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Re: Ask!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 5:18 am
by Aura
I did, but it was more an exercise in trying to write an unsexy sex scene than something I would've liked to actually put in KS.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 5:39 am
by azumeow
Aura wrote:I did, but it was more an exercise in trying to write an unsexy sex scene than something I would've liked to actually put in KS.
Well, thank you for leaving it out.

As for the ditching of oral scenes, I am disappoint. Hell, what would be the problem with both routes having an oral part? I mean...Emi and Lilly both have pretty healthy adolescent sex drives.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 8:38 am
by Suriko
Since we're airing dirty laundry about the H-scenes:

Lilly and Hanako had a really badly written yuri daydream scene, part of which can be found on the development blog.
Lilly jumping Hisao's bones in the shower was planned and written, but cut. 2mny sex scenes.
The oral sex thing was between Emi path and Shizune path (Lilly path never had oral planned). As with the previous scene, it was written for Shizune path but cut.
Related to the above: I originally planned a light bondage scene with Hisao's hands tied, and A22 had vague ideas of a blindfold scene. We switched. The light bondage scene (where Hisao's on the chair) in the final Shizune path was originally oral sex, before it got changed to what it is now.
I wrote the blindfold scene expecting people to rage at having a written H-scene with no CG. Whelp.
The anal sex scene in Emi path took some debate to get in. By which I mean every writer dogpiling Hive into doing it.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 9:37 am
by Aura
Suriko wrote:The oral sex thing was between Emi path and Shizune path (Lilly path never had oral planned). As with the previous scene, it was written for Shizune path but cut..
You must be misremembering this one. I'm pretty sure all three routes had one planned at one point or another (since I can plainly see evidence of it in dev files)

Re: Ask!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 12:22 pm
by Kon22
Well, I have mixed feelings against that footjob. I mean, it would have been certainly good. But at the same time, maybe kinda, I dunno, going too far with the fetish thing.

As with oral, as much as everyone would have liked an oral scene from Emi, again, I think that it came out better this way. More natural. Not that I'd know, god dammit.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 12:27 pm
by Mirage_GSM
Kon22 wrote:Well, I have mixed feelings against that footjob. I mean, it would have been certainly good. ...
Let me quote Aura for you:
Aura wrote:it was more an exercise in trying to write an unsexy sex scene
I have faith in Aura's abilities as an author: If he tried to write something bad I'm sure it was bad.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 1:26 pm
by Aura
I didn't say anything about bad. By unsexy I mean not titillating. Other people who've read the text might comment on whether they thought it was good or bad, but I personally thought I did a pretty good job.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 2:19 pm
by Valjean Lafitte
Suriko wrote:Since we're airing dirty laundry about the H-scenes:
Related to the above: I originally planned a light bondage scene with Hisao's hands tied, and A22 had vague ideas of a blindfold scene. We switched. The light bondage scene (where Hisao's on the chair) in the final Shizune path was originally oral sex, before it got changed to what it is now.
What...? :shock:

Lilly? Bondage? How..? :?

Thank you for switching with A22. I...I don't think I ever want to know how or where a light bondage scene would've fit into Lilly's route.
I wrote the blindfold scene expecting people to rage at having a written H-scene with no CG.
Instead, what resulted was the steamiest, sexiest scene in Katawa Shoujo. My favorite H-scene in the VN, bar none, despite the fact that it doesn't end well for Hisao.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 5:05 pm
by Kon22
Mirage_GSM wrote:
Kon22 wrote:Well, I have mixed feelings against that footjob. I mean, it would have been certainly good. ...
Let me quote Aura for you:
Aura wrote:it was more an exercise in trying to write an unsexy sex scene
I have faith in Aura's abilities as an author: If he tried to write something bad I'm sure it was bad.
I've no doubts about that, either. I guess I worded that poorly. Even if it was unsexy, it could be a good scene. Hell, Emi's anal is awesome (Though it's more on the comedy side)

Re: Ask!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 8:19 pm
by TheHivemind
Suriko wrote:Since we're airing dirty laundry about the H-scenes:

The oral sex thing was between Emi path and Shizune path (Lilly path never had oral planned). As with the previous scene, it was written for Shizune path but cut.
It was Shizune? Man, I got that completely wrong. My memory is worse than I thought it was (trauma, no doubt, from being forced to write the anal scene).

Re: Ask!

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 3:50 am
by 300BillionDegrees
Glad it all worked out the way it did. One of the things that made KS much more real and immersive to me was that the sex was pretty much awkward clumsy teenage sex rather than supposedly inexperienced teens suddenly doing stuff that would make porn stars blush.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:42 am
by Valjean Lafitte
300BillionDegrees wrote:Glad it all worked out the way it did. One of the things that made KS much more real and immersive to me was that the sex was pretty much awkward clumsy teenage sex rather than supposedly inexperienced teens suddenly doing stuff that would make porn stars blush.
That's actually why I don't like the Shizune H-scene. How many teenagers lose their virginity during bondage play?

Anyway...getting off the sex scene subject, who was in charge of music placement? I've read that much of the soundtrack was written early on, so did individual writers write scenes with certain songs in mind (and specify where they should be used in the script), or was that something Delta handled?

Re: Ask!

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 6:45 am
by Aura
It was done mostly by delta and Raide. There was a ruleset to how the tracks are used and it was just a matter of finding good places for cues and figuring out fades and silences and such.

At least I didn't think about any specific music while writing. Except for release candidate testing, I even playtested KS on mute from 2009 or so onwards because the sound was distracting to me.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 7:49 am
by Suriko
The club scene in Hanako's path was somewhat interesting as far as music goes. I worked with Nicol in the leadup to and during the writing of the scene, and the art was also done simultaneously. The result of the collaboration on all three fronts paid off really well, as the scene's still one of my favourites in KS as far as atmosphere goes (and Red Velvet's one of Nicol's best KS tracks, I think).

Aside from that very particular example, I didn't really write with music in mind (aside from the music box, which ended up having a development story all its own).

Re: Ask!

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 3:47 pm
by Valjean Lafitte
Ah, so you mean Red Velvet was actually written with Hanako's club scene in mind rather than the dinner date with Lilly? Interesting. :) It seems more people associate it with the latter.

Do you remember which scene was written first? For some reason I've always assumed that the principal writing for Lilly was finished before you took over the reigns of writing Hanako.