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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 1:08 pm
by Auratus
aidz wrote:*texts*]
If you are really want to find her, try to ask around at every bookstore in circle with 25 kilometer radius from Hyndland station. :wink:

If not, Keep living.

(@AussieInquisitor, reply to you would take a lot of time so I would do in few hours, It's my bedtime)

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 1:43 pm
by aidz
Auratus wrote:
aidz wrote:*texts*]
If you are really want to find her, try to ask around at every bookstore in circle with 25 kilometer radius from Hyndland station. :wink:

If not, Keep living.

(@AussieInquisitor, reply to you would take a lot of time so I would do in few hours, It's my bedtime)


I did do a bit of research around the place and most of the bookshops have since closed down, they're dropping like flies. And/or have constant staff reshuffles ):

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 2:08 pm
by simmr001
AussieIquisitor: no offence man, but with that attitude you won't live the next year. Get yourself a donor card, or the Aussie equivalent, live your life with no regrets. My grandma was told she'd die aged 20. She made it to 73. now I can understand you are a little worried. Having been given a death sentence would scare anyone. But letting yourself think on the negatives is the fast way to letting it dominate your life. Find a girl, guy, tgirl, tguy (no idea if your pansexual or not) someone who accepts you for you, get a job that will allow for you disabilities. Otherwise be stay at home. If you want children have them screened. You control your life, not your adpkd. And if you don't see it that way do it for your brother, he has to be just as scared as you are, and seeing you act defeated will likely make him feel even worst. I know this was probably just a offload your troubles and walk back into the real world with your head held high, but remember this is only the end if you let it.

Aids: naughty naughty, should expect that from my northern neighbour, then again I've considered it given southern rails prices. :)
Check the bookstore buddy, if she works their your in the clear, if not they might know who she is. If that doesn't, chalk it up to one of life's great mysteries.

I was thinking of telling my own tale but then again,given mine has a happy conclusion I think it defeats the purpose.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 2:09 pm
by simmr001
aidz wrote:
Auratus wrote:
aidz wrote:*texts*]
If you are really want to find her, try to ask around at every bookstore in circle with 25 kilometer radius from Hyndland station. :wink:

If not, Keep living.

(@AussieInquisitor, reply to you would take a lot of time so I would do in few hours, It's my bedtime)


I did do a bit of research around the place and most of the bookshops have since closed down, they're dropping like flies. And/or have constant staff reshuffles ):
You're from Glasgow?!

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 2:57 pm
by metalangel
aidz wrote:
She wasn't on the train the next day, and the day after that. I didn't get the train next week as I had school again, I assume so did she.

I never found out what book she was reading.
Go find that bookstore!! She sounds cool, she was obviously interested in you to have noticed you got your haircut as well as whatever you were doing just to be able to talk to you.

Plus, you have an excellent and funny reason to give her when you do find her: "You never told me what the name of your book was." I get the feeling she'll be (inwardly) delighted that you made the effort and also that you remembered her.

Don't let this slip away. Many years ago I had a summer job at Wembley Arena in London, and would get the Metropolitan Line from Wembley to Finchley Road which was near where my parents lived at the time (summer break from university). One evening I'm on the train and and this really cute girl with very short blonde hair sits down next to me. After 10, maybe 20 seconds of awkard tension I stand up.

"Oh! You don't have to get up!," she said.
"This is my stop," I replied, for it was. The doors opened and I got off the train. The doors closed. The train pulled out, and I immediately regretted being such a dull fucker.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 3:07 pm
by OtakuNinja
metalangel wrote:"Oh! You don't have to get up!," she said.
"This is my stop," I replied, for it was. The doors opened and I got off the train. The doors closed. The train pulled out, and I immediately regretted being such a dull fucker.
I've done many crazy things to avoid being the first one to leave in these situations. But the girl has always been someone I know, since Sweden is Sweden... :roll:

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 3:41 pm
by aidz
simmr001 wrote:
You're from Glasgow?!
Helensburgh, but it's like forty odd minutes on the train bro ;D

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 4:10 pm
by Xanatos
Aussie: I was never supposed to walk. Or talk. Guess what I do every day?

My point being that doctors suck. Screw 'em and enjoy life, however long it lasts.

On the subject of doctors sucking, we never did look into whether or not my condition was born of malpractice...

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 4:16 pm
by AussieInquisitor
Xanatos wrote:Aussie: I was never supposed to walk. Or talk. Guess what I do every day?

My point being that doctors suck. Screw 'em and enjoy life, however long it lasts.

On the subject of doctors sucking, we never did look into whether or not my condition was born of malpractice...
Ha, I guess that's certainly one way of putting it.

I guess my entry here was just to get the matter off my chest and to keep moving. I mean, I am living a relatively normal life right now and am able to keep my "condition" under treatable circumstances. As one man once said, what do I have to lose?

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 4:20 pm
by aidz
Xanatos wrote:Aussie: I was never supposed to walk. Or talk. Guess what I do every day?

My point being that doctors suck. Screw 'em and enjoy life, however long it lasts.

On the subject of doctors sucking, we never did look into whether or not my condition was born of malpractice...
Doctors do not 'suck'.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 4:30 pm
by Xanatos
aidz wrote:
Xanatos wrote:Aussie: I was never supposed to walk. Or talk. Guess what I do every day?

My point being that doctors suck. Screw 'em and enjoy life, however long it lasts.

On the subject of doctors sucking, we never did look into whether or not my condition was born of malpractice...
Doctors do not 'suck'.
Oh, FINE, Mr. Nitpick. Hookers suck.

@Aussie: That's the spirit. :D

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 4:39 pm
by simmr001
aidz wrote:
Xanatos wrote:Aussie: I was never supposed to walk. Or talk. Guess what I do every day?

My point being that doctors suck. Screw 'em and enjoy life, however long it lasts.

On the subject of doctors sucking, we never did look into whether or not my condition was born of malpractice...
Doctors do not 'suck'.
Gay ones do :D

If anyone's interested I'll post my story, robin thinks I should but I want to give a choice.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 4:42 pm
by Xanatos
simmr001 wrote:If anyone's interested I'll post my story, robin thinks I should but I want to give a choice.
I think robin just made your choice for you. :lol: I'd go ahead and post it. She's kinda scary. >.>

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 4:43 pm
by aidz
Xanatos wrote:
aidz wrote:
Xanatos wrote:Aussie: I was never supposed to walk. Or talk. Guess what I do every day?

My point being that doctors suck. Screw 'em and enjoy life, however long it lasts.

On the subject of doctors sucking, we never did look into whether or not my condition was born of malpractice...
Doctors do not 'suck'.
Oh, FINE, Mr. Nitpick. Hookers suck.

@Aussie: That's the spirit. :D
Muahahaha ;D

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 6:07 pm
by Wanderingheartache
simmr001 wrote:I was thinking of telling my own tale but then again,given mine has a happy conclusion I think it defeats the purpose.
I don't really think it would defeat the purpose... I mean I have some happy conclusions in my long history as well, I just didn't want to bore anyone with the details of my current relationship and friendships that have endured the drama because even I would grow bored of hearing about how I sit around and play video games/watch movies with friends when I'm not cuddling with the woman I love.

Anyway, we all know why I'm here again... surprisingly it's not all really bad news I don't think. I say it's not all bad news because I finally can see who's decided to learn the truth and who's chosen to perpetuate rumors about things I've never even known people thought about me until now... Pythagoras and Hungary have mounted an army against me, turning some of their former friends' siblings against each other even. I never thought it possible but apparently family ties can be shattered if it means silencing the truth. Not that it matters much, but I'll be listing the factions as it stands right now and the reasons (if any) that were given to me why people stand where they are now. (fake names clearly... unless stated)

Those who stand against me and prefer the rumors:

Briney (originally on my side, succumbed to the rumors that Pythagoras had regarding his own paranoia of me)
Khallen (Full on grilled me about the rumors, didn't like the truth... preferred the convenience of the lies)
Kai-nah (Olympia's sister... choosing to side with Hungary because of convenience in making costumes)
Ja-na (Olympia's other sister, choosing to side with Hungary because I spoke out against homestuck fans abusing people)

Those who seek the truth:

Tower (through with the lies, sees the horrible treatment that I'm being put through... wants to stand up for justice)
Gauss (Saw the torment firsthand... couldn't stand for the lies perpetuated anymore)
Kurusaki (At first he was totally siding with Hungary and Pythagoras... then he paid me a visit and asked for my side, he learned that they lied to him the whole time)
Olympia (Strange as this sounds, she defected to my side under the guise "Shallow Esophagus" and confessed this identity after being discovered by Briney and sold out by Khallen, Kai-Nah, and Ja-na)
Miles (for the time being, he sides with his girlfriend Olympia... possible defection imminent)
Sparrow (My brother, sides with me because Pythagoras and Hungary turned on him believing he would side with me anyway... ironically if they had treated him better then he would be opposing me)
Rice and Beaner (his chosen nickname, not sure why... for the time being though he seems to want to reason with me as Pythagoras stiffed him on a deal that could have saved his cats from being euthanized)
Kyra (who would be surprised if this wasn't true?)
Mermaid (I don't really know why she's involved... she just saw me sad on facebook, she never asked for either side but she's known me since childhood so I guess it counts for something?)
Naomi (well, she's my good friend... another former crush but she actually hooked me up with a really nice gal and only wanted me to be happy even though she can't return my feelings. Siding with me because she hates how Hungary treated me and she hates that Pythagoras is spreading these rumors)

So according to those who side against me, I'm a heartless sociopath who doesn't care about anything other than spreading propaganda and furthering an agenda that makes no sense... those who side with me at least see some rationality and can see where I wanted to be reasonable in salvaging friendships. Nevermind that I want nothing to do with Pythagoras and Hungary anymore... But apparently forcing an agenda on me automatically means that I have a vendetta to settle, they drew the battle lines and all I have done was communicate with my friends.