Winter writing (xmas story end pg8)


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Re: Summer stories (painful choices pt3)

Post by ze spy »

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Re: Summer stories (painful choices pt3)

Post by Gl4ss »

Hi: “I-I guess that only she’s good enough for-”

Ha: “Hanako forgive me, but SHUT UP!”
It may just be me, but that might be a mistake. And I vote room 305, since no one has voted for Hanako yet.

[x] Room 305
Last edited by Gl4ss on Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Summer stories (painful choices pt3)

Post by Guest_Poster »

[x] room 305

Do votes from guests count?
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Re: Summer stories (painful choices pt3)

Post by kosherbacon »

I gotta be loyal to mai waifu...

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I mean...

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Re: Summer stories (painful choices pt3)

Post by Wren »

[x] Room 305
"They leave. Because they should, or they find someone else. And some of them...some of them, forget me. I suppose in the end....they break my heart." - Tenth Doctor talking about his companions.

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Re: Summer stories (painful choices pt3)

Post by chaix »

-thanks gl4ss, here's hoping that that's the only mistake.
-guest votes do count (just avoid the temptation to try and rig the vote)
-xuan, i'll count that as +1 for tea room unless you say otherwise
-kosher: ah but then they might not read the story or they'll get confused.

Current count: 3 tea room 3 room 305

I'll just be updating this post until it's decided.
Last edited by chaix on Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Summer stories (painful choices pt3)

Post by kosherbacon »

You can add a poll to this thread by editing the first post. There will be a tab below the text field, next to "Options" and "Upload attachment"

Now might be a good time to add one since the options are even now.
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Re: Summer stories (painful choices pt3)

Post by Yay guest posting »

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Re: Summer stories (painful choices pt3)

Post by Leotrak »

[x] Room 305

And the vote ties again ">_>
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Before: Hanako>/=Emi>Rin>Lilly>Shizune
After: Emi>Rin>Hanako>Lilly>>>>>>>>>>>Shizune
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Re: Summer stories (painful choices pt3)

Post by Silentcook »

I feel I have to put my foot down now.

Next time I see a choose-your-path, multiple choice post there shall be locking and multiple bans.

A lot of stuff on the fan fiction section has drifted increasingly away from its scope. I have seen crossover-general, completely original-general, and one removed instance of completely unrelated-general progressively take hold.

Posting has been at an absolute nadir all over the forums; blame summer, blame widespread boredom, blame whatever, I am not interested. I could remove up to 75% of the posts from any page and no relevant/meaningful input would be lost.

This is the last straw. I'll say it again:
Anyway, please just DO things, people. If you want to post writing, post it; if you don't want to, don't. Just don't dangle hints in front of the audience - and don't go overboard on requests, either. Requesting hasn't been a problem so far, but if it picks up I'll just slap in a sticky similar to the one on the Fan Art side of things and call it a day.
Multiple-choice voting falls most definitely both under "dangling hints", as in, "ask me about my stuff, people" - and "requesting", as in, "can you write about this?".

I hope I won't have to repeat myself again.
Shattering your dreams since '94. I also fought COVID in '20 and '21, and all I got was this lousy forum sig.


Re: Summer stories (painful choices pt3)

Post by Guest_poster »

if voting for an ending is bannable, what happens now?
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Re: Summer stories (painful choices pt3)

Post by Silentcook »

I'm surprised that this even needs to be said, but chaix will manage to make up his mind by himself, I'm sure.
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Re: Summer stories (painful choices pt3)

Post by chaix »

the democratic thing to do would be to post both. which i was thinking about doing anyways since I have Lilly's end half done anyways. I'll just change the choices into links for both posts, preserving the choice involved. assuming SC has no objection of course.
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Re: Summer stories (painful choices pt3)

Post by Silentcook »

The smart thing to do would be post both, one after the other, since everybody involved would have wanted to see the one or the other put up ANYWAY.
But if you want to take the extra trouble to change the choices into links I have no objection this time.
Shattering your dreams since '94. I also fought COVID in '20 and '21, and all I got was this lousy forum sig.

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Re: Summer stories (painful choices Lilly ed.)

Post by chaix »

Lilly's ending. sorry it took me awhile to finish and post this.

I make my way to the tea room. I’ve chosen, and now it’s time to see what happens because of that choice. When I reach the door there’s a growing anxiety, I hope Hanako will understand why I’m doing this.

Hi: “I’m sorry Hanako.

I open the door to find... nothing. It doesn’t look like anyone’s even been in here today. Did I come too early? I can’t imagine Lilly oversleeping. So... I guess this is deliberate? A way of telling me that I should choose Hanako?


A product of then late nights I’ve been having recently. Shizune was driving me pretty hard, and then I got this. I guess it would be alright to take a nap. I’ll just wake...


A loud noise removes me from my sleep; I groggily look around for the source. I look over the same spot several times before I realize that Lilly is lying on the floor just inside the doorway.

Hi: “Lilly?”

No response, she does have...? Yes she’s got a pulse, a fast one though. I check for anything that could tell me what happened, but I get nothing other than the bruise forming on her head from when I assume she fell.

Hi: “The nurse is so going to chew me out for this.”

I pick up Lilly as best as I can and slowly bring her to the infirmary. Good thing it’s Sunday or I’d probably have to answer a lot of awkward questions. I knock on the office door before entering.

Hi:“Uh nurse? I need some help here.”

The nurse’s head pops out from behind the other door.

Nu: “Who is it?”

Hi: “Hi-Hisao, I’ve got someone with me. I think she’s unconscious”

Nu:“Here let me help. You go sit down while I get her into the other room.”

He takes Lilly from me and I drop down into the closest chair, exhausted from moving Lilly. After a minute or two he comes back and motions to me.

Nu: “Nakai could you come in here?”

Hi: “What is it?”

Nu: “Go sit down over there, I have to make sure you didn’t overexert yourself.”

I sit on the second bed and wait while he checks various things.

Nu: “I don’t think you’re in danger, your pulse and breathing are off a bit but I think that’s just from carrying Satou. Did you see what happened to her?”

Hi: “No, I was taking a nap in the tea- the room we use and I think her falling down woke me up. Is she fine?”

Nu: “Nothing wrong with her as far as I can tell. Just a bump on the head and that shouldn’t be enough to knock her out.”

Hi: “I think it’s from when she fell.”

Nu: “Well, she’ll have to rest here for awhile. You can probably go if you want to.”

Hi: “No, I was waiting for her when I fell asleep so I should probably stay.”

Nu: “Alright then, don’t make too much noise though. She probably needs the rest.”

Hi: “Oh uh, could you call room 305 for me? I- Hanako was supposed to be there and she’s Lilly’s friend so...”

Nu: “No problem, just give me a minute.”

He walks out the door leaving the two of us in the exam room. It reminds me way too much of the hospital for my liking. I pull up a chair to Lilly’s bed and rest my elbows on the side. I wonder how many times my parents went through this? Waiting for me to wake up after surgery or whatever treatment it happened to be that day.

Ha: “Lilly?”

Hi: “Over here.”

Ha: “Hisao? What happened?”

Hi: “No idea, the nurse said she probably just fainted.”

Ha: “Wh-where did you find her.”

Hi: “In the... tea room. I fell asleep and she woke me up when she fell.”

Ha: “The tea room... s-so is that-?”

Hi: “Yes.”

Her face erupts into a smile, It looks... like nothing I’ve actually seen on her face before

Ha: “I knew you would choose her. I was just-”

Hi: “Hanako, remember what I said about no lying? You can drop the fake smile.”

Ha: “Wh-why? I’m happy for you two.”

Hi: “Just go ahead and cry if you want to. Yell into a pillow if it makes you feel better. Just makes sure you actually do it okay? You shouldn’t keep that kind of thing inside for too long.”

She slowly shuffles toward another bed.

Hi: “Hanako, one other thing.”

Ha: “Y-yes?”

Hi: “I’m sorry for...everything.”

Ha: “Th-thank you.”

I can just hear the muffled sounds. It makes me want to leave, but I sit through it. This is part of my choice too. After a few minutes Hanako walks back over and sits in another chair.


Hi: “Lilly? Are you awake?”

Li: “Ugghhh where... am I?”

Hi: “In the infirmary. I think you fainted.”

Li: “The infirmary- but I...was...going...”

Her eyes begin welling up as her memory returns, and she turns away from both of us.

Li: “It-it wasn’t supposed to turn out like this. You were supposed to be with Hanako and then I could-”

Hi: “Could what? Try and disappear? Believe me, I tried that. It doesn’t work too well.”

Li: “But why me?”

Hi: “I simply went with what I felt.”

Li: “Y-your feelings have a horrible track record for causing people pain.”

Hi: “A friend of mine told me pain is a choice. Feeling it means you haven’t decided to learn from it and move on. If I cause a lot of pain, I guess you’ll learn a lot right?”

Li: “You... Hakamichi was the one who told you that right?”

Hi: “She mentioned it a few times.”

Li: “Then what am I supposed to learn this time? I thought my last lesson was to not become involved in other’s relationships.”

Hi: “How about the fact that I prefer being woken up with a kiss rather than your body falling on the floor.”

Li: “I don’t believe that is a lesson worth learning.”

Hi: “Well then, how about you learn to stay with me so you don’t create more trouble.”

Li: “Stop reaching Hisao. I’ll still cause problems just by existing. There will always be those who look my-”

Hi: “So what? I’ve only been at this school a couple months and I’ve somehow almost wrecked the relationship of my two friends. Maybe we should be together just so we don’t get horrible reputations.”

Li: “If you are trying to find reasons for you to be with me, just stop and go-”

Hi: “Hanako, could you please leave the room for a moment?”

Ha: “A-alright.”

She slips out the door as thought she walked right through it.

Hi: “Lilly I’m sorry for this.”

Li: “Are you trying to give yourself another reason to stay with-?”

I stop her sentence mid-way by slapping her across the cheek. I immediately feel horrible but I bury it down. I can deal with it later, after I’ve gotten Lilly back to normal.

Li: “What was that?”

Hi: “That was an expression of my frustration that has been building over the last half hour, A little bit for Hanako as well.”

Li: “Hanako’s...?”

Hi: “She just lost to someone who apparently flip flops on what she wants. One week she’s in love, the next she’d rather I be with someone else. ”

Li: “How is this any different than what she would do in my position?”

Hi: “She’d still want to be friends with you. No matter what kind of emotional hell she would be enduring.”

Li: “You have a higher opinion of her than she does.”

Hi: “Yeah well I’ve got a pretty high opinion of both of you. Any chance you want to try and live up to it?”

Li: “You are a horrible person to back me into a corner like this Hisao.”

Hi: “Yeah well-”

Li: “But you are... a good friend, to both of us”

She reaches out her arms out toward me and I slide in so I can reciprocate her embrace. At the last second she moves her head to her right, presumably so my chin can rest on her shoulder. A good idea, if only I hadn’t moved mine to the left for the same reason. Apart from the initial surprise though, we just continue as if it had been what we were intending to do. I feel the same pull as last time, this feeling that I should just go as far as I can right now. The pull extends down to my back as her arms begin moving me onto the bed. I can’t see a reason not to go along with her, though my mind is slightly clouded by the massive rush of who knows what. At some point we hear a sharp sound come from the direction of the door. When I look, the source is a very red Hanako standing in the doorway.

Hi: “Li-Lilly I think we need to stop for a second.”

Li: “Why? Are you-?”

Hi: “Hanako‘s here!

Li: “Hanako?”

It takes a moment before the situation sinks in to her mind, or she’s just that surprised. Either way she pushes me a little bit, so I back up into my chair.

Li: “I am sorry for letting you see that Hanako.”

Ha: “I-I u-understand. It just seemed s-sudden. We-we didn’t-”

Hi: “Uh well...”

Li: “I was the one who wanted him to. Hisao isn’t the type to kiss every girl he can.”

Ha: “E-even s-so...”

Hi: “I’m sorry Hanako. We shouldn’t have-”

Ha: “N-no this is... good that you t-two are g-getting along.”

Hi: “Hanako, do you feel like crying again?”

Ha: “N-no, I’ve already done enough.”

She doesn’t look like it though. Her eyes are red and she looks like she’s tense. I can just hear her whispering, to no one but herself.

Ha: ”Not in front of Hisao, not in front of Hisao,

She repeats it over and over again; it’s probably one of the few things keeping her from breaking down again.

Hi: “Hanako, I have to pick up something up from my room. Could you keep Lilly company for a while?”

Ha: “Alright”

I walk out the door and close it behind me. I take a breath to calm myself; I can hear Hanako start to cry. This time I’m not going to bear it. I’ll let Lilly handle it this time she’s probably better at it anyways, having done it for three years already.

Hi: “I’m sorry Hanako.”

Nu: “Did you do something to Ikezawa?”

I jump at the nurse’s voice.

Hi: “Uh, yes and no?”

Nu: “That’s not a good answer Hisao.”

Hi: “She’ll... I hope she’ll be fine but...”

Nu: “Oh, relationship thing?”

Hi: “Yeah, I guess that’s what it is.”

Nu: “I hope it works out.”

Hi: “Me too.”

I walk out of the office slightly depressed and head back to my room. I drop down face first as soon as I’m close enough to the bed. I should be happy right? Lilly was the one who was adamant on Hanako and I ending up together, before that my thoughts drifted to her more often than Hanako. Yet I’m still here, beating myself up in my room.

I look up after a while at my clock. It’s just after- FIVE?! Did I go to sleep? No, I should be asking about how those two are doing.

*Tap tap*

I right myself and walk over to the door. On the way I briefly check myself in the mirror. Good, apart from the messed up hair, and that shouldn’t matter to the one who knocked.

Hi: “Come in Lilly.”

I open the door for her, and she walks in silently before finding a place to sit down.

Li: “May I ask how you knew it was me?”

Hi: “Your cane makes a different sound than a person’s hand.”

Li: “Ah. Does your perception extend to why I am here?”

Hi: “Please tell me you’re not here to try and get me to change my mind.”

Li: “No. I will... I have decided to accept your decision. I do not intend to cause more pain for Hanako.”

Hi: “So... why are you here then?”

Li: “After Hanako calmed down she became... she locked me out of my room.”

Hi: “How is that...?”

Li: “I do not know. I believe she has either wedged something under the door or she may be sitting behind the door herself.”

She must have been serious about trying to get us together. Doing this seems extreme though.

Hi: “So you are here to...?”

Li: “I need a place to sleep tonight. She suggested your room.”

Hi: “Suggested?”

Li: “I do not have another place and asking the dorm mother would cause problems for Hanako.”

Hi: “Yeah, she’s... if that is what she wants, i’m not going to go against her today.”

Considering the request though, how many times has this run through my head in the middle of the night? It’s not under the circumstances I would prefer but...

Li: “Hisao, I need to change. Could you?”

Hi: “Got it, going outside.”

Li: “You do not have to do that. It is your room after all. Just, look away please.”

I bury my face in my pillow and bite the inside of my lip. I concentrate on the pain so that I can’t think of anything else. It’s effective enough that I don’t notice her hand on my shoulder until she puts a significant amount of pressure on it.

Hi: “Do you need a sleeping-”

Li: “This is something insisted upon by Hanako.”

I keep my eyes closed as she slides in beside me. she moves her arms around me and pulls herself as close as she can to mine.

Hi: “Uh, Lilly. Could you not do that? I’m happy you’re here but...”

Li: “Of course.”

She pushes herself back just enough, but her arms remain firmly wrapped. a few seconds later she pulls herself back and whispers in my ear before lightly pressing her lips against my cheek and retreating back to her previous position.

Li: “I am sorry for not saying this before: Thank you for being with me Hisao.

Her breaths slowly get fainter until I assume she is completely asleep. I’m not sure why, but I feel right. As though she has taken all the doubt and the guilt, all the pain from this entire event has been at least temporarily lifted by her. I let this brief peace into my body and sleep, knowing that this can only last for so long.
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