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Re: Feminine girls more popular than "strong grrrrls"

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 8:47 pm
by Khalego
Where do strong feminine girls fall on the popularity scale?

Re: Feminine girls more popular than "strong grrrrls"

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:07 pm
by brythain
Khalego wrote:Where do strong feminine girls fall on the popularity scale?
They're off the scale! :)

Re: Feminine girls more popular than "strong grrrrls"

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:21 pm
by ParagonTerminus
brythain wrote:
Khalego wrote:Where do strong feminine girls fall on the popularity scale?
They're off the scale! :)
You seriously need to stop with the puns/metaphors.

Like seriously, you're worse than me IRL :P

Re: Feminine girls more popular than "strong grrrrls"

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:25 pm
by Khalego
ParagonTerminus wrote:
brythain wrote:
Khalego wrote:Where do strong feminine girls fall on the popularity scale?
They're off the scale! :)
You seriously need to stop with the puns/metaphors.

Like seriously, you're worse than me IRL :P
That wasn't a pun or a metaphor...

Re: Feminine girls more popular than "strong grrrrls"

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 7:03 am
by ParagonTerminus
Khalego wrote: That wasn't a pun or a metaphor...
General statement.

Re: Feminine girls more popular than "strong grrrrls"

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 7:51 am
by brythain
ParagonTerminus wrote:
Khalego wrote: That wasn't a pun or a metaphor...
General statement.
Actually, that would be much higher-ranking than a major statement, and much much much higher-ranking than a private statement.

(The last time I did this, I was faced with the Sorry Corner for a month… :D Come to think of it, my IKEA furniture has been delivered there already.)

Re: Feminine girls more popular than "strong grrrrls"

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:35 am
by KeiichiO
...In relation to the thread topic, while I just love girls in general, I've always personally preferred tomboys. Girls who were tough, could fend for themselves, and acted practically like one of the guys, and yet, still had a feminine charm about them. I honestly think that's more interesting than the typical 'girly girl'. That, or nerdy girls who are too busy playing video games to put beauty and gossip on their list of priorities.

I'll roll around with them regardless, though.

Re: Feminine girls more popular than "strong grrrrls"

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:53 am
by Munchenhausen
I go away for a weekend and I miss this gem :lol:

I have a saying in life, that I feel covers this topic, topics on sexuality, preferences, anything regarding relationships.

"If it's pretty, fuck it."
Or when family is around, 'Each to their own'.

Feminine girls may well be more popular than more masculine girls in general, but at the end of the day you're the one to make that decision yourself.

Personally, I prefer cute over sexy.
Also the ability to drink her weight in alcohol and dance like she's lost control of her limbs with me is a great bonus.

Re: Feminine girls more popular than "strong grrrrls"

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:04 am
by KeiichiO
Munchenhausen wrote:I have a saying in life, that I feel covers this topic, topics on sexuality, preferences, anything regarding relationships.

"If it's pretty, fuck it."
Strangely enough, I prefer tomboyish girls, but I like my men to be as feminine as possible. My standards are all wibbly wobbly vaginey wimey.

Re: Feminine girls more popular than "strong grrrrls"

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:24 am
by Lockhart

I tried to reply to some of the comments, but while this thread remains open, my posts now need a mod approval. A fairly long comment I wrote didn't get through for reasons I don't care to repeat.

It's a waste of everyone's time to try and have any kind of debate in an environment like this.

This is a notice to those that put some effort in their comments.

Re: Feminine girls more popular than "strong grrrrls"

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:50 am
by metalangel
Why won't those stupid idiots let me into their crappy club for jerks?

Re: Feminine girls more popular than "strong grrrrls"

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:44 pm
by DrNonookee
First, about Hisao needing to take charge. He's recently been told that he has a life-threatening illness that he is going to spend the rest of his life managing. He's also just spent 4 months alone in a hospital bed after been abandoned by al of his friends. You may have noticed he's hella depressed, and a big chunk of all the paths are him dealing with that depression. In terms of taking charge, you may have noticed that worked out really well in Hanako's path, ... and Rin's path ... and Emi's path.

Second, Emi is just as bossy in her own way. So is Lilly. Lilly is very subtle, but notice that everything up until the airport charge that happens in Lilly's path is basically because Lilly wants it to. Rin doesn't boss Hisao around, but she is very self-directed and very 'un-feminine' in that regard. Of all the girls, Hanako may be the only one that's even somewhat typically feminine, and only somewhat.
Frankly, this whole bit here is practically the entire *point* of the game. No matter which path you end up going with, there's always a constant plot thread - Hisao's inability to take charge of his life. The psychological stress of his brush with death and the life changes forced upon him by it result in depression and a profound sense of apathy. Each of the game's paths is as much about Hisao slowly digging himself out of that hole as it is about girl's own problems.

The common thread is that ultimately, it takes having someone else in his life to care about before he starts to care about his own lot again. Because of this, almost all of the girls have a certain degree of assertiveness; they *have* to, or else the story doesn't work. Hisao's apathy means he won't attempt to initiate interactions with others...that means the girls have to do so themselves, or else no interactions occur and we have no story. :roll: As a result, all of them other than Hanako have this trait to a degree. Shizune and Emi are very forward and direct; elbowing their way into Hisao's life whether he invites them in or not :mrgreen: and forcing him out of his apathetic state with a bit of tough (but genuinely well-meaning) love. Lilly is more subtle about it; as someone said above, she's very good at taking the lead, but in a subtle, un-bossy way. The sort of way that *invites* people to follow her lead, rather than demand they do so. Rin and Hanako are more passive-aggressive, drawing Hisao out of his shell by virtue of being bizzarely intriguing (Rin) or adorably moe (Hanako) enough to stir his interest. In all cases, it takes that initial outside influence to get him motivated; without it, he ends up having a pity party with Kenji, of all people. And we all know where that path leads. :roll:

On a side note, I'll also mention this: there's an important difference between being *controlled* by someone, and being *led* by them. Having a partner who's more assertive/aggressive than you are isn't necessarily a bad thing; some people actually prefer that in a partner. Plenty of women do - hence the traditional perception of confidence and assertiveness as being a masculine trait - but there are some guys out there who would have just as much appreciation for a woman who took the lead in a relationship. Regardless of gender, some people are proactive, while others are more reactive; as long as both people in a relationship are comfortable with their nature and those natures compliment each other, they'll be happy together. :)

Re: Feminine girls more popular than "strong grrrrls"

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 6:35 am
by Zarys
For me, Hisao has really not a problem with girls "stronger" than him : Emi is physically superior to him, Shizune and to a lesser extent Lilly are smarter than him, "even" Hanako is somewhat stronger than him (The state of Hisao compared to what he endured is certainly worse than the state of Hanako compared to what she endured), Rin is very imaginative, very complete in herself, she has a "big" personnality, where Hisao is mentally much simpler and is exceeded by the eccentricity, but also the size of the Rin's mind.

Re: Feminine girls more popular than "strong grrrrls"

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 8:42 am
by Valjean Lafitte
I disagree that all men prefer feminine women. I like both. Tomboyish, energetic grrrls ke Emi and soft-spoken, ladylike ladies like Lilly and Hanako are equally interesting to me. Like everyone else, I like people that are interesting--go figure! ;)

Re: Feminine girls more popular than "strong grrrrls"

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:51 am
by metalangel
It would be great if all of Lockhart's stupid inflammatory posts were locked so we could move on with our lives :(