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Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:12 pm
by AaronIsCrunchy
SpunkySix wrote:
AaronIsCrunchy wrote:
Munchenhausen wrote: If by 'cool' you mean 'an agonising period of heart-wrenching tradgedy and unconsolability', then yes, it would be cool...
God, that would have been absolutely soul-crushing. She is in the running for the 'most beautiful drawn character EVER' award which probably would've made it worse.
The one redeeming factor would be the fact that you'd basically be playing as possibly the one person that can make dying hurt less for her.
Owwww... that's a pretty bittersweet redeeming factor if I ever heard one :cry:

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:16 pm
by RandomPerson
I think this is why I never want to read a saki fan fic

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:24 pm
by Munchenhausen
SpunkySix wrote:The one redeeming factor would be the fact that you'd basically be playing as possibly the one person that can make dying hurt less for her.
that doesn't take away the fact that it will still be a physically painful and slow death

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:27 pm
by RandomPerson
Munchenhausen wrote:
SpunkySix wrote:The one redeeming factor would be the fact that you'd basically be playing as possibly the one person that can make dying hurt less for her.
that doesn't take away the fact that it will still be a physically painful and slow death
well ik but she would die at around 40 only half the normal life expectancy

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:29 pm
by AaronIsCrunchy
RandomPerson wrote:
Munchenhausen wrote:
SpunkySix wrote:The one redeeming factor would be the fact that you'd basically be playing as possibly the one person that can make dying hurt less for her.
that doesn't take away the fact that it will still be a physically painful and slow death
well ik but she would die at around 40 only half the normal life expectancy
And what if Hisao died before her? Then she'd die slowly, agonizingly, AND ALONE :cry: (Also, is this lot worth spoilering? It might be?)

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:34 pm
by RandomPerson
Thinking about it it's a fake dlc why do we need to spoiler it

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:52 pm
by Munchenhausen
RandomPerson wrote:Thinking about it it's a fake dlc why do we need to spoiler it
for dramatic effect

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:01 pm
by RandomPerson
Munchenhausen wrote: for dramatic effect
Ok then, but seriously I think hanako and misha, and suzu and taro

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:01 pm
by SpunkySix
Munchenhausen wrote:
SpunkySix wrote:The one redeeming factor would be the fact that you'd basically be playing as possibly the one person that can make dying hurt less for her.
that doesn't take away the fact that it will still be a physically painful and slow death
Well of course not. I'd still rather go through that with a lover than alone though.

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:37 pm
by someguy1294
None of you Saki fans is holding out for the ending where Hisao miraculously discovers the cure for Saki's disease and saves her life? Seriously, NONE of you? :cry:

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:55 pm
by Munchenhausen
someguy1294 wrote:None of you Saki fans is holding out for the ending where Hisao miraculously discovers the cure for Saki's disease and saves her life? Seriously, NONE of you? :cry:
Welcome to the real world, kiddo ;)
RandomPerson wrote:suzu and taro
Oh? What makes you put those two together?

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:10 pm
by Potato
RandomPerson wrote:Hanako x Misha. Look, there both very sensitive, misha is a lot more outgoing and boisterous ( if that's the right word ) but what if she confesses again and is an emotional wreck and wants to shut herself off? It's not like that's completely unreasonable. And hanako is the type of girl to kind of follow the crowd and I don't think it would take her too long to figure out misha is an emotional wreck and she has a lot of experience with shutting people off.

Well yeah, I think I'd be the guy who just wouldn't finish it and refuse to end it so that I don't see her die
...Okay, they're both sensitive. So how exactly do we get from that to a couple? Misha ends up an emotional wreck and shuts herself off from people...And then what? She stays in her sad corner, and Hanako's already well-entrenched in her own.

So you'd be a wuss. :lol: Well, let's hope you never run into any sad movies or you'll just have a ton of incomplete stories... :P

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:13 pm
by RandomPerson
Yep basically, I just know that it will be written so that it makes you really care for the character and then it just starts slapping you in the face. So I'm not gonna play, the only way to win is not to play at all.... Some movie quote

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:21 pm
by SpunkySix
Munchenhausen wrote:
someguy1294 wrote:None of you Saki fans is holding out for the ending where Hisao miraculously discovers the cure for Saki's disease and saves her life? Seriously, NONE of you? :cry:
Welcome to the real world
she said to me, condescendingly, take a seat. State your life- plot it out in black and white. Well I never lived the dream of the prom kings, and the drama queens I'd like to think the best of me, is still hiding- up my sleeve. I'd love to tell you, stay inside the lines. But something's better on the other side. A magical healing potion made of friendship!

Except no, being yourself and finding love doesn't magically cure diseases and she'll still die, sadly.

Re: Pairing the Spares?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:42 pm
by Atario
Munchenhausen wrote:I am utterly and completely disappointed in all of you.
How has nobody brought up NxN yet?
Nurse × Nomiya? You sicko.