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Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 8:25 am
by Aspirin
Hi. In my mind and my heart there are many things I wish I could say, but I fear that I would end up being overwhelmed by emotions, making it boring or too psychoanalytical... and having to think in italian and write in english doesn't help...

As I wrote in the thread "Question For Everybody", for me KS is not just a game, but a life experience halfway between dream and reality, something wonderful that has enriched me inside, making me think, move, cry, dream and experience a wide range of emotions...
It has opened my eyes along with those of Hisao and helped me improve as a human being.

I really wish I could explain better, sorry...

For all of this I want to thank you with all my heart, thanks, sincerely... :wink:

Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:07 pm
by ravenlord
I am glad I found this site and this thread. I suspect this game is a once in a lifetime experience for me: No movie, book or game has touched me like this before, and KS has set the bar so high I doubt there will be anything else "fiction-wise" that can match it.

I made an account just to say "Thank You". I recently finished my first (and probably only) game arc. I am experiencing this strange mix of extreme joy and depression, and it has been powerful enough to kick me out of my rut and to get back into stuff outside of work and school.

I ended up with Hanako and got a very good ending. It happened because the message of the game hit me like a truck -- I needed to fix myself before I can go out helping other people. Following that advice got me a wonderful reward ingame -- and it gave me the motivation to follow through with it IRL.

I only know a little bit about who the makers of the game are, but I hope that your karma goes over 9000 because I think you are changing a lot of people's lives. Mine for sure. Posting a "thank you" at a forum seems insufficient payment, but I offer it with all of my gratitude.

Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:57 pm
by zephiroth93
ravenlord wrote:I am glad I found this site and this thread. I suspect this game is a once in a lifetime experience for me: No movie, book or game has touched me like this before, and KS has set the bar so high I doubt there will be anything else "fiction-wise" that can match it.

I made an account just to say "Thank You". I recently finished my first (and probably only) game arc. I am experiencing this strange mix of extreme joy and depression, and it has been powerful enough to kick me out of my rut and to get back into stuff outside of work and school.

I ended up with Hanako and got a very good ending. It happened because the message of the game hit me like a truck -- I needed to fix myself before I can go out helping other people. Following that advice got me a wonderful reward ingame -- and it gave me the motivation to follow through with it IRL.

I only know a little bit about who the makers of the game are, but I hope that your karma goes over 9000 because I think you are changing a lot of people's lives. Mine for sure. Posting a "thank you" at a forum seems insufficient payment, but I offer it with all of my gratitude.
I'm agree with ravenlord. I made an account here on KS forum just to say thank you to the developer's team. I was just lurking in this forum before, and after i've downloaded and played this game, somehow i should show my appreciation towards the Four Leaves Studio.

You guys didn't even want to accept donations. Despite that, you guys still manage to create a phenomenal game that, like ravenlord said change a lot of people's live.
I would be honest. You guys totally changed my perspective on the people with disabilities, as well changed my pathetic life. Still, a 'thank you' post doesn't seem enough to me. May you guys' life be full of blessing and happiness.

I even shed most of my tears of manliness during the gameplay.(hell yeah i don't even know what manliness means anymore)

Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:18 pm
by Cossack Commissar
I must agree with the majority of what people are saying here; this visual novel is outstanding for what it is, and is nothing similar to what I originally thought it would be.
- Cheers to 4LS!

Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:27 am
by acewing905
Just finished my first run through with Hanako, and signed up here to say thanks to the devs. I can't believe they gave this for free. If there were more freebies like this, I wouldn't be spending much on entertainment. I did have one problem, though. Hanako spoilers:The sex scene with Hanako felt like it was forced, like Hisao was taking advantage of her, somehow. I'm actually very much an equalist who considers that blame for such situations usually should be on both parties, but this is one occasion where I felt that it was mostly Hisao doing what felt like forcing. But other than that, it was great. I hope to do Lilly next, and see how that goes.

PS. One thing was weird. When I started playing (or is it reading, I wonder?), and after a little while, I had decided on going for Hanako. But I'm not sure where I actively chose her, though I ended up with her path just like I wanted. I'm hoping to be able to choose Lilly next without referring to any walkthrough.

Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:39 am
by yummines
well 4LS, congratulations on making a game so interesting and deep i actually take part in the forums for it.

However, damn you guys for giving me the feels. Now my mind is forcing me to draw fanart and lurk these forums. I hope you're happy.

p.s. I'm thoroughly convinced Miki is a psychic spy. Anyone want to refute that?

Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:13 am
by Guest
Thank you 4LS for bringing up this wonderful game. It moved me greatly. It made me feel again ^_^ A million thanks to you guys who made this game, I don't know how can I ever repay you :)

Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:23 am
by Mysterious Stranger
acewing905 wrote:I did have one problem, though. Hanako spoilers:The sex scene with Hanako felt like it was forced, like Hisao was taking advantage of her, somehow. I'm actually very much an equalist who considers that blame for such situations usually should be on both parties, but this is one occasion where I felt that it was mostly Hisao doing what felt like forcing.
Just for the record, Hanako does state after the fact that she purposefully engineered that situation in order to get closer to Hisao, and both of them acknowledge that this was the wrong thing to do. Though I can understand how you'd still get that feeling.

In any case, best of luck with Lilly's arc.

Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:40 am
by acewing905
Mysterious Stranger wrote:
acewing905 wrote:I did have one problem, though. Hanako spoilers:The sex scene with Hanako felt like it was forced, like Hisao was taking advantage of her, somehow. I'm actually very much an equalist who considers that blame for such situations usually should be on both parties, but this is one occasion where I felt that it was mostly Hisao doing what felt like forcing.
Just for the record, Hanako does state after the fact that she purposefully engineered that situation in order to get closer to Hisao, and both of them acknowledge that this was the wrong thing to do. Though I can understand how you'd still get that feeling.

In any case, best of luck with Lilly's arc.
Thanks. Hoping to enjoy all five arcs at least once each. :D

And yeah, she did say that, so in terms of the storyline, that is what happened. But when I saw that, until I got to the point where she explains, I was very much under the impression that Hanako was taken advantage of. The way it is presented strongly suggests that.

Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:59 pm
by Ciclo
Thank you 4LS.


Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:55 am
by CBK
The topic title says it all. I found out about this through Kotaku and I was admittedly skeptical. This is my very first, probably last (unless you guys have another project!), visual novel and I for one can not possibly imagine a better one. I was never big into them because they always seemed like the games always focused on the "visual" and forgot about the "novel" part. Maybe its the fact that the story branch I played hit a very personal note for me, or maybe it was the fantastic writing, probably both, but I have never before been so enraptured by a story like the one I've just experienced. The things I've taken away from the end of this game and Hisao's journey through it will probably something I will be thinking about for days to come, maybe even something that will help push me to improve myself on a personal level as a human being.

I am so attached to the story branch that I saw that im not even sure I have the fortitude to go back to see the others!

Thank you so much for making this game and sharing it with us all. I can see from the topics on this board that it was an extremely touching experience for more people than me.

Re: Unbelievable

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:00 am
by khaosdvorak
CBK, I know how you feel. I had the same experinces. I came across the game on, didn't know what it was so googled it. I think at the time it was one of the top 20 torrents on the site.

Re: Unbelievable

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:28 am
by megiddo
CBK wrote:The topic title says it all. I found out about this through Kotaku and I was admittedly skeptical. This is my very first, probably last (unless you guys have another project!), visual novel and I for one can not possibly imagine a better one. I was never big into them because they always seemed like the games always focused on the "visual" and forgot about the "novel" part. Maybe its the fact that the story branch I played hit a very personal note for me, or maybe it was the fantastic writing, probably both, but I have never before been so enraptured by a story like the one I've just experienced. The things I've taken away from the end of this game and Hisao's journey through it will probably something I will be thinking about for days to come, maybe even something that will help push me to improve myself on a personal level as a human being.

I am so attached to the story branch that I saw that im not even sure I have the fortitude to go back to see the others!

Thank you so much for making this game and sharing it with us all. I can see from the topics on this board that it was an extremely touching experience for more people than me.
aw c'mon, don't leave us hangin'. which route was it? please don't say rin.

Re: Unbelievable

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:38 am
by darkrei
please say hanako
please say hanako
please say hanako
please say hanako
please say hanako
please say hanako
please say hanako
please say hanako
please say hanako
please say hanako
please say hanako
please say hanako

PLEASE! :cry:

Re: Unbelievable

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:40 am
by khaosdvorak
Just please tell me it's not Kenji.

We have "yet" to see someone fall for his Shaman eyes.