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Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:19 am
by Umber
pandaphil wrote:She's so damn cute!
Debatable. [/shicchanbiased]

Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:21 am
by KeiichiO
Umber wrote:
pandaphil wrote:She's so damn cute!
Debatable. [/shicchanbiased]
Why would one debate about whether or not Emi is cute? You're just wasting your time.

Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:24 am
by Umber
KeiichiO wrote:
Umber wrote:
pandaphil wrote:She's so damn cute!
Debatable. [/shicchanbiased]
Why would one debate about whether or not Emi is cute? You're just wasting your time.
Shicchan is always cute. Emi...


Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:26 am
by KeiichiO
Umber wrote: Shicchan is always cute. Emi...

Tons of artist make Shizune look like a hairy garilla. I don't really appreciate those people.

I'd still anal with that Emi.

Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:30 am
by Umber
KeiichiO wrote: I'd still anal with that Emi.
Because whether or not she likes it, she'd still be smiling.

Har har.

Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:32 am
by Lost In The Fire
Umber wrote: Shicchan is always cute. Emi...

Welp, that's quite a disturbing image you have there.

Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:34 am
by KeiichiO
Lost In The Fire wrote:
Umber wrote: Shicchan is always cute. Emi...

Welp, that's quite a disturbing image you have there.
That's nothing.

Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:37 am
by Lost In The Fire
KeiichiO wrote:
Lost In The Fire wrote:
Welp, that's quite a disturbing image you have there.
That's nothing.
Oh, I'm sure.

Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:36 am
by pandaphil
Umber wrote:
Debatable. [/shicchanbiased]
Why would one debate about whether or not Emi is cute? You're just wasting your time.[/quote]
Shicchan is always cute. Emi...

Well sure, if you're gonna start posting that weird mutant shit...

I never saw the attraction of anal. Not when I imagine Emi can do all sorts of interesting things with her mouth. :3

Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:13 am
by Xanatos
Shizune is best girl because you never have to listen to nagging bullshit. :mrgreen:

Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:05 am
by DethfromaDistance
Well, after reading about half this thread (after picking up KS again recently after a whole play-through 6 months ago), I decided to make my opinion known. Be warned, it seems I am going to disagree/piss off nearly every single person in this thread. (also, not sure how much is spoiler, so I'll give the black blocks the benefit of the doubt and play it safe. Particularly for Rin's, as I state my whole character analysis for her, and I feel interpreting her character was part of the fun for her route.)

Let's start with my likes. Like most, Emi was my favorite. I found her boundless confidence admirable, and her running talent sexy as fuck (but that's almost a personal fetish). Additionally, I found her internal conflict and behaviors to be very realistic, which made her perhaps the most "human" of the girls for me. Being as I tend to never accept help, I saw Emi's behavior mirror mine, and when she finally opens herself up to Hisao it was emotional for me because that is what I want. (insert baww/thread here)

Anyway, second favorite was Shizune. She was actually my first play through, because I found her determination and competitive drive very relate-able in myself. Plus, I greatly enjoyed the experience of Hisao slowly learning sign-language as the overcoming of that obstacle made the connection that much deeper for me. I did think Micha was a bit annoying, but once they further developed her character and motives she grew on me. Finally, I did feel the ending was the most satisfying of the 5, as it created for me a more definite sense of the future.

Third on my list is Hanako. I did enjoy her story, though I was, at times, frustrated by this girl who was letting her irrational emotions rule her. However, I did understand her wounds and felt a sense of reward and happiness as she slowly accepts Hisao into her life. I also thought all of the endings for her route were well done and sent a message, instead of being a punish/reward system for doing the right/wrong things.

Now, it gets ugly. Fourth, to me, was Lilly. I didn't really enjoy Lilly's route. Firstly, I felt like her extremely well-mannered movements and elegant speech were her masking her true identity for something she thought society wanted her to be, and I find it hard to respect one whom conforms of one's identity and doesn't express one's true self, but that was just my first impression. The next thing that got me about Lilly was the whole mother/daughter dynamic with Hanako.. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying,"She's a bad person for caring!" but I felt the whole "okay, I'm dating Hisao now, and we're gonna be our own little family" scene to be weird, especially since they are all the same age. To be clear, I'm not saying it couldn't happen, or that it shouldn't happen because it's wrong, I'm just saying it did not resonate with me at all. Additionally, her voracious and almost uncontrollable appetite for vices such as sex or alcohol suggested she was far from the matronly figure 4Leaf wanted us to see her as. Though many may have found this dichotomy fascinating, I saw it only as a commentary on how people are quick to portray what they want the world to see them as, while burying their problems in pleasures instead of chasing that which truly fulfills them, forcing me to view Lilly as ultimately a (relatively) immature and tragic character. Finally, pretty much all three endings were shit in my opinion. Not their resolutions, per se, but the conflict itself. Maybe it's just me, but I felt like 4Leaf was saying "Okay, we're gonna get you hooked on this girl. And you're gonna love her. Now, we're gonna take her away! To me, the only reason to do that is to express the idea of how sometimes you love a girl and then she leaves suddenly, so with that thesis tacked onto the end of (IMO) a generally unlikable character, Lilly was perhaps my least enjoyable play-through.

Finally Rin. First off, don't get me wrong. I loved Rin's character. She perfectly portrayed the virtuoso artist, who struggles desperately to put emotion and passion onto canvas, at the expense of her ability to relate to others. However, because of this Rin will never quite "love" like someone you or me or Risao needs to be loved. She may be able to paint it, but won't be able to truly express it through words and actions through another. Words and actions are not her medium of choice. So why in the world would Risao pursue her?. Because of that, playing through Rin's route, to me, was like trying to relate to an alien whose primary form of communication was a telepathic mind-meld that I am incompatible with. I found the experience frustrating, and most of all I found Risao's frustration frustrating. I loved Rin herself, but watching Hisao flounder trying to relate to her simply did not make for a satisfying route to me. In other words, I couldn't relate to Hisao and Rin's "relationship" because I couldn't relate to Risao's actions in it. It was just a train wreck. A glorious, wisdom-filled train-wreck, but a train-wreck nonetheless.

So there they are. Thank you for reading my small novelette.

Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:46 am
by Lunacore
I see what you mean with Rin's Route. But to be honest the whole rin route maked me think bad from Hisao, i got the feeling that he was trying to catch a bird or something (Bird = Rin) always trying to understand her, like it wasnt enough for him to just spend time with her and enjoy how she is. And i think, she is able to love and like, but in her own way. On ways you may not even notice. I guess, her love is something special, even if this is bad sometimes its also what i realy love about her. ^-^

Mh, Emi.. Yeah youre right, shes like the most realistic person in Katawa Shoujo. Wait.. You got a fetish for girl who do sports? Or just for runing? xD

Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:51 am
by DethfromaDistance
Lunacore wrote: Wait.. You got a fetish for girl who do sports? Or just for runing? xD
Nah, girls with talent. Talent, whether it's musical, artistic, or even sports, is hot.

Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:06 pm
by Lunacore
..Oh xd i got a funny image in my head stuck thanks to you.

Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:32 pm
by pandaphil
I can see your point about Lilly. To me shes always struck me as something of a tragic character. Being abandoned by her parents, and basically having to play mother to her older sister really has effected her deeply. Shes grown up with the impression that she needs to 'take care of people', while at the same time feeling hurt and abandoned herself but really refusing to acknowledge it. Unfortunately she turn to harmful habits like drinking to make herself feel better.
In a way, she needs help just as much as Hanako. But in her case, she really does need someone to nurture and care for her rather than come to her with their problems. Hopefully Hisao will be that person.

As for Rin, I've said it before, but I was never a fan of her route. It just feels so terribly lonely. In the other routes, there's plenty of interaction with the other characters. In Rin's, its almost as if they cut themselves off from any contact with the outside world. Hell, they even blow off Emi. The whole arc just seems bereft of human contact.