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Re: Cannot bring myself to finish the game

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:33 am
by Thespian
Yeppers, I felt the same way.
Just take some distance for a while, do some other stuff and you'll get over it and then, hopefully, back into it to experience the rest of the game as well.
Keneshiro wrote:But it's so god damned depressing. Bugger me, I've never grown this attached to any character ever. It's sort of depressing knowing that I'll never get the chance to experience this in real life. GOD DAMN THESE FEELS.
What? No. Just keep an open mind and follow your heart. You might not experience the same thing, but something just as good or even better.
Real love is so much more rewarding than "these feels". Just remember that the difficulty setting is somehow stuck at very hard ;).

Re: Cannot bring myself to finish the game

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:11 am
by metalangel
Keneshiro wrote: But it's so god damned depressing. Bugger me, I've never grown this attached to any character ever. It's sort of depressing knowing that I'll never get the chance to experience this in real life. GOD DAMN THESE FEELS.
1. Yes, you will experience in real life. Somewhere, somehow.
2. Don't be negative. Be positive. Don't be sad Hanako is gone, be happy of the time you shared together.

Re: Cannot bring myself to finish the game

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:04 am
by ProfAllister
Whether you follow through or not:

Littlefoot's mother will still die.
Captain von Trapp will find love again.
Charles Foster Kane will recall Rosebud.
Jake will give up, because it's Chinatown.
Sam will play it again.
Kefka will kill General Leo.
Sephiroth will kill Aeris.
Donnie will decide that he must accept death.
Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett will discover their love for each other.
Woody and Andy will accept that friends come and go, but friendship is eternal.
Carl will learn that Ellie's greatest adventure had nothing to do with South America.
And so on.

You can't stop it by avoiding it. You shouldn't want to. These stories simply are, whether you've experienced them or not. You aren't making it happen by experiencing it, but you are sharing the experience.

Besides, a key point through all of these arcs: None of the girls need Hisao. He may make them happier, but it's the other way around. Hisao needs one of the girls. They can, and are, getting along reasonably fine without him. Not perfectly, but no one's life is perfect. Without any stabilizing influence, Hisao drifts along, loses himself in his depression, and plummets until he hits rock bottom.

Re: Cannot bring myself to finish the game

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:49 am
by ravenlord
Proceed, but only when you are ready. There is no rush to finish it. KS is like sipping a fine wine. Make it last as long as you can and savor every moment :)

Re: Cannot bring myself to finish the game

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:56 am
by Nekken
You're not alone; this isn't an uncommon reaction. Unfortunately, the best thing to do about it is in fact to finish the game. Each path and each ending gets easier, and it'll help you re-establish emotional distance.

I recommend doing Hanako's other endings next. Assuming you've got a couple of save files near the final few choices, this shouldn't be hard, and her bad ending is... important... in ways that the other endings just aren't.

Re: Cannot bring myself to finish the game

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:28 am
by Keneshiro
Well, I took some advice and just went off for a while. And suddenly I'm imagining her all over the god damn place. Really says something about my experience in dating eh?
There's something I don't get. What do I do with these FEELS that have presented themselves? Do I learn something from this? And if I do, what? And if not, do I just shut them away?
Ugh. Hats off to the devs for making something so... well... unique.

Re: Questions about the game.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:29 am
by Kaduro
ravenlord wrote:If you are ever curious about a visual novel, then you can always check it out at VNDB ( That is the one-stop-shop for VN info.

As far as KS, it ranks very highly there:

Out of over 10,000 games, it is ranked #17 -- not too shabby!

I think it is very safe to say that you will not be disappointed :D
Ah, I see.

Thank you :).

I´ll take a look at it once I have the time for it.

Re: Questions about the game.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:32 am
by Kaduro
Pseudogenesis wrote:D'ya see the "Ask!" topic at the top of Public Discussion? Yeah, that's where you ask things. :p Welcome to the forums, by the way.
Yes, I notice that soon as I "stepped" into the forum.

I wasn't really sure if I should ask this "sillY" question there. So I thought about posting an "seperate topic" about it, if it can even be written like that.

I´ll keep it in mind though from now on.

Thank you :).

Re: Questions about the game.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:44 am
by Kaduro
WorldlyWiseman wrote:Welcome, OP!

It would be a mistake to compare KS to 'Don't Take It Personally'. The latter was a one-month project by one person (with some of the art outsourced in a hurry), and she really wanted the game to make a point. She also meant for the player-character in that game to be thoroughly unlikable, which can be grating to play as. KS is much more relaxed in going about it's business and has five years and nearly a score of passionate people in its making.

In comparison to most VNs, you may find KS to be a little light on choices (I'm told) and easy to navigate towards particular endings. I find this to be a boon, personally, but others might want more granularity in their choices or might get confused about the logic in some of the decisions. The player-character Hisao is adolescent, and can act like such sometimes, but usually he's an okay guy trying to grapple with his situation. The characters make bad decisions sometimes, but the logic of them rarely comes out of left-field if you're paying attention. Reading through KS is a satisfactory experience.

I don't have a ton of experience with fandoms, but the folks here on the forums seem to be okay. Sometimes they get trolled pretty easily, so stay congenial. The fanfic section is lively and the fanart is mostly adorable with nothing creepy.

That's my review of things.
Ah, I see.

Yes, I shouldn't really compare the two games after 4LS and one from Christine Love. My apologizes for that.
I just ... I'm not sure, wanted to point that out how much I was actually disappointed with the game 'Don't Take It Personally' and I didn't really wanted to "encounter" that disappointment again.
I mean, if we can even put it that way.

But I understand what you mean.

Thank you :).

Re: Questions about the game.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:45 am
by Kaduro
Pseudogenesis wrote:The most important choice tends to be towards the end of Act 3 or the middle of Act 4, generally deciding whether or not you'll get the good or bad ending. That's all I can really say about choices.
I understand.

I´ll keep that in mind.

Thank you :).

Re: Questions about the game.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:47 am
by Kaduro
yummines wrote:I never play visual novels. The only reason i would is for fap material. (i.e. monmusu quest)

I was incapable of fapping. Too much feels. Near the end if Rin's route where she breaks down in the art gallery really stuck a cord in me.

I play mainly games like Bioshock and F.E.A.R. but that didnt stop me from enjoying KS
I see.

Thank you for your thoughts though :).

Re: Cannot bring myself to finish the game

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:16 am
by ravenlord
Take the feels and embrace them, and channel them into something constructive and positive.

Many people have taken up running, reading, new classes, music, etc. Basically think about something that you've wanted to do before but never had the courage or motivation to follow through on. Use the feels to grab your project by the horns and make it your own. Make your girl proud as you move forward and improve yourself. Success breeds success, and pretty soon you will find the now inner you ding things that you never dared to dream about. That's the real power of KS :)

Re: Cannot bring myself to finish the game

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:41 am
by Keneshiro
ravenlord wrote:Take the feels and embrace them, and channel them into something constructive and positive.

Many people have taken up running, reading, new classes, music, etc. Basically think about something that you've wanted to do before but never had the courage or motivation to follow through on. Use the feels to grab your project by the horns and make it your own. Make your girl proud as you move forward and improve yourself. Success breeds success, and pretty soon you will find the now inner you ding things that you never dared to dream about. That's the real power of KS :)
I'm curious. COnsidering the fact that my life experiences are somewhat lacking, is it actually possible to have something as awesome as what I've experienced in KS?

Re: Cannot bring myself to finish the game

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:47 am
by ravenlord
Keneshiro wrote: COnsidering the fact that my life experiences are somewhat lacking, is it actually possible to have something as awesome as what I've experienced in KS?
That's going to be up to you. It proabably won't happen if you sit back and hope it comes to you. But art imitates real life, not the other way around. So as great as KS is, there are even better things out there for you if you are willing to face your fears and go after them head on!

Looking for advice on what to do next, both IRL and in game.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:44 pm
by Xden
I'm not sure if this kind of post is standard, I saw a few others that were similar, so I thought I'd try my hand. If personal posts aren't appreciated I don't mind taking it down. Also, sorry it's kind of long.

I finished my first run with Emi, and though I shed a few tears, I'm not sure I had as much of an immediate emotional impact as others have described. It had huge impacts on me in terms of how I see the world though. I guess I'm just not that outwardly emotional of a person? I am feeling a sort of emotional connection to the character though. In such a way that I'd like to see her again somehow. I 'm not sure I really like this feeling though because I can't do that without going down her other routes. I guess there's good, bad, and neutral for each girl? I have tried using as little guidance as possible as to keep the magic alive. I'm not sure I'll even go for a specific order in what girl I go for, but just kind of choose the options I feel like picking and see where they take me.

Anyway, I feel like I know this girl now, and I got what I presume was the good ending. It made me happy. That's why I'm afraid of going down her other routes. I know I should, as maybe they will alleviate, or dampen, this strong desire to have someone real who could make me happy like Emi made Hisao happy. Of course I want that, but I don't want it intruding into my thoughts all the time. I guess my question is, how long should I wait to play Emi's other routes, and how will I know when my feels have restored themselves to a good point where I can go back in and play the other girl's stories? I'd like to be able to have as much of the impact of the other girl's stories. As close to having them as my first route as possible. I'm not sure I could do that so soon, feeling the way I do after finishing Emi's story.

Thanks guys. You all seem awesome, and this game is just fantastic. I've never felt more intellectually stimulated while still managing to feel so emotionally pleased with myself. Not from any girl I've ever dated, or any other person I've encountered. Usually such mental revelations have me in a state of mild or moderate dysphoria, maybe sometimes worse. Though perhaps after a while, knowing that I won't find something like Hisao and Emi had any time soon will bring me into some mild state of dysphoria. I suspect time will tell.

TL;DR: How long should I wait to play Emi's bad/neutral routes? How will I know when my feels are prepared to jump into the other girl's stories? And how should I deal with these strong feels I've gotten from Emi's good route in a healthy way to get the most out of it? and perhaps the feels I will get from future KS routes.
How have other people reacted to Emi's good route? Am I having a normal reaction?(A state of longing for similar emotional connection with a real person.)

A lot of questions, I know. Feel free to just answer only those you are willing/able, or none of them at all.