighten under his rough hand, as well as bone beginning to crack; his grip was tight enough that I couldn’t even let out a scream in pain.


He slammed me into the cold, hard ground behind him, then lifted me up and threw me into the stone walkway near him. The force was enough for me to bounce into the air as he lifted his sword behind him. At this point, the pain from the first body slam hit me, which nullified the bouncing pain, I assume. I reached Kenji’s eye level, about eight feet in the air, when he swung the sword downward. It connected with a sickening “THUCK,” in which I managed to only let out a small yelp of pain as the sword ripped through my dress, left shoulder to right hip, and deep into my chest cavity, almost completely eviscerating me. The odd thing was I was more concerned about the fact he obliterated my right tit with that swing; I am very proud of my rather ample bust. As I was momentarily paralyzed, he flicked my body away with the sword, like he was flicking a can out of his way. I crashed into the deck of the temple, causing it to fracture and warp from the force. I think I got a splinter in my butt.

Through the dust of the now-raining wood particles, I could vaguely see that my friends were obviously concerned for me and voicing some words of support, although my ears were still ringing. As I assessed my wounds, I thought I could see my entrails, as well as what you could consider the front of my spine, through the window Kenji created in my chest. Gives me an interesting idea for a painting. I stood up, although without much difficulty, and gave Kenji the best death glare I could give him. I may have frightened my friends more, what with the hole in my chest and everything. I didn’t feel the pain anymore, and without looking I knew that the organs were reforming, the hole sealing and healing, and the dress reforming. Gotta remain somewhat decent. A small trickle of blood ran down the side of my mouth. I really wanted to give off the psychotic vibe I was feeling from the character, so I licked the blood off my lip, visualized my attack, and simply muttered:

“I’m hungry.”

With that, the shadow beneath me jutted out within a foot of Kenji, who didn’t care, or was unaware of its approach, where it then stopped. The shadow began to rise out of the ground, forming a large bulb. It continued to swell quickly until it burst, spraying outwards, sending hundreds of shadow shards and vapors toward Kenji. This had a visible effect on him, in that he was thrown about twenty feet backwards into the temple wall behind him. The wall instantly collapsed into the hole he formed, burying him with rubble. I began to meander toward Kenji, when he appeared to rise from his premature grave and began to hurl the midget-sized debris at me. If those were real midgets, I’m sure they wouldn’t be too pleased. Being naturally fast on my toes, I side-stepped the projectiles easily.

“C’mon, Rin; give this sexist bastard a real lesson!” My, my; I forgot that Emi has quite the mouth on her when she gets riled up. “I wanna see him bleed whisky!”

As Kenji began to deplete his ammo, I began to twist my feet on top of the shadow, almost like a deadly dance. While each flick of my arms sent out spikes and shadow fists, each twitch of my feet sent forth a visible wave within the shadow, eventually forming a wide, waist-high mist that someone Kenji’s girth couldn’t dodge. Several of the spikes impaled him at various points in his limbs and abdomen, and the mist shredded his skin, but even as he was bleeding he continued as if nothing was there. This is starting to become bothersome. My rapid-fire plan of attack appeared to do the job, never giving Kenji an inch, until…

“GGRRRRRAAAAAARRRRR!!!” Kenji gave a guttural roar, like before, but his body was surrounded by a bright light. There was a visible shockwave that emanated outwards, causing me to break off the attack, mostly because I was thrown backward a few feet by the blast, although I wasn’t hurt by it. While I recovered from the blast, Kenji managed to bridge what gap there was between us, and yelled out, “NINE LIVES!”

I barely had time to visualize a wall, which formed a shield in front of me as Kenji began to swing his sword wildly at me. The first strike was slow and heavy, creating sparks as it glanced off my shadows. The second was slightly faster, as were the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, each increasing in speed. I lost count, seeing as how I was more focused on keeping the barrier up. In the twelve seconds it took from when he yelled out his attack until he stopped, he must have swung that sword at least one hundred times, and he didn’t even break a sweat. What it did do to me was create a ringing in my ears from all the clanging. I did have enough strength to force the barrier into Nine Lives just before it would have struck, and forced Kenji backwards a bit. I immediately lowered the shield, and simply stood there with my trademark stare. As Kenji took his first step towards me, I stated:

“Art: Angra Mainyu…”

The sleeves of my dress, as well as all the material just above my nipple line, extended as tendrils into the shadow below me, which had grown to cover a good amount of the courtyard, including where the other were standing. I think I saw Hisao checking my cleavage; however, it was blemished by the blood-splatter-like marks scattered on my breasts and collarbone. I wish he’d check when I didn’t look like this… oh well, fan service is fan service. The black cloth tentacles rose from the pool under Kenji, wrapped around his wrists and ankles, and lifted him spread-eagle high into the air. As he rose, so did four massive shadows, each gaining the form of headless giants, which happened to look like some things I drew when I was a kid; you know, with the dots for faces. The giants then pulled their arms back, and struck Kenji with all their might. The tentacles immediately threw him to the ground, and reformed the top half of my dress. Kenji lay there, motionless.

I noticed that my friends were about to head toward me when Kenji rose AGAIN. Hisao yelled out, to no one in particular, “Why won’t he just die!?”

“That’s my line, Hisao.” I was seriously tired of this, so I then teleported within an arm’s length of Kenji. The sleeves, yet again, became sentient; however, they went straight for his ankles. Just as they grabbed him, I let loose the most sadistic smile you could imagine, and said:

“Heaven’s Fall…”

The shadow then extended underneath Kenji, and the sleeves pulled him under the shadow, and towards me. As they pulled him closer, the upper half of my dress became tentacles again, and forced him closer to her. I began giggling hysterically, and crawling as best as I could on my knees toward him, while my breasts were jiggling due to lack of support. More fan service for Hisao… and any of the girls, if they felt like it. Oh, I’m going to enjoy this…

After what felt like pure ecstasy, I plowed myself into Kenji so hard he shot out of the shadows and laid in a crumpled heap on the grass. He let out a sort of defeated grunt, and began to evaporate into white light. “Dark Sakura wins.” Cici’s voice spoke, once again, calling victory in my favor. About damn time. As my friends ran over, I was wracked with pain. I crouched on the ground, knees in my chest, rocking back and forth, muttering “It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts…” to myself. For some reason, Hisao’s face was a combination of fear and anger.

“Are you… okay, Rin?” He managed to choke that out as he knelt down and placed his left hand on my shoulder. “No… during that last attack… I stubbed my toe.” “Uh, Rin, what exactly were you doing to Kenji underneath the shadow?” He slowly asked me, as if treading a dangerous issue. “I was just kneeing him in the crotch; probably hard enough that the real Kenji felt it.” I whipped my head around as I heard all the girls face-fault to the ground upon hearing my answer. Shizune fell over, as well. “Oh, Rin, we were so worried that you were doing something horrible to yourself,” spoke Emi as she sat back up. “It wasn’t that bad, it actually felt pretty good,” I said, apparently not getting the message they were trying to imply. “No, we all thought…” Emi knelt down and whispered into my ear, almost seeming embarrassed to say what she was about to say in front of Hisao.

“…We all thought you were raping Kenji,” whispered Emi. “My goodness, Emi; what kind of girl do you take me for?” I noticed that Hisao placed his hand over his face as I started to poke fun at Emi. “I thought you knew me better than that.” “You aren’t exactly easy to read,” spoke Lily, with a frown, albeit a relieved one. Hmm… if she can’t see, how can she know what face to make? Yes, I’m more focused on THAT than on the idiom she just used; that’s how I roll. Hmm…Rin rolls. I wonder what ingredients would be in that? I assume they would be best served in a tin bin with a glass of gin. It’s an acquired taste…heh.

“What was it like, controlling those shadows?” Shizune signed, apparently truly curious. “Well, I can’t exactly describe it. They were like a part of me. Think of it as receiving arms, and knowing how to use them without having to use them before. I knew how to form those attacks without ever fighting like that before. It felt… good.” I paused, and actually played the entire fight in my head to see what it would be like from their perspective.

“What about that giant gash through your chest?” “Oh, so you WERE staring at my chest, Hisao?” At least I know he WAS looking. “Yes, I was; it was a little hard to miss, what with the giant hole in it.” “Well, it did hurt for a minute, but then vanished.”

“U-uh, Servants and some Masters can use mana to heal q-quickly. Dark Sakura was able to reattach her head after being decapitated in the v-visual novel.” Hanako explained to all of us; I guess that’s why I wasn’t particularly freaked when I saw my guts: “I,” meaning Dark Sakura, had been through much worse. “This is also a game; if such injuries were allowed to persist, the matches would be very short,” Cici explained, in a dry, matter-of-fact way. She is right, you know.

“The results for Rin’s match have been saved, and all vitals appear normal and unchanged. Please enter the temple, now.” The sliding doors to the temple opened, and all that shown through was a bright, white light. We entered it, and as we walked a few feet inside the light, we reached a metal door. After Hisao opened it, I saw nothing but gravel and metal air conditioner cubes. I walked over toward the edge of the low wall, and saw an entire city lit by the lights of the buildings under the night sky, although not bright enough to erase the view of the stars high in the sky. As I looked around, I saw that the others were just as awe-struck by the view from this skyscraper as I was.

“Please enjoy the view before the next match begins,” Cici stated. “The next match is between Saber and Assassin.”


Not much else to say at the moment, but here's the title for Chapter Four: "The Angel of Death." Have fun guessing who Assassin is... :lol:

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *F/CC Ch. 3: RE-WRITE*

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:23 pm
by GG Crono
I still haven't seen/read/played/whatever FSN, but if I may say, your Rinspeak (Rinthink?) was pretty good. :D

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *F/CC Ch. 3: RE-WRITE*

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:47 pm
by Xuan
It's been quite a while I've suddenly lost interest in Katawa stories, but since kneeing/raping Kenji was so fun (DOUBLE KNEE) I'll reply to this.

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *F/CC Ch. 3: RE-WRITE*

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:47 pm
by PharaohSauron
I'm here to say I'm still here, but a lot of other things arrived around the end of the year, so I got distracted. I'm working on a bit of sexy fluff to get me back into finishing the Fate/Stay Night story, so be prepared... :D

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *F/CC Ch. 3: RE-WRITE*

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:12 am
by Leotrak
PharaohSauron wrote:I'm here to say I'm still here, but a lot of other things arrived around the end of the year, so I got distracted. I'm working on a bit of sexy fluff to get me back into finishing the Fate/Stay Night story, so be prepared... :D
Woohoo! The Pharaoh lives!

sexy fluff
Wait, what? O.o

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *F/CC Ch. 3: RE-WRITE*

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:17 pm
by GG Crono
Huzzah, fluff!

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *The E-Rin-genous Zone*

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 3:52 am
by PharaohSauron
You may be asking yourselves: "Why, pray tell, do you tell us that you will be working on a story, leave it sitting in writer's limbo half-finished for about two months, and then actually post it after regaining interest and finish it in two days?" Well, this I say to you: I do not frakking know why. :roll:

Anyway, as mentioned in that self-depricating chewout, I haven't been on here in a while, so there may be a shift in tone, or something, in this smutty, smutty story. Also, I have no idea how to label it, so bear with me if I use olde-schoole warnings. This may or may not have complete basis in reality, because I have not yet had the chance to deal with... country matters, if you know what I mean. I actually started to laugh in embarrassment at what I had written prior to finishing this. Let's say this is possibly the most graphic depictions of 'sexual matters' without even using low-brow and common terms.

Enjoy, if you know what I mean!

LEMON, Sexual Explicit Content, etc.

The E-Rin-genous Zone

“Ha… ha… ungh… This isn’t good…”

Rin thought to herself, as she usually did. Back in the day, she claimed she could think of four different things all at the same time, but due to recent developments, every so often she had to cut it down to one thought: her… “addiction.”

Rin was addicted to rubbing herself. Unfortunately, she had realized there were problems the moment she first whet her appetite. One: she couldn’t reach the area with her feet. Two: the area in question was her “special” area. In fact, it was only during these moments that Rin was visibly upset about her lack of arms. While she was alone, she would have to find some item that was hard and firm enough for her to feel it, but also soft enough that she wouldn’t cut or hurt her special spot.

“But it can’t be too soft, or fuzzy; I’m not trying to get off on tickling. I wonder if Lilly does that?” Rin wondered off on a brief tangent. A very brief one, since the act of ignoring her desire made it ache even more.

Most of the time, however, she was able make due with a variety of hands to help her “ease her tension.” Rin sat on the floor under the pale moonlight, subconsciously rocking back and forth, dragging her area over the rug as thought about her partners:

“Emi has always been good with her hands. She always helped massage my feet, especially after they cramped up from painting.”

“There’s Hanako. She may have figured it out by now, but I do like the sensation that her timid hands make as she slowly strolls her fingers up and down. Oddly enough, the burn on her hand heightens the sensation. I have seen the way she looks at me as we both have our bit of fun. Lilly hasn’t joined in much, even though I’ve offered. The few time she does, however, mostly consist of ‘my, my,’ and some small smiles. I’m not entirely sure what to make of it.”

“There’s also Shizune and Misha. Despite her serious demeanor, Shizune is actually quite into this sort of thing. She always has this look of amazement on her face as she continues to trade glances between it and my face. It annoys me when she has to sign me questions, but Misha usually sneaks in a quick poke while that happens.”

Rin was about to scream in frustration when her favorite pair of hands arrived.

“Oh, Hisao, thank goodness you’re here. I was just about to lose it again.”

Hisao had a face that was a combination of “tsk, tsk,” but also content joy.

“What ever could set you off, I wonder, my dear Rin?” His inflections indicated playful snarkiness, but Rin wasn’t willing to follow along right now.

“Just get down here and rub!”

“Okay, okay.”

Hisao sat down on the floor, against the bed, and had Rin scoot right into him, so she would be lying against him, giving him optimal access and reach, while also giving her some feeling of having real hands to feel herself with.

Hisao gently dragged his left hand over Rin’s bangs, and hooked the loose stands of short, luscious, red hair behind her left ear. He then placed his head in her shoulder, while she rested her head against his, as if preparing to sleep, both of them now seeing what was going on down south. He slowly loosened the rope of Rin’s slightly form-fitting gray sweatpants, and carefully stretched the waistband back open, teasing Rin with near contact. The sweatpants were slightly drenched with sweat, as it was summer, and it made her skin shine with a sexy, healthy glow.

Hisao then slowly rolled the lower half of Rin’s equally wet and form-fitting paint-splattered tank top, stopping right below her ample breasts. As he removed his hands from the shirt, one of them nicked against the underside of Rin’s breast, causing her to moan slightly. Hisao smirked.

“It appears you began without me.”

Rin fired back, saying “Well, ‘Little Hicchan’ appears to be at attention, so quit talking. Perv.” She ended that with a content smile.

“Look who’s talking,” said Hisao as he began to work his magic.

His fingers began at the top, and slowly dragged themselves all the way down to the base of that sensitive area. The feeling of fingernails against her soft, supple, slightly-moist skin captivated Rin. Hisao quickly ran one hand back up, causing Rin to scrunch her toes in shock and excitement.

He then placed one finger on the edge, and slowly began to trace intricate spirals over Rin. This gave Rin a nice sense of euphoric bliss, along with mounting ecstasy. Just before he reached Rin’s nub, she fell back into his chest, feet and toes stretched straight out, sighing with relief.

“That was wonderful, Hisao,” said Rin, looking toward him with slightly-sleepy, yet seductive-looking eyes.

“I’m not finished just yet, my dear.”

Hisao grabbed Rin by both upper thighs, causing her to squeak in shock, and quickly spread her legs. The way she was now positioned, along with the fact that her pants were now even tighter against her skin, gave her the feeling of tension and pressure in the lower part of her area, which began to excite her again. He began to drag his fingertips along the extreme edges of her area, purposefully ignoring the sweet spot near the middle.

“You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you? It’s going to drive me crazy!” Hisao could tell by the frustration in Rin’s high voice that she was near some sort of release, so he decided to exacerbate the situation even more.

He traced his hands up along Rin’s body, until he reached her breasts. Thanks to their bit of fun, her cleavage was drenched in a nice sheen of moisture, causing the tank top to cling to the sides of her breasts. He noticed that her nipples were only slightly erect, so he decided to fix that.

Hisao’s hands slowly made their way up under Rin’s shirt. She didn’t appear to notice, as she was lost in thought as her emotions were hanging on the precipice of ecstasy. His fingers lightly grazed over the underside of her tender breasts, from the cleavage outward, causing her to shudder as she felt his fingers, as well as her shirt stretch slightly from the shifting weight.

“It appears that you’ve deviated from the original purpose of this, Hisao.” Rin glanced back at him with half-closed eyes, as if she was not amused. He could tell that she actually was, since she had her trademark smirk on.

“Well, I didn’t want you to have all the fun, Rin.”

Hisao pulled down on Rin’s tank top from the inside, causing her breasts to bulge out the top slightly. Rin moaned slightly. The full moon’s light was shimmering through the open window, enveloping the young couple. In Hisao’s eyes, Rin was cast in a veil from the heavens, the way the light gave her a type of otherworldly beauty, with but a hint of lust hiding along the surface edge. He was brought out of that enthralling image when his eyes followed every curve in her glowing face, down her neck, across her exposed collarbone, right down to her now-bulging breasts. He could barely make out tracings of light veins over the surface of her creamy-white breasts, as if the skin were growing taut, ready to let out whatever feelings where swelling up both inside, and beneath, her bosom.

Hisao, with Rin leaning into his chest, took his right hand and slowly rubbed the side of her face with the back his fingers. Rin cooed and closed her eyes, allowing her to shut out the rest of the room and focus only on the contact and the feelings she associated with it. His hand slowly traced along her cheek, down her jaw, slowly down the middle of her neck, which caused Rin to shudder a bit. He then continued across her left collarbone, and then diagonally across her chest, just above her breasts and below her neck. He then, ever so slowly, ran a finger lightly across the exposed skin of her left breast. Small goose bumps formed as her chest tightened, and her nipples slowly became visible through her already tight shirt. He then ran his fingers across both breasts at the same time, going across skin, then cloth, then sensitive nubs, and then underside. Rin leaned into his chest more as she began breathing heavily, her head laid over his shoulder, cheeks lightly red under the light of the moon. Hisao detected a hint of cherry in her hair, a welcome change from the oils and turpentine he usually smelled.

Once Hisao’s hands began to wander on their own accord, Rin was truly beginning to lose it. She was covered in a moist veil of both cloth and skin, the tank top sticking and rubbing against her braless self; his hands and her imagination running wild, heightening the senses. Hisao nibbled on her left ear, his hot breath blowing against the nape of her neck, which, in turn, caused her to nibble on her own lip, eyes closed tight. Her hair had lost its usual fullness due to the high temperatures surrounding her, and hung wet and limp, dangling just above her shoulders, rubbing against Hisao’s cheek. Her breasts ached as Hisao continued to play with them, making her feel like they were about to burst. Her special area fluttered, demanding attention again.

Hisao, apparently sensing this, happily abandoned her swollen, tender breasts, and continued to rub that most precious area. He continued with the finger tip treatment, as it sent Rin into a blissful tizzy, always teasing her by approaching the swollen nub, now throbbing and desperate for attention, and then he’d change direction, thus denying contact and furthering the pleasurable pain. A light summer’s breeze flew into the room, enveloping the two lovers. The coolness of the summer’s night air caused Rin’s skin to tighten, forming goose bumps, and make her quiver from the contrast between the surrounding temperatures. Hisao slowly teased her exposed skin, seemingly in shock from the coolness, grazing almost every bump that had formed.

The place that ached the most for Rin, however, was that special nub that Hisao had purposefully been ignoring. They both knew that it was her release; a key to unlock insurmountable joy, among other feelings. The feeling Rin usually experienced was heightened, more so, because she was never able to rub it herself; when Rin had spoken to her artist friends who had similar “addictions,” they were slightly jealous at her “gift”. The cool breeze had drifted over that location, and due to its already taut and sensitive nature, tightened further, causing Rin to buck slightly at the hint of a sweet release.

“Well, I suppose we shouldn’t let Mother Nature have the last laugh; right, Rin?”

Hisao’s fingers slowly worked their way toward Rin’s trembling nub, more sensitive from the lack of contact, already slightly moist, tight; seemingly ready to burst at the slightest touch. A single drop of liquid formed near her nub, and slowly rolled down the exposed skin, the tiny trail evaporating; the dissonance between skin and air irritated Rin further. She bit on her lip in anticipation, eyes closed tight out of hints of trepidation. Hisao’s finger inched closer, until…

Rin bucked as the darkness beneath her closed eyes turn star-struck from the sensation. It felt as if a kaleidoscope of butterflies were freed from within her pleasure-racked body. The sensations, this time, were unlike anything Rin had felt before, like a dam bursting from a mighty river, whose banks had long-since grown swollen. Hisao reveled at what he saw, and more so how happy Rin felt as she expressed herself by inadvertently rubbing against his entire body; moist, red hair clinging slightly to his face as she heaved; taut, swollen breasts rubbing against the underside of his arms; wide hips pressing up against his own; and that most precious area of hers rising and falling against his hands.

“Hisao; that was… the best… I have ever felt… in ages.”

Rin spoke in between gasps of breath; still on a bit of a high from the release. Hisao continued to lightly rub her, although it was more in a comforting manner now. He felt a slight tremor as he passed her nub.

“I guess we finally woke her, Hisao,” said Rin, in regards to that kick.

“I guess she got our ability to sleep through anything, right, dear?” Hisao spoke, with the feeling of contentment in his voice.


Hisao continued to lightly rub Rin’s belly, but stopped when he felt warm liquid trail down his left arm.

“What’s wrong, Rin?”

Rin was silently shedding tears.

“I’ve never complained about my lack of arms before, but because of it, this is as close as I will ever get to hold our daughter…” The tears began to fall faster down her face.

Hisao was rather upset by this image now. He had only seen Rin cry twice before, and they were both happy moments: once when he proposed to her, and once they found out she was pregnant. Luckily, the time he spent with her now made him a fast thinker. He paused, and wiped away some of the tears from her face.

“Who said we can’t do this after she’s been born?”

Hisao placed his arms around Rin’s pregnant belly and gave her a hug. Instead of her belly, the image of a beautiful baby girl in his arms appeared in her mind. She was fast asleep, and held right up against her mother’s heart, with the mother being held right against the father’s heart; they were truly a happy family. The image eventually faded, but not the feeling.

“Thank you, Hisao.”

The young couple continued the warm embrace, long after dreams of what may be had taken them.

I'm such a cock tease, aren't I? :mrgreen: (just imagine him as blue, mostly to represent your balls)

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *The E-Rin-genous Zone*

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:16 pm
by GG Crono
That was actually rather nice! Yes, it was smutty, but it was also cute and sweet, and captured a nice sense of sensuality. And that ending...I d'awwed. :)

Also: "His hands began to wonder"? Might wanna fix that. :)

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *The E-Rin-genous Zone*

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:18 am
by Leotrak
Huge moments of "d'awwwwwwww" here, man ^_^

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *The E-Rin-genous Zone*

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 8:15 pm
by PharaohSauron
GG Crono wrote:That was actually rather nice! Yes, it was smutty, but it was also cute and sweet, and captured a nice sense of sensuality. And that ending...I d'awwed. :)

Also: "His hands began to wonder"? Might wanna fix that. :)
The way I was writing it, they could have been sentient on their own... :D

I'm wonder how long it took you, or anyone else reading it, to figure out I was talking about her belly, and not her genitals?

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *The E-Rin-genous Zone*

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 11:48 pm
by GG Crono
It took more than one reading, I'll admit. I meant what I said in my comment, though. You can really feel the love.

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *The E-Rin-genous Zone*

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:30 pm
by kosherbacon
PharaohSauron wrote:I'm wonder how long it took you, or anyone else reading it, to figure out I was talking about her belly, and not her genitals?
It's not often that I get mindfucked by a lemon. OR IS IT At first I was like... okay, heavy petting, sexual stuff... and right when I wasn't really paying attention, BAM!

I let this thread slip past me since I wasn't that familiar with the source material for your crossover fic, but I'm glad I got to this last one. Good stuff, man, I hope you're still lurking around.

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *The E-Rin-genous Zone*

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:11 am
by PharaohSauron
kosherbacon wrote: Good stuff, man, I hope you're still lurking around.
I'm still here, the rest of 2011 was just so... blah for me. All that wibbly-wobbly, timey-whimey... stuff. I'll get back in the writing mood as soon as I get through Katawa Shoujo, which also entails staying away from the boards and shimmie in case of spoilers.
kosherbacon wrote: It's not often that I get mindfucked by a lemon.
I honestly almost did a spit-take when I read that, then I laughed my ass off. The image was burned into my head for about an hour, followed by Cave Johnson ranting about lemons and their house-burning abilities.