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Re: What is your story canon?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:35 am
by Xanatos
Jango wrote:hints in the dialogue
The ones that aren't there? :P

Re: What is your story canon?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:37 am
by YZQ
Have to go with Xan there. Outside of Act I, the chances of having a 3rd party is next to zero. The closest I can think of is Hanako during Lily's route.

Re: What is your story canon?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:51 am
by Oddball
Xanatos wrote:
Jango wrote:hints in the dialogue
The ones that aren't there? :P
Well at one point Misha says that she think Shizune was upset that you didn't go to the festival with her, so there's that at least.

Re: What is your story canon?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:53 am
by Xanatos
YZQ wrote:Have to go with Xan there. Outside of Act I, the chances of having a 3rd party is next to zero. The closest I can think of is Hanako during Lily's route.
Yeah, I can't recall any hints in the dialogue...And the hints pointed out to me on the forum here require a fair deal of bullshitting to actually make the jump to "SHIZUNE HAS A CRUSH ON HISAO IN ALL THE ROUTES!" :lol: Plus the stuff she does to help outside of her route is her trying to get Hisao out of his depression (which is plainly stated in the game). :lol:

@Oddball: Yeah, no. A friend being upset that you didn't hang out does not mean they secretly want you. :P You gotta stretch quite a bit to make that "hint" work...And not the fun stretching like in that Misha/Shizune porn.

Re: What is your story canon?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:57 am
by YZQ
Never forget that Shizune wants to make more friends. So, yeah she probably want Hisao as a friend at first. It's on her route that she realised that she's losing control...

Re: What is your story canon?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:59 am
by Jobriq
My canon is Kenji clones Hisao 4 times so that all 5 good endings happen simultaneously. Also the Hisao's have magic potions that make them invisible to the other girls not in their route so that they don't see multiple Hisao... except Lilly since she can't see them anyway. The 5 Hisao can share memories so that they can avoid doing suspicious things or being in the same place at once.

When one of the clones has nothing to do they go to Kenji's room and help him build fallout shelter and anti-feminist war machines.

This actually seems somewhat possible except having both Lilly and Hanako's endings wouldn't work. For the other routes, the other girls don't have vital roles to the plot so it might work...

Re: What is your story canon?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:14 am
by pandaphil
Jango wrote:I don't take any of them as canon because someone's gonna get hurt depending on whose route you use as a base.

For example, I didn't notice it that much at first, but you can tell from hints in the dialogue that Shizune has a crush on Hisao, and the stuff she does to help outside of her route is her trying to get him to notice her. Emi never gets her issues resolved if you don't do her route which can only be harmful to her. Lilly and Hanako continue on their harmful mother-daughter relationship until Lilly moves to Scotland and Hanako is left with no one. I guess Rin doesn't have it so bad, but the neutral ending shows that she really is quite lonely and can't do anything about it.

I guess if I REALLY had to pick, Lilly's good route at least makes sure Hanako is kinda alright as well, but it's my least favorite route, so I'm conflicted there.
Yeah, if the VN has a weakness, its that. If you choose one girl, that automatically means another isn't going to get help. Really wish the Dev's had addressed that more. Like have the other girls form friendships, or find romances. At least the person who wrote Lilly's arc at least took this into account with Hanako, for which I'll always be grateful.

Re: What is your story canon?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:21 am
by Xanatos
pandaphil wrote:Yeah, if the VN has a weakness, its that. If you choose one girl,. that automatically means another isn't going to get help. Really wish the Dev's had addressed that more. Like have the other girls for friendships, or romances. Its pretty obvious that the person who wrote Lilly's arc at least took this into account.
That's a general limitation of the VN format, not a weakness of this particular VN. The best they could've done to help them all in every route is a cheesy epilogue in the style of those goofy inspirational films. "Shizune went on to conquer Australia..." "Kenji became a robot..." :lol:

Re: What is your story canon?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:33 am
by YZQ
Also, since most VNs are about love (and sex)...

Re: What is your story canon?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:52 am
by pandaphil
Yeah. Ks is more about romance and helping people. With a little sex thrown in.

Ah well, I guess if they'd done what I suggested there wouldn't be so many fanfics to enjoy.

Re: What is your story canon?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:17 am
by Carighan
pandaphil wrote:Yeah, if the VN has a weakness, its that. If you choose one girl, that automatically means another isn't going to get help. Really wish the Dev's had addressed that more. Like have the other girls form friendships, or find romances. At least the person who wrote Lilly's arc at least took this into account with Hanako, for which I'll always be grateful.
Honestly, I don't like that.
What you mean is essentially a True Ending or a pseudo-True-Ending, a "proper" Happy End where they all lived happily ever after. So to say.

But the thing is... why have that? It'd make the five individual stories meaningless if afterwards I unlock a sixth route with a factually superior ending. Or if after seeing all bad endings I could unlock a "horrible ending" (more so than Rin's Neutral one) which is more powerful in it's emotions.

The way it is, we have a lot of equal-tier endings vying to be our favourite one.
And sure, every story could include a full set of "What happened to everyone else?"-scenes like with Hanako in Lilly's story, but wouldn't just massively break headcanon as soon as you go into your second character? Which "ending" of say, Shizune, would you force onto someone playing, say, Emi's story?

Re: What is your story canon?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 5:54 am
by Guest Poster
Really wish the Dev's had addressed that more. Like have the other girls form friendships, or find romances.
Why is it so hard to imagine that that might happen eventually on its own? Hisao is not Jesus...he's just an average confused kid with a decent personality and a messed-up heart who ends up in a mutually beneficial relationship with one of the five girls. There's no need to place him at the center of the KS universe.
At least the person who wrote Lilly's arc at least took this into account with Hanako, for which I'll always be grateful.
He probably kind of had to. Nobody with a heart (malfunctioning or otherwise) would go after Lilly if Hanako became miserable as a direct result.

Re: What is your story canon?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:32 am
by YZQ
Ironically, Hisao is somewhat the center, as the girls seemed to have issues which even therapists may find difficult to handle. When the patient is stubborn or having difficulty expressing herself, it ain't a walk in the park.

Re: What is your story canon?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:12 am
by Jango
Hell Hanako had a friggin psychiatrist and as far as the story shows, he (she?) didn't help at all, and it was only Hisao's intervention that had her kinda start coming out, either directly in Hanako's route, or indirectly in Lilly's.

Re: What is your story canon?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:21 am
by Jobriq
I figured out the solution to the "pick one girl" dilemma.
