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Re: Is KS fandom dying?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:41 am
by Loonie
Honestly, I'm not as affected by it all as most others. I far my track record on these forums is basically to post for 1 month, then take a 3-4 month break. Then come back and post again, rinse and repeat.

I actually kinda prefer this lower-intensity vibe as opposed to other moreso active fandoms, where missing 4 months means you totally missed out on some juicy drama or whatnot, which almost always in retrospect turns out to not be even remotely as important as you thought it was at the time.

And although I will say, yeah, the offtopic derailings do get old for me too and it'd be nice to find a way around them...I'd still prefer that kind of derailing as opposed to the kind where people decide to be drama queens or want to be a big deal on the internet by 'just making a point' or whatnot. So if the KS fandom is officially labeled as 'dying' because it doesn't go down that route, then I'd say it'd be a better fate than to live on with the advent of internet drama.

Re: Is KS fandom dying?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 6:55 pm
by Merloficus
Don't realy think so, some members just are more open than others i guess. There's plenty of activity regarless. But for new people, well...

Take me for instance, still consider myself fairly new. I'm a bit nervous/unsure about what i'd talk about. I don't want to offend anyone with my thoughts for starters. So i tried to go for as neutral a topic as i could get and left it at that. Just to occasionly add to an existing topic, and enjoy the 'fav artwork' of course :lol:
However there are actualy things i'd like to discuss/talk about. Most notably, Lilly. But i haven't because i thought my point of view might be hurtful to others.
If you like some serious posts about KS as it is, i guess i could actualy write about that :)

Re: Is KS fandom dying?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:00 pm
by Xanatos
Merloficus wrote:Don't realy think so, some members just are more open than others i guess. There's plenty of activity regarless. But for new people, well...

Take me for instance, still consider myself fairly new. I'm a bit nervous/unsure about what i'd talk about. I don't want to offend anyone with my thoughts for starters. So i tried to go for as neutral a topic as i could get and left it at that. Just to occasionly add to an existing topic, and enjoy the 'fav artwork' of course :lol:
However there are actualy things i'd like to discuss/talk about. Most notably, Lilly. But i haven't because i thought my point of view might be hurtful to others.
If you like some serious posts about KS as it is, i guess i could actualy write about that :)
On the subject of hurtful points of view, I have one: Man up already! :P Nobody ever led a worthwhile life by constantly tiptoeing around everyone all the time. If people end up offended, congratulations, you mattered enough to offend somebody. :lol: Bring on the thoughts.

Re: Is KS fandom dying?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:04 pm
by Oddball
Merloficus wrote:Don't realy think so, some members just are more open than others i guess. There's plenty of activity regarless. But for new people, well...

Take me for instance, still consider myself fairly new. I'm a bit nervous/unsure about what i'd talk about. I don't want to offend anyone with my thoughts for starters. So i tried to go for as neutral a topic as i could get and left it at that. Just to occasionly add to an existing topic, and enjoy the 'fav artwork' of course :lol:
However there are actualy things i'd like to discuss/talk about. Most notably, Lilly. But i haven't because i thought my point of view might be hurtful to others.
If you like some serious posts about KS as it is, i guess i could actualy write about that :)
Start the topic.

Keep in mind that if you do offend somebody around here, they will let you know. Try not to take it personally.

Re: Is KS fandom dying?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:45 pm
by OtakuNinja
Merloficus wrote:Just to occasionly add to an existing topic, and enjoy the 'fav artwork' of course :lol:
I really don't like that thread, and I still consider it my biggest mistake on these forums. .__.

Re: Is KS fandom dying?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:49 pm
by Oddball
OtakuNinja wrote:
Merloficus wrote:Just to occasionly add to an existing topic, and enjoy the 'fav artwork' of course :lol:
I really don't like that thread, and I still consider it my biggest mistake on these forums. .__.
It started good, but it's since become "post a random KS picture."

I mostly avoid it myself.

Re: Is KS fandom dying?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:51 pm
by OtakuNinja
Oddball wrote:
OtakuNinja wrote:
Merloficus wrote:Just to occasionly add to an existing topic, and enjoy the 'fav artwork' of course :lol:
I really don't like that thread, and I still consider it my biggest mistake on these forums. .__.
It started good, but it's since become "post a random KS picture."

I mostly avoid it myself.
I'm the cause of the derail and I really, really hate myself for doing it. x_x

Re: Is KS fandom dying?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:55 pm
by pandaphil
Merloficus wrote:
Take me for instance, still consider myself fairly new. I'm a bit nervous/unsure about what i'd talk about. I don't want to offend anyone with my thoughts for starters. So i tried to go for as neutral a topic as i could get and left it at that. Just to occasionly add to an existing topic, and enjoy the 'fav artwork' of course :lol:
However there are actualy things i'd like to discuss/talk about. Most notably, Lilly. But i haven't because i thought my point of view might be hurtful to others.
If you like some serious posts about KS as it is, i guess i could actualy write about that :)

Go for it man. I think everyone here is big enough to handle a difference of opinion. As long as it's fair, and non-trollish of course ("Yo man, Lilly sucks!").

Anything that stirs up discussion here is good. Just expect some disagreement back. :)

OtakuNinja wrote:
Merloficus wrote:Just to occasionly add to an existing topic, and enjoy the 'fav artwork' of course :lol:
I really don't like that thread, and I still consider it my biggest mistake on these forums. .__.

Depends really. I've enjoyed some really nice fanart there. Otoh, if it's just say, a Photoshop of Kenji in a dress, or Rin with a gorilla head... :p

Re: Is KS fandom dying?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:03 pm
by Xanatos
OtakuNinja wrote:I'm the cause of the derail and I really, really hate myself for doing it. x_x
Eh, it was bound to happen eventually. There's only so much art in the game. I still tend to only post the stuff I particularly like...Or, alternatively, stuff I dislike enough to criticize it. :lol:

Re: Is KS fandom dying?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:08 pm
by OtakuNinja
Xanatos wrote:
OtakuNinja wrote:I'm the cause of the derail and I really, really hate myself for doing it. x_x
Eh, it was bound to happen eventually. There's only so much art in the game. I still tend to only post the stuff I particularly like...Or, alternatively, stuff I dislike enough to criticize it. :lol:
I was the first one who started posting pictures...

Re: Is KS fandom dying?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:11 pm
by MegaMoto
OtakuNinja wrote:
Xanatos wrote:
OtakuNinja wrote:I'm the cause of the derail and I really, really hate myself for doing it. x_x
Eh, it was bound to happen eventually. There's only so much art in the game. I still tend to only post the stuff I particularly like...Or, alternatively, stuff I dislike enough to criticize it. :lol:
I was the first one who started posting pictures...
OHHHH can I take the blame ? I don't think I've been around long enough but still everyone else is doing it.

Re: Is KS fandom dying?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:21 pm
by OtakuNinja
MegaMoto wrote: OHHHH can I take the blame ? I don't think I've been around long enough but still everyone else is doing it.
You do that, and next time SC in online, we'll all point our fingers at you. ;)

Re: Is KS fandom dying?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:23 pm
by MegaMoto
OtakuNinja wrote:
MegaMoto wrote: OHHHH can I take the blame ? I don't think I've been around long enough but still everyone else is doing it.
You do that, and next time SC in online, we'll all point our fingers at you. ;)

Re: Is KS fandom dying?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:26 pm
by Xanatos
OtakuNinja wrote:
MegaMoto wrote: we'll all point our fingers at you. ;)
I could see Hisao saying something like that around Rin then backpedaling as awkwardly as possible. :lol:

But blame is irrelevant. "List your favorite art pieces" was doomed to eventually become "Post KS art you like" no matter who started it, especially once people ran out of official stuff and dipped into fanart. Maybe if there'd been more in the art to analyze...'Course you could always forcibly re-rail the thread in that direction. :P

Re: Is KS fandom dying?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:07 pm
by Brisingr
Between any possible new blood finding us or the diehard fans, I doubt the KS fandom will ever truly die. True, I don't post here much even though I managed to find KS less than a week after it's release. Most of the time, whenever I do have something to add, somebody has already posted a similar comment so I tend to just lurk rather often here. As for my own fanfic, I've had ideas come and go for months now (and I make notes of the good ones), most of those ideas are for future chapters that I just can't use in my current chapter.