Hanako's Broken Heart Club

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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Auratus »

Okay, My chest is okay for now. I have many thing to think... or a thing that's can break into many thing.

I would "almost certainly" being admitted into Computer Engineering in the same university with my crush (which now she is practically single). My mother already get a dormitory's room for me and a guy near my house, and I got literally reserved room which I get due to my brother's "connection". (My brother's friend's aunt-godmother have something to do with dorm's owner) and as I will live on my own for the first time so I have number of thing I like to ask.

* Is there are a way to put a big thing (whiteboard) on a wall without leaving any mark on the wall? Given that you can't replace it. My dorm keeper will charge me dearly for doing anything that's damage the wall.

* I need some good Feng Shui text-only guide. It's good to have energy flow fluently in my room. :D

* I don't sure if this is good idea but I would take money directly from my "income" to save up. Is there any tip about it? Maybe where should I hide it?
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by metalangel »

Auratus wrote: * Is there are a way to put a big thing (whiteboard) on a wall without leaving any mark on the wall? Given that you can't replace it. My dorm keeper will charge me dearly for doing anything that's damage the wall.

* I need some good Feng Shui text-only guide. It's good to have energy flow fluently in my room. :D

* I don't sure if this is good idea but I would take money directly from my "income" to save up. Is there any tip about it? Maybe where should I hide it?
Question 1. Stand it on top of a strong piece of furniture like a chest of drawers or something, so it can lean against the wall at the right height (so you can write on it).

Question 2. Or should I say question 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4!!! 4

Question 3. My bank lets me set an option to automatically take 50 cents from every debit payment I make and put it in my savings. I said no, I'm capable of managing my money on my own, but maybe your bank has a similar option?
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by SirSlaughter »

For your money stuff I would say every time you get a paycheck or something put 10% of your total funds within your main account and put it into a savings account. (I have 3 accounts. Savings, Checking, Pentagon). So I put 10% of my checkings balance into my savings and like 10-20 dollars into my Pentagon account every paycheck. it's saved me more than once when unexpected stuff comes up. (car checkups, tickets [I'm a speed demon with an eco friendly car...dafuq] and medicinal stuff).

this way you always have money somewhere. Try not to keep large amounts of cash anywhere because it can be lost or stolen compared to a bank (If your bank is trustworth, USAA and Pentagon are safe so I trust them).
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by YZQ »

Be aware of where your spending goes. Ask yourself very honestly whether the item is a "need" or a "want".
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by geolord11 »

If this discussions still up i'd like to add my problems.
Recently I've become friends with two beautiful girls (I'm gonna call them girl A and girl B) who have changed me completely. I've known them for less then a month and yet I get depressed and sad when their not around. I also stupidly made the mistake of telling girl A that I liked her more then a friend and she let me down in a very nice way saying i'm "Too nice" and she just wanted to be friends. But recently I've been seeing her less and less not my fault shes always blowing me off when I ask her if she wanted to do something. Its like she doesn't realize I still want to be her friend. But it gets worse I've now started to have feelings for girl B which makes me feel like a dick because she was there when I needed someone. Yet shes told everyone in our group we hang out with that we've been friend zoned. And now I see her less and less not her fault she needs to go hospital and talk to her less and less. So here I am complaining about my problems hoping that the answer will hit me square in the face. Please help me.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xanatos »

geolord11 wrote:If this discussions still up i'd like to add my problems.
Recently I've become friends with two beautiful girls (I'm gonna call them girl A and girl B) who have changed me completely. I've known them for less then a month and yet I get depressed and sad when their not around. I also stupidly made the mistake of telling girl A that I liked her more then a friend and she let me down in a very nice way saying i'm "Too nice" and she just wanted to be friends. But recently I've been seeing her less and less not my fault shes always blowing me off when I ask her if she wanted to do something. Its like she doesn't realize I still want to be her friend. But it gets worse I've now started to have feelings for girl B which makes me feel like a dick because she was there when I needed someone. Yet shes told everyone in our group we hang out with that we've been friend zoned. And now I see her less and less not her fault she needs to go hospital and talk to her less and less. So here I am complaining about my problems hoping that the answer will hit me square in the face. Please help me.

What exactly do you need help with? You got turned down by one, not turned down by another, and need to spend more time with either one.
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by geolord11 »

Xanatos wrote:
geolord11 wrote:If this discussions still up i'd like to add my problems.
Recently I've become friends with two beautiful girls (I'm gonna call them girl A and girl B) who have changed me completely. I've known them for less then a month and yet I get depressed and sad when their not around. I also stupidly made the mistake of telling girl A that I liked her more then a friend and she let me down in a very nice way saying i'm "Too nice" and she just wanted to be friends. But recently I've been seeing her less and less not my fault shes always blowing me off when I ask her if she wanted to do something. Its like she doesn't realize I still want to be her friend. But it gets worse I've now started to have feelings for girl B which makes me feel like a dick because she was there when I needed someone. Yet shes told everyone in our group we hang out with that we've been friend zoned. And now I see her less and less not her fault she needs to go hospital and talk to her less and less. So here I am complaining about my problems hoping that the answer will hit me square in the face. Please help me.

What exactly do you need help with? You got turned down by one, not turned down by another, and need to spend more time with either one.
well i'm confused on how i approach them one barley sees me and when she does shes always negative and the over i want to spend as much time being her boyfriend but i'm scared of the rejection
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xanatos »

geolord11 wrote:well i'm confused on how i approach them one barley sees me and when she does shes always negative and the over i want to spend as much time being her boyfriend but i'm scared of the rejection
Ah, well then.

If one's always negative, leave her be. Nobody ever benefited from accommodating constant negativity. (Alternative: Figure out why she's so damn negative and explain that it sucks. If that fails, proceed to option A.)

As for the other, I'll have to ask that you wait a while for an answer as I need to alert the presses that *gasp* rejection is scary. :P Everyone is scared of rejection. But which would you rather live life with? The "what if?" or the rejection? Hell, maybe you'll get the happy ending. Can't know until you try so take a shot of liquid courage and hop to it. :lol:

Worst case scenario, the rejection makes things too awkward and destroys the friendship. Best case scenario, you gain a partner. Is it worth the risk? I'd say so...But you're not living my life so you have to answer that yourself.
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
<Ascension>: "I laughed, cried, vomited in my mouth a little, and even had time for marshmallows afterwards. Well played, Xanatos. Well played."
<KeiichiO>: "That's a beautiful response to chocolate."
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by metalangel »

Forget girl A. For one thing, she's friendzoned you; for another, she won't make time to see you as friends. Friendship involves two people, one of you can't do all the work.

Who did girl B tell your group of friends had been friendzoned? You and A or you and B? If it was A, that's a bit stupid of her but never mind, try to spend more time with her. If she was there for you, you might want to be there for her if she's going to hospital for (whatever reason). Don't force it! It's hard when you really like someone but don't constantly be popping up, be it in person or via text message.

However, if she told your group of friends she's friendzoned you too then... whatever. Move on as well IMHO.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by MickMuffin »

Well. I may as well post my story here too. Bear in mind, this is still going on, and spans about two years now. Also, know that none of these names are the reals names of the people. I'll be using fake names, for their own sake. Thanks in advance for reading.

I guess it all starts at the beginning of Freshman year of high school. But let's go back a bit further. There's this girl. Let's call her "Claire". Yeah. That's a pretty name. Claire. So since the day I've met Claire, (which has been since the first grade) I've had a crush on her. Over the years, it's developed into full on love. But hell, what do I know? I'm sixteen. My idea of love probably isn't what love really is. But anyway.

Claire and I go to different high schools. But it's okay, we still talk and live close. Well, at my new school, I meet this other girl. We'll call her Faith. Turns out Faith and I have a lot in common. Music, movies, TV, video games, etc.. We become fast friends, and eventually share our pasts. Nothing bad's really happened to either of us in the past, aside from some minor bullying I've been through, but it ain't much. I tell her about Claire and how I love her and all that. Cool. She tells me about her old best friend who she loves and all that, but who left her. He sounds like a douche though.

The year goes on. Around Novemberish I start getting into My Little Pony, and that quickly overruns my life. But I won't get into that. I get that not everyone's a fan. Faith and I become better friends, despite all the abuse she puts me through, and soon enough, it's the end of the school year. Claire's out dating some douchebag that Faith set her up with, and I'm a bit sad. Actually really sad. But I figure as long as I have my best friend, I'll be okay.

Well. I'll never forget that day. June 22nd, 2012. I believe it was a Tuesday? Correct me if I'm wrong there. But anyway, this was the last time I could actually call Faith my friend. Because after I left from a visit to her house, (In which, mind you, was just fine. No problems, nothing. Normal day) she stopped answering me completely. No calls. No texts. Nothing. I got worried.

Now, you'd think that I could just go up to her door and knock and ask what the fuck's up. But...eh...I'm not really the best with that kind of stuff... But anyway. After two weeks of being left in the dark, I get the call from her. Of course I answer as soon as I can. And the first thing I do is rattle off "Are you okay" "Where were you" blah blah. I was worried, after all.

"I was just calling to let you know that I hate you," she said. I'll never forget those words. How serious her voice was. The way she sounded so angry when she said this to me. I froze. I didn't know what the fuck to say. I ask her why. All she says is that I know what I did. But...what the fuck did I do? It gets to the point where I'm screaming her name before she hangs up the phone. Then I just break down and sob on my bathroom floor for an hour. Summer goes on. None of our other friends are talking to me either, I guess, and Claire's out with her douchey boyfriend. These were the loneliest and saddest two months of my life.

School starts up again. I see Faith. I don't know what to do. Or say. I'm choked up. What the fuck did I do? "How was your summer?" she asks, all calm and shit. Like, what the fuck did you just ask? You fucking know what you did to me. Don't ask me how the fuck my summer was, because you ruined fucking everything for me, you fucking thundercunt. Excuse my language. I'm getting a bit riled up typing this out.

We talk that night over Facebook or some other messaging thing, I don't remember. I ask what I did that day.

Well. Apparently I raped her that day. Yeah. But wait, one part she left out was I didn't even fucking touch her. But she goes and lies to everyone and says this. When we both know nothing happened. Well, at least I know nothing happened. She still seems to think that I did rape her to this day. But...I didn't... Honestly, I think she's losing it, as much as it hurts to say it.

My grades start dropping faster than panties at a Justin Beiber concert. I can't deal with it. Being alone. No one to go to at all. All my friends gone, and the one person I've ever had feelings for romantically gone from my life too, basically. Until December comes. In which Claire and I begin talking again. I bring up the fact that I love her still, and well, it leads from there. Apparently she does too now. So we date for a while. It's nice. We do nice things together. I lose my virginity to her. Still madly in love with the girl.

We stop talking after a while. I get scared. Ask her why. She gives me, "I'm busy I'm sorry" for the longest time. My patience is long. But after a while of this, I get mad. I ask what the fuck's up. I get it out of her eventually. Apparently, get this, she never did love me. She just wanted me to be happy.

At least her heart was in the right place. But I still feel...heartbroken? Lied to? Used? All those things. This was recent too. And is pretty much the end of my story so far.

So here I am. Broken, still willing to forgive those who hurt me, and still love those who hurt me. In my brokenness, my brother suggests I play Katawa Shoujo. After finishing Emi's path, I get all "Oh, okay. That was nice. Let's try Hanako next."

And after Hanako's path...

Well, let's just say that I've never felt so close to a character before than with her. And I'm not quite sure why. But she's amazing. I sobbed for a while after her good ending. I love Hanako. And well, now, I'm here. Giving you guys the pieces of my heart. Hanako picked them up for me, and now you can take them. Do what you will with them. Break them further, fix them up, I don't care. I don't even know why I'm talking about my heart right now. Or why I'm ranting on. Huh.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by pandaphil »

Because sometimes you just have to tell your feelings to SOMEBODY.
"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things. But vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant." ~ The Doctor.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by KeiichiO »

pandaphil wrote:Because sometimes you just have to tell your feelings to SOMEBODY.
Finding a somebody is the hard part. Not everyone out there is worthy of knowing your feelings. And not everyone is trustworthy.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by pandaphil »

KeiichiO wrote:
pandaphil wrote:Because sometimes you just have to tell your feelings to SOMEBODY.
Finding a somebody is the hard part. Not everyone out there is worthy of knowing your feelings. And not everyone is trustworthy.
Well, that's why we're here.
"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things. But vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant." ~ The Doctor.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by YZQ »

KeiichiO wrote:
pandaphil wrote:Because sometimes you just have to tell your feelings to SOMEBODY.
Finding a somebody is the hard part. Not everyone out there is worthy of knowing your feelings. And not everyone is trustworthy.
Sometimes, you just have to do what that barber did in the folk tale: tell your secret to a hole, and fill it up.
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"...since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved. However, it is important above all to avoid being hated."
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xanatos »

What exactly is the point of using fake names and such in these stories? It's not like exposing their first name is gonna get them tracked down and lynched. :lol: Never understood that...

And Mick, I was once accused of raping a girl I knew. And I'm a fucking virgin. Bitches be crazy.
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
<Ascension>: "I laughed, cried, vomited in my mouth a little, and even had time for marshmallows afterwards. Well played, Xanatos. Well played."
<KeiichiO>: "That's a beautiful response to chocolate."
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