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Re: You have been playing too much KS when...

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 4:51 pm
by I need a Hug
When you reccomend KS to your friends that think reading is uber lame.
Then they laugh at you.

I need a hug

Re: You have been playing too much KS when...

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:03 pm
by Surreal-mind
When Kenji starts making sense !

Re: You have been playing too much KS when...

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:31 pm
by WorldlyWiseman
When you watch Parks and Recreation for the first times since finishing the game, and your first thought upon seeing Leslie is "She's Shizune and Misha combined! Best of both worlds! :D "

Re: You have been playing too much KS when...

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:36 pm
by Gamera Ramen
You see a girl wearing a skirt and dark stockings and images of Hanako flash through your mind.

Re: You have been playing too much KS when...

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:58 pm
by Revvy
When you have a dream that you're a student at Yamaku and get into a 3 way fist fight with Kenji and Hisao only to wake up when Kenji smashes a whiskey bottle and stabs you with it.

Was scary stuff. Haven't played KS or read KS Fan Fiction right before sleeping since.

Re: You have been playing too much KS when...

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:13 pm
by Surreal-mind
Revvy wrote:KS dream
I had two KS related dreams that woke me up at night, and didn't let me sleep much after that.
I don't relly remember them well, they were kinda confusing to be honest.
The first one was about Rin talking about her art, but in a more incoherent way than usual.
The second dream was just Kenji giving an incredibly long lecture about life and such :roll:

Re: You have been playing too much KS when...

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:00 am
by Megumeru
Surreal-mind wrote:
Revvy wrote:KS dream
I had two KS related dreams that woke me up at night, and didn't let me sleep much after that.
I don't relly remember them well, they were kinda confusing to be honest.
The first one was about Rin talking about her art, but in a more incoherent way than usual.
The second dream was just Kenji giving an incredibly long lecture about life and such :roll:
Had mine a few days ago.

Maybe it's because I was writing the next chapter of my fiction before I went to bed, but in that dream my mind kinda' went on its own and structure the scenario that I was looking for.

I woke up, wrote that bit in, and stayed up till' morning and wrote some more.

Re: You have been playing too much KS when...

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:13 am
by WorldlyWiseman
I have to work at six in the morning, why am I on the forums at almost midnight...OH RIGHT lookit the thread... :P

Re: You have been playing too much KS when...

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:48 pm
by Zig_Zac
When you still can't stop listening to the KS soundtrack even after finishing KS almost 6 months ago... and if another song comes on randomly by mistake, you rush to get back to KS...

Re: You have been playing too much KS when...

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:04 pm
by Yellow 13
Zig_Zac wrote:When you still can't stop listening to the KS soundtrack even after finishing KS almost 6 months ago... and if another song comes on randomly by mistake, you rush to get back to KS...
I know that feel

Re: You have been playing too much KS when...

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:25 pm
by Ifinallylostit
You have only gotten 6 hours of sleep in the past 4 days. Honestly I'm not tired but I think I might drop dead from exhaustion.

Re: You have been playing too much KS when...

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:29 am
by Helbereth
The O.H.L. wrote:... You start comparing your friends to the characters in the game.
Oh I've met all of them. perhaps not with any of the particular disabilities, but I can think of people from my own high school graduating class that were dead-ringers for most of the characters in the game.

Rin was a girl in the class after mine (as in, I was a Senior and she was a Junior). She had dark (almost black) hair that she kept short, and both arms, but she had that wistful, philosophical way of talking that was frustratingly impossible to decipher - she didn't mince words so much as display them more colorfully. She was also an excellent artist - I honestly hope she pursued it as a career. For the life of me, I can't remember her name... it was probably something like Emily or Erin... Erin sounds right, but I'm not sure. Maybe it was Sue... no Sue is wrong... I've never known anyone named Sue... so sue me.

Emi was emulated by a young lady in my class by the name of Kim. She was no taller than 5'1", narrow-built with golden hair she kept in pigtails (I'm not even kidding). She didn't run track and wasn't missing her legs, but she played on the girl's varsity soccer team, and was brighter than a light-bulb when she walked into a room, but a little slow on the uptake academically. I'm pretty sure the artist who rendered Emi found a picture of Kim pouting. This might just be my brain trying to make extra links, but I think she was a year older than the rest of the class because her parents immigrated just after she would have enrolled in 1979 - thus she enrolled in 1980.

Misha was the bubbly Lindsay. Laugh like a hyena, always chipper, constantly joking and gossiping. I'm pretty sure they didn't have pink hair-dye back then, or it's completely possible she would have done that, too. She was even joined at the hip with Alysha - the perfect allegory for Shizune. Alysha was studious, demanding and analytical, but still feminine - she didn't wear her hair short, though; nor was it blue and she wasn't deaf/mute. She's a news anchor now, apparently.

It took some thinking, but I remember who Lilly was, as well. Amy wasn't blonde, but she was certainly tall and... well-built... of Scottish lineage I believe (I actually think it was Irish, but I don't want to get in a bar brawl by saying they're practically the same thing). She was prim and proper, as well as introspective (at least in High School). I'm almost certain she was studying to pursue something in the English language fields - possibly teaching. I think the only reason I didn't recall her right away is because of a particular junior-high experience with her that was... less than calm.

And Hanako... damn what was her name. Skinny, awkward, long hair (though blonde), and glasses, she was on my bus every day. She sat in the front seat, never talking to anyone. If approached she became skittish and paranoid. She was an underclassmen (in my younger brother's class if I recall), and quite bookish - always carrying around extra books from the library. I never had class with her, but she would sit in the back close to the door, from what I'm told, and practically leap out the door to get ahead of the crowd. I caught her walking through the halls in the old building (with the tiled floor) more than once where it looked like she was playing hopscotch without chalk lines. I've just made myself feel horrible for remembering her now - and not recalling her name (it's been 14 years, but still). Looking back, I think I'd have tried to befriend her had we shared classes... and had I not been so cripplingly shy myself...

A day later, I remember her name. Kate - usually called Katie, and less savory things.

Kenji was probably Jeff - a classmate. Right down to the near-sighted, squinting gaze, conspiracy theories and propensity for overdressing. He wasn't nearly as unstable, but maybe he was medicated.

Mutau is easily a reproduction of Mr. Chomka, my high school science teacher. He was awkward and constantly smiling (we called him 'guy smiley'), but when he started talking about physics or chemistry or astronomy, he went into his own little world and would often continue lecturing straight through the bell.

Yuuko is probably best approximated by my high school guidance councilor - whose name I don't recall. She was meek and unassuming, but firm and demanding when needed. She was also an awful clutz.

Nomiya (the art teacher) is easily my high school shop tyeacher, BJ (that's what everyone called him, anyway). He was one part Norm Abrams (google 'this old house'), one part Bob Ross ('the joy of painting') and one part Don Rickles (if you don't know who he is, I might scream).

Honestly I think the only one I really can't place is the Nurse. I'm sure I've met people of that ilk, but I don't think that was in school.

I just realized that I'll probably be getting an invitation to my class reunion sometime later this year... I think I might actually go this time.

Re: You have been playing too much KS when...

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:35 am
by Zig_Zac
Yellow 13 wrote:
Zig_Zac wrote:When you still can't stop listening to the KS soundtrack even after finishing KS almost 6 months ago... and if another song comes on randomly by mistake, you rush to get back to KS...
I know that feel
Friend at work who I introduced to KS asks me why I do this to myself... Lol! I just can't get enough and the soundtrack reminds me of the girls and the stories...

He gets some serious bad feels when he hears the intro song randomly... :)

Re: You have been playing too much KS when...

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 2:59 am
by Mural Man
I've been slowly refining my laugh into a very loud "WAHAHA~!", complete with my hands on my hips and throwing my head back.

It's not quite loud enough yet, but I've got a good "AHAHA!" down.

Re: You have been playing too much KS when...

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:05 am
by Helbereth
Mural Man wrote:I've been slowly refining my laugh into a very loud "WAHAHA~!", complete with my hands on my hips and throwing my head back.

It's not quite loud enough yet, but I've got a good "AHAHA!" down.
Mural Man?

Imitating Misha?

I r confuzzed... of all things?