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Re: Nightmares

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:31 pm
by Tom Noble
I'm not even going to BEGIN to comment on that last one! DX

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:34 pm
by Elroy
Tom Noble wrote:I'm not even going to BEGIN to comment on that last one! DX
:lol: I figure if you're going to jump the shark, you may as well learn to ride the shark!

On a serious note, finals are nearly here, and it may take a while for Chapter 6, but it'll come along!

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 12:36 pm
by Mikage-sama
Ha that was flippin weird but enjoyable and the Rin chapter was cool too. Licking. Heh.

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 2:42 pm
by Elroy
Mikage-sama wrote:Ha that was flippin weird but enjoyable and the Rin chapter was cool too. Licking. Heh.
:D Thank you! Glad you were entertained!

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 8:00 am
by Guest
I have to say that this is one of my most favorite fanfics on this board. Love the concept, and your characterization is almost, if not spot-on. This story also actually got me to fire up my old ps2 and play Silent Hill 4.

Thanks a bunch, and I can't wait until the next chapter arrives

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:10 pm
by Elroy
Guest wrote:I have to say that this is one of my most favorite fanfics on this board. Love the concept, and your characterization is almost, if not spot-on. This story also actually got me to fire up my old ps2 and play Silent Hill 4.

Thanks a bunch, and I can't wait until the next chapter arrives
Thank you! I'm very happy to hear you've enjoyed it!
And that's a good thing to hear, I should replay it again soon, love that game.

I'm finally getting over the flu, so it hopefully won't be much longer for the next one.

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 4:03 am
by Xuan
Wow, finally a class premium Katawa long story!

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:28 pm
by Elroy
Xuan wrote:Wow, finally a class premium Katawa long story!
Thanks! And this is proving to be too much of a long story. Chapter 6 will have to be in 2 posts (It's over the character limit :shock: )

I'm sorry it's taken so long people. I really don't have any excuses. I hope you enjoy.

You have once again entered the world of survival horror. Good luck!

Chapter 6

I run my hand through my hair. Whew. Today's been a strange fucking day. I start to chuckle. Of all the shit today, I think Rin's been the weirdest part. It didn't really occur to me at the time, but the movie references were weird. I never really saw her as a film-goer.

While not in the scenario I'd prefer, I have learned a bit more about my friends, and that's something. I think just "not dying" is breaking even, so I guess this has been a positive experience, overall. If you wanna think about it like that. And I might as well. I might snap otherwise.

I close my eyes and sigh, stretching my arms out. A wide smile forms on my face, with a hint of smugness. I've made it. I've survived impossible situations, near-death experiences, and things seemingly made out of nightmares.

I don't want to get a big head out of this, but I think I'm ready for what's next. I'm almost a little curious as to what my fucked up future holds. Lets see...ventriloquists, a puppet master...what's next, a demonic mime?

I rub my eyes with my palms. Maybe I WAS too eager to get out of The Room, I'm feeling a little tired. Nah, nah. Can't think like that. Gotta keep going, gotta start moving.

I start walking down the hall, and head into the lobby. I start to think it's my imagination, but I hear the sound of feet pattering just up ahead. I follow carefully, trying not to sacrifice any stealth I have for speed. I turn the corner, and see a uniformed boy walk just out of sight. I can't see his face, but he's got short brown hair. No noticable disability, but he must be a student here, he's wearing the same thing I am. Then again, maybe that's its plan. To blend in. I'm not falling for any tricks it might pull, though I have to remember to at least make sure I'm right before I start stabbing.

I dash after him. I wish I could see his face, who knows, maybe I know this guy. "Heeey!" I shout before I think, so much for being stealthy. Ah well, I wouldn't mind helping someone unknown out. Even if it's some dude. Life can't all be about saving beautiful girls, can it?

I make it into the corner he walked into...which doesn't lead anywhere. There's just an empty corridor, heading into a blank dead-end wall. Where the hell did he go? Were my eyes fucking with me? Maybe I am too ti-

The floor underneath me groans. I feel it start to bend inward, as if it's getting ready to snap. Oh shit...this is why he lead me here...

Slowly, cautiously, I edge my foot forward, and as lightly as I ca-


The floor I was standing on gives. I fall forward, my eyes closed and my arms crossed infront of me. My forearms and elbows smash into hard wood, after only a few feet of falling. The knife flies out of reach. I groan and roll over. Into thin air.

My eyes open as I feel the emptiness crumble underneath me. I prepare for the blow with each spare millisecond I have, tensing my body and lifting my head up.


I grunt into myself, keeping my head raised and gritting my teeth. I managed to keep my air intact, which is good. I hate getting it knocked out of me. Happy to have the ability, I start drawing in slow breaths, checking for my heart. Good enough for me. Whew. My ears perk up...something's coming.

I hear footsteps come from behind me, moving in on my location. My hands and eyes swipe all over the floor, searching for my one and only weapon. My heart tells me to be quicker than whatever's coming. It does a shitty job of encouraging me. All I find is cold, tiled, floor.

"Hisao! My God, are you alright?!"

Wait....I know that voice. I lay back against the floor and see fake feet gallop infront of me, then stop abruptly.

In too much pain, and growing embarrassment, to make any big movements, I slowly lower my eyes. In my upside-down position, they travel down false legs, and a blur of cloth and skin, stopping at the green spotlights that are aimed at me.

"H-Hi, Emi. Yeah, I'll be fine. Just give me a minute." I let out another grunt. "To regrow a spinal cord."

She hops forward and bends her knees, getting a better look at me.

"C-can you move?!"

"Y-yeah." I groan and start to raise up. Emi immediately grabs my right arm and starts pulling me up. She's pretty damn strong. Surprisingly so, considering there are bugs in the Amazon bigger than her.

As I straighten up, feeling the pain in my back subside, I look down at her.

"Thanks for the lift."

"You're welcome, but are you sure you're okay?! That had to hurt. Is your heart alright?"

After all that's happened, falling through a ceiling is a minor inconvenience. I try to convince her I'm fine, without sounding like I'm feigning strength.

"Yeah, it's really not as bad as it looked." I look back to where I landed, then at the empty shelf next to it. That must've been the first thing I landed on. My vision spins around the rest of the room. The only word to describe it is "dank." Dark grey walls, the shelf that broke my front half, and the light green tiles that broke my back. Blegh, horrible color choices. There are is a small staircase just past the entrance, and beyond the few steps, the floor is angled, with every step of it slightly declining all the way to the end of the room. There's a sizable drain at the last tile of the room.

"Emi, where the hell are we?"

"A storage room, or something...though it's pretty empty for a storage room. Anyway, I came in here to see if anyone was here. I haven't seen anybody for over an hour.....Where is everybody, Hisao?" She pouts a bit, her eyes shrinking in worry.

"Uhhh...first off, does Yamaku even have a store room? Have you ever heard of this room?"

She raises an eyebrow and cocks her head.

"I....I guess it does, I mean, we're here....but I'd never known of it before today. Or even seen the entrance."

Just as I thought. Who knows whether it really does or doesn't. I don't really care, I don't have to. I just go with the flow and try not to die.

"And secondly, I don't know either."

Oy, and on to the fun part. I need to find the most believable and logical way of presenting the most unbelievable and illogical situation.

"Emi, please don't think I'm a lunatic, or that I'm playing a prank on you. As you can see, everyone's gone, so obviously....something crazy is already going on. So the even crazier stuff I'm about to say....I need you to believe it. Because it's true. All of it."

She nods, her face shifting from mild confusion to headcrushing confusion.

"Basically, the school is devoid of life, except for a few people, all friends of mine, so far.....and monsters."


The look of fear she gives is actually a relief. I think she actually might believe me! .....Or she thinks I'm out of my mind.

" I sounds's true. Oh, and the school got fused to the male dorms." Her confusion seems a little quelled, her head taking a straighter angle, her eyebrows straightening. Maybe my shakey demeanor is helping my case? I mean, if I calmly said this, I might sound too calm, like a freak with a story to tell. Then again, my instability may give me a psychotic look. Agh, this is always my least favorite part. Apart from the monster-battling, of course.

"S-so yeah....but earlier today, my rommate put a blessing, or a magic spell....or....whatever the hell you want to call it, on my room. It's completely safe there, and I've managed to lead a few other people there. Lilly, Hanako, Shizune, Misha, and Rin are there."

"Rin's there?! Is she okay? I've been trying to find her!"

"Y-yeah. She's okay. They're all okay, really. We've managed to come away from the monsters pretty much unscathed....I-I hope you don't think I'm as crazy as I would right now."

She smiles up at me.

"Hisao, I know you. One, you're a very honest person."

"And two?"

She winks, her smile curving even more.

"Whenever you DO lie, you absolutely suck at it."

I smile back, appreciating the humor that this day has lacked.

"So, basically, we need to get the hell out of here and get to my room as soon as possible."

"I believe you, but how has your heart been okay through all of this? Seeing a monster would probably give ME a heart attack."

It's something I've only given passing thought, but now that she says it, it is pretty damn unbelievable. I should be on my tenth heart attack by now. So far, I've chalked it up to either The Room's lingering effect on me, or me getting out of situations at just the right time. Either way, it's not something I'm too terribly upset about.

"Luck, is my best guess."

She gives a slick smile.

"Or maybe your diet and exercise have been working for you, huh?"

"Haha, well, maybe that's been a LITTLE help."

She puts her hands on her hips.

"A little? I'd like to see you do all this on that greasy garbage you used to eat."

Her cuteness forces a grin out of me.

"Yeah, yeah."

I start to realize how true her words really are though. I hadn't thought much about it, but I have been feeling pretty strong today. Maybe it's a combination of this and The Room's crazy ass magic, but I should give her some credit. I can tell she's not actually hurt, but I figure I should let her know how I really feel. Can't hurt.

"I do want to thank you though. You know, for always looking after me. You've taught me how to take care of myself, and without that, I probably WOULD be dead right now."

Her cheeks get a little pink.

"Y-you're welcome, Hisao."

A thought ignites in her head, making her smack her forehead.

"Oh! Hisao, you dropped something when you landed, I almost forgot."

Agh! I almost forgot too! Second time today! How the hell has my dumbass survived this long?!

"Yeah! That'd be my knife."


I walk over and scoop up it off of the floor.

"Yeah, it's saved my life quite a few times today."

"Have things really gotten that close?"

"Yeah....But really, I'm okay."

Her eyes scan over my body shakily, as if she's worried I'm going to spontaneously drop dead, or that it'll be like one of those animes where someone gets cut, but their head doesn't fall off till 5 minutes later.

"What's happened, Hisao? I want to know."

"You mean about the monsters?"

"Yeah, what's out there?"

"I.....Okay, first time, it was a bunch of slimey-sounding things creeping around in the dark."

She shivers a bit, but only after I mention the dark.

I wonder if I should continue....I mean, will hearing about a bunch of monsters calm her down? Then again, not knowing what's out there might make things worse.

"Next, there were these weird things without faces, or lower bodies, that could imitate any sound they wanted. So if you hear something, be careful, it might not be what you think it is. Next..."

She raises an eyebrow at the description. When I think about it, I realize it does sound friggin weird.

I wonder how to go about mentioning the imposter....

"There was a know Hanako, right?"

I honestly can't remember if I've seen the two of them interact before.

She nods her head and elaborates.

"Yeah, I've seen her a few times, haven't really got to talk to her though. She seems nice, just really shy. I don't get it, I've always thought she was really pretty." Her face and words have an adorable innocence to them. My smile comes back, full force. Which may be a little inappropriate, considering what I'm about to say.

"Y-yeah...well there was a monster pretending to be her father, and he would catch on fire every once in a while. Things....things almost went bad. Hanako ended up saving my life." I'm quick to bring it up, not just out of gratitude, but of pride for my friend.

"Wow! I've got to thank her when we get there."

Emi's giving the muscles on my face a workout, my smile almost starts to hurt.

"Yeah, she really came through for me...Next, a psychotic teacher tried to make Rin kill me."

Emi gasps into her hand

"Ohmygod! did she make her try?"

"Mind control....she was controlling her with a pair of double-handed arms, and that cross-thingy you control marionettes with."

Emi's lip wiggles, then she bursts out laughing, slightly bending forward from the commotion.

"I know I shouldn't laugh...but that sounds ridiculous!"

"Hahaha, yeah, like something out of a comic book."

I've gotten over any real fear of this place, knowing what to expect: the unexpected, then cute girls. Sometimes in varying order. I'm glad Emi doesn't seem to have much fear either. Maybe her knowing that I've survived all of this is giving her a boost? Or maybe because it all does sound laughable, if you think about it. The scariest things in life can look pathetic if looked at from the right angle.

"But yeah, that's what's happened so far....anyway, we should get going."

"Okay, Hisao. Lead the way."

"Right. I need to warn you though. Don't trust anything you hear, and only half of what you see. You can always trust me though, of course, so stay close."

She winks again, pawing at my shoulder.

"I've seen horror movies before, Hisao, I've got an idea of what to do. Besides, the cute girl never dies in those, does she?"

"...You're not afraid? At all?"

"Well of course I'm afraid. But I have to keep it together, we both do, and we have to keep moving. I...I started to lose it a bit earlier, after I didn't find anybody for so long. But I have it under control now, especially since I'm not alone now. We have a good chance, together, right?"

"That's right. Lets get home. I've got some snacks, in case your hungry. I think I'm running out of water, but I can fill some up at the-"


The lights go out.

I fucking hate deja vu.

Emi shrieks and jumps, the slamming of feet-on-floor making me jump, as well.

"Emi, get behind me!"

I feel her tiny hands cling onto my back. Good. I don't want a replay of earlier. And I want her out of the way, in case I have to stab anything.


The lights come back....way back. They were pretty dim before, now, it's like there's a mini-sun attached to the ceiling. It's actually painful to look at them. My gaze drifts back down....God....

The ground around us has changed. The room....grew. Just like it did in the Student Council Room, and the Tea Room.

Did I mention I hate dejva vu?

We're a long distance from the exit/entrance, and the weirdass "ramping" of the room has been retained, so it's going to be an uphill run. Great.

"Hisao, what's going on?!"

"Don't worry, Emi. Lets just get out of here."

It's going to be a long walk, and a pain in the ass. And heart. But, eh, it could be-


The noise comes from behind us, the gravity of the sound instantly sucking our eyes towards it. It's coming from the drain...

The drain at the end of the room is now the size of a friggin car, each linear hole big enough for a person to fit through. The glugging noise stops, but we continue to stare at the drain, hypnotized with fear, and anticipation.

Suddenly, black liquid starts to shoot out out of the drain and fall to the floor, spilling across all of the tile like a mudslide. The velocity it's launched with gives it no problem sliding up the ramping room.

"Hisao! What the hell is that?!"

"I don't know, but lets get the fuck out of here!"

I grab Emi's hand and we start to run. Hmmm, she's in her "casual" legs, I wonder if this makes it harder for her to run. I wish she'd had the foresight to bring her running legs. For that matter, I wish this place was filling with chocolate pudding and bikini-clad women. Not finding any solace in my immature wishes, I focus on running.

We're going fast, faster than I usually do when I run with her on the track. We keep a relatively similar pace, which gets me wondering: am I that much faster today, or is she slowing down for my sake? I don't want to be holding her back...

We hear the muck slop across the floor, and before we know it, it's under our feet. We slow down a bit, trying not to slip and fall on it, but still keep a decently fast pace. It quickly starts to crawl up my ankles. I look back as we run, the black stuff is filling the room with an unbelievable speed. I don't know about Emi, but my feet tread through it with a bit of trouble. Despite the watery appearance, it's thicker than mud. It's like trying to run through sand or snow, while your feet are burried in it.

As my head turns from the back of the room to the front, I lose my balance and slip forward. My grasp on Emi's hand breaks, and I start to make a collision course with the floor, which is interrupted by Emi grabbing my hand and yanking me back onto my feet. Her tiny hands grip mine like a vise, my knuckles crack from the constriction. I've gotta remember not to piss her off.

"Hisao! Be careful!"

"Thanks, Emi! Lets keep moving!

Our run turns to a quick walk as the frigid sludge makes its way up our thighs. Our legs have to work thrice as hard to move through the sludge. The smell becomes more apparent, a plasticine fragrance, not a good smell, nor a particularly bad one, just very strong. I turn from the rising ground to the squealing, pint-sized, person at my side. The sludge is starting to crawl up Emi's hips, which freaks her out considerably. I think the beating I'm hearing is coming from her chest, this time.

"Emi, stay calm, we're almost there!"

As we keep moving, we reach higher ground, making the sludge retreat from our bodies for a bit. The sludge is climbing the room at a speed near ours, so it's nothing but a close race to the finish between us.

The approaching exit gives me encouragement, and with it, a burst in speed. With this burst in speed, recklessness. The tip of my left foot slides into the muck too awkwardly, and I end up falling into it, catching myself with my knees. The biting cold crawls up my chin...but I can't move....I can't even breathe...

Small arms slide under mine, and with a squeaky grunt, I'm lifted back up onto my feet.

"Come on, Hisao! Just a little further!"

Hey, God, if you're listening: thanks for Emi.

The freezing muck that was on my chin and chest slides off immediately, falling back into the pile. It also comes out of my clothes completely, without even a hint of any staining...weird...

Without the cold to distract my body, my heart's working at overdrive...we need to get out of here now.

The muck is climbing up Emi's stomach, and it's nearly there for me as well. The snail's pace we chug through the mud at makes my heart more's gonna be a close one. We're nearly at the first step when the muck is at Emi's chest, she's hyperventilating. I need to say something...or do something.

I squeeze her hand, getting her to look into my eyes.

"Don't give up, Emi. We're almost there, we're gonna be okay!"

I force myself to wear a smile that's probably too confident to make me look anything except psychotic, but it seems to work.

She regains a little composure and keeps moving, giving me a troubled smile and nod for my efforts. I notice tears starting to dry on her cheeks.

I stretch out my leg as far as I can, and I feel the first submerged step with the tip of my foot, whew. I toss the knife at the entrance. I'll need the free hand to lift Emi, and it's not like stabbing this shit is gonna help, anyway.

"We can make it, Emi! Come on!"

I climb up onto the step and start to pull her up by her hand. My foot slips on the muck that rises onto the step, and I fall back onto a step, hitting my back. With a groggy groan, I lift my head up with my hand. I look back at-

She's...not there...

She fell in!

I lay back against the step for about three seconds, frozen in indecision.

What the hell do I do....

What do I tell the girls?

What do I tell myself?!

I lift myself up, shooting a glance at the exit, then turning back to the giant bathtub of sludge. It's stopped rising, now that it's completely claimed something...

Emi wouldn't give up on me. She'd go back for me. I'm going. I take in a deep breath, and close my eyes.

Giving caution a gaunt "fuck you," I jump into the pile of sludge. My feet quickly sink in and touch the floor. Everything up to my chin is under the muck.

I suck in all the air I can and submerge myself in the frigid filth, my arms struggling through it, feeling for any sign of life. Immediately, I feel a tiny arm. Both my hands wrap around it, and I grunt into the sludge as I lift her up. I let out the long breath I'd taken in and nearly laugh to myself. Whew. That wasn't too bad...I wrap my arm around her and lift her out of the sludge, she's light as a feather. I place her on a step that's sticking out of the muck. The muck slides off of her face and body, then slides back into the pile.

As it falls off her face, I realize that she looks....fake....

I put my fingers to her neck, and don't feel a pulse....I don't feel skin either...she's....plastic....

I slide my eyes over the replica of my fallen friend, the palm of my hand smashed into my face, going up my head. This place still has the same shitty sense of humor...


I toss the faux-Emi to the side and jump back into the muck. My heart begs me to call it quits, but I can't quite hear it over the cursing and shouting in my mind.

Frantically, my arms slice through the sludge, as if I'm trying to swim through it. My heart is bashing against the wall of my chest. I'm sure that if it could, it would cry right now. I'm sure that if I could, I would too.

The air captured in my lungs starts to run dry, until I have none left. I rise up as fast as I can, taking in air so quickly it hurts, then sink back in. Gotta find her, now! We're either leaving together, or dying together. The other girls are strong, they can make it without me. Emi can't.

The screaming my mind joins in a perfect rhythm with the screaming my heart is doing...and I still can't fucking find her...I'm taking way too long...

Suddenly, my hand brushes against something trapped in the sludge...

My arm juts forward, stabbing through the muck and grabbing what feels like a hand. This better be the real thing...

My hand travels across the hand, feeling for where her torso is. I wrap an arm around her side and put everything I have into my legs, waveringly pushing myself through the muck. She's a little heavier than her "doll" but nothing to complain about. My lungs are hard at work the instant my head emerges.

I hold Emi's head above the sludge, taking the last few steps I need to to get to the inflated staircase. It's a hell of a lot harder legs feel tired, and my heart...I'd rather not even think about that.

I push Emi to the stair step that's dry, then scramble up the stairs to pull her to the top. I kick the Emidoll back into the sludge and lay the real one onto the dry floor, then fall after her.

I was too distracted to notice earlier....but agh....I'm not quite at a heart attack...just a thread away. I think...any second now...I'll be done...

I put a hand to the tortured organ in my chest and let out a haggard scream, the pain becoming too much.

....urgh...I can't just stay here. I can't die here either, not yet.

Maybe when I know Emi's okay. I'll save the horrific death for that.

I try raising myself up, but can't get past a crouching position. I don't think I'll need to, anyway.

I drag myself across the floor towards Emi.

She's not moving, but it's definitely the real Emi this time.

I put my hand over her nose and breathing..


Don't tell me I was too late....

Before I even think about it, my hands are pressing into her chest with a pulsing rhythm, hoping to inspire her body to do the same.

It sure as hell is inspiring mine...I need to hurry. The tension's about to crush me. I need to at least make sure she's okay, before I pass out...or worse...

"Come on, Emi!"

From the force I'm using, I wouldn't doubt it if I broke the tiny thing. I've never done this before...I hope it has to work...

I consider doing mouth-to-mouth as I continue pushing. It might be the only way...

I lean my head over her's, still pushing in pulses.

I....guess I'll have to...this isn't going to be enough...

I brush off any awkwardness that contextually shouldn't be there....I mean, it's not like we're actually gonna kiss. I'm just gonna give her mouth-to-mouth to save her from almost drowning in demon shit. Doesn't every teen go through this at some point? I shake my head, trying to get the stupid nervous comedy out, and get back in the situation at hand.

My face inches closer to her's....our lips about to touch...

" go-"


A cold jet of black muck sprays onto my face. The surprise launches me onto my back, but it's not enough to kill me. Which is a nice bonus, to Emi being alive.

I wipe the stuff off with my sleave, listening to the intense gasps coming from Emi. After a few dramatic heaves, her breathing starts to straighten. I guess she's okay. Whew.

I close my eyes. The whining and bitching of my heart is all I can hear now.

I feel arms wrap over me as Emi rests against my right half. The pain is strangled by her embrace.

"H-Hisao...thank you...thank you..."

"Egh, you saved me earlier. Twice. Fair's fair, right?" My words are too strained to offer relief, I can feel her body tense.

"Hisao, are you okay?! How's your heart?!" She frantically presses her head against my chest, an action which, let it be known, fucking hurts.

I can't lie to her...I don't think...I'm gonna be okay...

I try and plow through the words as quickly as I can.

"Urgh! Not so great. Emi, I don't think I'm going to make it. Go to my room. You'll be safe. Take my knife, it's ove-"

"No! I'm going to your room, you're damn right I am, but you're coming with me! I'm not leaving without you!"

It's exchanges like these you take for granted in the movies. The kind of words you see coming a mile away, rolling your eyes as you hear them...but hearing them in real life....they really are heart wrenching. Ha.

Telling her to leave was harder than pushing myself to go through the muck. I really don't want her to go...

I wrap my arms around her, hoping she won't fade away as I do, hoping this isn't the last time I see her....

...I can't die yet....I can't leave her like this.

Hahaha. I can't believe myself. I can't die, not because I just don't want to die, but because I don't want to leave Emi by herself. Maybe I've been letting this "hero" bullshit get to my head. Ah, well, this chivalrous crap hasn't got me killed yet, so it can't be all bad. Time to go.

I lift myself off the floor and onto my knees, making Emi squeal and fall off of me.

"Are you okay?!"

"Yeah...just...gotta...gettoTheRoom." I grunt like an old dog and shakily raise to my feet. My legs feel like jelly.

"Hisao, you should rest! You're gonna kill yourself!"

"...No...gottagonow." I grunt and take a few steps towards the exit. I all the strength The Room has given me has run out...and I'm just left with my own. Which isn't very much. Barely any, really. I don't know who I'm trying to fool...My heart sure as hell isn't fooled by the misplaced whispers threats into my ears.


She doesn't so much say it, as she does scream it. A wobbly scream. I turn back to her...she's shaking, ready to push out tears...

"If I get to The Room, I'll be fine. I just gotta-"

"No! Don't be stupid! You need to rest. We can go later."

"Later?! If we wait here, things like THAT-"

I point to the....empty, regular-sized, black shit, no Emidoll in sight. The lights are back to normal, too.

"C-can...come...after us...."

"It's gone..."


"W-was that real?"

"I'm...I'm afraid so. But it's over now. At least THAT is."

I don't know if it's the relief, or that I'm too fucking close to breaking, but I fall onto my knees, then my back. I let out a throaty sigh and lay my head against the cold floor.

"Good. Just stay there. Do you have any pills you can take? Or anything that you have, or that I can get, that can help you?"

"Nah. I'll just...take a breather. This is bad, but it doesn't compare to Thursday's with you."

I manage to tear a smile out of her.

"Emi...are YOU okay though? I...I almost thought..."

When I look back on it, I don't think she was actually down there that long. It felt like an hour though.

"I'm fine, really. I feel like it never happened, apart from being cold, and a little sticky."

"Really? You're not just being strong for my sake?"


She's stable. No, she seems perfectly nothing happened. Maybe it's shock? Maybe in an hour or so, she'll completely lose her shit. I think I may join her on that.

I try closing my eyes, in an effort to take a genuine rest, but they're torn open as Emi noisily rummages through the shelf.

"I found a flashlight!!"

She turns to me and completely glows with a childlike wonder as she presents it, as if it's a gift right out of Santa's gloved hands.

It's a small, L-shaped flashlight, the kind you see in movies with army guys. I think it clips on or something. She tries pushing the button again and again, then lowers her head as nothing happens.

"'s broken."

She tosses it back into the shelf.

"Oooh! I also found a radio!"

I hear a dial turn, then blaring pop music roars out of the tiny shelf.

"GAH! Sorry about that, Hisao!!"

She cuts the volume off.

"A working radio, and a broken flashlight...great. Emi, unless you find a spare heart and a qualified surgical team in there, you may as well give up."

"But....I want to help you...."

Working along with her somber tone, her eyes shoot fully charged guilt-rays at me.

She's just trying to help me. I'm in pain, but come on, I can't act like a dick.

"Just don't leave. I'll be okay. Just....stay'll help plenty."

I think I will be okay, if I just take it easy, but I'll need a lookout. I don't want to be left alone, and get eaten by cockroaches while I'm defenseless, or something.

"Okay, Hisao!"

She once again brightens, knowing there IS something she can do. Or, not not do.

Emi sits beside me, tucks her knees in and sighs, then shivers, rubbing her arms.

"Kinda cold in here, huh?"

"Heh. Yeah. Hey, since I'm on the floor, you mind getting my knife? You're in charge, for now. I'll do what I can, if something happens, but I think an old man with a walking stick has a better chance of helping you right now."


She crawls over to the knife and scoops it up, she stares at it in a trance, her eyes never leaving it.

"Where did you get this, by the way?"

"Killed a monster-thing, to protect Lilly. I took it off of him."


She keeps looking closely at the knife, as if it's talking to her, or she can see something moving within the blade. I think it's starting to set in, how serious this all is. I don't want her to freak out on me.

"Hey, uhh, you can just set it in the floor. This place seems safe, I just wanted to have it close. You know?"

She nods, then drops it on the floor.

I close my eyes and lay back, hoping she'll speak again. The silence is uncomfortable, but I don't have anything to say.

"AH! I got an idea!"

I shake at the loud noise, which doesn't do anything good to my heart. I get the feeling that there's a high chance she's going to end up killing me with her "help."

"What is it?"

"Well, you need to rest, and keep your heart at a good pace, right?"

"Yep, pretty much."

"Well, you could try meditating! It'd really help you out!"

"....right now?"

"Unless you've got something better to do." She says with a giggle.

"Ugh.....sure..Keep watch though, eh?"

I think my dad used to meditate, but I never got into it. It always seemed like bullshit to me, I don't get how it works. Then again, after today, I can't really be skeptical about much. May as well try it. This should also serve as a good distraction for her.

"Of course! Now, can you sit up?"

"I....I think I can."

I try and stifle the grunt that comes as I raise into a sitting position, my legs crossed.

"Okay, now, clasp your hands together, like this!"

She takes both of my hands and puts them together on my lap.

"I think Rin mentioned meditating, but I never knew you did it."

"Oh, yeah! She's tried showing me her way of doing it before."

"Oh, how does she do it?"

She furrows her brow and looks down in disappointment.

"I...I don't know. She fell asleep when she tried to show me. Twice."

"Ah. So what exactly am I supposed to do here?"

"Close your eyes, and relax. It's simple."

I close my eyes and lower my head.

I sit there for a few seconds, feeling nothing.

"Emi...this isn't doing anything for me."

"Just be patient. You have to wait a bit for your body to get ready for it to work."

"So am I supposed to start humming for the juju magic to take effect?"

"The humming thing is something you only see in cartoons, at least, I never do it. And it's NOT juju magic!"

I supress a snicker and try to focus on relaxing. Which is kinda self-defeating, if you think about it.

"Okay, that's good, Hisao. Now, start to count slowly, to ten, then count back down, then count to ten again, and keep doing that. Just think of the number in your head, nothing else."

"I thought this was supposed to be simple, how am I supposed to relax with all instructions?"

I smile as I say it, I just want a reaction out of her.

"Just try it, trust me! And take deep breaths as you count."

I try clearing my head, which is pretty hard for me. I'm good at compartmentalizing, and keeping one thing on my mind to keep myself going, but getting rid of it all....tonight hasn't made my head easy to empty.

"Just reeelaaax."

I chuckle at Emi's theatrical delivery. I can hear her clothes and hair rustling around, I think she's looking around the room, every so often.


I draw in a deep breath and count to one, then release and count to two. Three and four are soon out of the way.

Wait, maybe she means count at each drawn breath. Damn.

I restart, counting at each drawn breath. I make it to 4, when I realize that this system doesn't make sense. Wouldn't you want to count at each exhale? It seems more...fitting. Agh, this is harder than I thought it would be, especially since my mind won't shut up.

I erase the number in my head and start back at one with a big exhale. Another breath, then another, and soon, I'm all the way at ten, counting back down.

I feel my back tense. No, not tense, straighten. I'm not slouching anymore. My thoughts clear, all I can see now is the number in my mind. 7.



I feel a calm envelope me. Usually the same way I do when I'm at the Tea Room. But this might be moreso. It actually feels like I'm back at The Room...ahhh....

The pain and exhaustion starts to dissipate.




"Emi, I think there's something to this. I'm starting to feel better."

"Good, good. Now, stop talking, you'll lose your place."

I nod internally and go back to counting. This continues for the next few minutes. Very pleasant minutes. Emi could turn into a werewolf, and I think I'd be too cool to care.

Tiny hands rest on my shoulders. I don't react to them with anything more than a dull "mmmng."

"Are you feeling better now?"

I feel something rest against my back, then start to move across it. I think she's listening for my heartbeat.

"Yeah, I think I can make it now. Thanks."

I open my eyes and stand up slowly, stretching my arms out. Grabbing the knife off of the floor, I turn to her with an attempt at a serious look.

"Okay, now, the same rules still apply. Stay behind me, and don't move from there unless I tell you. If you see anything, don't freak out, just let me know."

She raises her hand in a salute, hitting her bangs.

"Yes, sir!"

I shake my head and smile, then open the door. Too deep in thought to walk, I just look at her smiling face, the glow in her aura.

"How do you do it, Emi?"

"Do what?"

" positive. Get past the bad? And so quickly?"

"No matter how bad things get, there's always something to hope for." She says with a giggle. I nod and look at the floor, processing her words.

"When I lost my legs, and I was stuck in the hospital-"

The surprising seriousness the conversation starts to take forces my vision to her.

"All I wanted was to walk again. Not just for me, but for Momma. It was always harder on her than it was on me. I wanted to see her face when I take my "first steps." So I just tried to stay strong till I could get my prosthetics. You know, keep smiling, keep positive. When I finally got them, it was all worth it. Now, I'm better at running than I ever have been, and Momma doesn't worry about me anymore."

Her smile gives off a nearly lethal amount of radioactivity. She stands there with it for a while, then feels she has something else to add.

"Yeah, it's hard at times, I won't lie about that, but you just have to find a goal, you have to have something to hope for. Once you do, just keep going till you get to it. Like right now, our goal is getting to your room. And we'll just have to keep going till we get there." Though she's not the greatest speechmaker, the certainty her words are wrapped in manages to erase any doubt that I had.

Apart from that, I'm a little disappointed. It's funny, I guess I expected something different. Some profound reason for why she's so stable and capable, but it's the same line of thinking that's kept me going through this adventure. I guess this is just proof that that's the right way of going about things. And here I thought I was just psychotic for staying sane.

"Yeah...I guess you're right. Thanks."

"No problem."

We share a smile, then start walking walking out the door, and into the lobby. It's a slow walk. I don't want to take any risks.

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:29 pm
by Elroy
I start to realize....something's off....something about this place doesn't make sense. Who'd have thunk it.

"Hey, Emi, you know how we just left the storage room, a few feet back?"


"I was in the lobby when I fell into there."


"We're in the lobby right now. The storage room is on the same floor as the lobby...but I fell INTO the storage room. I..."

Emi's eyes widen as she realizes what I'm saying. She crosses her arms in a shudder, and her eyes start to dart all around us, paranoia sinking in.

It doesn't really bother me. As long as it's a shorter walk to my room, I really couldn't give a damn.

"Don't be scared, it's something you get used to after a while. And hey, all it means is less walking for us, right?"

My collected demeanor and smile offers some reassurance. I think she knows I'm not putting anything on. I'm actually calm, you know, apart from the my-heart-may-explode thing. As calm as someone can be in this situation.

We continue our forward march. Though it's more of a hobble, in my case.

She gives the occasional look over her shoulder, but she seems to have calmed a bit.


A pain starts growing in my left ankle. I think I hurt it earlier when I slipped in the muck. Nothing big though. It's not like I have to worry about it exploding. This may actually be a good thing. The pain in my ankle can balance me out with my heart, I heard that works. Or it might just be a bad thing. My slow walk turns into an even slower limp.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah...I think I twisted my ankle earlier. I'll be okay."

I get a jolt as Emi curls an arm around my side.

"Here, take pressure off of it. It's been a while, but I remember how much twisted ankles can hurt." I look down to see her smiling up at me. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you don't fall on your face, Hisao."

"Thanks, Emi." I ruffle her hair with my fingers. She closes her eyes and smiles happily. We walk like this for most of the way, but a few feet before the door, I feel too guilty to keep using her help. I know she's strong enough to help me without much trouble, but it still bothers me. Probably more of that "chivalrous hero" bullshit my head's been coming up with. Bah. I can handle a couple more feet on my own. We're almost there, anyway.

"I'll be okay from here, Emi. Thanks though."

"Okay, Hisao. You better not be trying to play Mr. Tough Guy though."

I give a chuckle and continue on. It's a silent walk the rest of the way.

It doesn't take us long to reach the entrance to my room. She pinches my side and giggles.

"See? Just have hope, and you'll make it." I smile without turning back. Whew. We'

I reach my hand out for the knob, but the door swings open before I can make contact with it. Misha's ear-to-ear grin takes up my vision.

"You were right, Lilly! It IS Hisao!"

She lowers her eyes a bit.

"Oh, and Ibarazaki! Hey there!" Misha waves frantically, her hand dicing the air, and almost whacking into the doorway.

Emi smiles and raises her hand in greeting. Though cheerful Emi may be, it'd take the intervention of a god for anybody to reach Misha's level of enthusiasm.

I bow and extend my arm inward to The Room, inviting Emi in like a gentleman.

"Always the smooth one, Hicchan! Wahaha!~"

"Thank you, sir!" Emi smiles and pats my shoulder, then walks in. I stand up straight, which takes more difficulty than I'd like, and walk in, closing the door in one fell swoop.

As soon as I enter, I'm surrounded. I feel like a celebrity bombarded with fans. The smiling faces, the cheerful greetings. I toss the knife onto my desk and open my arms to hug my waiting admirers. If this keeps up, I'm going to be a really cocky bastard; I feel like a king. Shit, kings probably don't feel this good.

I finally get out of my head as Shizune wraps herself around me. She pulls back her head, allowing me to read her face.

"You did it. I knew you could. I'm glad you're back."

She pulls back all the way, and I'm able to see the rest of the room. Everyone's smiling, even Rin. Their smiles are gigantic, no amount of positivity being held back. I wonder why they're so damn happy, but then again, they have been staying in The Room for a while. I'm surprised they're not bumping into walls and singing. I already feel it working it's magic on me. Feels stronger than usual. I start greeting Lilly and Hanako while Emi starts greeting the rest of the room. I hear Emi warn them about me. I'd really rather she didn't.

"Hisao's not feeling good, guys, so be careful with him, don't hit his chest, or make him strain himself."

I can see her gesticulating with her finger, driving the point of her motherly scolding home. I take a look back at her "kids."

Happy faces have turned to concerned ones. I appreciate the care, but I don't want everyone worried about me. And it's not like they were all planning to tackle me and start an impromptu wrestling match. A guy can dream though.

I wave my hand in dismissal and smile.

"Don't worry about me guys, I'll be okay."

"Even so, you should get some rest, Hisao."

Emi has a point. The meditating was just a temporary solution. A simulation for something that can't actually be simulated. Something otherworldly has been placed on this room, and I'm gonna take advantage of that for as long as I can. I slide on the bed, which has been very neatly made.

Rin and Emi are palling about in a corner of the room, while Lilly and Hanako occupy another corner, silently watching the others converse. Shizune's sitting on my desk, keeping up with Misha's translation of the ongoing topics. She's looking pretty sleepy, though she'd never admit it. Misha's at full power, signing with an astonishing amount of energy.

Reconnecting with Emi's words earlier, they really have kept me going. Not just today. All the big changes in my life have been centered around this school. All of the people in this room are some of the most important people in my life. I'd say they encompass ALL of the most important people, but that'd be leaving out Kenji. And my parents, I guess.

Heh, I just realize I've actually given very little, to no, thought to my parents throughout all this. They haven't been as big a part of my life as they used to be. I've adjusted to that, without pain or regret. I've come into my own now. I have my own life, though it's been changed a fuckton with the events of tonight.

May as well make the best of things now, though I don't really know what the gameplan is. I'm not sure if I'll go out looking for others any time soon. I think I'll just take another breather.

I bask in the refreshment that The Room gives, sighing. The pain in my ankle is gone, the strength returning to every part of my body, starting with my legs, then focusing on my chest. The restlesness and fear my heart has had starts to dissipate. I feel....pretty damn good. Kenji, wherever you are: I love you, man. His clairvoyance, paranoid delusions, or what have you have made my life a lot more survivable. Enough on that, though. Time to rest.

I start to doze mind goes blank, and I'm in that middle ground between consciousness and its opposite. I can hear their voices in the background. They're actively trying to be quiet, whispering as best they can. Though I'm not awake enough to hear what they talk about, the calm in their lowered voices is not lost on me. It's a soothing sound. It reminds me that I'm okay, I'm safe here. I let out a yawn and toss onto my side, getting the pillow in a comfortable position.


I wake up a while later, I can't tell how long. I look at the clock. 0:00

Dammit, that's right, I forgot to look for another one. Ah, well, maybe it's a good thing this whole thing happened. I think I'd rather have gone through this, than give Shizune leverage against me for oversleeping. I chuckle to myself silently, then look for who I've been thinking of.

Shizune's holding her face up with her hand, occasionally nodding at Misha's signs, feigning any real consciousness. I hear a satisfied "Mmmmm" coming from the other side of the bed, then the sounds of plastic crinkling and crackling.

I sit up, getting a look at what's going on.

Rin's snacking on a chocolate bar, which Emi is actually feeding to her. I guess I had another stash that I must've forgot about. Wait...have they been going through all my stuff?!

"Wow, I thought I was out of those."

Everyone turns to look at me, giving me quite pleasant smiles. Except for Emi.

"Just how much of these have you been hiding?!"

I give a grin somewhere between "sheepish" and "shit-eating"

"Enough to get by."

"You sneaky-"

I notice the discarded wrappers near Rin

"How come Rin gets to eat them, but I can't?!"

Rin looks at me blankly, the chocolate bar sticking out of her mouth.

"She was getting anxious, and they help calm her down."

Rin nudges her head at Emi, getting her to take the candy bar out of her mouth.

"Thanks for the candy bars, Hisao. Sorry I ate so many. I ate one while you were gone, and then the addiction started. Lilly was nice enough to feed me one, since I didn't want any footsweat on them."

"You don't have to apologize. Uhh..glad you enjoyed them. From the look of your enthusiasm for them, I'm surprised Lilly's not missing any fingers."

Lilly blushes out of the corner of my eye, giggling into her hand. She takes her hand away, joining the conversation.

"I have to admit, It came close a few times."

Rin nods, then then tilts her head towards the candy bar, letting Emi know what she wants.

I consider asking what she was anxious about, but in my dazed state, I opt against it. And if candy bars are the cure, it can't be that bad, right? I just hope morale is up with everybody here. I yawn and wipe my face, then start running my fingers through my hair, trying to comb it. I hope I don't have a case of bed-hair.

I look back at Emi. Hoping for another display of frustrated cuteness, I sling the incendiary words out of a michevious smile.

"So I guess I'm not as bad a liar as you thought, eh?"

She gives me an exaggeratedly flustered frown, crossing her arms.

"When this is all over with, your Thursday schedule is your Friday schedule too!"


Emi shakes her head in mock disgust. It doesn't take long for her "angryface" to melt into a smile, complete with a giggle.

"As far as these things go though, you have pretty good taste, according to Rin."

The conversation dies down after that, so I look back at Shizune, who's starting to nod off into her hand.

Misha catches me looking.

"Are you feeling any better, Hicchan?"

"Yeah, I feel pretty good actually. My heart feels fine, better than it has in a long time. Thanks for asking, Misha."

Misha grins like a madwoman.

"Happy to hear it, I almost thought you were having an episode in your sleep. You snore like a buzz saw! Wahaha!"

Her jab splashes my face with red, making me turn away to avoid revealing it. After it cools, I turn back to Shizune, who's having a valiant struggle with her exhaustion. I give her a slight wave. The sight takes a while to register, but when it does, she hops up to attention, her fingers flailing.

"Something the matter, Hicchan?"

"No. You tired though? You can sleep on here, if you want. I'm gonna be up for now."

Shizune blushes.

"I wasn't....Shicchan, spit it out!"

Shizune looks at her hands for a second, then starts moving them.

"I don't want to fall asleep."

She leaves it at that. I don't pick at it any further. Maybe she doesn't want to be defenseless, or unaware of what's going on. Understandable, and not really my business either way.

I turn to the other pair, Lilly and Hanako. I've heard them whispering things in the background, and I wanna see what's up.

Hanako's got a piece of paper in her hand, and seems to be scratching something into it with a pencil. They really have made themselves at home, eh? I wonder how long I'll be here. Living with six beautiful girls sounds like a good idea at first, but after a day, I think it'd turn into one of those animes where a girl goes batshit insane and starts killing people. Either that, or I'd go batshit insane. Anyway.

"What're you two up to?"

Hanako bolts up on the floor, dropping the pencil. I feel like they'd made a little space all to themselves, their own home within my room. And I just stepped on it like Godzilla. Ah, well, I was curious.

"We-we're playing t-tic-tac-toe."

I hate asking things like this...

"Uhh...pardon me for asking, but..."

Lilly giggles.

"Hanako keeps me up to date on every move, and I tell her which moves I want made, according to the number of each square."

"That sounds.....................tough."

Lilly has a modest laugh "It's not that bad, there are only 9 squares. I just have to keep the grid fresh in my mind. And hope Hanako doesn't cheat on me."

I see Hanako turn a deep red, then start to shake slightly. I get a little worried, until I start to notice the tiny giggles coming from underneath the mountain of hair, becoming louder. Feeling the pleasant mood, and enjoying the timing, I join the two of them in a laugh, a pretty long one.

I think The Room is making us all a lot more comfortable than usual. Almost to a loopy extent. It's too bad I didn't bring that radio from earlier, I think we'd all be able to enjoy some music. Except for Shizune. She might feel left out. The thought winds my laughing down to nothing, then I clear my throat. It's really dry, damn. Must be all the laughing. I could use a drink. Rin probably could too, I see an empty bottle by her feet. I look for the rest of them.

There are a few more empties on my desk. There's a nearly empty one in Misha's hand, and a half-empty one near Hanako. Welp, that's all the ones I had in here. I never thought I'd actually run out, since I had so many.

"Hey, girls, I'm gonna fill up all the water bottles. Can you give me yours? You know, so I can fill 'em?

"Sure thing, Hicchan! Thanks! Want me to go with you?"

Misha takes one last gulp and gives me the bottle.

"Nah, that's okay. It's literally right outside the door, I'll be back before you know it. Hanako?"

"Th-thanks, Hisao."

She hands it over with her unscarred hand. When I take it, my hand brushes against hers. She blushes, but pulls her hand away at a normal pace, not the breakneck one I'd expect from her. Huh. I'd dwell on this event some more, but my head's still a little cloudy from just waking up. I'll think about this later. Sluggishly, I rise from the bed.

I take the two bottles and scoop up the other ones, holding them between my fingers and under my thumb. I hold the knife backwards with my left hand, which makes opening the door rather difficult.

Emi pushes my hand away, then grabs the handle.

"Hisao, you shouldn't be going anywhere."

"It's just a few feet away. I mean, we passed by it on the way here. I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Only if you're sure."

She stays where she is, her hand still on the doorknob. She's managed to cement a stern look on her face, I guess trying to emulate The Nurse. She does a good job. Though she's cuter. And less creepy.

"I promise."

"Okay, but I'm going with you. Not just to keep an eye on you, I'd like to be able to wash my face. I can't believe I was covered in that stuff earlier." She shivers.

"Yeah, but at least it came off. Even out of our clothes and hair."

"Yeah, but I still have the taste in my mouth, yech!"

I take the mouthwash out of my drawer and hand it to her. She snatches it in both hands, wearing a grin too big for her face.


I chuckle and cock my head towards the door. She picks up on the gesture, giving a nod to signify her approval on the situation. Whew, wasn't too hard to convince her.

She flings the door open without breaking eye contact. I don't break it either, and walk out the door. I nearly hit the ceiling as I notice there's someone standing in front of me...

Short brown hair covers his head, he wears the regular uniform, white shirt, green pants. It's...the same guy from before....I thought he disappeared....

I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes, not even a grunt. Twinges of pain start to build in my head.

"Who are you?!"

"Hisao, who's there?"

"Who is that?"


I hear their voices from behind...though they sound muffled, as if they're speaking through a wall.

Finally, I force something out.

"H-hello? Who are you?"

I see a jerk in his posture, as if he's just woken up from a deep sleep. He slowly spins on his heels, his head lowered, only the floor can see his face.

The pain becomes a full fledged headache...the pulsing catching up with the quickening rhythm of my heart.

He raises his head, he raises his face, his eyes....


He's physically identical to me in every single way....a clone of me, a twin! The only difference in our looks right now is the calm smile he wears, compared to the shocked, pained, expression I have.

As soon as I see his face, something explodes in my head, my vision goes to a snowy static as my head lowers and shakes in pain. I raise my head to look at him again, and through cloudy vision, watch him fade away...his skin, his clothes, every molecule of his being starts to blow away into the hallway, as sand reacts to a strong gust of wind. My feet shuffle back involuntarily. I see him fade away as the doorway comes into my periphery. I'm in The Room now...but it's not helping...

It feels like my brain has been completely frozen into a block of ice. The pain of the worst brain freeze, times ten. My hands let go of the bottles and knife, in favor of grabbing at my aching temples. If only it were just the pain in my head...

My heart, not one to be outdone, pumps as quickly as it can, until it starts to reach a critical speed.

Hisao! Calm down! He's gone, you're still in The Room! You're going to be okay! You're going to be okay!

Though my thoughts are nothing but heartfelt, the devilicious organ in my chest discards them, recklessly reaching higher speeds.

I can't hear....anything outside of me. My heart is the only thing I can hear, though I can feel the warmth in the air coming from their shouts. I assume they ask if I'm okay. I'm glad I can't respond, I'd hate to answer them....

I start to stumble backwards, further into The Room.

At some point, I gather, I must've fallen. Right now, I'm looking up at the ceiling, watching the bright orb that feeds light to the room.

Shizune eclipses it. Her face: Serious incarnate. My view travel down her arms, to her hands, which are on my shoulders, she's unconsciously pinning me down. If I could move, I might be bothered by this.

My vision degrades until I see the world in blurry boxes, too unfocused to make anything out.

The pain...I...I think I'm dying. It feels like someone's jabbing a spike through my skull, twisting it around and tearing open parts of my brain. I can feel my heartbeat getting more and more intense, but the pain within my skull is taking all of the glory. I don't think this headache is going to be the one to put me under though...I think my heart will explode before that happens...

Although I can't hear it, I feel myself gasping. The air rockets into my windpipe through a distorted mouth. The jets of air I take in start to get smaller each time...

I try to think of something, come up with some stupidly funny thought, some way of making light of this, something to pacify...nothing comes. Failing this, I try something else...I can't give up...

I think back to what Emi thought me, I try to slow my breathing and keep my head clear. It's an impossible task, I can feel the chaos swirling within in it. A vortex of mental vomit and emotional blood, the driving force behind it: the twisted gravitational pull of fear and unrelenting pain. I'm going to die....this is it...

I can't breathe...I can't feel anymore...

I don't think my heart is beating...

I've lost control over my body...I can't even blink my eyes anymore...

All of their faces come into view, no longer blurred. I guess this is what they mean when they talk about that "final moment of clarity." I guess I won't be getting the "life flashing before your eyes" treatment. Just fucking great...

Shizune desperately slams her hands into my chest, over and over, with tiny breaks at different intervals.

It doesn't do anything for me...

My grasp on the world starts to slip, I watch as the darkness washes over my vision, until there's nothing left. it ends?

I'm....I think...I think I died...

How am I still thinking though? Is consciousness the last thing to go? The captain to go down with the ship?


With a flash, the darkness clears, and I see them, all of them. All of my friends, in perfect view. But they aren't moving...

I assume, as death's way of teasing me, my vision's come back, but only for a second. An infinite second. The world, The Room, is frozen in time, a snapshot of my last second of life. A photograph to remind me of what I had, and what I lost.

Is this what death is? ....What the afterlife is? To see your last vision forever?


Would I be greedy to say I wanted more? Maybe I would be....after all, I did survive for so long, through all of that. Realistically, it's something that should've happened a long time ago. My luck...ran out...

The photo is still there. I can't see anything else. I can't close my eyes, although I can move them. When I do, there's a slight blur as my vision trails about the scene before me.

I take a more observant look at the photograph. I have nothing better to do...wherever...whenever I am. I look at each one of them, and see what they were doing as I died. Hahaha. "As I died." Goddamn. I never thought...

Shizune is in the middle of thrusting her hands as deeply into my chest as she can. I try focusing on her face. A multitude of reactions are visible. She looks fucking pissed, for one. Her eyes are in a deadly scowl, eyebrows arched. I think she's trying to stay strong, though. While I can see her lip caught in a quiver, she's tightening her jaw as much as she can....Thanks...for trying to save me....

Misha's slumped over forward, her face buried in the floor, her arms twisted around her head. From the way her hair is whipping around, I'm assuming she's crying or screaming hysterically...Poor girl...

Hanako...Hanako's clinging onto Lilly's arm, with a grip that looks like it could snap through bone with ease. Though she has most of her face embedded in Lilly's side, from the parts of it I can see...she's weeping uncontrollable, her hair twists through the air from the shaking. She's unable to stand straight up, so she tries to balance herself against Lilly. I...I didn't want this...

Lilly is trying to keep herself from falling over, probably from Hanako's sudden clinging. She's leaning over me. The arm Hanako's not holding is pointed at me, her hand just under my field of vision. I can't see it, but I think she's feeling for my pulse on my neck. From the look on her face...I don't think she found one...Take care of yourself, and Hanako for me, Lilly...

Rin...She's on one knee, trying to lift herself off of the floor. She has perfect eye contact with me. Her face is stuck in a stiff expression...but I get a strong feeling from it, if I can get feelings anymore. I think her face is actually full of so much emotion, it can't pin itself down to particular one. I think shock has taken over. She has an immensely powerful, awe-struck, look in her eyes, as if she's watching the moon explode, or some other grand, cosmic, event that will define history. What's more...she's crying...I can see a tear stuck on the middle of her right cheek, while one in her left cheek is in the beginning stages of a trek down her face...I'll miss you...

Emi is at my side, looking down at me. She's holding my left hand. I don't think she's doing it for the pulse though, she's started to raise the hand to her face, though it didn't make it there in time. One of her tears has just slid off of her chin, it hangs in the middle of thin air. If I weren't already dead, the look in her eyes would kill me. She looks like her world has fallen apart...her face is scrunched into some painful looking position. Her throat is tense, her mouth frozen as it starts to open. I think she's about to scream....I'm sorry...

...I'm sorry...all of my friends...

I hope they all know...just how much they changed my life...

They made it...worth living...worth fighting for...

...and now that it's gone...

What now?

....What is there for me now?!

Where the fuck am I?! What is this?!

Am I a ghost?! Is THIS all there is?!

Why did I die?! How did I live through all of that, then die just from looking at somebody?!

If I could move...if only I could fucking move. I would be losing my fucking mind. Flailing, screaming, kicking, shouting, crying, cursing...

Will this be eternal? How long will it take, before this vision tears apart my mind? Before I just sit and stare at it in an accepted state of catatonia?


For a length of time I sat there. In nothingness. It could've been a second. Could've been a year. My thoughts were just as frozen as the picture.


The picture starts to fade away...I get feeling back...

Am I alive?!

Or am this the afterlife proper?

I'm laying somewhere, on what feels like a bed. Something's draped over me. A blanket? .....or a body bag...

As the frozen image of them diappears completely, nothing but grey is left. I get the ability to blink my eyes, which I take great advantage of, opening and closing them as fast and hard as I can. I missed this...

"I'm pleased to see you're awake. How are you feeling? How does your heart feel?"

The voice belongs to a man, it has an aged tone to it, but doesn't come from a familiar place. It's not my dad. It's not any of the teachers.

Surprised I have a greater degree of control over my body, I lift my head up, my eyes swirling around the room.

...I'm in a hospital bed. I' a hospital. This definitely isn't The Nurse's office. This must be the one they mentioned that's near Yamaku.

A middle-aged man stands before me, in standard doctor wear.

"Hisao? How are you feeling? Can you speak?"

I take my own pulse, run my fingers through my hair, then down my smiling face.

"I...I feel fine....I'm okay....I..."

I....I made it! I've....I've got a second chance! This isn't the end!


"I'm very glad to hear that. The fact that you're awake now is pretty miraculous. Tell me, do you feel drowsy? Any nausea? You've been on quite a few different medications. They proved to be very effective. We're very happy we didn't have to resort to any surgery. We feel your chest has had enough action for a while. After all of that mess, we've just been letting you rest."

"I feel fine, doctor. Really, everything feels normal. How long have I been asleep?"

"Three days, almost exactly three days. Oh, and I should mention, there were no signs of any permanent or critical damage. Still..this is not a good sign."

No...damage? I fucking died. At least...I'm pretty sure I did. Maybe they managed to revive me...

Three days?! Ah, well...I can't really be picky.

"Wow...has anyone been here to see me? A Satou? A Hakamichi? ...Ikezawa? .....Setou?"

The Doc wears a puzzled expression, cocking an eyebrow and distorting his mustache.

"Were those friends of yours? And to answer your question: no. Your parents left a message for you, though. They wanted to me to tell you, when you woke up, and now you have, that they regret not being able to make it. Apparently, a friend of their's from out of town had died, and they went for the funeral. They drove there, and when they heard the news, they wanted to make it back, but they've been having car issues, they didn't elaborate on that. Though they did say they'll be on their way back as fast as they can. Now that you've woken up, I'll contact them and let them know, first chance I get."

I ignore the last part of his answer, focusing only on the initial response.

"No...nobody's visited me? Weren't they there when I was found? Didn't they bring me in? How did I get here?"

How DID I get here? Did they run into any monsters when they found me? Are the girls okay?

Should I mention the monsters? don't want to seem crazy. I don't even know what happened. The girls might've dragged me here, or something. I let him continue explaining.

"I'm sorry for not explaining earlier, I should've realized your memory might be off. A nurse found you outside. Apparently, you'd taken a walk, which you had been fine with for weeks, but it appears something went wrong. We're unsure as to if you were straining yourself too hard, or if-"

I can't hear the rest of his words. Not out of a genuine inability to hear, but an inability to care. What's he talking about?! I was in my I still me? Hisao Nakai?! Wait....he addressed me by name...

Fuck it if I sound crazy, what the hell is going on?!

"What are you talking about?! Hasn't anybody from Yamaku come here? I was AT Yamaku when I had the heart attack!"

An eyebrow arches.


"Yes! It's a school for disabled students, I was sent there weeks ago!"

I try counting how long I'd been there, I try remembering the address, anything I can use as a fact.

He puts a hand to his chin, his eyes not leaving me for what has to be a minute.

"I'm sorry, Hisao, the medication you were on can sometimes cause very vivid dreams. I'm sure that soon, everything'll be back to normal. I'd advise you to get some rest, it'll help clear your head."

"What are you talking about?!"

"Hisao, you've been at this hospital for 5 months now. I'm sorry to say, but your's just not doing well enough for any big changes yet, and that Yamaku you mentioned, I've never heard of it. I-"



Elroy's note: The end? Don't bet on it! The saga shall continue.

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:56 pm
by Mikage-sama
HA! Just what I expected from you. Really good!

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:53 pm
by Xuan
Well, it was expected that the final test would be put on Hisao.

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 5:48 am
by Juno
No Hisao, you are the monsters.
And then Hisao was tripping balls.

Good ride, Elroy.

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:38 pm
by PharaohSauron
"Okay, but I'm going with you. Not just to keep an eye on you, I'd like to be able to wash my face. I can't believe I was covered in that stuff earlier." She shivers.

"Yeah, but at least it came off. Even out of our clothes and hair."

"Yeah, but I still have the taste in my mouth, yech!"

I just had to register and point out that I found this unintentionally perverted, and thus hilarious. If Emi hadn't told the others what had happened and they overheard this, my mind began to wander at the possibilities.

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:28 pm
by darrin
PharaohSauron wrote:
"Okay, but I'm going with you. Not just to keep an eye on you, I'd like to be able to wash my face. I can't believe I was covered in that stuff earlier." She shivers.

"Yeah, but at least it came off. Even out of our clothes and hair."

"Yeah, but I still have the taste in my mouth, yech!"
I just had to register and point out that I found this unintentionally perverted, and thus hilarious. If Emi hadn't told the others what had happened and they overheard this, my mind began to wander at the possibilities.
"Yeah, sorry, if I'd realized there was gonna be so much of the stuff, I'd have told you to leave the room sooner..."

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:41 pm
by Tom Noble
"For that matter, I wish this place was filling with chocolate pudding and bikini-clad women. Not finding any solace in my immature wishes, I focus on running."

That part gave me a great laugh XD

Anyway, wonderful chapter. The writing for when Hisao "died" was... Unsettling, but perfect!

And holy shat plot twist! Lets see what's happens next than...

I can't wait for the next chapter!