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Re: How do you get the most out of this masterpiece?

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:42 pm
by ojamamask
I would say put Lilly last and get the neutral ending before the good ending but any order is fine I guess as long as you finish the whole VN with a good ending.

I went with Emi-->Hanako-->Shizune-->Rin-->Lilly

Re: How do you get the most out of this masterpiece?

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:52 pm
by RecoiL
Alright, OP here. Since I'm already through with it, I guess I'll post my own conclusion as well... This is gonna be a wall of text, and you can view it as
"RecoiL's bigarse beginner's guide to KS". I might have missed something, but ultimately, this is everything I have to say on the matter. Hope it helps somebody.
Also, I put spoiler tags for a reason. Usually. Actually I rarely do that at all, but in this case they do actually contain spoilers. Beware.

My order was Emi>Rin>Hanako>Shizune>Lilly. Some of it is a result of random choices, some of decisions based on input from you guys. Whatever the case, I think this was the best way I personally could have gone.

edit: First off, I have to say I had no idea whatsoever what I was getting into. I was honestly just browsing around, looking for random stuff, somebody said "here, this is a nice quick fap" and I bit the hook. Nobody mentioned cripples, nobody mentioned feels, nobody mentioned this beauty of a VN. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Emi was an incredible beginning. She has an awesome storyline, rich in the whole spectrum of feels, well written and with a really heartwarming good ending. It also settles you in the setting of the game and gives you the right mindset. As the first arc, it has a special place in my heart and it motivated me to start running.

Rin was confusing as hell, so I'm glad I got it over with sooner. I believe it's too well written for me to comprehend on the first read-through, so I plan to give it extra attention when I replay the novel.

Hanako had nothing to do whatsoever with the previous two, so it felt a lot like a fresh start. One of my favorite arcs and characters. My heart felt bloody great when I got her good ending. To be honest, I spent like 15 minutes analysing events, motivations and possible outcomes at the moment of decision when Lilly left. Worth it. As mentioned by Loonie, Lilly's story spoilers a lot of Hanako's, though the same is not really true the other way around, so this is better played first.

Shizune had, as commented before, the most "normal" story. It has no traumatic past or menacing future, though by far it's not a smooth ride. It wasn't as smack full of feels as the rest, it was somewhat confusing at places but ultimately easy to comprehend. It offers a bit of a break between Lilly and Hanako's story, as I believe is needed due to the fact that they are pretty strongly intertwined.

And Lilly. Ah, Lilly. I believe it's the best way to finish. It just feels right for an ending. It feels practically like it's made exclusively for and ending arc. You can trust me on that one. Just make sure you watch all the credits after it too. It's also pretty darn symbolic that it should all end as it once started - with a heart attack. This arc has Hanako spoilers written all over it on neon signs. However, it works pretty well played after Shizune, the two sort of compliment each other.

Sadly, I have to say that in Lilly's arc, basicly EVERYTHING works out better than in Hanako's ark. Hanako gets over her social phobia easier, and becomes an overall more open person than in her either of her own arc's endings. She ends up in the school newspaper club or something, and later goes traveling with other friends. Lilly also ends up staying in Japan, which is a huge deal for Hanako as well. Akira ends up not braking up with her boyfriend who, if nothing else sounds like a nice guy. Lilly and Shizune actually have a scene of something that resembles making peace with each other. The only minus side is that Hanako doesn't end up dating the master of romance himself. Which is pretty sad, having in mind my heart almost exploded in her arc.

Also regarding me getting the most out of KS:

- DO NOT jump straight from one arc to the next. I cannot emphasize this enough. I made this mistake after Emi's path, as at that point I simply couldn't get enough KS. The best thing you can do is wait a few days between arcs. Doesn't even have to be a whole week. For me, the first couple of days I spent a lot of time thinking back and analysing, and re-warming my heart with the good memories, more or less like you would do in a real relationship. Then, when it started growing weaker in my mind, I'd check out the other ending/s, going fast and without much thought through the worst parts of the bad ones, but still keeping an eye out for anything that can add to the story. Then I'd do the same waiting and start with the next arc.

- After I finished all arcs and endings, I checked out a chart and figured out all scenes I missed. Playing through those brings a feeling of light satisfaction. Getting 100% too. But not too much. I just did it because why-the-hell-not.

- I would advise against this, as it can seriously mess up your schedule, but KS seems to work even better for me at night, say 11 to 3. Only works if you have a rested and clear head cause there is a lot to think about in the novel.

- I payed a lot of attention to anything that could change the way I view myself and the world around me. That led me being more concerned about my health and fitness, changed the way I view other people, mostly cripples and girls which I still don't understand one bit, and made my mind generally more open to change and learning. I am yet to see what good that will bring.

- I listened and studied some of the tracks in hopes of understanding how exacly they influenced the audiance. Not sure if I made the right conclusions, but at least I added a couple of kickass tracks in my piano repertoire, that also mean a lot to me and other KS bros.

- I waited a few weeks after finishing the game, went through some analysing in my mind and made some concluions. Then I read a couple of fanfics, but only ones that build on the already established story/stories.

- I am planning on replaying the whole novel, or parts of it at least, after a few months. If I manage to busy myself enough to not have time for it, that's all the better. The more I can postpawn it, I think, the better. Just hope the feels will still be there.

Aaaand that about sums it up.

Re: How do you get the most out of this masterpiece?

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 3:47 pm
by Loonie
Nicely written summary. :) Hopefully others read it and get something out of it. Just had to add...couldn't agree more with taking your time inbetween arcs. Something like a couple of days - 1 week pause is ideal, because you need that time to process everything you've gone through.

I plan to replay it myself fact, for about a month or so I've taken a break from it, but every once in a while I still thought back on it all with great fondness. Then just this week I finally came across these forums and now, before summer's over...I think I'll play through it all again in a nice and steady fashion. As you said very well, for most people it might be best to wait even longer than just 1 or 2 months - so that you can forget all the details that matter and be a bit more surprised with your replay...but I suppose it depends on how good one's memory is in the end.

Re: How do you get the most out of this masterpiece?

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 4:01 pm
by ojamamask
RecoiL wrote: Rin was confusing as hell, so I'm glad I got it over with sooner. I believe it's too well written for me to comprehend on the first read-through, so I plan to give it extra attention when I replay the novel.
I know that exact feel. I guess I'm still not smart enough to fully understand Rin's arc but I still think it was better than Shizune's one.
Nice review overall and I do agree that Lilly is the best girl to end with especially when you do the neutral ending and then the good ending because the good ending is just an extension. Also the epilogue makes the VN feel complete as no other arc has one.

Should I do the bad ends too...?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:09 am
by D-Lite
I finished Hanako's good end and made me feel really good and to play the other routes I feel like I'm cheating on after a few months, I still love her but I convinced myself to finish up all the routes because she will always be my beloved (LOL)
and so, I'm going to do Emi's route because I heard her's is really short and cheerful and then I'm going to go to either Shizune or Lilly and then, Rin since I can not understand her at all. Lol... Well anyways, back to the real question, should I do the bad ends? I'm curious and I actually experience it but....I'm afraid it might be too much impact.....and I don't want to hurt them ;---; I read some spoilers but I quickly forgot about them, it made me sad at first but I forgot about them, mostly because I didn't actually experience the sadness in motion. So should I? I'm a bit afraid too. and if I am, I probably need to use the skip mode ALOT and the walkthrough. Makes me feel less a bit of a douchebag. LOL. Speaking of douchebags, heard Hisao is a big douchebag in the bad ends and the only memorable (and probably the other reason why I forgot the other routes) is the KEji bad route. I read some of it and heard that hisao dies because Kenji thinks he's a woman or he wants to get rid of Hisao since he's the start of the feminist revolution or something..

Re: Should I do the bad ends too...?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:20 am
by starfighter9
I think you should do the bad ends anyway. IMO it makes the good end a better experience whether in hindsight or playing bad ends before good ones, after seeing how it could all have gone to pieces you tend to appreciate it more.

Re: Should I do the bad ends too...?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:25 am
by yummines
its truly up to you. getting the bad ends is like unlocking all the endings in Bioshock 2 (there's 5 btw)

it lets you see all the writing done for the game, but may leave a bitter taste in your mouth. however it truly is up to you

Re: Should I do the bad ends too...?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:33 am
by magzh
It's up to u but completing it fully makes it more interesting. I will also recommend u to complete neutral endings as well ^^ (especially Rin's neutral ending xd)

Re: Should I do the bad ends too...?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:09 am
by Snow_Storm
It gives the game a fuller and better experince to get a bad end and plus, a different angle of the storyline. Hanako and Rin's bad endings are consider to be the best of the bad ends.

Re: Should I do the bad ends too...?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:10 am
by Enemy |
Some don't really add to the history (Lilly's, mostly, and to a lesser extent Rin's bad ending), but most of them are pretty good. If anything, go for them for the 100% :P

Re: Should I do the bad ends too...?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:34 am
by Loonie
I'd say go for them if you genuinely are curious and have the time, because this notion of 'hurting' the girls by doing them is silly - it's all in your mind. That includes the option to skip what you've already read and don't feel like reading again - that option exists for a good reason so...use it.

Only two girls actually have 'neutral' endings...and frankly in both cases those neutral endings feel worse than the bad endings.

Re: Should I do the bad ends too...?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 4:26 pm
by ProfAllister
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.

The bad ends are important. They provide important perspective (not to mention character development). The bad ends are "bad" because Hisao doesn't get the girl, and people get hurt (emotionally, not physically). But life goes on. The characters learn from the experiences.

Not every story has a happy ending. Not every story should have a happy ending.

Re: Should I do the bad ends too...?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 4:41 pm
by Potato
ProfAllister wrote:Not every story should have a happy ending.
Scarface and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest come to mind...

Re: Should I do the bad ends too...?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 4:47 pm
by Pyramid Head
Potato wrote:
ProfAllister wrote:Not every story should have a happy ending.
Scarface and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest come to mind...
...actually now that you say that, i think all of my favorite movies have either unhappy endings or endings that end on a bittersweet note. In fact i think all of my favorite everything works that way. Weird.

Re: Should I do the bad ends too...?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 4:55 pm
by Nobody in Particular
Yes, you should definitely do the bad and neutral ends as they contain some of the best parts of the entire VN (Rin neutral and Shizune bad for example) and are very enjoyable. VNs generally don't do bad ends well (or not in my experience) but KS is one of the few in which they were great. Even if you decide not to do the bad ends, the Kenji one is essential reading.

Lilly's neutral one isn't all that important however (unless you want the 100% CG) as the game just cuts off a little earlier. That one would have been better if (Lilly's route spoilers) the neutral end cut off when Hisao has the heart attack in the airport. :D